Democrats say they want to "unite the country around our shared values" -- it hadn't occurred to me Democrats have "values" -- what are they?

Hillary Clinton talked about "some Trump supporters that fit into a Basket of Deplorables"...a bunch of them are ON THIS THREAD
And Kamala Harris said "Once we win this election you people that supported or endorsed Trump better watch out because we are coming for you next" and I Really really hope she comes to my house.
And Hillary did not say "some trump supporters" She said " you could put half of Trump's supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables"
Just like a Democrat to misquote to make it sound better.
But shows the Democrats are just full of hate and weakness they can not properly debate their opponents so they attack the voters.

Do you think that we should tolerate the likes of trump and pence? They are trash. The lowest among us. As for their supporters, who goes around chanting "lock her up"? Is the entire GOP made up of this sort of crap?

You have no choice but to tolerate it...And buckle up buttercup, you’re about to get 4 more years, because y’all can’t pull your collective heads out of your collective asses and see the look of horror on normal people’s faces when confronted with the possibility of a demo victory...
What you see as "normal" we see as QAnon "deplorables".

Look at this board.

These can't possible be "normal Americans" This is a vile collection of racists and trolls
Oh? And what exactly are “normal Americans”?..

This is the usual crap from right-wingers. "Normal Americans," "anti-Americans," "core Americans," "Communists," "Socialists," "the blacks are guilty of this," " browns are guilty of that," "feminazis," "we are under attack by gays," people "hate Christianity, "rapists and rioters and looters, oh my!" Anything that they think will help sell their screwed-up narrative. This would be funny if it wasn't so damned pathetic. They forget that they live in a diverse country of 330 million people and they are no more authentic than anyone else is.
Dims can't stand when the truth of their agenda is photographed.

Don't be ridiculous. BTW: republicans have an "agenda," which consists of taking liberty away from their fellow Americans in any way possible.
Which liberty do Republicans want to take away?

Be specific.

Otherwise, what you've just said is bullshit.

The rights of all Americans to vote, to choose their religion for themselves, to privacy in their personal lives, to equal rights under the law regardless of sexual orientation, to speak any language they please. I'm sure there are more. republicans like to attack their fellow Americans.
I know of no Republicans who want to take away the right to vote of any American citizen. That also applies to their religion (I am an evangelical Christian, so I might try to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with them.) It also applies to all the other rights that you point out. (As a Christian, I recognize that homosexuality is a sin but I will not use violence against them). People who speak other languages are free to do so but it would be to their advantage to learn English.
I will be voting for Joe Biden on Nov 3. and not on the basis of religion. But please note that he is a practicing Christian.
Biden is a practicing Christian? There are at least 2 ways that Biden's beliefs are contrary to Christian teachings. I pointed out his unchristian belief that it is OK to be a homosexual in Post # 193 above. He is also pro-abortion. So much that he was denied communion at a Catholic church in South Carolina.

Christians can believe anything they want about the issues you brought up. They do not define the parameters of the Christian faith, just your version of it.
Get Involved
Democrats across the country are coming together August 17-20 to unite the country around our shared values and launch Joe Biden to victory this fall. Be a part of it.

What are these "values" that Democrats supposedly want to "share" with the American people?
Unite the Country around their Values means "We are in this together" but only if you like Communist-Globalist Tyrannical Fascist Iron Fisted Rule!

Democrats are committed to protecting and advancing reproductive health, rights, and justice. We believe unequivocally, like the majority of Americans, that every woman should have access to quality reproductive health care services, including safe and legal abortion—regardless of where she lives, how much money she makes, or how she is insured. We believe that reproductive health is core to women’s, men’s, and young people’s health and wellbeing. We will continue to stand up to Republican efforts to defund Planned Parenthood health centers, which provide critical health services to millions of people. We will continue to oppose—and seek to overturn—federal and state laws and policies that impede a woman’s access to abortion, including by repealing the Hyde Amendment. We condemn and will combat any acts of violence, harassment, and intimidation of reproductive health providers, patients, and staff. We will defend the ACA, which extends affordable preventive health care to women, including no-cost contraception, and prohibits discrimination in health care based on gender.

