Democrats Pushing Neighbors to Spy on Gun Owners

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
I'm not sure how to feel about this. As this is most definitely extreme gun control but yet I know that if it isn't secured properly that there have been stories of children grabbing hold of them and either accidentally or purposely shooting each other or purposely shooting up schools.

I'm pretty sure that the latter isn't why this is happening though. As the guy in the video says though, education is key.

Gun owners want others to know that they're armed. Short and fat gun owners don't keep it a secret that they have long barrels on their guns!
Gun owners want others to know that they're armed. Short and fat gun owners don't keep it a secret that they have long barrels on their guns!

Nope! Not all gun owners. Some like the element of surprise.
Nope! Not all gun owners. Some like the element of surprise.
True enough but the physical appearance of the gun owners who want to keep it a surprise, blows their cover. It's as obvious as flying a Confederate flag in their PU trucks!

Or just look in the driver's side window to see how thick his seat cushion is?
The right worries too much about guns while trying to erase the frst amendment.

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