Democrats propose vote on 6 new gun laws...none of them would have stopped any mass public shooting.

What is a lie about that? Dems are gun owners, My sister carries all the time. I Don’t but my sister is a great DEM and is working with Joe Biden and Congress members and will be at the signing ceremony in then White House on Burn Pits legislation which will tremendously help sick veterans who were exposed to toxic chemicals in Iraq. Thanks to HALLIBURTON. She carries in OHIO but is not an irrational extremist gun scum like we have here.
Yay. She supports a party proposing to limit law-abiding Americans' Constitutional rights.
Oh? I thought there were like a jillion violent crimes prevented every year by brandishing a weapon? At least that is what 2aguy says.

Who is or him?

There are.....1.1 million is the number from the Centers for Disease Control.....1.5 million from the research by the Department of Justice..both under bill, the rapist, clinton.....and Gary Kleck's work, which the CDC and the DOJ tried to refute with their research, put it at 2.5 million...
Criminals? LOL

Shooting back is better you exactly?

Better like the California Border Patrol tactical team member who killed the murderer...
Better like the woman in West Virginia who killed a mass public shooter with her concealed carry the same week when the police allowed 14 kids to be killed...West Virginia mass shooting stopped...

People like this West Virginia woman who stopped what could have become a mass shooting just a day after Uvalde.

Police said a woman who was lawfully carrying a pistol shot and killed a man who began shooting at a crowd of people Wednesday night in Charleston.
Dennis Butler was killed after allegedly shooting at dozens of people attending a graduation party Wednesday near the Vista View Apartment complex. No injuries were reported from those at the party.
Investigators said Butler was warned about speeding in the area with children present before he left. He later returned with an AR-15-style firearm and began firing into the crowd before he was shot and killed.
“Instead of running from the threat, she engaged with the threat and saved several lives last night,” Charleston Police Department Chief of Detectives Tony Hazelett said.

Officers did not go into detail, but said Butler did have an extensive criminal history.
Now, doesn’t that sound like an attempted mass shooting to you?
But it wasn’t.

It wasn’t because the woman was there, had a gun, and had the will to use it at that crucial moment. Hazelett noted the woman won’t be facing any charges, which she shouldn’t.

West Virginia armed citizen stops potential mass shooting

Hmmmmmm....and entire police department....and 14 kids died....

A lone woman with her concealed carry pistol, and no one died......

Like that.....exactly....
There are.....1.1 million is the number from the Centers for Disease Control.....1.5 million from the research by the Department of Justice..both under bill, the rapist, clinton.....and Gary Kleck's work, which the CDC and the DOJ tried to refute with their research, put it at 2.5 million...

So now you're saying that concealed carry guns stop crimes too?

Your "facts" become more and more ridiculous with each passing minute.
So now you're saying that concealed carry guns stop crimes too?

Your "facts" become more and more ridiculous with each passing minute.

Moron….just this week a woman…not a cop….not a Navy SEAL……stopped a mass public shooter armed with an AR-15 rifle with a concealed carry pistol

Are you truly this mentally ill?
Moron….just this week a woman…not a cop….not a Navy SEAL……stopped a mass public shooter armed with an AR-15 rifle with a concealed carry pistol

Are you truly this mentally ill?

Wow, amazingly we never hear about the other gazillion-per-year alleged defensive gun uses that seem to include not using the gun at all.... Why? Because they never happened.
Wow, amazingly we never hear about the other gazillion-per-year alleged defensive gun uses that seem to include not using the gun at all.... Why? Because they never happened.

Because most of the time the criminal is smart enough to run away......when they aren't, they either surrender, and are held for the police, or they are wounded, not killed.....when a crime doesn't happen because the criminal runs away, the press isn't interested in it....
Wow, amazingly we never hear about the other gazillion-per-year alleged defensive gun uses that seem to include not using the gun at all.... Why? Because they never happened.
We rarely hear about them because the leftist press silences them, so gullible people like you can insist that since you never hear about them, they don't happen.
We rarely hear about them because the leftist press silences them, so gullible people like you can insist that since you never hear about them, they don't happen.
Wow... there really are no words to address your child-like ramblings.

Seek help.

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