We will address the discrimination and barriers that inhibit meaningful access to reproductive health care services, including those based on gender, sexuality, race, income, disability, and other factors. We recognize that quality, affordable comprehensive health care, evidence-based sex education and a full range of family planning services help reduce the number of unintended pregnancies and thereby also reduce the need for abortions.

And we strongly and unequivocally support a woman’s decision to have a child, including by ensuring a safe and healthy pregnancy and childbirth, and by providing services during pregnancy and after the birth of a child, including adoption and social support services, as well as protections for women against pregnancy discrimination. We are committed to creating a society where children are safe and can thrive physically, emotionally, educationally, and spiritually. We recognize and support the importance of civil structures that are essential to creating this for every child.

Democrats want abortion and the government pays for it.
60 Million Black Americans Exterminated by The DemNazi KKK Planned Parenthood Wing Don't Approve of this message.
Hillary Clinton talked about "some Trump supporters that fit into a Basket of Deplorables"...a bunch of them are ON THIS THREAD
And Kamala Harris said "Once we win this election you people that supported or endorsed Trump better watch out because we are coming for you next" and I Really really hope she comes to my house.
And Hillary did not say "some trump supporters" She said " you could put half of Trump's supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables"
Just like a Democrat to misquote to make it sound better.
But shows the Democrats are just full of hate and weakness they can not properly debate their opponents so they attack the voters.

Do you think that we should tolerate the likes of trump and pence? They are trash. The lowest among us. As for their supporters, who goes around chanting "lock her up"? Is the entire GOP made up of this sort of crap?

You have no choice but to tolerate it...And buckle up buttercup, you’re about to get 4 more years, because y’all can’t pull your collective heads out of your collective asses and see the look of horror on normal people’s faces when confronted with the possibility of a demo victory...
What you see as "normal" we see as QAnon "deplorables".

Look at this board.

These can't possible be "normal Americans" This is a vile collection of racists and trolls
Oh? And what exactly are “normal Americans”?..

This is the usual crap from right-wingers. "Normal Americans," "anti-Americans," "core Americans," "Communists," "Socialists," "the blacks are guilty of this," " browns are guilty of that," "feminazis," "we are under attack by gays," people "hate Christianity, "rapists and rioters and looters, oh my!" Anything that they think will help sell their screwed-up narrative. This would be funny if it wasn't so damned pathetic. They forget that they live in a diverse country of 330 million people and they are no more authentic than anyone else is.
Dims can't stand when the truth of their agenda is photographed.

Don't be ridiculous. BTW: republicans have an "agenda," which consists of taking liberty away from their fellow Americans in any way possible.
Which liberty do Republicans want to take away?

Be specific.

Otherwise, what you've just said is bullshit.

The rights of all Americans to vote, to choose their religion for themselves, to privacy in their personal lives, to equal rights under the law regardless of sexual orientation, to speak any language they please. I'm sure there are more. republicans like to attack their fellow Americans.
I know of no Republicans who want to take away the right to vote of any American citizen. That also applies to their religion (I am an evangelical Christian, so I might try to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with them.) It also applies to all the other rights that you point out. (As a Christian, I recognize that homosexuality is a sin but I will not use violence against them). People who speak other languages are free to do so but it would be to their advantage to learn English.
I will be voting for Joe Biden on Nov 3. and not on the basis of religion. But please note that he is a practicing Christian.
Biden is a practicing Christian? There are at least 2 ways that Biden's beliefs are contrary to Christian teachings. I pointed out his unchristian belief that it is OK to be a homosexual in Post # 193 above. He is also pro-abortion. So much that he was denied communion at a Catholic church in South Carolina.

