Democrats Still Clueless Why They Lost 2016 Election

It's actually stunning to see how far detached Democrats are from reality, when they can't figure out their inevitable loss. They offer up every cokamamie excuse they can think of. Their "Russian collusion" clown act is only one among others.

So, for Democrats deeply buried in their own false narratives, I thought I'd like to help them out here. Their awful candidate, Hillary Clinton, got trounced in both the electoral and popular vote because:

1. Americans want no part of their illegal immigration scenario.

2. Americans want no part of their willingness to trade away national security, for liberty for Muslims.

3. Americans want no part of their tolerance for lawlessness, and hostility toward police.

4. Americans want no part of their weakening of the US military.

5. Americans want no part of their gun-free zones, leaving Americans defenseless.

6. Americans want no part of their loose abortion policies.

7. Americans want no part of their opposition to the death penalty, putting us in danger from convicted killers.

8. Americans want no part of their outsourcing policies.

9. Americans want no part of their favoritism of gays over Christians.

10. Americans want no part of their negligence in stopping dangerous threats, like ISIS and the Muslim Brotherhood.

11. Americans are insulted by leftist, lying, biased media.

12. Americans are tired of seeing our language & culture being ridiculed and diminished by Democrat multiculturalism, and their running dogs ( politicians, movie actors, rock stars, provocateurs, etc)

democrats know EXACTLY why Hillary got 3 million more votes than the orange sociopath and didn't win the electoral college.

but clearly you have no clue what normal people believe.

....? Wrong poll stupid.

Gorsuch is a very popular pick, Comrade Brown Shirt.

Do you have A.D.D. or something? Who the fuck is talking about Gorsuch here?

You were, retard. The Hate site you linked to claimed that the public wanted Obama to pick the SCOTUS, clearly that is false given that Gorsuch is very popular with the public.

Dumbass, we are discussing ignorance among Trumpsters on unemployment. Wtf does your poll ahve to do with that???

And even if we talk about supreme court. They are two completely different questions. There is no reason to think that a question specifically about Gorsuch today would yeld same opinion as a question on who should nomenate back from November, while Obama was the president and still COULD nominate....I don't know why I bother with you retards.

Dumbass, we are discussing ignorance among Trumpsters on unemployment. Wtf does your poll ahve to do with that???

A Brown Shirt like you speaking of ignorance by Trump supporters is definition of "irony."

And even if we talk about supreme court. They are two completely different questions. There is no reason to think that a question specifically about Gorsuch today would yeld same opinion as a question on who should nomenate back from November, while Obama was the president and still COULD nominate....I don't know why I bother with you retards.

Again, the claim was by the hate site you referenced, sploogy.

democrats know EXACTLY why Hillary got 3 million more votes than the orange sociopath and didn't win the electoral college.

but clearly you have no clue what normal people believe.

We all know why, because the illegal aliens that you Fascist democrats had voting are in California. You Fascists already rule California with an iron fist, adding more votes for the Mob Boss meant nothing, she already had the state.

Dumbass, we are discussing ignorance among Trumpsters on unemployment. Wtf does your poll ahve to do with that???

A Brown Shirt like you speaking of ignorance by Trump supporters is definition of "irony." just can't rationally explain why.

Trump voters were seriously ignorant/misinformed on matters of employment, polling proves it, nothing you said contradicts it.

Game over dummy.
Dems lost because they hate the middle class, tax payers, and rural America.

So the fact that only 1 in 5 Trump voters knew the unemployment went down under Obama is not important factor according to you?

Unemployment went down only when you change the numerator and stop counting people who gave up looking for work
People not trying to work have never been classified as unemployed. And those leaving the labor force would be removed from numerator and denominator.
The unemployment rate measures the percent of people trying to work who are unsuccessful. What would measuring people not working because they're not trying to work accomplish?
Well Democrats ? Does your silence constitute agreement ? (as it appears)

Are you finally starting to see the light ? :itsok:

No. It's just your list is so stupid. Typical right wing bullshit spin.

For example , most Americans are for sensible gun control . Most Americans believe in pro choice . We can go on and on.

