Democrats rig Tulsi Gabbard right out of their next debate

This wouldn't surprise me.

I don't watch vids. Why not?

If I were to guess it's because she makes the rest of the candidates look bad.

I agree and her on stage would hurt Harris and maybe even Warren and a loose canon like her is something the DNC does not need in 2020...

She is this year Bernie...

I'd compare her more to Dennis Kucinich or Ron Paul for
the antiwar and Constitution views .
This wouldn't surprise me.

I don't watch vids. Why not?

If I were to guess it's because she makes the rest of the candidates look bad.

I agree and her on stage would hurt Harris and maybe even Warren and a loose canon like her is something the DNC does not need in 2020...

She is this year Bernie...

I'd compare her more to Dennis Kucinich or Ron Paul for
the antiwar and Constitution views .

I used the Bernie analogy to show the DNC will do anything to get rid of her...
This wouldn't surprise me.

I don't watch vids. Why not?

If I were to guess it's because she makes the rest of the candidates look bad.

I agree and her on stage would hurt Harris and maybe even Warren and a loose canon like her is something the DNC does not need in 2020...

She is this year Bernie...

I'd compare her more to Dennis Kucinich or Ron Paul for
the antiwar and Constitution views .

I used the Bernie analogy to show the DNC will do anything to get rid of her...

Let's hope Bernie will stand up for himself this time.
I don't watch vids. Why not?
If I were to guess it's because she makes the rest of the candidates look bad.

I agree and her on stage would hurt Harris and maybe even Warren and a loose canon like her is something the DNC does not need in 2020...

She is this year Bernie...
I'd compare her more to Dennis Kucinich or Ron Paul for
the antiwar and Constitution views .

I used the Bernie analogy to show the DNC will do anything to get rid of her...
Let's hope Bernie will stand up for himself this time.

Doubt it but hey who knows...
Tulsi is the Democratic candidate in her right mind, all the others are bat shit crazy
Tulsi is the Democratic candidate in her right mind, all the others are bat shit crazy
She should give Jill a call.
That would shake things up a little.
Gabbard- Stein 2020
Because America deserves a better choice.
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Democrats always fix their elections so the preordained win.

Democrats rig Tulsi Gabbard right out of their next debate.

Just as they did to Bernie in 2016. Who is surprised by this? Big dollars behind Harris, she is already finished is she won the nomination, Trump has a bundle of details he can use. He can literally just use the Gabbard speech as an attack ad. Just as California immediately, and coincidentally took down all her data from the time she was AG after the second debate.

Some want to destroy Americas Republic. It isn't Trump. Much if it coming from International sources I'm sure.

Democrats always fix their elections so the preordained win.

Democrats rig Tulsi Gabbard right out of their next debate.

Their OWN RULES apparently mean nothing to these folks.. Saw that when they screwed Bernie out of delegates by CHANGING the rules on the fly in several states and the hinky stuff happening at the DNC in 2016.

They ARE the party of disenfranchisement.. The evidence just keeps piling up... NOW in order to "win", they want to mind fuck the electoral college and force them to deny the will of the voters in many states... They know no limits to grabbing power by any means possible....

Republicans are the party of disenfranchisement. In SC, Sanders got 25% of the vote to Clinton's 66% Sanders got 25% of the delegates. Trump got 32% of the vote and got 100% of the delegates. 68% of SC Republicans voted for someone other than Trump. and were disenfranchised. Sanders only got 12% of the vote in Mississippi and incredibly still got delegates. In 2020, Republicans are rigging the nomination contest for Trump.

Feb 10, 2017 · So while Hillary Clinton leads right now 394-42 over Bernie Sanders in total delegates, Bernie leads Hillary 36-32 in those delegates chosen by the people.

First, in Iowa, they battle for a statistical tie, with just a quarter-percent of the vote between Hillary and Bernie. So, naturally, the delegates from Iowa are divided fairly. Bernie gets 21 delegates and Hillary gets... 29?

Next, in New Hampshire, Bernie demolishes Hillary in a 22-point landslide victory. So, naturally, the delegates from New Hampshire are divided fairly. Bernie gets 15 delegates and Hillary gets... 15?

What is this strange world where a Bernie tie is an 8-delegate loss and a Bernie landslide is a tie? That’s when our intrepid Millennials start Googling and learn all about Marvel’s Democratic Superdelegates! (Just kidding; Marvel’s heroes are better-looking.)

