Democrats SUE to stop Arizona Senate from forensic audit of 2020 election

A right wing conclusion? A left wing conclusion is right wingers simply like to fabricate right wing fantasy instead of any valid arguments.
The best way to get at the truth is to have honest conservatives run this audit.
they already did sample audits and found nothing.
Wrong. They found three illegal ballots out of 100. Divide that into the number of votes and Biden loses. Next.
That means nothing. Had they checked another 100 votes from another precinct. they may have found 5 illegal ballots; from another, 20; from another, none; from another, who knows.

This audit will include ALL ballots from ALL precincts in the county. I predict they may uncover 30% illegal ballots, some for Trump, most for Biden.
Three out of one hundred would be 63,000 illegal votes in 2,100,000. It would change the results.
Quite the fantasy girlfriend.

"No credentials, no background, except they think the election was stolen."

"No real investigation or audit goes in with a conclusion and then tries to come up with facts to support them, and that's what these guys are doing."

Prove your contentions you old Harpy.
She's insane. Don't push her too hard.
Three out of one hundred would be 63,000 illegal votes in 2,100,000. It would change the results.
“At this point, additional audits will have little value other than to stoke conspiracy theories and partisan gamesmanship – or worse,” the groups, which included the Carter Center in Atlanta and the Brennan Center for Justice, wrote in a letter to the Arizona senate earlier this month. “In short, this appears to be a decision driven by politics rather than a search for the truth.”--
if you have nothing to hide whats the problem with looking??
Because your side is full of liars and nutters and no one trusts you to perform the audit fairly.
jokes on you again dumbass,, I aint no repube and dislike them just a little less than you fuckwad dems,,

but thanks for showing to partisan crap again,,
I didn’t say anything about you being a repube or whatever.

Seriously, your side is full of liars and nutters.
then who is "your side"???
The people who believe in this nutty election fraud conspiracy.
theres a lot of democrats that believe it too,,,
Oh really? How many?
saw a pole the other day that said 30%,,
"a pole"? :heehee:
I hear the ballots and machines are already in place and the auditing begins tomorrow.

If this is all on the up-and-up, why wouldn't the commiecrats want to rub everyone's noses in it?

Bdecause the people who do it should be unbiased. CyberNinja is not. I suspect the report has already been written and they will try to manipulate the figures to support fake fraud.

CyberNinja was promoting "Stop the Steal" before the Republican Party hired them. And the other guy involved participated in the January 6th insurrection at the Capitol.

The Warshington Compost....The DNC's fan fiction rag....ROFLMFAO!! :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg:

You're in a Catch 22. There's no one you can trust, or believe, because the people who are lying to you keep telling you not to believe anyone but them.

You don’t think you are being lied to by CNN and MSNBC, et al on a daily basis? Therein lies the problem with Democrats.

Anything that goes against the party line and their agenda is deemed a conspiracy theory and then twisted and spun to a point where it appears crazy. This method works on most brain-dead folks who watch CNN and the like. The MSM has been completely taken over by the left-wing Socialists and like good little sheep, Democrats follow along.

You are the one who is being lied to and you can't see it.
The audit is being streamed.
That’s nice. It’s not going to stop the Republican Party and their nutter comrades from straight up lying about what they find.

Democrats are by far and away the most corrupt and immoral politicians in the US and it isn’t even close.

Do you have any evidence of that, like Democrats who have been arrested, whose investigations reveal corrupt and illegal activities, or are you just Dumb Bastard Asshole? Can you please provide links because all of the "corrupt, immoral politicians" that come up when I google that phrase, are all Republicans.

The twice impeached Donald Trump presided over the most corrupt administration in the past 100 years. But you fools still call Democrats corrupt. Once again, Republicans accuse others of doing the same things they do.

The "cons" here keep making sweeping statements about the evil Democrats. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain, you are the sainted Republicans. You are the Republicans - the party of lies, fraud and hate. insurrection.

LOL...Trump was “corrupt” because your handlers said he was corrupt. The actual evidence said otherwise, despite two sham impeachment’s. Obama was by far and away more corrupt than Trump but he had the MSM on his side. I could tell you that the Democrats lied to a FISA court to start a fruitless Russian investigation that only ended with convictions of some Republicans for process crimes and things unrelated to Russia, but you will say that is not true because well, you were told it wasn’t true. Actual evidence doesn’t matter. The bottom line is that there is no evidence that is counter to your teachings that you will believe because you are indoctrinated. Sadly, you are not alone.

