Democrats Push Bills To Ensure Republicans Never Influence Or Win Another Election Again...EVER

Socialist always have to use suppression to maintain their power.
The Corrupt Democrats are destroying our democracy* because they can't function under it.

Democrats know without stupid people, they cannot win any elections. So they have to draw the stupid in to vote.

Did they elect someone that believes wild fires are from space lasers?
Did they elect someone that believe too many people on an island will cause it to capsize? Did they elect someone that shits in his pants on tv?, Did they elect people that hired Chinese spies as their drive/aide?

Both parties elect ignorant people. No argument from me.
Yes the feds can tell the states about the guidelines of running an election.
Article I, Section 4, Clause 1: The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing Senators.

And in this past election Democrats in Pa demonstrated they can violate both federal and state Constitutions and election laws in the middle of an election to commit massive election fraud without any repercussions, primarily because after they acknowledged this happened, the USSC / Chief justice Roberts declared they would not hear the case.
Offer a decent candidate and people will vote in whatever form for them. When you argue that you want the fewest number of people to vote you are acknowledging your candidate is not one the people can support.
This isn't about any candidate. It's about election integrity and ensuring the public can trust that their vote counts and isn't canceled out by fraud.

After this last election we all know about fraud.
Socialist always have to use suppression to maintain their power.
The Corrupt Democrats are destroying our democracy* because they can't function under it.

Democrats know without stupid people, they cannot win any elections. So they have to draw the stupid in to vote.
You must know a lot of stupid people that voted.

I know people that vote Democrat, yes. Look at the outcome of this past election. You'd have to be stupid to vote for this guy over one that had such tremendous success running this country. If you go to the race track, you bet on the horse that has a winning track record, not a horse that barely limps to the starting gate.
Trump had no success, he inherited success but it's all a menagerie now.

This OP is just more melodrama from the reactionary far rightwing.
Yes the feds can tell the states about the guidelines of running an election.
Article I, Section 4, Clause 1: The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing Senators.

And in this past election Democrats in Pa demonstrated they can violate both federal and state Constitutions and election laws in the middle of an election to commit massive election fraud without any repercussions, primarily because after they acknowledged this happened, the USSC / Chief justice Roberts declared they would not hear the case.
Evidently you didn't like what the Penn Supreme Court had to say either. There was no fraud just sore losers.
Did they elect someone that believe too many people on an island will cause it to capsize? Did they elect someone that shits in his pants on tv?, Did they elect people that hired Chinese spies as their drive/aide?

Or slept with one, or put somebody who did sleep with one on the House intelligence committee?
Trump had no success, he inherited success but it's all a menagerie now.

Bullshit. I can post a paragraph on Trump's successes, particularly with the economy and border problem that Biden is going to reverse. Trump has done ten times more for our country than slow Joe did in 47 years, including 8 years as VP.
"Congressional Democrats have a plan to forever keep Republicans from winning elections and influencing policy decisions with H.R. 1 in the House, and the similar S. 1 in the Senate.

They want to empower the government to police more speech, force states to allow vote-by-mail and taxpayer funding of candidates, and silence Americans through fear by exposing their support for issue groups.

H.R. 1 would undermine state election oversight, like efforts to clean up old voter rolls. It eliminates any restrictions on vote-by-mail. Taxpayers would be on the hook for matching 600% of campaign contributions to subsidize candidates they may disagree with – a practice that has been ripe for corruption."

"It empowers federal regulators to categorize and regulate speech, including online.

All speech that simply mentions a candidate could be illegal four months out from an election if groups speak to the public. Worse, at any time, any funded communication that mentions an issue that might be associated with a politician could be illegal. The government just has to say the speech "promotes," "attacks," "supports" or "opposes" a potential candidate.

A newly-partisan Federal Election Commission, since the president would appoint the chairman, who would have new powers, and be a tie-breaking vote on a five-person board (down from a bipartisan six-person board).

The bill would also create a 'registry' / database of Americans and what issues they support. After this latest win there are a lot of influential Democrats calling for Conservatives and Trump supporters to be 'de-programmed', 'rounded up and sent to re-education camps'. This bill would create a way to identify and catalog a list of 'political threats' to make 'rounding them up' easier.
'Democrats can dress this up with talk of "dark money" and pretend they’re worried about money in politics, but they’re only worried about Americans with right-of-center views speaking out.'

"No billionaires will be harmed in the making of this legislation. The point is to silence dissent and shut down debate through fear, intimidation and overregulation. Americans already feel they cannot engage in healthy debate. A Cato Institute poll released last summer found
62% of respondents don’t believe they can express opinions publicly."

Elections have consequences.

The same GOP who did NOT fight for election security or mail-out ballots for 2020, happen to be the same people most interested in impeaching Trump. They also happen to be the same fossils who have been in office forever.