What they learn is that there are 4,763 delegates who pick the Democratic nominee for president. But roughly 15 percent of them are Superdelegates (712 to be exact) who are the Democratic elected officials and party bigwigs. Regular delegates are split according to popular vote, but Superdelegates can vote for anybody they wish (that’s their super power).

Hillary's Superdelegate Coup Just Confirms to Millennials: The System Is Rigged | HuffPost

Let me suggest you need to get acquainted with facts.
Iowa Clinton 45% Sanders 41% Uncommitted 14%
Delegates Clinton 23 Sanders 21 Uncommitted 7

Those uncommitted delegates can support anyone.
Iowa Democratic Delegation 2016

New Hampshire
Sanders 46%
Clinton 29%
Uncommitted 25%
Delegates Sanders 15 Clinton 9 Uncommitted 8

Uncommitted delegates can vote for anyone.
New Hampshire Democratic Delegation 2016

This is the hard count of delegate vote totals. These are delegates awarded through primaries.
"Hard" Delegate Votes
H Clinton
B Sanders
Total 4.763

Election 2016 - Presidential Primaries, Caucuses, and Conventions

2,382 is required to get the nomination. Clinton needed only 177 from the uncommitted to get the nomination regardless of what the super delegates do.

You're shamelessly ignorant of all this.. MOST of what you posted just confirms what I just said.. And you spouting off about "uncommitted" delegates proves you've been brainwashed to ignore the heavy hand that SELECTS dem leadership... In SMALL states, those with less than 10 delegates, THERE ARE NO UNCOMMITTED delegates to speak of to "win".. Because the SUPERS take their cut BEFORE the uncommitted delegates come into play...

There were 712 PARTY BOSSES acting as superdelegates in a primary with only 4200 delegates.. That's a LOT of disfranchised voters that get their votes nullified by the political leadership and HEROES of the Dem party... Bernie won W VA. and only came out with a few more delegates than Clinton because of proportional counting (which I have no real problem with) AND the Supers which everybody SHOULD have a problem with.

Seems like every other party LISTENS and TRUSTS their voters a lot more than the DNC...

You OWN it.. The worst party record for voter disenfranchisement and the radicals ain't even close to done yet...
i've been screaming and shouting about Gabbard not being allowed into the debate for a while now. Michael Bennett has also not been allowed

freedom of speech...for all or for some?

justice....for all or for some?
There's a reason why the Democrats have Super delegates, and it goes back to the 1972 Election when the primary voters picked nutty delegates, you had Jesse Jackson replace Mayor Daley as the head of the Chicago Delegation, and they nominated George McGovern and went on to lose 49 states to Tricky Dick, of all people.

And what threat existed with McGovern other than NOT WINNING??? He was solidly correct on any number of issues... Your party does not TRUST your judgement.. ESPECIALLY, if you vote on PRINCIPLES... Because there are NO PRINCIPLES when it comes to annointing leadership in the DNC.. And that's why your party is sucking the laughing gas....

Libertarians have been nominating LOSERS on principle for about 30 years now... But those principles have not changed AND we've been proven correct on almost EVERY ISSUE by now.. We just were 15 or 20 years AHEAD of public opinion... Principles are worth MORE than just winning...

Just in case you don't know.. The issues we were kicked in the ass for 30 years were:

1) recognition of LGBTQ folks.
2) Legalization (regulation) of marijuana.
3) Ending the insane repetition of "democracy and nation building" in the Mid East.
4) Enhanced immigration but with restrictions of public handouts and ORDER at the border.
5) Privatization of govt functions that compete with private industry.
6) School Choice and vouchers.
7) Medical Savings Accounts and other personally directed solutions..
8) Make OTHER countries pay for their defense and security..

And on and on..

We were called the dope smoking, queer loving, selfish, "open border", pansy doves, and too fiscally conservative for the Republican party and too socially LIBERAL for the Democrats...

Guess what? We WON !!!!!
Democrats rigging elections... can't pretend I am surprise, no one should be. This is what they always do. Tulsi just isn't far far left enough.
And what threat existed with McGovern other than NOT WINNING??? He was solidly correct on any number of issues... Your party does not TRUST your judgement.. ESPECIALLY, if you vote on PRINCIPLES... Because there are NO PRINCIPLES when it comes to annointing leadership in the DNC.. And that's why your party is sucking the laughing gas....

Commie George didn't even reflect where his own party was. His own running mate called his platform "Abortion, Amnesty and Acid"....