Trump was corrupt. He ignored the Constitution. The Russia investigation proved that the Trump campaign gave campaign information to a Russian swith ties to Russian Intelligence.
A right wing conclusion? A left wing conclusion is right wingers simply like to fabricate right wing fantasy instead of any valid arguments.
The best way to get at the truth is to have honest conservatives run this audit.
they already did sample audits and found nothing.
Wrong. They found three illegal ballots out of 100. Divide that into the number of votes and Biden loses. Next.
That means nothing. Had they checked another 100 votes from another precinct. they may have found 5 illegal ballots; from another, 20; from another, none; from another, who knows.

This audit will include ALL ballots from ALL precincts in the county. I predict they may uncover 30% illegal ballots, some for Trump, most for Biden.
Three out of one hundred would be 63,000 illegal votes in 2,100,000. It would change the results.
That is true, but you can no more expect the illegal votes to be exactly the same in each batch of 100 votes than you can expect the ballot distribution curves to be exactly the same across all precincts in a single state...or to be exactly the same as those in any other states.

Since Lindell's video shows that the latter is true, it proves massive ballot counting fraud and that Biden lost the election. Your projection of illegal ballot total numbers does not. It only suggests the same outcome. Such "evidence" would not fly in court. Lindell's (once verified) would nail the coffin shut.

Besides, you project the illegal ballot count to be 3% of the 21 million cast. I'm guessing it's close to 30%...630,000.
The audit is being streamed.
That’s nice. It’s not going to stop the Republican Party and their nutter comrades from straight up lying about what they find.

Democrats are by far and away the most corrupt and immoral politicians in the US and it isn’t even close.

Do you have any evidence of that, like Democrats who have been arrested, whose investigations reveal corrupt and illegal activities, or are you just Dumb Bastard Asshole? Can you please provide links because all of the "corrupt, immoral politicians" that come up when I google that phrase, are all Republicans.

The twice impeached Donald Trump presided over the most corrupt administration in the past 100 years. But you fools still call Democrats corrupt. Once again, Republicans accuse others of doing the same things they do.

The "cons" here keep making sweeping statements about the evil Democrats. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain, you are the sainted Republicans. You are the Republicans - the party of lies, fraud and hate. insurrection.

LOL...Trump was “corrupt” because your handlers said he was corrupt. The actual evidence said otherwise, despite two sham impeachment’s. Obama was by far and away more corrupt than Trump but he had the MSM on his side. I could tell you that the Democrats lied to a FISA court to start a fruitless Russian investigation that only ended with convictions of some Republicans for process crimes and things unrelated to Russia, but you will say that is not true because well, you were told it wasn’t true. Actual evidence doesn’t matter. The bottom line is that there is no evidence that is counter to your teachings that you will believe because you are indoctrinated. Sadly, you are not alone.

Trump was corrupt. He ignored the Constitution. The Russia investigation proved that the Trump campaign gave campaign information to a Russian swith ties to Russian Intelligence.
A right wing conclusion? A left wing conclusion is right wingers simply like to fabricate right wing fantasy instead of any valid arguments.
The best way to get at the truth is to have honest conservatives run this audit.
they already did sample audits and found nothing.
Wrong. They found three illegal ballots out of 100. Divide that into the number of votes and Biden loses. Next.
That means nothing. Had they checked another 100 votes from another precinct. they may have found 5 illegal ballots; from another, 20; from another, none; from another, who knows.

This audit will include ALL ballots from ALL precincts in the county. I predict they may uncover 30% illegal ballots, some for Trump, most for Biden.
Three out of one hundred would be 63,000 illegal votes in 2,100,000. It would change the results.
That is true, but you can no more expect the illegal votes to be exactly the same in each batch of 100 votes than you can expect the ballot distribution curves to be exactly the same across all precincts in a single state...or to be exactly the same as those in any other states.

Since Lindell's video shows that the latter is true, it proves massive ballot counting fraud and that Biden lost the election. Your projection of illegal ballot total numbers does not. It only suggests the same outcome. Such "evidence" would not fly in court. Lindell's (once verified) would nail the coffin shut.

Besides, you project the illegal ballot count to be 3% of the 21 million cast. I'm guessing it's close to 30%...630,000.
Either way proves fraud. I think there will be a lot of illegal votes for Biden.
A right wing conclusion? A left wing conclusion is right wingers simply like to fabricate right wing fantasy instead of any valid arguments.
The best way to get at the truth is to have honest conservatives run this audit.
they already did sample audits and found nothing.
Wrong. They found three illegal ballots out of 100. Divide that into the number of votes and Biden loses. Next.
That means nothing. Had they checked another 100 votes from another precinct. they may have found 5 illegal ballots; from another, 20; from another, none; from another, who knows.

This audit will include ALL ballots from ALL precincts in the county. I predict they may uncover 30% illegal ballots, some for Trump, most for Biden.
Three out of one hundred would be 63,000 illegal votes in 2,100,000. It would change the results.
That is true, but you can no more expect the illegal votes to be exactly the same in each batch of 100 votes than you can expect the ballot distribution curves to be exactly the same across all precincts in a single state...or to be exactly the same as those in any other states.

