Democrats SUE to stop Arizona Senate from forensic audit of 2020 election

The audit is being streamed.
That’s nice. It’s not going to stop the Republican Party and their nutter comrades from straight up lying about what they find.

Democrats are by far and away the most corrupt and immoral politicians in the US and it isn’t even close.

Do you have any evidence of that, like Democrats who have been arrested, whose investigations reveal corrupt and illegal activities, or are you just Dumb Bastard Asshole? Can you please provide links because all of the "corrupt, immoral politicians" that come up when I google that phrase, are all Republicans.

The twice impeached Donald Trump presided over the most corrupt administration in the past 100 years. But you fools still call Democrats corrupt. Once again, Republicans accuse others of doing the same things they do.

The "cons" here keep making sweeping statements about the evil Democrats. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain, you are the sainted Republicans. You are the Republicans - the party of lies, fraud and hate. insurrection.

LOL...Trump was “corrupt” because your handlers said he was corrupt. The actual evidence said otherwise, despite two sham impeachment’s. Obama was by far and away more corrupt than Trump but he had the MSM on his side. I could tell you that the Democrats lied to a FISA court to start a fruitless Russian investigation that only ended with convictions of some Republicans for process crimes and things unrelated to Russia, but you will say that is not true because well, you were told it wasn’t true. Actual evidence doesn’t matter. The bottom line is that there is no evidence that is counter to your teachings that you will believe because you are indoctrinated. Sadly, you are not alone.

Trump is corrupt because he had 3000 lawsuits against him before he ever took office, including multiple lawsuits for fraud.

He has steadfastly refused to provide any financial accounting for his inauguration fund which magically disappeared $100 million, most of it donated by for-profit prison companies.

Trump double the initiation fees at all of his East Coast golf clubs right after he was elected. More than 200 untendered federal contracts were handed out to members of Trump’s golf clubs. Trumps weekly golf trips to his East Coast courses, cost the taxpayers tens of millions of dollars. The Trump corporation even build a secret service for rooms at full rack rate. No corporate discount for the federal government. Trump even build for the Secret Service rooms when the hotels were closed because of the lockdown.

Then there’s all those pardons he issued to his friends and former staffers. The Mueller report which said that he should be charged with five counts of obstruction of justice. The ongoing investigations into tax fraud, voter fraud and intimidation, and kickbacks.

Oh and what happened to all those stimulus funds that Trump hasn’t accounted for either?

But hey Trump’s not corrupt.
Maricopa County used the Dominion vote flipping machines
Yeah, sure, that's why the hand recounts matched the machine counts... :lol:

So why are the CCP democrats fighting like the Soviets at Stalingrad?

Because the Republicans are still supporting the lie, still claiming it's true, and using it to drive over 200 voter suppression bills, giving the uninformed American public the impression there is something to these dangerous lies, which have already lead to sedition and insurrection.

The nation when down this rabbit hole before with Benghazi and the "Clinton Crime Family". Republicans are going to keep pushing the lie and use it as an excuse to disenfranchise poor people and minorities who don't vote Republican.

This is the political equivalent of yelling "Fire" in a crowded theatre, when there is no fire, and concurrently releasing smoke bombs, and then acting surprised when a panic broke out.

I used to think the CCP/democrat voter 2020 Voter Fraud operation was only 10 to 15 MM votes, it's likely double that

"I used to think" is a fallacy. You've never had an original thought in your empty little head in your entire life. You just keep repeating the thoughts of others like a ventriloquist's dummies. Ideas that denigrate women, and minorities, while you purport to be both.

The fact that you think millions of votes were flipped just shows your total lack critical thinking and your ability to assess the evidence.
Trump was a fucking pussy who let Fauci work with the CCP on a bioweapon that's now killed 500,000 Americans.

Tens of millions of "Biden votes" were either flipped from Trump or outright msnufactured
It was Your guy who claimed the pandemic is a Hoax.
Maricopa County used the Dominion vote flipping machines
Yeah, sure, that's why the hand recounts matched the machine counts... :lol:

So why are the CCP democrats fighting like the Soviets at Stalingrad?

Because the Republicans are still supporting the lie, still claiming it's true, and using it to drive over 200 voter suppression bills, giving the uninformed American public the impression there is something to these dangerous lies, which have already lead to sedition and insurrection.

The nation when down this rabbit hole before with Benghazi and the "Clinton Crime Family". Republicans are going to keep pushing the lie and use it as an excuse to disenfranchise poor people and minorities who don't vote Republican.

This is the political equivalent of yelling "Fire" in a crowded theatre, when there is no fire, and concurrently releasing smoke bombs, and then acting surprised when a panic broke out.

I used to think the CCP/democrat voter 2020 Voter Fraud operation was only 10 to 15 MM votes, it's likely double that

"I used to think" is a fallacy. You've never had an original thought in your empty little head in your entire life. You just keep repeating the thoughts of others like a ventriloquist's dummies. Ideas that denigrate women, and minorities, while you purport to be both.

