Democrats rig Tulsi Gabbard right out of their next debate

Tulsi isn't far left enough for Joe B. He wants at least a real communist. Minimum requirement...

Too bad the nation was founded to be the opposite of socialist, so Joe B will have to move to his shithole of choice if he wants to have his utopia.

I'd like to go back to what we had in the 1960's before Nixon and Reagan fucked it up for working folks...

But you guys keep going as you are, you'll get socialism soon enough...
Tulsi isn't far left enough for Joe B. He wants at least a real communist. Minimum requirement...

Too bad the nation was founded to be the opposite of socialist, so Joe B will have to move to his shithole of choice if he wants to have his utopia.

I'd like to go back to what we had in the 1960's before Nixon and Reagan fucked it up for working folks...

But you guys keep going as you are, you'll get socialism soon enough...
Sure, I am ready for the massive decreases in government and reversal of the invasion act.

First point I agree with Joe B on.
Sure, I am ready for the massive decreases in government and reversal of the invasion act.

First point I agree with Joe B on.

I have no problem with cutting government spending.

Okay, so let me know what you want to cut, with a dollar figure attached.

Go ahead... you start.
Feb 10, 2017 · So while Hillary Clinton leads right now 394-42 over Bernie Sanders in total delegates, Bernie leads Hillary 36-32 in those delegates chosen by the people.


Yep.. The party ELITE lay a huge hand on the results... NOT the voters...

Those superdelegates were all the rock stars and the wounded warriors of the party battles.. It was so blatantly crooked and dishonest that even the Sandinistas in charge of the DNC now felt they had to reform the super delegate issue.... And they made some wimpy changes to make it LESS like a Politburo election in the old Soviet Union....

You had about 3 or 4 shake-ups in upper mgt at the DNC since then and a couple bloody purges... And this deal with Tulsi Gabbard is NAKED RETRIBUTION for her crime of crippling a front-runner on stage at a debate....

Superdelegates have never affected the nomination. In 2008, most of the super delegates were backing Clinton however as Obama won primaries and caucuses, he peeled off most of the super delegates. Sanders voters were just looking for excuses for their 2016 loss.

Before the election the DNC was out noting that Hillary already had wrapped up X amount of Super Delegates so anyone else thinking of running, don't bother. So no one did. The DNC wanted Sanders to run to be able to provide for televised debates so they could say "Hillary understands and Sanders has pulled her left". I backfired big time.

Sanders would have beat Trump. Many of us see the DNC still trying to manipulate things and trending third party again.
Yep.. The party ELITE lay a huge hand on the results... NOT the voters...

Those superdelegates were all the rock stars and the wounded warriors of the party battles.. It was so blatantly crooked and dishonest that even the Sandinistas in charge of the DNC now felt they had to reform the super delegate issue.... And they made some wimpy changes to make it LESS like a Politburo election in the old Soviet Union....

You had about 3 or 4 shake-ups in upper mgt at the DNC since then and a couple bloody purges... And this deal with Tulsi Gabbard is NAKED RETRIBUTION for her crime of crippling a front-runner on stage at a debate....

Or it's a realization that you aren't going to have an effective debate including a bunch of people who are only polling at single digits getting five minutes of speaking time.

The thing was the Superdelegates didn't cheat Commie Bernie. Commie Bernie got 3 million less votes in the primaries than Hillary did. Period.

Frankly, if something was a ripoff, it was that Hillary actually DID get more votes in 2008, but the delegate allocation and Superdelegates made Obama the nominee.

But the underlying problem... Most people don't vote in primaries at all, and usually, only about three states matter - before the minor candidates run out of money and all get weeded out.

The underlying problem was that Hillary was an unlikable, lying, war monger that Wall Street had in their back pocket.
Sure, I am ready for the massive decreases in government and reversal of the invasion act.

First point I agree with Joe B on.

I have no problem with cutting government spending.

Okay, so let me know what you want to cut, with a dollar figure attached.

Go ahead... you start.

I would definitely start with every tax subsidy or hand-out to ANY business for ANY product ALREADY on the market.. Reserve some room for "fair access" to R&D money... But this includes anything from mohair subsidies to the massive tax credits on solar and wind/electric cars.. For farmers, I'd replace the supports with a disaster insurance policy that INCLUDES actions of the government that cause devaluation of farmers land and assets...

That's roughly "ONLY" $40 Bill a year, BUT -- it makes corporations all pay their FULL tax bills and stops the collusion of Congress of picking winners/losers in the marketplace to the detriment of their competition...

