Democrats punish 2nd grade kid for saying cloud looks like a gun.


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
The democrat war on kids continues.

Gun Picture Gets Boy In Trouble

May 21, 2014

A little boy is in trouble for a picture he drew as part of a school assignment.

Second grader Kody Smith was assigned to go outside, look at the clouds, and then use his imagination to draw what he saw.

"Draw a picture of what you see in the clouds from your imagination and that picture is a gun,” explained 8-year-old Kody.

Because it was a gun, the teacher at Talbott Elementary in Widefield called him into the office, and then filed a behavior report. His parents say that's too much.

The report says Kody showed behavior that is disruptive to the entire learning community. The parents were worried that this would be on his permanent school record. The Widefield School District says it will not be.

D-3 also sent us this statement: “Our primary responsibility as a school district is to ensure safety of all staff, students and community. We exercised an age-appropriate reaction to an incident. The student's education was never disrupted nor is this incident on the student's permanent record. Our response was in line with routine procedures focused on school safety.”
School says this incident is not on the kid's permanent record!! HAHAHA. Everyone knows it is.
It's hard to see how the Democrats did anything at all in this story. The teacher, the principal, the school board are not noted with any political affiliation.
I didn't realize clouds could threaten ones safety, if they aren't tornadic, in which case I doubt they would have been taken outside to look at them. These types of policies are ridiculous.
It's hard to see how the Democrats did anything at all in this story. The teacher, the principal, the school board are not noted with any political affiliation.

If they're part of the "teachers union" then you can bet you're welfare check that they ARE affiliated with a particular political Party (need I say which one?).
It's hard to see how the Democrats did anything at all in this story. The teacher, the principal, the school board are not noted with any political affiliation.

HAHAHA. So now you're telling us democrats are NOT the anti-gun party? HAHAHA
why do you have no outrage when kids get shot at school?

because you love guns more than children
I remember when I was around that kid's age, we had an assignment in class to draw what we wanted to be when we grew up. I actually remember participating in this activity twice. One time I drew myself as president, another time I drew myself as an assassin. Nobody complained about the assassin drawing and it was far more graphic and "worse" then some gun shaped cloud.
I remember when I was around that kid's age, we had an assignment in class to draw what we wanted to be when we grew up. I actually remember participating in this activity twice. One time I drew myself as president, another time I drew myself as an assassin. Nobody complained about the assassin drawing and it was far more graphic and "worse" then some gun shaped cloud.

Probably didn't have the hysterical ninnies running the schools when you were in.
If I had a gun I might consider shooting the idiot teacher.

Imagine what was going through the little kid's mind. Teacher tells him to go outside, look at the clouds, and then draw whatever he 'sees' in the clouds. The kid does exactly what he's told and gets in trouble with the teacher for it.

Then the idiot files a behavior report saying the kid's disruptive to the entire learning community!!! For doing exactly what he was told to do.
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