Christians can believe anything they want about the issues you brought up. They do not define the parameters of the Christian faith, just your version of it.
The Christian Religion is told to us from the Bible. I am not some great Christian although i have typed some times here on that issue. There are rules. You follow them or not. For all people. Changing them does not make it good. There is an Old Testament and a New Testament. Being a Christian does not mean you throw out the old one either. So then it comes to the degree we all follow the doctrines. And for many it could affect their lives for the worse or better.
Hillary Clinton talked about "some Trump supporters that fit into a Basket of Deplorables"...a bunch of them are ON THIS THREAD
And Kamala Harris said "Once we win this election you people that supported or endorsed Trump better watch out because we are coming for you next" and I Really really hope she comes to my house.
And Hillary did not say "some trump supporters" She said " you could put half of Trump's supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables"
Just like a Democrat to misquote to make it sound better.
But shows the Democrats are just full of hate and weakness they can not properly debate their opponents so they attack the voters.

Do you think that we should tolerate the likes of trump and pence? They are trash. The lowest among us. As for their supporters, who goes around chanting "lock her up"? Is the entire GOP made up of this sort of crap?

You have no choice but to tolerate it...And buckle up buttercup, you’re about to get 4 more years, because y’all can’t pull your collective heads out of your collective asses and see the look of horror on normal people’s faces when confronted with the possibility of a demo victory...
What you see as "normal" we see as QAnon "deplorables".

Look at this board.

These can't possible be "normal Americans" This is a vile collection of racists and trolls
Oh? And what exactly are “normal Americans”?..

This is the usual crap from right-wingers. "Normal Americans," "anti-Americans," "core Americans," "Communists," "Socialists," "the blacks are guilty of this," " browns are guilty of that," "feminazis," "we are under attack by gays," people "hate Christianity, "rapists and rioters and looters, oh my!" Anything that they think will help sell their screwed-up narrative. This would be funny if it wasn't so damned pathetic. They forget that they live in a diverse country of 330 million people and they are no more authentic than anyone else is.
Dims can't stand when the truth of their agenda is photographed.

Don't be ridiculous. BTW: republicans have an "agenda," which consists of taking liberty away from their fellow Americans in any way possible.
Which liberty do Republicans want to take away?

Be specific.

Otherwise, what you've just said is bullshit.

The rights of all Americans to vote, to choose their religion for themselves, to privacy in their personal lives, to equal rights under the law regardless of sexual orientation, to speak any language they please. I'm sure there are more. republicans like to attack their fellow Americans.
I know of no Republicans who want to take away the right to vote of any American citizen. That also applies to their religion (I am an evangelical Christian, so I might try to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with them.) It also applies to all the other rights that you point out. (As a Christian, I recognize that homosexuality is a sin but I will not use violence against them). People who speak other languages are free to do so but it would be to their advantage to learn English.
I will be voting for Joe Biden on Nov 3. and not on the basis of religion. But please note that he is a practicing Christian.
Biden is a practicing Christian? There are at least 2 ways that Biden's beliefs are contrary to Christian teachings. I pointed out his unchristian belief that it is OK to be a homosexual in Post # 193 above. He is also pro-abortion. So much that he was denied communion at a Catholic church in South Carolina.

Christians can believe anything they want about the issues you brought up. They do not define the parameters of the Christian faith, just your version of it.

Sorry, but it's not "just his version of it". I get that you know nothing about Christianity or religion in general, and God knows you know nothing about English or language in general, but the word "Christian" actually has a set definition. You don't get to go outside that definition and still be a Christian. Unfortunately for your desire to remake reality to suit you, the tenets of basic Christianity come from the Bible, which really doesn't leave much in the way of gray areas on these subject, no matter how outside false prophets like yourself try to twist and mangle the language - which we've established you know nothing about anyway - to please yourself.

More to the point, Biden does not just claim to be a practicing Christian; he claims to be a practicing Catholic. That is a term with an even more clear-cut and restrictive definition than Christian has. There simply is no way to be a practicing Catholic and pro-abortion.
Get Involved
Democrats across the country are coming together August 17-20 to unite the country around our shared values and launch Joe Biden to victory this fall. Be a part of it.

