democrats reject bill to fund military if shutdown happens,,

progressive hunter

Diamond Member
Dec 11, 2018
GOOD! We need to get to a balanced budget. Cutting spending that is not in the Constitution is a good start.
I have been explaining how to easily balance the budget for well over a decade on this forum.

We just don't have politicians honest enough or brave enough to do it, and the rubes have been carefully diverted from the solutions with trannies and space lasers and pizza shops and other daily fauxrages.

All we have to do is ban all tax expenditures. That's $1.4 trillion of ANNUAL savings right there. That alone would balance the budget. Not only that, it would remove the single largest corrupt practice in government. But wait, there's more!

Eliminating tax expenditures would remove all incentives to bribe our politicians to put them in the tax code. And that is exactly why our politicians won't ban them. Those bribes are their bread and butter.

Until the American people stop focusing on BULLSHIT, they will never start holding their elected representatives' feet to the fire to get this done.

You want a surplus? That's also easy.

Raise the Medicare and Social Security eligibility ages to 70, and index the retirement age to 9 percent of the population going forward.

We are living longer than our ancestors did, we should be working longer.

But you know, taking food stamps away from the poor is far more popular with right wing simple-minded haters.
I have been explaining how to easily balance the budget for well over a decade on this forum.

We just don't have politicians honest enough or brave enough to do it, and the rubes have been carefully diverted from the solutions with trannies and space lasers and pizza shops and other daily fauxrages.

All we have to do is ban all tax expenditures. That's $1.4 trillion of ANNUAL savings right there. That alone would balance the budget. Not only that, it would remove the single largest corrupt practice in government. But wait, there's more!

Eliminating tax expenditures would remove all incentives to bribe our politicians to put them in the tax code. And that is exactly why our politicians won't ban them. Those bribes are their bread and butter.

Until the American people stop focusing on BULLSHIT, they will never start holding their elected representatives' feet to the fire to get this done.

You want a surplus? That's also easy.

Raise the Medicare and Social Security eligibility ages to 70, and index the retirement age to 9 percent of the population going forward.

We are living longer than our ancestors did, we should be working longer.

But you know, taking food stamps away from the poor is far more popular with right wing simple-minded haters.
could you please stay on topic???
so many have attacked repubes for a shutdown because the military and their families wont receive paychecks,,

well here they had the chance to solve that and they rejected it,,

I dont see whats so hard about having a single issue bill without all the pork in it,,

False. The bill has lots of spending cuts for key programs that Democrats don’t want to cut. But you’re pretending that this is a bill that only has a provision for the military and nothing else.
Comprehension fail.

Tax expenditures ARE welfare. They are the biggest wealth redistribution program in the history of the universe, and the largest government social engineering program.
keeping more of your own money is not an expenditure,,
the subject is military spending,,,
I understand that is how your propagandists' have framed it for you. And I understand how this would cause you and the other credulous rubes to run with that and claim Democrats hate the military.

That's to be expected when you live in a bubble the way you do.

But the Republicans are also trying to cut domestic spending by 30 percent, and THAT is why the Democrats kiboshed the bill.

NOT because they hate the military, rube.

The Republican-led House failed Friday to approve a 30-day stopgap funding bill as a government shutdown looms. All Democrats and 21 Republicans voted against the measure, which would have cut most domestic programs by 30 percent. It is unclear what House lawmakers will do next. The Democratic-majority Senate is considering a separate bill to keep the government open that House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) has said the House would reject. The government will shut down Sunday at 12:01 a.m. if lawmakers do not act.

I understand that is how your propagandists' have framed it for you. And I understand how this would cause you and the other credulous rubes to run with that and claim Democrats hate the military.

That's to be expected when you live in a bubble the way you do.

But the Republicans are also trying to cut domestic spending by 30 percent, and THAT is why the Democrats kiboshed the bill.

NOT because they hate the military, rube.

The Republican-led House failed Friday to approve a 30-day stopgap funding bill as a government shutdown looms. All Democrats and 21 Republicans voted against the measure, which would have cut most domestic programs by 30 percent. It is unclear what House lawmakers will do next. The Democratic-majority Senate is considering a separate bill to keep the government open that House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) has said the House would reject. The government will shut down Sunday at 12:01 a.m. if lawmakers do not act.

they should cut fed spending by 70%,,,

let the states take care of their own problems,,

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