Would you like to pick a specific # to discuss in detail ?
Quit falling down the well, you have no clue what most Americans "want"
Trump won because every once in awhile, enough Americans make the same mistake that changes history.

Remember that 70%+ in favor of invading Iraq?

lol, try to find those people now.

Americans are already waking up to the mistake they made electing Trump. A few years from now, a zealous Trump supporter will be as hard to find as a zealous Iraq war supporter.
There would be no trump if there was no Obama... fact
It's actually stunning to see how far detached Democrats are from reality, when they can't figure out their inevitable loss. They offer up every cokamamie excuse they can think of. Their "Russian collusion" clown act is only one among others.

So, for Democrats deeply buried in their own false narratives, I thought I'd like to help them out here. Their awful candidate, Hillary Clinton, got trounced in both the electoral and popular vote because:

1. Americans want no part of their illegal immigration scenario.

2. Americans want no part of their willingness to trade away national security, for liberty for Muslims.

3. Americans want no part of their tolerance for lawlessness, and hostility toward police.

4. Americans want no part of their weakening of the US military.

5. Americans want no part of their gun-free zones, leaving Americans defenseless.

6. Americans want no part of their loose abortion policies.

7. Americans want no part of their opposition to the death penalty, putting us in danger from convicted killers.

8. Americans want no part of their outsourcing policies.

9. Americans want no part of their favoritism of gays over Christians.

10. Americans want no part of their negligence in stopping dangerous threats, like ISIS and the Muslim Brotherhood.

11. Americans are insulted by leftist, lying, biased media.

12. Americans are tired of seeing our language & culture being ridiculed and diminished by Democrat multiculturalism, and their running dogs ( politicians, movie actors, rock stars, provocateurs, etc)

democrats know EXACTLY why Hillary got 3 million more votes than the orange sociopath and didn't win the electoral college.

but clearly you have no clue what normal people believe.
Shit for brains, if crazy Cali would've been taken out of the scenario both Trump and Hillary votes - Trump would've won the popular vote in the rest of the nation handily. We can't have crazy Cali dictating the direction this country...
Anyway, there would be no trump but there was no Obama...
....??? I gave you the link to the polling. WTF do you mean IF I can provide?
I mean a VALID source, not some liberal university, like Fordham. And Obama is more popular than Trump ? Oh brother. If that were, true Hillary wouldn't have lost BOTH the American popular vote and electoral vote, and she'd be president now. The real poll is there for all of us to see - the 2016 election.

PS - I don't go by the standard liberal definition of sources (universities, professors, liberal think tanks, liberal media, etc.) Often simple common sense is the best source (where liberals are afraid to go)
No, we think our opposition un-intelligent because of rightwing ignoramuses USMB is full of.

Not that lefties are always factually correct, but NOTHING like rediculous, totally counterfactual nonsence Trumpsters pump out.
Like what ?
democrats know EXACTLY why Hillary got 3 million more votes than the orange sociopath and didn't win the electoral college.

but clearly you have no clue what normal people believe.
Clearly you have no clue that Hillary LOST the American popular vote by many millions of votes. You are suckered into believing that millions of illegal aliens didn't vote ? What do you think Democrats bring them here and shelter them in sanctuary cities for ? For their health ? It's for VOTES, dum dum.

They've been stacking the state of California with them for 70 years, for that reason. I remember discussing it in my 5th grade class in school in 1954, when Operation Wetback was in the news. Most Democrats pretend this isn't true. Those who actually think it isn't, are in a bad way. :rolleyes:

And you also think Trump didn't win the electoral college ? Wow! Is there a doctor in the house ?

live_map_president.png just can't rationally explain why.

Trump voters were seriously ignorant/misinformed on matters of employment, polling proves it, nothing you said contradicts it.

Game over dummy.
Unemployment can be determined by looking at the large numbers of welfare-leech Washington DC blacks in attendance at the Obama inauguration. > as opposed to the lesser numbers at Trump's inauguration (his folks were AT WORK) LOL. I couldn't resist that.

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