What are these "values" that Democrats supposedly want to "share" with the American people?
Unite the Country around their Values means "We are in this together" but only if you like Communist-Globalist Tyrannical Fascist Iron Fisted Rule!

I said this before. The left's idea of "unity" is for conservatives to unilaterally surrender and accept their worldview and rule. I'm not interested in the "unity" of master and slave, or the "peace" of unconditional surrender.
Get Involved
Democrats across the country are coming together August 17-20 to unite the country around our shared values and launch Joe Biden to victory this fall. Be a part of it.

What are these "values" that Democrats supposedly want to "share" with the American people?

Power above all.....

Submit, or be punished.....
Get Involved
Democrats across the country are coming together August 17-20 to unite the country around our shared values and launch Joe Biden to victory this fall. Be a part of it.

What are these "values" that Democrats supposedly want to "share" with the American people?
Unite the Country around their Values means "We are in this together" but only if you like Communist-Globalist Tyrannical Fascist Iron Fisted Rule!

I said this before. The left's idea of "unity" is for conservatives to unilaterally surrender and accept their worldview and rule. I'm not interested in the "unity" of master and slave, or the "peace" of unconditional surrender.

Yep, I'll take the dragon fire......not the knee...
Get Involved
Democrats across the country are coming together August 17-20 to unite the country around our shared values and launch Joe Biden to victory this fall. Be a part of it.

Try reading the DNC plank to find those shared values.

That's fucking AWESOME. The page gives you three choices, 1. donate money to the Demonicrats 2. volunteer to be a Demonicrat or 3. close the shitty web page.
It's like all the wickedness in the world is concentrated in the people of the Democratic Party.

Yep....the democrat party has been evil since its founding...
How about a link to back this statement up?

They supported slavery, fought a Civil War to keep blacks as slaves, it's members started the ku klux klan, the party created jim crow laws, poll taxes and literacy tests to keep black Americans from having full access to the Constitution, they lynched blacks, murdered the republican allies of freed blacks, they voted against every Civil Rights act up to the last to when they realized they couldn't keep blacks from voting so they had to pretend to care about blacks, and now, in every democrat party controlled city, black families have been destroyed by their policies....the democrat party has sided with every violent dictator around the world and now has China's hand so far up the parties ass, that biden feels fingers tapping against the backs of his teeth...

That's just off the top of my head...
What are you doing about you privilege Joe?

I'm voting for people who are making it more fair for everyone. Thanks for asking.

You see, the funny thing about equality and freedom, I don't really have to lose anything for everyone else to be treated fairly.
60 Million Black Americans Exterminated by The DemNazi KKK Planned Parenthood Wing Don't Approve of this message.

Fetuses aren't people, and there was never a single abortion performed that the woman didn't agree to and actively sought.

Also, there haven't been 60 million total abortions of ALL races since Roe v. Wade got rid of the unworkable and unenforced abortion laws.
Get Involved
Democrats across the country are coming together August 17-20 to unite the country around our shared values and launch Joe Biden to victory this fall. Be a part of it.

What are these "values" that Democrats supposedly want to "share" with the American people?

It's very simple.

Democraps "value" basic human rights for each and every human being, regardless of gender, race, religion, sexual preference, political views, age or level of development. . . .

ooops. .

Wait. . .
Last edited:
Hillary Clinton talked about "some Trump supporters that fit into a Basket of Deplorables"...a bunch of them are ON THIS THREAD
And Kamala Harris said "Once we win this election you people that supported or endorsed Trump better watch out because we are coming for you next" and I Really really hope she comes to my house.
And Hillary did not say "some trump supporters" She said " you could put half of Trump's supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables"
Just like a Democrat to misquote to make it sound better.
But shows the Democrats are just full of hate and weakness they can not properly debate their opponents so they attack the voters.

Do you think that we should tolerate the likes of trump and pence? They are trash. The lowest among us. As for their supporters, who goes around chanting "lock her up"? Is the entire GOP made up of this sort of crap?