Since Lindell's video shows that the latter is true, it proves massive ballot counting fraud and that Biden lost the election. Your projection of illegal ballot total numbers does not. It only suggests the same outcome. Such "evidence" would not fly in court. Lindell's (once verified) would nail the coffin shut.

Besides, you project the illegal ballot count to be 3% of the 21 million cast. I'm guessing it's close to 30%...630,000.
Either way proves fraud. I think there will be a lot of illegal votes for Biden.
So what. Any illegal votes for Trump means it was a waste of time.
A right wing conclusion? A left wing conclusion is right wingers simply like to fabricate right wing fantasy instead of any valid arguments.
The best way to get at the truth is to have honest conservatives run this audit.
they already did sample audits and found nothing.
Wrong. They found three illegal ballots out of 100. Divide that into the number of votes and Biden loses. Next.
That means nothing. Had they checked another 100 votes from another precinct. they may have found 5 illegal ballots; from another, 20; from another, none; from another, who knows.

This audit will include ALL ballots from ALL precincts in the county. I predict they may uncover 30% illegal ballots, some for Trump, most for Biden.
Three out of one hundred would be 63,000 illegal votes in 2,100,000. It would change the results.
That is true, but you can no more expect the illegal votes to be exactly the same in each batch of 100 votes than you can expect the ballot distribution curves to be exactly the same across all precincts in a single state...or to be exactly the same as those in any other states.

Since Lindell's video shows that the latter is true, it proves massive ballot counting fraud and that Biden lost the election. Your projection of illegal ballot total numbers does not. It only suggests the same outcome. Such "evidence" would not fly in court. Lindell's (once verified) would nail the coffin shut.

Besides, you project the illegal ballot count to be 3% of the 21 million cast. I'm guessing it's close to 30%...630,000.
Either way proves fraud. I think there will be a lot of illegal votes for Biden.
So what. Any illegal votes for Trump means it was a waste of time.
A right wing conclusion? A left wing conclusion is right wingers simply like to fabricate right wing fantasy instead of any valid arguments.
The best way to get at the truth is to have honest conservatives run this audit.
they already did sample audits and found nothing.
Wrong. They found three illegal ballots out of 100. Divide that into the number of votes and Biden loses. Next.
That means nothing. Had they checked another 100 votes from another precinct. they may have found 5 illegal ballots; from another, 20; from another, none; from another, who knows.

This audit will include ALL ballots from ALL precincts in the county. I predict they may uncover 30% illegal ballots, some for Trump, most for Biden.
Three out of one hundred would be 63,000 illegal votes in 2,100,000. It would change the results.
That is true, but you can no more expect the illegal votes to be exactly the same in each batch of 100 votes than you can expect the ballot distribution curves to be exactly the same across all precincts in a single state...or to be exactly the same as those in any other states.

Since Lindell's video shows that the latter is true, it proves massive ballot counting fraud and that Biden lost the election. Your projection of illegal ballot total numbers does not. It only suggests the same outcome. Such "evidence" would not fly in court. Lindell's (once verified) would nail the coffin shut.

Besides, you project the illegal ballot count to be 3% of the 21 million cast. I'm guessing it's close to 30%...630,000.
Either way proves fraud. I think there will be a lot of illegal votes for Biden.
So what. Any illegal votes for Trump means it was a waste of time.
Because both got any illegal votes.
The audit is being streamed.
That’s nice. It’s not going to stop the Republican Party and their nutter comrades from straight up lying about what they find.

Democrats are by far and away the most corrupt and immoral politicians in the US and it isn’t even close.

Do you have any evidence of that, like Democrats who have been arrested, whose investigations reveal corrupt and illegal activities, or are you just Dumb Bastard Asshole? Can you please provide links because all of the "corrupt, immoral politicians" that come up when I google that phrase, are all Republicans.

The twice impeached Donald Trump presided over the most corrupt administration in the past 100 years. But you fools still call Democrats corrupt. Once again, Republicans accuse others of doing the same things they do.

The "cons" here keep making sweeping statements about the evil Democrats. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain, you are the sainted Republicans. You are the Republicans - the party of lies, fraud and hate. insurrection.

LOL...Trump was “corrupt” because your handlers said he was corrupt. The actual evidence said otherwise, despite two sham impeachment’s. Obama was by far and away more corrupt than Trump but he had the MSM on his side. I could tell you that the Democrats lied to a FISA court to start a fruitless Russian investigation that only ended with convictions of some Republicans for process crimes and things unrelated to Russia, but you will say that is not true because well, you were told it wasn’t true. Actual evidence doesn’t matter. The bottom line is that there is no evidence that is counter to your teachings that you will believe because you are indoctrinated. Sadly, you are not alone.

