Democrats Start To Show Early Signs of Panic About 2016

Trump won't get above 20% of the hispanic, asian and black vote. You'll have to hope that you can break 60% of the white vote. That won't be too easy considering you want to cut the shit out of infrastructure, science, education and help for the poor.

Maybe you can draw enough whites through fear and hatred.
We don't need fear and hatred. All we need is Hillary as the opponent. Blacks and Hispanics understand tax cuts.

That's right. Blacks and Hispanics will believe that tax cuts for the very wealthy and corporations will help them, if they're stupid enough

So, then you are perfectly fine with thousands of refugees and illegal aliens coming into this country and taking on low-skilled jobs? You are not aware that Bernie Sanders himself admitted that the unemployment rate in the Black community is 15% and that the unemployment rate among Black males with a high school education is 53%? Are you aware that Hillary Clinton wants to bring in a minimum of 65,000 Syrian refugees? What about housing? You aware that these unskilled people will need cheap housing while they are working your jobs? Your housing?
Republicans Continue to Show Signs of Wishful Thinking About 2016


Democrats are the ones showing signs of wishful thinking. Do you actually believe Hillary is an attractive candidate? Trump will tear her to pieces.
Republicans Continue to Show Signs of Wishful Thinking About 2016
Democrats are the ones showing signs of wishful thinking. Do you actually believe Hillary is an attractive candidate? Trump will tear her to pieces.
Really? ISIS' patsy, the guy that's setting us up to make enemies of the entire Muslim world?!?! God save America, if that happens!!! :eusa_pray:
Republicans Continue to Show Signs of Wishful Thinking About 2016
Democrats are the ones showing signs of wishful thinking. Do you actually believe Hillary is an attractive candidate? Trump will tear her to pieces.
Really? ISIS' patsy, the guy that's setting us up to make enemies of the entire Muslim world?!?! God save America, if that happens!!! :eusa_pray:

The entire Muslim world already views us as the enemy, numskull.
7 years. nothing about Debt, BLM, OWS, inner cities, SSI, Tax code, ISIS/ISI, GOVT pension,waste etc. Business as usual but more of it and more bad.

RW radio suddenly has liberal call-ins that claim they had enough.
When 47 House Democrats jump ship and vote with House Republicans to make the screening process for Syrian refugees much tougher, you know that things are bad for Team Obama.

Democrats are gonna pay a very stiff price for Obama's arrogance, dishonesty, and incompetence/treason on this issue. Hundreds of people just got murdered by Muslim terrorists and Obama wants to bring in thousands of Muslims and labels as "bigots" anyone who thinks this is a bad idea.

And, oh man, if any of these Muslims, or other Muslim immigrants, carry out another terrorist attack on U.S. soil, the Democrats will lose in a landslide. Even now, I think Obama's ridiculous conduct has turned off many centrist voters and even some liberal voters.
Trump will do a lot better with blacks and Asians than Romney did.

He won't even come close with those groups. The only people that like Trump are angry old white folks.

That's just plain wrong. For one thing, he's popular with blue collar workers. Lot's of blacks have said they like him.

I doubt you know lots of blacks and as for his popularity with blue collar workers all of these Web sites that keep making claims about how well he's polling with these people have all turned out to be bullshit.
The entire Muslim world already views us as the enemy, numskull.
Bullshit, shortbus. Your type is increasing the threat of WW III.
Wrong. Your type is. Your hero Obama created ISIS, and he's done virtually nothing to stop them. Now he wants to import the enemy to our shores. How fucking stupid can you get?
You'll believe just about anything, as long as it's anti-Obama, won't you? Trump doesn't realize it, but when he was talking about stupid voters, he was talking about you. The irony is strong in this one. :laugh2:
The entire Muslim world already views us as the enemy, numskull.
Bullshit, shortbus. Your type is increasing the threat of WW III.
Wrong. Your type is. Your hero Obama created ISIS, and he's done virtually nothing to stop them. Now he wants to import the enemy to our shores. How fucking stupid can you get?
You'll believe just about anything, as long as it's anti-Obama, won't you? Trump doesn't realize it, but when he was talking about stupid voters, he was talking about you. The irony is strong in this one. :laugh2:

Just about everything negative said about Obama happens to be true. Trump was talking about you, obviously. You aren't actually going to claim that he thinks those who support Obama's refugee policy are smart, are you?
Trump will do a lot better with blacks and Asians than Romney did.

He won't even come close with those groups. The only people that like Trump are angry old white folks.

That's just plain wrong. For one thing, he's popular with blue collar workers. Lot's of blacks have said they like him.

I doubt you know lots of blacks and as for his popularity with blue collar workers all of these Web sites that keep making claims about how well he's polling with these people have all turned out to be bullshit.

In Poll After Poll Trump Beats Clinton - And That Scares The Hell Out of GOPe Globalists...

The way that the republicans have acted this last week ( Paris Attack) they are basically handing the race over to
Hillary on a silver platter..dumb asses

Precisely the opposite, nimrod. Hillary is handing it to Trump. Do you actually think the voters trust Hillary to fight terrorism competently?
The entire Muslim world already views us as the enemy, numskull.
Bullshit, shortbus. Your type is increasing the threat of WW III.
Wrong. Your type is. Your hero Obama created ISIS, and he's done virtually nothing to stop them. Now he wants to import the enemy to our shores. How fucking stupid can you get?
You'll believe just about anything, as long as it's anti-Obama, won't you? Trump doesn't realize it, but when he was talking about stupid voters, he was talking about you. The irony is strong in this one. :laugh2:

No, he was talking about you.
The way that the republicans have acted this last week ( Paris Attack) they are basically handing the race over to
Hillary on a silver platter..dumb asses

Precisely the opposite, nimrod. Hillary is handing it to Trump. Do you actually think the voters trust Hillary to fight terrorism competently?

Trump has seen over and over again by his show The Apprentice. The one that wins the season stays out of the drama and finds solutions.. Hopefully Trump wakes up and gets off the Tea Party wagon. Like I told you before, I like Trump.
The Democrats got their butts beat really bad in 2014.

The November elections of this year resulted in most Conservative victories.

The polls show any Republican beating Hillary in the swing states.

Hillary has significant negative untrustworthy ratings.

They are in denial about it and are hoping that that their will be some massive turnout of Liberals at the polls.

The only thing that they fail to understand is that Hillary Clinton is not going to be able to put together the same coalition of filth and greedy special interest groups that Obama did.

Yea, the Democrats are in big trouble.
I wonder how many stupid uneducated low information Libtards are going to make the same mistake in 2016 that they made in 2008?

In 2008 the idiots said lets elect the incompetent affirmative action unqualified community organizer because he is a Negro.

Lets see how many of the morons vote for the incompetent, lying corrupt Hillary because she is a woman.

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