Democrats say "chain migration" is a RACIST PHRASE!!!! HAHA

Why would anyone object to chain migration?

I would bet most of the ancestors of those who post on this board benefitted or participated in chain migration
Immigration is a privilege not a right, live with it

Immigration is a legal process. We have used chain migration for over 100 years. It makes immigration more successful

Why do you oppose it?
The only immigration I support is legal immigration, make them wait 12 to 15 or more years, by then they have will have paid their dues...
Chain migration has always been legal
They do have to wait for citizenship
Yes, they should have to wait 12-15 or more years, By then they will have paid their dues
Go........go with the identity politics stuff. If you are on the right, you want to see it all day and all night........we already know how it does politically when election time rolls around. The more absurd the better for us!!:cul2:
I grew up in a border town and got to know many, I guess "legal" Hispanic immigrants. I never asked for their papers in other words; I took them at their word. But yeah, they freely would discuss how their anchor in the States was used to shuttle in endless family members legally or otherwise. I mean, some of them were our neighbors. Their kids went to school with us. People just loosen up and talk when they let their hair down.

I came riding a horse up on a family of them in a ditch by a roadway, just across our border once when I was a teen. They were wearing bright clothes and if I knew Spanish well enough I would've told them to tone it down and wear camouflage. The point is I felt bad for them. It was obvious they had just made it across the border. They were so out of their element, looking very indian from deep Mexico. They were skinny and looked dehydrated. The temp outside was creeping up to I guess the high 90s that day. There was a little shade from a sumac bush they were crouching under without a drop of water in sight. I understand this is how many of them lose their lives crossing the desert regions of our border. I was young. I didn't know what to do except hope for the best for them naively. But in hindsight those skinny little kids looking so parched were in danger of death. My naivete probably put their lives in danger.

We encourage these illegal migrations by our policies. Then their lives are in danger. The only alternative to this dual world is to throw our borders wide open. But that would be fiscal suicide. So a solution that is both humane and sane needs to be found.

Chain-migration is absolutely a thing. It's not just "a" thing, it's "THE" thing. It's the reason most come here, to secure an anchor to bring the rest of their loved ones. That's what any human being of any skin color or nationality would want to do. Bring all their friends and family to the better region they're trying to secure to live in. Racist my ass.

The problem is, the US is going broke and we can't fiscally do this favor of turning a blind eye anymore. I personally don't hate these hardworking migrants at all. It's just that it's hard for people to keep having warm fuzzies for them when they are taking jobs away from actual citizens, getting more and better healthcare than actual citizens, getting better scholarships for education than actual citizens, and so on. All while our economy does a slow bleed from bad to worse. The real second class citizen in the US is the hardworking natural born citizen and taxpayer.
I guess working at the restaurant chain or dept store chain is offensive too.

All chain smokers are racist.

And don't get into crypto currency, since blockchain technology is racist too.
I guess working at the restaurant chain or dept store chain is offensive too.
All chain smokers are racist.
And don't get into crypto currency, since blockchain technology is racist too.

Yup - any phrase with the word "chain" is racist. Liberals see racism everywhere except in affirmative action which is the only place where racism still exists in america.
I grew up in a border town and got to know many, I guess "legal" Hispanic immigrants. I never asked for their papers in other words; I took them at their word. But yeah, they freely would discuss how their anchor in the States was used to shuttle in endless family members legally or otherwise. I mean, some of them were our neighbors. Their kids went to school with us. People just loosen up and talk when they let their hair down.

I came riding a horse up on a family of them in a ditch by a roadway, just across our border once when I was a teen. They were wearing bright clothes and if I knew Spanish well enough I would've told them to tone it down and wear camouflage. The point is I felt bad for them. It was obvious they had just made it across the border. They were so out of their element, looking very indian from deep Mexico. They were skinny and looked dehydrated. The temp outside was creeping up to I guess the high 90s that day. There was a little shade from a sumac bush they were crouching under without a drop of water in sight. I understand this is how many of them lose their lives crossing the desert regions of our border. I was young. I didn't know what to do except hope for the best for them naively. But in hindsight those skinny little kids looking so parched were in danger of death. My naivete probably put their lives in danger.

We encourage these illegal migrations by our policies. Then their lives are in danger. The only alternative to this dual world is to throw our borders wide open. But that would be fiscal suicide. So a solution that is both humane and sane needs to be found.

Chain-migration is absolutely a thing. It's not just "a" thing, it's "THE" thing. It's the reason most come here, to secure an anchor to bring the rest of their loved ones. That's what any human being of any skin color or nationality would want to do. Bring all their friends and family to the better region they're trying to secure to live in. Racist my ass.

The problem is, the US is going broke and we can't fiscally do this favor of turning a blind eye anymore. I personally don't hate these hardworking migrants at all. It's just that it's hard for people to keep having warm fuzzies for them when they are taking jobs away from actual citizens, getting more and better healthcare than actual citizens, getting better scholarships for education than actual citizens, and so on. All while our economy does a slow bleed from bad to worse. The real second class citizen in the US is the hardworking natural born citizen and taxpayer.
Mongoloid Virus

They want to take what Whites have built, which they are genetically incapable of ever building on their own. Slowly but surely, they will bring the country down to their level and destroy what they want to steal from us.
They want to take what Whites have built, which they are genetically incapable of ever building on their own. Slowly but surely, they will bring the country down to their level and destroy what they want to steal from us.

That's the history of africa the last 50 years. The more that blacks take over, the worse things get. Non-whites are sub-human.
Stupid democrats have, by overuse, turned "racism" into a meaningless word. HAHA

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand Says 'Chained Migration' Phrase Is a 'Racist Slur'

jan 29 2018 Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D., N.Y.) appeared on "The View" Monday where she criticized President Donald Trump's approach to immigration and the use of the "racist slur" "chain migration."

"Do you agree with Nancy Pelosi when she says Trump wants to ‘Make America White Again' and that's what this is about?" Joy Behar asked, referring to comments the House Minority Leader (D., Calif.) made Friday.

"I think a lot of President Trump's rhetoric is racist. Let's be very clear: when someone uses the phrase chain migration … it is intentional in trying to demonize families, literally trying to demonize families and make it a racist slur," Gillibrand said.

liberals claim everything is Racist, it's all they got...

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