You have no choice but to tolerate it...And buckle up buttercup, you’re about to get 4 more years, because y’all can’t pull your collective heads out of your collective asses and see the look of horror on normal people’s faces when confronted with the possibility of a demo victory...
What you see as "normal" we see as QAnon "deplorables".

Look at this board.

These can't possible be "normal Americans" This is a vile collection of racists and trolls
Oh? And what exactly are “normal Americans”?..

This is the usual crap from right-wingers. "Normal Americans," "anti-Americans," "core Americans," "Communists," "Socialists," "the blacks are guilty of this," " browns are guilty of that," "feminazis," "we are under attack by gays," people "hate Christianity, "rapists and rioters and looters, oh my!" Anything that they think will help sell their screwed-up narrative. This would be funny if it wasn't so damned pathetic. They forget that they live in a diverse country of 330 million people and they are no more authentic than anyone else is.
Dims can't stand when the truth of their agenda is photographed.

Don't be ridiculous. BTW: republicans have an "agenda," which consists of taking liberty away from their fellow Americans in any way possible.
Which liberty do Republicans want to take away?

Be specific.

Otherwise, what you've just said is bullshit.

The rights of all Americans to vote, to choose their religion for themselves, to privacy in their personal lives, to equal rights under the law regardless of sexual orientation, to speak any language they please. I'm sure there are more. republicans like to attack their fellow Americans.
I know of no Republicans who want to take away the right to vote of any American citizen. That also applies to their religion (I am an evangelical Christian, so I might try to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with them.) It also applies to all the other rights that you point out. (As a Christian, I recognize that homosexuality is a sin but I will not use violence against them). People who speak other languages are free to do so but it would be to their advantage to learn English.
I will be voting for Joe Biden on Nov 3. and not on the basis of religion. But please note that he is a practicing Christian.
Biden is a practicing Christian? There are at least 2 ways that Biden's beliefs are contrary to Christian teachings. I pointed out his unchristian belief that it is OK to be a homosexual in Post # 193 above. He is also pro-abortion. So much that he was denied communion at a Catholic church in South Carolina.

Interesting that you define Christianity based on abortion and homosexuality

I don't recall Jesus including either in his teachings

I WOULD say that Biden is FAR more moral than Trump

And to me...morality is the measure of Christianity.
I don't "define Christianity based on abortion and homosexuality". I define Christianity as people (Christians) who have accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. As a Christian, I believe in the Bible. Under the inspiration of The Holy Spirit, the Apostle Paul wrote to believers in Rome about homosexuality. We can read what he wrote in Romans chapter 1. I posted what he wrote in Post # 193. In case you haven't read it, do so now!
60 Million Black Americans Exterminated by The DemNazi KKK Planned Parenthood Wing Don't Approve of this message.

Fetuses aren't people, and there was never a single abortion performed that the woman didn't agree to and actively sought.

Also, there haven't been 60 million total abortions of ALL races since Roe v. Wade got rid of the unworkable and unenforced abortion laws.

Hear that, "fetuses aren't people"....Guess where I stopped reading?
60 Million Black Americans Exterminated by The DemNazi KKK Planned Parenthood Wing Don't Approve of this message.

Fetuses aren't people, and there was never a single abortion performed that the woman didn't agree to and actively sought.

Also, there haven't been 60 million total abortions of ALL races since Roe v. Wade got rid of the unworkable and unenforced abortion laws.

Hear that, "fetuses aren't people"....Guess where I stopped reading?

I'm impressed with your patience, actually. I didn't even START reading his ignorant post.
It's very simple.

Democraps "value" basic human rights for each and every human being, regardless of gender, race, religion, sexual preference, political views, age or level of development. . . .

Fetuses still aren't people...
What are you doing about you privilege Joe?

I'm voting for people who are making it more fair for everyone. Thanks for asking.

You see, the funny thing about equality and freedom, I don't really have to lose anything for everyone else to be treated fairly.

your also old enough to know that life isn’t fair.

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