democrats spent a trillion plus in todays money in Vietnam, how did that work out?


Good question.

Maybe we should stop sticking our military nose in the business of other sovereign countries, spending trillions on wars that we can't win.

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I grew up in L.A. and I was only about 10 years old when Nixon resigned. I remember driving somewhere with my Dad and as we hit the off ramp somewhere you could see a big graffiti sign on the side of a building that said "IMPEACH NIXION!".
These liberals crying about 4,000 deaths when the kurds are free and winning yet don't remember Vietnam

Hilarious when 58,000 plus Americans died for nothing
Some we do some we don't kind of glad to see that kurdish city thread and pictures of that town on here yesterday
Eisenhower started Vietnam, and most of the money spent was by Nixon. JFK was assassinated because he was going to end the war. LBJ refused to run for reelection because he was duped by the war mongers in the pentagon telling him we were winning the war. Cons are so full of shit.
Nixon scuttled the 68 peace talks and then went on the offensive with illegal invasions. How much did that cost?
History should tell you that it does not matter if the POTUS is a D or an R. Perpetual war is our current state...and this will continue as long as the people allow a small power elite to run things.
Eisenhower started Vietnam, and most of the money spent was by Nixon. JFK was assassinated because he was going to end the war. LBJ refused to run for reelection because he was duped by the war mongers in the pentagon telling him we were winning the war. Cons are so full of shit.

LBJ and his cronies were making millions off the war through Brown and Root ( Haliburton). Research Bell helicopter, government contracts and LBJ

Good question.

Maybe we should stop sticking our military nose in the business of other sovereign countries, spending trillions on wars that we can't win.


Eisenhower started Vietnam, and most of the money spent was by Nixon. JFK was assassinated because he was going to end the war. LBJ refused to run for reelection because he was duped by the war mongers in the pentagon telling him we were winning the war. Cons are so full of shit.
It was the French so don't even try me Mother fucker on history
Vietnam War - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Nixon scuttled the 68 peace talks and then went on the offensive with illegal invasions. How much did that cost?
Nixon ended Vietnam , Obama didn't and won't be able to end Iraq ( he don't have the balls to do it) I really feel if our next president has to be Hillary she will end it .

Edit: how many lives will be lost till 2016 and how much will it cost us? So Obama can play politics and pussy foot around??
Eisenhower started Vietnam, and most of the money spent was by Nixon. JFK was assassinated because he was going to end the war. LBJ refused to run for reelection because he was duped by the war mongers in the pentagon telling him we were winning the war. Cons are so full of shit.

LBJ and his cronies were making millions off the war through Brown and Root ( Haliburton). Research Bell helicopter, government contracts and LBJ
Thanks didnt know that till I double checked

Damn creepy
Eisenhower started Vietnam, and most of the money spent was by Nixon. JFK was assassinated because he was going to end the war. LBJ refused to run for reelection because he was duped by the war mongers in the pentagon telling him we were winning the war. Cons are so full of shit.

LBJ and his cronies were making millions off the war through Brown and Root ( Haliburton). Research Bell helicopter, government contracts and LBJ
Thanks didnt know that till I double checked

Damn creepy

LBJ was a snake, read the book Killing Kennedy for a real eye opener
We have Military Advisors in nearly 100 Countries around the World.

In only one of them (Asscrackistan) are they allowed to bear arms and participate in Combat Operations..... Which takes a Presidential order.

Yes, Eisenhower had Military Advisors in Viet Nam.... And in England, France, Germany, The Netherlands, Italy, etc, etc + 100

We also currently have Military Advisors all over the world. So do a lot of other Countries.

To suggest that Eisenhower 'started' Viet Nam proves to anybody with an IQ (which leaves out scumbag dimocraps) how stupid you are.

JFK started it when he gave permission to MAAG to participate in Combat Operations and carry Weapons on such missions.

dimocraps are some stupid motherfuckers

ALL of them

Good question.

Maybe we should stop sticking our military nose in the business of other sovereign countries, spending trillions on wars that we can't win.

Or, won't win.

ISIS/ISIL could be defeated with B-52's and dumb bombs, if pussy ass American Idol Nation could accept the collateral damage.

Americans today would have demanded we stop bombing Germany the first time Germans started showing pictures of cute little dead babies.
58,000 deaths for wh
Statistical information about casualties of the Vietnam War
It took Nixion to end that democrat cluster fuck war

And it did end

NIXON??? It fucking ended because a bunch of young people were willing to burn the place down to stop the bullshit of drafting young men to get killed for no reason in some place called Vietnam.

Nixon knew the war was unsustainable. All of America was done with that fucking mistake.
Not good when the ruling class didn't learn from it though.

But the smartest thing Dick Cheney did when he helped Bush sell us the war in Iraq was make sure that everyone understood that there would be no drafting of young men to get killed in Iraq.

They had to volunteer to get killed. People don't get nearly as mad when their volunteer kid gets killed or maimed.

In Vietnam, non volunteers (draftees) were getting killed and maimed all the time. And their folks/spouses/kids were pissed.

Cheney and Rumsfeld both were in the Nixon administration, Maybe in Fords as well..Cheney knew how bad the draft hurt keeping the Vietnam war going. I forget exactly how many draft deferments Cheney got though. He couldn't go to war. He was/is a pussy.

As least with the draft you only had to survive a year in combat.
How many tours did the "volunteer" combat troops usually do in Iraq? Five? Six?

Good question.

Maybe we should stop sticking our military nose in the business of other sovereign countries, spending trillions on wars that we can't win.

More like won't try to win.

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