It's funny how the Paul Ryans and Romneys of the world pretend that socialism is bad when they are the ones in the Party most likely to support it, as long as they have a bit of power, unlike when Trump was in power and he ignored them. Seems they will all soon be irrelevant.
Yes the feds can tell the states about the guidelines of running an election.
Article I, Section 4, Clause 1: The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing Senators.

And in this past election Democrats in Pa demonstrated they can violate both federal and state Constitutions and election laws in the middle of an election to commit massive election fraud without any repercussions, primarily because after they acknowledged this happened, the USSC / Chief justice Roberts declared they would not hear the case.
Evidently you didn't like what the Penn Supreme Court had to say either. There was no fraud just sore losers.
God you are the biggest troll on this board
Evidently you didn't like what the Penn Supreme Court had to say either. There was no fraud just sore losers.
Democrats in Pa bypassed Pa Legislature in the middle of am election, ignoring both state and federal Constitutions and Laws regarding legal election processes. I did not consider what PA's Supreme Court had to say, as the USSC is superior to the PA SC. It is what the USSC says that matters, and Chief Justice Roberts and the USSC acknowledged that what the Democrats did in Pa was Un-Constitutional and illegal.

You need to educate yourself in regards to the Judiciary Branch and which is the highest court in the land.
- SPOILER: It ain't the PA Supreme Court.
Evidently you didn't like what the Penn Supreme Court had to say either. There was no fraud just sore losers.
Democrats in Pa bypassed Pa Legislature in the middle of am election, ignoring both state and federal Constitutions and Laws regarding legal election processes. I did not consider what PA's Supreme Court had to say, as the USSC is superior to the PA SC. It is what the USSC says that matters, and Chief Justice Roberts and the USSC acknowledged that what the Democrats did in Pa was Un-Constitutional and illegal.

You need to educate yourself in regards to the Judiciary Branch and which is the highest court in the land.
- SPOILER: It ain't the PA Supreme Court.

What happened in PA was bipartisan.
Elections have consequences.

Obama said that - Democrats, the MSM, & snowflakes did not listen. For 4 years they engaged in Obstruction, Perjury, Sedition, manufacturing false evidence, and treason with non-stop coup attempts and Un-Constitutional Impeachments.

[QUOTE="shockedcanadian, post: 26476870, member: 38845"The same GOP who did NOT fight for election security or mail-out ballots for 2020, happen to be the same people most interested in impeaching Trump. [/QUOTE]
WTF are you talking about? The GOP did fight for cleaning up voter registration roles and opposing mail-in ballots, but the Democrats fought tooth and nail against every attempt to ensure the election was fair and legal...and it was the same Democrats who spent 4 years focused on failed coup attempts that have now engaged in 2 ADMITTED politically partisan Impeachment attempts.
Elections have consequences.

Obama said that - Democrats, the MSM, & snowflakes did not listen. For 4 years they engaged in Obstruction, Perjury, Sedition, manufacturing false evidence, and treason with non-stop coup attempts and Un-Constitutional Impeachments.

[QUOTE="shockedcanadian, post: 26476870, member: 38845"The same GOP who did NOT fight for election security or mail-out ballots for 2020, happen to be the same people most interested in impeaching Trump.
WTF are you talking about? The GOP did fight for cleaning up voter registration roles and opposing mail-in ballots, but the Democrats fought tooth and nail against every attempt to ensure the election was fair and legal...and it was the same Democrats who spent 4 years focused on failed coup attempts that have now engaged in 2 ADMITTED politically partisan Impeachment attempts.

You had a supreme court and nobody used it.

I said before the election that Trump would lose because of the mail out votes. It was clear to me, fr removed from the U.S, that this coupled with the fanaticism of Trumps opponents that he if he were to lose, this would be the reason.

How rich that AFTER the election (again as I predicted), some states said that the rule changes were illegal. LOL. A little late now isn't it?

GOP didn't want Trump to win. They kept defending their own future prospects if they lost. "No problem, even if Trump loses the GOP will be back!".

Good luck.
Republicans do a better job to "To Ensure Republicans Never Influence Or Win Another Election Again...EVER, buy support of anarchists, white supremacists, and anti-American rabble to attack our government by minority mob action in opposition to free elections and those in support of those in elected position to send their mindless stampeding herd of cattle to violently attack democracy.
You had a supreme court and nobody used it.

'WE' have a USSC. Thank you for demonstrating you ignored what they said.

BEFORE the election? It should have been a daily fight being reported on across every news network and been on the front pages of newspapers.

It wasn't until after Trump lost that they started challenging various states while the Dems had hundreds of cases already in the courts.

GOP will not be in power for a long time now. They make it even worse for their dwindling plight when they alienate all the former Dem voters that Trump brought in.

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