The fact that you think millions of votes were flipped just shows your total lack critical thinking and your ability to assess the evidence.
Trump was a fucking pussy who let Fauci work with the CCP on a bioweapon that's now killed 500,000 Americans.

Tens of millions of "Biden votes" were either flipped from Trump or outright msnufactured

Careful Frank. Calling Trump a "fucking pussy" will get you "cancelled" by the Trump Cult. You know you're not allowed to criticize Donald Trump. You'll have to turn in your MAGA hat.
I hear the ballots and machines are already in place and the auditing begins tomorrow.

If this is all on the up-and-up, why wouldn't the commiecrats want to rub everyone's noses in it?

Bdecause the people who do it should be unbiased. CyberNinja is not. I suspect the report has already been written and they will try to manipulate the figures to support fake fraud.

Sauce more likely
The audit is being streamed.
That’s nice. It’s not going to stop the Republican Party and their nutter comrades from straight up lying about what they find.

Democrats are by far and away the most corrupt and immoral politicians in the US and it isn’t even close.

Do you have any evidence of that, like Democrats who have been arrested, whose investigations reveal corrupt and illegal activities, or are you just Dumb Bastard Asshole? Can you please provide links because all of the "corrupt, immoral politicians" that come up when I google that phrase, are all Republicans.

The twice impeached Donald Trump presided over the most corrupt administration in the past 100 years. But you fools still call Democrats corrupt. Once again, Republicans accuse others of doing the same things they do.

The "cons" here keep making sweeping statements about the evil Democrats. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain, you are the sainted Republicans. You are the Republicans - the party of lies, fraud and hate. insurrection.

LOL...Trump was “corrupt” because your handlers said he was corrupt. The actual evidence said otherwise, despite two sham impeachment’s. Obama was by far and away more corrupt than Trump but he had the MSM on his side. I could tell you that the Democrats lied to a FISA court to start a fruitless Russian investigation that only ended with convictions of some Republicans for process crimes and things unrelated to Russia, but you will say that is not true because well, you were told it wasn’t true. Actual evidence doesn’t matter. The bottom line is that there is no evidence that is counter to your teachings that you will believe because you are indoctrinated. Sadly, you are not alone.

Trump is corrupt because he had 3000 lawsuits against him before he ever took office, including multiple lawsuits for fraud.

He has steadfastly refused to provide any financial accounting for his inauguration fund which magically disappeared $100 million, most of it donated by for-profit prison companies.

Trump double the initiation fees at all of his East Coast golf clubs right after he was elected. More than 200 untendered federal contracts were handed out to members of Trump’s golf clubs. Trumps weekly golf trips to his East Coast courses, cost the taxpayers tens of millions of dollars. The Trump corporation even build a secret service for rooms at full rack rate. No corporate discount for the federal government. Trump even build for the Secret Service rooms when the hotels were closed because of the lockdown.

Then there’s all those pardons he issued to his friends and former staffers. The Mueller report which said that he should be charged with five counts of obstruction of justice. The ongoing investigations into tax fraud, voter fraud and intimidation, and kickbacks.

Oh and what happened to all those stimulus funds that Trump hasn’t accounted for either?

But hey Trump’s not corrupt.
And you think Trump is the only one that has ever played the game ???? Look just admit it, you hate Trump for reason's unrelated to all the bullcrap you just posted, but we are supposed to just gobble up your hypocrisy, and hate Trump because you do. LOL. Why do what every so called hardcore partisan does when they're flipping and flopping, otherwise in Trump's case how about going and supporting the good that he's done.

On balance, Trump has done more for the nation on whole, than any of these other game player's the people had supported unconditionally in the past.
250K Illegals voted in Arizona

War Room: 254,722 Possible Illegal Votes In Arizona-Biden Only Won By 10K

The audit is being streamed.
That’s nice. It’s not going to stop the Republican Party and their nutter comrades from straight up lying about what they find.

Democrats are by far and away the most corrupt and immoral politicians in the US and it isn’t even close.

Do you have any evidence of that, like Democrats who have been arrested, whose investigations reveal corrupt and illegal activities, or are you just Dumb Bastard Asshole? Can you please provide links because all of the "corrupt, immoral politicians" that come up when I google that phrase, are all Republicans.

The twice impeached Donald Trump presided over the most corrupt administration in the past 100 years. But you fools still call Democrats corrupt. Once again, Republicans accuse others of doing the same things they do.

The "cons" here keep making sweeping statements about the evil Democrats. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain, you are the sainted Republicans. You are the Republicans - the party of lies, fraud and hate. insurrection.

They've already done two audits, didn't get the answer they wanted, so they want to do more and more. Fukkin' crybaby bitches. They'll just keep doing more and more, right up to the next election. Same old shit, just like investigating Hillary 7 times.
Partial audits were done...and were overseen by the assholes that enabled the fraudulent votes to start with.