Trump was corrupt. He ignored the Constitution. The Russia investigation proved that the Trump campaign gave campaign information to a Russian swith ties to Russian Intelligence.
WTF...Trump was not corrupt, he never ignored the constitution----and you lie your ass off. Trumps campaign is allowed to talk about their poll numbers with whomever they want.
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“At this point, additional audits will have little value other than to stoke conspiracy theories and partisan gamesmanship – or worse,” the groups, which included the Carter Center in Atlanta and the Brennan Center for Justice, wrote in a letter to the Arizona senate earlier this month. “In short, this appears to be a decision driven by politics rather than a search for the truth.”--
When someone is murdered the investigation doesn't stop because the poor bastard is dead. Without an honest investigation we'll never know whether there was fraud. Why are you so anxious to keep anyone from knowing the truth?

The fear seems more to be that fraud will be proven and that will kick off other investigations in other states. Maybe there won't be enough shit found to warrant further action but plenty enough to make people aware that their votes really DO NOT count and get them pissed off enough that it isn't allowed to happen.

Have I just hurt your little feelies?
A right wing conclusion? A left wing conclusion is right wingers simply like to fabricate right wing fantasy instead of any valid arguments.
The best way to get at the truth is to have honest conservatives run this audit.
they already did sample audits and found nothing.
Wrong. They found three illegal ballots out of 100. Divide that into the number of votes and Biden loses. Next.
That means nothing. Had they checked another 100 votes from another precinct. they may have found 5 illegal ballots; from another, 20; from another, none; from another, who knows.

This audit will include ALL ballots from ALL precincts in the county. I predict they may uncover 30% illegal ballots, some for Trump, most for Biden.
Three out of one hundred would be 63,000 illegal votes in 2,100,000. It would change the results.
That is true, but you can no more expect the illegal votes to be exactly the same in each batch of 100 votes than you can expect the ballot distribution curves to be exactly the same across all precincts in a single state...or to be exactly the same as those in any other states.

Since Lindell's video shows that the latter is true, it proves massive ballot counting fraud and that Biden lost the election. Your projection of illegal ballot total numbers does not. It only suggests the same outcome. Such "evidence" would not fly in court. Lindell's (once verified) would nail the coffin shut.

Besides, you project the illegal ballot count to be 3% of the 21 million cast. I'm guessing it's close to 30%...630,000.
Either way proves fraud. I think there will be a lot of illegal votes for Biden.
So what. Any illegal votes for Trump means it was a waste of time.
Because both got any illegal votes.
Sorry bout that,

1. A judge in AZ recused himself right before the findings come out, he was likely hoping for a abortion, but it looks like the babies coming out, and boy is it a whopper!
2. This AZ story looks to totally blow up!
3. Read all about it here: BREAKING REPORT: Maricopa County Judge Handling Audit Challenge Recuses Himself Last Minute Before Hearing - CD Media (

4. When the first state ever gets over turned the SC will then have to look at this election they have so far refused to look at.
5. I want to rub their faces in it!
6. *F* the supreme court, each and every one of them bastards!
7. And those not males!
8. Beyatches!
9. That court is not, honorable.
10 If they were all down in a hole, and on fire, I wouldn't pee on them to put out the fire.

A right wing conclusion? A left wing conclusion is right wingers simply like to fabricate right wing fantasy instead of any valid arguments.
The best way to get at the truth is to have honest conservatives run this audit.
they already did sample audits and found nothing.
Wrong. They found three illegal ballots out of 100. Divide that into the number of votes and Biden loses. Next.
That means nothing. Had they checked another 100 votes from another precinct. they may have found 5 illegal ballots; from another, 20; from another, none; from another, who knows.

This audit will include ALL ballots from ALL precincts in the county. I predict they may uncover 30% illegal ballots, some for Trump, most for Biden.
Three out of one hundred would be 63,000 illegal votes in 2,100,000. It would change the results.
That is true, but you can no more expect the illegal votes to be exactly the same in each batch of 100 votes than you can expect the ballot distribution curves to be exactly the same across all precincts in a single state...or to be exactly the same as those in any other states.

Since Lindell's video shows that the latter is true, it proves massive ballot counting fraud and that Biden lost the election. Your projection of illegal ballot total numbers does not. It only suggests the same outcome. Such "evidence" would not fly in court. Lindell's (once verified) would nail the coffin shut.

Besides, you project the illegal ballot count to be 3% of the 21 million cast. I'm guessing it's close to 30%...630,000.
Either way proves fraud. I think there will be a lot of illegal votes for Biden.
So what. Any illegal votes for Trump means it was a waste of time.
Because both got any illegal votes.
So if Biden got 600,000 illegal votes and Trump got 30,000...who stole the election?

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