The whole purpose of the election is to ACTUALLY WIN. If your primary voters select delegates who are going to nominate a losing candidate, which is what happened in 1972, you need a check on that.

Of course, there is a worse problem... what happens if you nominate a crazy person and he actually wins. We are seeing that now.

Libertarians have been nominating LOSERS on principle for about 30 years now... But those principles have not changed AND we've been proven correct on almost EVERY ISSUE by now.. We just were 15 or 20 years AHEAD of public opinion... Principles are worth MORE than just winning...

Just in case you don't know.. The issues we were kicked in the ass for 30 years were:

Um, none of those things happened because the Right Wing Hippies in the Liber-Tard-ian party harping on them.

Some of them are pretty stupid...

We were called the dope smoking, queer loving, selfish, "open border", pansy doves, and too fiscally conservative for the Republican party and too socially LIBERAL for the Democrats...

Guess what? We WON !!!!!

Yes, the Hopefully now Burning in Hell David Koch bought the GOP, and kind of fucked it up.
Commie George didn't even reflect where his own party was. His own running mate called his platform "Abortion, Amnesty and Acid"....

Great platform for Demz in any election if they HAD consistent principles... Sorry, but if the party leaders care more about winning than they do about their VOTERS concerns and principles -- you guys lose every cycle.. Who's FAULT IS IT that Jackson was able to come in and change the Illinois delegation in the 1st place?

Your tribe has no set rules.. It's a barbarian process that's ALL about winning and NOTHING about principle.. Look at the 20 members of the insane clown posse that you're running... ALL of them outpandering and out-Che Guevara each other.. And for the most part, except for the moderates like Gabbard, there's not a discernible ounce of leadership or confidence in their abilities to THINK or do math...

You'll look back on this as the "40 years in the desert" when America rejects socialism...
Great platform for Demz in any election if they HAD consistent principles... Sorry, but if the party leaders care more about winning than they do about their VOTERS concerns and principles -- you guys lose every cycle.. Who's FAULT IS IT that Jackson was able to come in and change the Illinois delegation in the 1st place?

Oh, the 72 Convention was all manner of stupid, it's why they had so many reforms afterwards.

Your tribe has no set rules.. It's a barbarian process that's ALL about winning and NOTHING about principle.. Look at the 20 members of the insane clown posse that you're running... ALL of them outpandering and out-Che Guevara each other.. And for the most part, except for the moderates like Gabbard, there's not a discernible ounce of leadership or confidence in their abilities to THINK or do math...

Damascus Tulsi isn't a "moderate", she's a whackadoodle cultist.


You'll look back on this as the "40 years in the desert" when America rejects socialism...

Okay, except probably not. I mean I know you are out there saying "Socialism Scary", but heck, for the 60% of voters who control less than 4% of all the wealth, it's probably not such a scary concept.

THis is how it's going to play out. We are going to get a recession, early next year probably. Then all the mutants with the MAGA hats will look at each other in the Unemployment Line and say, "Hey, maybe that guy IS Crazy!"
Great platform for Demz in any election if they HAD consistent principles... Sorry, but if the party leaders care more about winning than they do about their VOTERS concerns and principles -- you guys lose every cycle.. Who's FAULT IS IT that Jackson was able to come in and change the Illinois delegation in the 1st place?

Oh, the 72 Convention was all manner of stupid, it's why they had so many reforms afterwards.

Your tribe has no set rules.. It's a barbarian process that's ALL about winning and NOTHING about principle.. Look at the 20 members of the insane clown posse that you're running... ALL of them outpandering and out-Che Guevara each other.. And for the most part, except for the moderates like Gabbard, there's not a discernible ounce of leadership or confidence in their abilities to THINK or do math...

Damascus Tulsi isn't a "moderate", she's a whackadoodle cultist.

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You'll look back on this as the "40 years in the desert" when America rejects socialism...

Okay, except probably not. I mean I know you are out there saying "Socialism Scary", but heck, for the 60% of voters who control less than 4% of all the wealth, it's probably not such a scary concept.

THis is how it's going to play out. We are going to get a recession, early next year probably. Then all the mutants with the MAGA hats will look at each other in the Unemployment Line and say, "Hey, maybe that guy IS Crazy!"

Tulsi isn't far left enough for Joe B. He wants at least a real communist. Minimum requirement...

Too bad the nation was founded to be the opposite of socialist, so Joe B will have to move to his shithole of choice if he wants to have his utopia.

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