Democrats say Democrats have gone off the rails


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.
As one who is no fan of Trump, it's not pleasant to watch what's happening to the Democratic party. And this is exactly what concerned me the morning I woke up to find that Trump had (gulp) won: That the reaction and pushback would be so insane and severe that 2020 would be an election of crazies, no matter WHICH party won.

When Barack Obama is now to the right of you, this quickly, something is seriously, profoundly wrong.

More and more Democrats are beginning to speak out, and hopefully things will, uh, "change" a bit.

Donald Trump Is Burning the Constitution, and the Biggest Villain at the Democratic Debate Was… Barack Obama?!
The Battle Over Barack Obama’s Legacy at the Democratic Debates
‘Stay away from Barack’: Dems seethe over criticism of Obama
Barack Obama worries about progressives' 'rigidity' leading to party infighting - CNNPolitics
Begala: Democrats Setting Themselves Up To Lose To Trump By Running Far To The Left In Primary

There don't seem to be so many Democrats left on USMB, but I'd like to get your opinion on this.
If they don't go with someone like John Hickenlooper, Tulsi Gabbard, or even Biden, I believe they'll lose.
There don't seem to be so many Democrats left on USMB, but I'd like to get your opinion on this.

There are plenty of Democrats and progressives... you just have them all blocked because they make you look silly.

Again, Hillary didn't lose because she was too radical. She lost because she was seen as corrupt and unlikable.

Here's how Democrats look back at the Obama years. Obama and the Democratic Congress that came in with him in 2006 and 2008 was based on electing people like Jim Webb, who weren't really progressive, but could win in red district or states because people were upset about the Iraq War.

So when the rubber hit the road, instead of getting meaningful health care reform, we ended up with National RomneyCare. Big insurance got filthy rich and regular folks got worse policies. And at the end of the day, the War in Iraq didn't even end. It's still going on... long after we lost and the Iranians won.

Yeah, can kind of see why sensible folks aren't saying, "We need to compromise with these folks!"
Paraphrasing, "What's the point of going through all that trouble running for President just to tell everyone what we can't do and what we shouldn't fight for?"

A debate about the past, even the legacy of President Obama, is healthy, for that's how we detect and correct errors. Let's have it, let's Democrats have that debate, with all the vigor it deserves. That doesn't make President Obama the chief villain - how ridiculous is that? - it just makes it clear that, in a fast-changing environment, policy positions also have to change.

And yeah, even the doomies - But, but, Trump's gonna win of you're not tip-toeing around this and that issue! - have a role to play in all that. Just... the "thinking" the doomies are invariably right, and everybody else is wrong, misguided, and doomed, is patently stupid, lazy, and cowardly, not to mention ludicrous.
As one who is no fan of Trump, it's not pleasant to watch what's happening to the Democratic party. And this is exactly what concerned me the morning I woke up to find that Trump had (gulp) won: That the reaction and pushback would be so insane and severe that 2020 would be an election of crazies, no matter WHICH party won.

When Barack Obama is now to the right of you, this quickly, something is seriously, profoundly wrong.

More and more Democrats are beginning to speak out, and hopefully things will, uh, "change" a bit.

Donald Trump Is Burning the Constitution, and the Biggest Villain at the Democratic Debate Was… Barack Obama?!
The Battle Over Barack Obama’s Legacy at the Democratic Debates
‘Stay away from Barack’: Dems seethe over criticism of Obama
Barack Obama worries about progressives' 'rigidity' leading to party infighting - CNNPolitics
Begala: Democrats Setting Themselves Up To Lose To Trump By Running Far To The Left In Primary

There don't seem to be so many Democrats left on USMB, but I'd like to get your opinion on this.

I don't believe that this is what was concerned you "the morning you woke up after Trump won", Mac. Link us to where you said this or you're blowing smoke.
As one who is no fan of Trump, it's not pleasant to watch what's happening to the Democratic party. And this is exactly what concerned me the morning I woke up to find that Trump had (gulp) won: That the reaction and pushback would be so insane and severe that 2020 would be an election of crazies, no matter WHICH party won.

When Barack Obama is now to the right of you, this quickly, something is seriously, profoundly wrong.

More and more Democrats are beginning to speak out, and hopefully things will, uh, "change" a bit.

Donald Trump Is Burning the Constitution, and the Biggest Villain at the Democratic Debate Was… Barack Obama?!
The Battle Over Barack Obama’s Legacy at the Democratic Debates
‘Stay away from Barack’: Dems seethe over criticism of Obama
Barack Obama worries about progressives' 'rigidity' leading to party infighting - CNNPolitics
Begala: Democrats Setting Themselves Up To Lose To Trump By Running Far To The Left In Primary

There don't seem to be so many Democrats left on USMB, but I'd like to get your opinion on this.

I don't believe that this is what was concerned you "the morning you woke up after Trump won", Mac. Link us to where you said this or you're blowing smoke.
Look it up. Your opinion is of no consequence to me.
Theoretically, but that will depend.

For example, if the economy slows or goes into recession, and a Regressive Leftist is nominated, my nightmare scenario is realized.

Well, it's YOUR nightmare... the rest of us, not so much. I kind of want someone who stands for something.

Here's the reality... playing it safe and nominating a middle of the road moderate who doesn't stand for anything is the surest way to lose.

Hillary lost because she didn't really stand for anything.

Romney lost because he didn't stand for anything other than Mormonism.