BY THE WAY -- This $40Bill does not even SHOW in the budgeting.. Because it's largely done thru tax credits. It's a very large number and the reason why MANY major corporations "pay no taxes"....

Elon Musk would be HOMELESS if this happened.. Since everything he's developed is HIGHLY subsidized by the US Treasury and the IRS...

Next, we chuck a couple Departments in total and rearrange some deck chairs.. Probably another $30 Bill...

Can be done.. But for SURE -- not by either Repubs or Dems... Would be some of the 1st changes with enough Libertarians/Independents in Congress and/or the WH..

Tulsi Gabbard can handle a good argument on fiscal sanity and I'd trust HER judgement more than any of the other pandering clowns that you're offering...
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It is the COCKSUCKER behind it.

The reason the COCKSUCKER didn't want Joe Biden in the race is because the COCKSUCKER was already backing Hate Hoax Harris, as were several Zionist billionaires and Hollywood types. Hate Hoax Harris had the money and the media coverage and the backing. In the end, she is right back in the single digits. Tulsi landed a shot, and Hate Hoax Harris went down like Mike Tyson hit her....

This also demonstrates what a cowardly, lying piece of hateful dogshit the Cocksucker really is.
The underlying problem was that Hillary was an unlikable, lying, war monger that Wall Street had in their back pocket.

You are too kind. You forgot...

enabler of a male SEX PREDATOR
was rifling through Vince Foster's office the night of his "suicide," and wasn't prosecuted for tampering because the Park Police declared Foster a suicide 7 seconds after finding his corpse
dodged prison when Chelsea's bio daddy Webb Hubbell came into court, declared he did the work Hillary billed for (a confession of billing fraud), and did the 2 years Hillary was about to face...
was fainting and had Parkinson's near the election, which would have made lesbo partner Huma Abedein the acting President for 20 hours a day, since Parkinson's people can only function for a few hours a day...
Democrats always fix their elections so the preordained win.

Democrats rig Tulsi Gabbard right out of their next debate.
Only right wing nutjobs know who she is. Don't know why you all have latched onto her so hard.

Exactly what position of hers is "right wing"?
Exactly what position of hers is "right wing"?
She salutes the USSR Flag.
It’s all relativism.
Democrats always fix their elections so the preordained win.

Democrats rig Tulsi Gabbard right out of their next debate.
Only right wing nutjobs know who she is. Don't know why you all have latched onto her so hard.

Exactly what position of hers is "right wing"?
Exactly what position of hers is "right wing"?
She salutes the USSR Flag.
It’s all relativism.

So you have nothing.
Before the election the DNC was out noting that Hillary already had wrapped up X amount of Super Delegates so anyone else thinking of running, don't bother. So no one did. The DNC wanted Sanders to run to be able to provide for televised debates so they could say "Hillary understands and Sanders has pulled her left". I backfired big time.

Sanders would have beat Trump. Many of us see the DNC still trying to manipulate things and trending third party again.

Commie Bernie would not have beaten TRump. He'd have lost 49 states....

McGovern....Mondale... Dukakis... It's like you guys never learned a thing.
As far as I can tell, they doubled the requirements. I do not see how that is targeting one specific candidate or how it is a 'fix' for anything. If you cannot hit 2% in a national poll you really should not be on stage. They have to have someway of narrowing down the field throughout this entire process.

The real candidate hurt in narrowing the field is Biden anyway - the most likely establishment pick. He wins by default should the field remain as it is, splitting the hardcore lefties vote among many candidates. Narrow that down to just a few and Biden may face real competition.

I'm sorry, but are you really, really that DUMB/NAIVE/DISHONEST? The point is that the DNC is belatedly changing the rules. Under the previous rules that they announced just a few months ago, Gabbard qualifies for the next round of debates. But, if these belated rule changes are enforced, she will be excluded. If you can't see that this is aimed at her, I have some bridges I'd like to sell you.
Democrats always fix their elections so the preordained win.

Democrats rig Tulsi Gabbard right out of their next debate.
Only right wing nutjobs know who she is. Don't know why you all have latched onto her so hard.

Exactly what position of hers is "right wing"?
You tell me. You all are the ones putting her on a pedestal.

I am unable to. It's not my position. It's yours.
Another one of Gabbard's sins is that she has promised to secure the border and has stated that open borders mean a loss of nationhood. Oh, Tulsi! Your common-sense approach is not welcome in the new Democratic Party, which has fallen off the left edge of the planet.

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