McCain lost because he ran against his party's base.

Kerry lost because he was running from his anti-war past. ("Look, I have three purple hearts!" "Didn't you throw those at Congress in a hissy-fit?")

Al Gore spent most of the campaign running away from the Clintons.

Best way to lose. Don't stand for anything.
This much is obvious: the Dems are very far Left of the average American voter and they don't seem to care. Tim Ryan tried to talk sense about workers who "take a shower after work" at one of the debates and didn't earn one clap of applause from Dem attendees.

So, if things continue, it looks like a Trump victory. IF. And that's a big IF, because a lot can change in such a long time.
Theoretically, but that will depend.

For example, if the economy slows or goes into recession, and a Regressive Leftist is nominated, my nightmare scenario is realized.

Well, it's YOUR nightmare... the rest of us, not so much. I kind of want someone who stands for something.

Here's the reality... playing it safe and nominating a middle of the road moderate who doesn't stand for anything is the surest way to lose.

Hillary lost because she didn't really stand for anything.

Romney lost because he didn't stand for anything other than Mormonism.

McCain lost because he ran against his party's base.

Kerry lost because he was running from his anti-war past. ("Look, I have three purple hearts!" "Didn't you throw those at Congress in a hissy-fit?")

Al Gore spent most of the campaign running away from the Clintons.

Best way to lose. Don't stand for anything.

What the Dems stand for is deeply unpopular with Americans.

That's a bit of a problem
Paraphrasing, "What's the point of going through all that trouble running for President just to tell everyone what we can't do and what we shouldn't fight for?"

A debate about the past, even the legacy of President Obama, is healthy, for that's how we detect and correct errors. Let's have it, let's Democrats have that debate, with all the vigor it deserves. That doesn't make President Obama the chief villain - how ridiculous is that? - it just makes it clear that, in a fast-changing environment, policy positions also have to change.

And yeah, even the doomies - But, but, Trump's gonna win of you're not tip-toeing around this and that issue! - have a role to play in all that. Just... the "thinking" the doomies are invariably right, and everybody else is wrong, misguided, and doomed, is patently stupid, lazy, and cowardly, not to mention ludicrous.

There is no "WE" in this scenario. You're not an American voter, for starters.

For enders, Warren can fight for deeply unpopular issues if she wants. It is generally a losing proposition.
I don't believe that this is what was concerned you "the morning you woke up after Trump won", Mac. Link us to where you said this or you're blowing smoke.

actually, I'm going to stick up for Vichy Mac here. He has constantly been whining the Democrats doesn't spend enough time sucking up to White People's anxieties... and after Trump "won" with the help of the Russians, he was on here trumpeting it was because white people voted for Trump. (even though Trump actually performed worse among white folks than Mitt Romney did.)

Of course, the reality of 2016 was that the Democrats nominated a truly unlikable woman, who everyone assumed would win because the polls all said she would, so a lot of folks stayed home or pissed away their votes on third party candidates figuring they could feel special about themselves.

Now, for the moment, I support Biden for the nomination, not because he is the most "moderate", but because he's the most experienced and capable.
The Dems are defeating themselves with the bullshit they are pushing.

Trump will win in 2020 and the country will be much better for it.
There is no "WE" in this scenario. You're not an American voter, for starters.

For enders, Warren can fight for deeply unpopular issues if she wants. It is generally a losing proposition.

One more time, we don't vote for issues, we vote for people.

Even with an okay economy, Warren is still polling ahead of your Fuhrer. When the economy tanks next year, she'll leave him a greasy smear on the pavement.
There is no "WE" in this scenario. You're not an American voter, for starters.

For enders, Warren can fight for deeply unpopular issues if she wants. It is generally a losing proposition.

One more time, we don't vote for issues, we vote for people.

Even with an okay economy, Warren is still polling ahead of your Fuhrer. When the economy tanks next year, she'll leave him a greasy smear on the pavement.

Oh yeah. "Polls".

Please believe them again
What was formerly known as the Democrat party went off the rails long before Trump.
That party was hijacked by radicals long ago.
In fact I created threads about it YEARS ago but most of the left just gave me smile emojis.
What the Dems stand for is deeply unpopular with Americans.

That's a bit of a problem

Why because Ratmuffin told you that? The reality is, how you phrase the question often changes what result you get...

Again, Sanders, Biden and Warren are all outpolling Trump right now.. with a good economy that should have given him a slam-dunk re-election.

WHEN the economy goes into the tank next year... Trump is toast.
What was formerly known as the Democrat party went off the rails long before Trump.
That party was hijacked by radicals long ago.
In fact I created threads about it YEARS ago but most of the left just gave me smile emojis.


That's all we can give you. The reality is, the Democrats if anything have moved to the center. Obama was a centrist. Clinton was a centrist.
What the Dems stand for is deeply unpopular with Americans.

That's a bit of a problem

Why because Ratmuffin told you that? The reality is, how you phrase the question often changes what result you get...

Again, Sanders, Biden and Warren are all outpolling Trump right now.. with a good economy that should have given him a slam-dunk re-election.

WHEN the economy goes into the tank next year... Trump is toast.

Sure they are, Joe. Because Americans love their open borders and the tax hikes that are going to come with "Medicare for all"

Just wait just wait til the debates and when Americans get a sniff of their great health insurance

They will love the idea of losing their health insurance to the wonders of Big Daddy Gov't and open borders. Oh yeah!

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