Recounting fraudulent votes yeilds the same answer every time you do it.

This audit will be transparent and will be a complete audit of every vote cast in Maricopa County, Arizona...all 2.1 Million of them.

You can watch it being done at
The audit is being streamed.
That’s nice. It’s not going to stop the Republican Party and their nutter comrades from straight up lying about what they find.

Democrats are by far and away the most corrupt and immoral politicians in the US and it isn’t even close.

Do you have any evidence of that, like Democrats who have been arrested, whose investigations reveal corrupt and illegal activities, or are you just Dumb Bastard Asshole? Can you please provide links because all of the "corrupt, immoral politicians" that come up when I google that phrase, are all Republicans.

The twice impeached Donald Trump presided over the most corrupt administration in the past 100 years. But you fools still call Democrats corrupt. Once again, Republicans accuse others of doing the same things they do.

The "cons" here keep making sweeping statements about the evil Democrats. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain, you are the sainted Republicans. You are the Republicans - the party of lies, fraud and hate. insurrection.

They've already done two audits, didn't get the answer they wanted, so they want to do more and more. Fukkin' crybaby bitches. They'll just keep doing more and more, right up to the next election. Same old shit, just like investigating Hillary 7 times.
Partial audits were done...and were overseen by the assholes that enabled the fraudulent votes to start with.

Recounting fraudulent votes yeilds the same answer every time you do it.

This audit will be transparent and will be a complete audit of every vote cast in Maricopa County, Arizona...all 2.1 Million of them.

You can watch it being done at

No one will evert accept the results of this audit except the Trump cult. These auditors have ZERO professional credibility whatsoever. No credentials, no background, except they think the election was stolen.

No real investigation or audit goes in with a conclusion and then tries to come up with facts to support them, and that's what these guys are doing. Trump said "We're going to throw out the ballots", and that's what these fools with their black and blue pens are trying to do.
The audit is being streamed.
That’s nice. It’s not going to stop the Republican Party and their nutter comrades from straight up lying about what they find.

Democrats are by far and away the most corrupt and immoral politicians in the US and it isn’t even close.

Do you have any evidence of that, like Democrats who have been arrested, whose investigations reveal corrupt and illegal activities, or are you just Dumb Bastard Asshole? Can you please provide links because all of the "corrupt, immoral politicians" that come up when I google that phrase, are all Republicans.

The twice impeached Donald Trump presided over the most corrupt administration in the past 100 years. But you fools still call Democrats corrupt. Once again, Republicans accuse others of doing the same things they do.

The "cons" here keep making sweeping statements about the evil Democrats. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain, you are the sainted Republicans. You are the Republicans - the party of lies, fraud and hate. insurrection.

They've already done two audits, didn't get the answer they wanted, so they want to do more and more. Fukkin' crybaby bitches. They'll just keep doing more and more, right up to the next election. Same old shit, just like investigating Hillary 7 times.
Partial audits were done...and were overseen by the assholes that enabled the fraudulent votes to start with.

Recounting fraudulent votes yeilds the same answer every time you do it.

This audit will be transparent and will be a complete audit of every vote cast in Maricopa County, Arizona...all 2.1 Million of them.

You can watch it being done at

No one will evert accept the results of this audit except the Trump cult. These auditors have ZERO professional credibility whatsoever. No credentials, no background, except they think the election was stolen.

No real investigation or audit goes in with a conclusion and then tries to come up with facts to support them, and that's what these guys are doing. Trump said "We're going to throw out the ballots", and that's what these fools with their black and blue pens are trying to do.

Quite the fantasy girlfriend.

"No credentials, no background, except they think the election was stolen."

"No real investigation or audit goes in with a conclusion and then tries to come up with facts to support them, and that's what these guys are doing."

Prove your contentions you old Harpy.
Maricopa County used the Dominion vote flipping machines
Yeah, sure, that's why the hand recounts matched the machine counts... :lol:

So why are the CCP democrats fighting like the Soviets at Stalingrad?

Because the Republicans are still supporting the lie, still claiming it's true, and using it to drive over 200 voter suppression bills, giving the uninformed American public the impression there is something to these dangerous lies, which have already lead to sedition and insurrection.

The nation when down this rabbit hole before with Benghazi and the "Clinton Crime Family". Republicans are going to keep pushing the lie and use it as an excuse to disenfranchise poor people and minorities who don't vote Republican.

This is the political equivalent of yelling "Fire" in a crowded theatre, when there is no fire, and concurrently releasing smoke bombs, and then acting surprised when a panic broke out.

I used to think the CCP/democrat voter 2020 Voter Fraud operation was only 10 to 15 MM votes, it's likely double that

"I used to think" is a fallacy. You've never had an original thought in your empty little head in your entire life. You just keep repeating the thoughts of others like a ventriloquist's dummies. Ideas that denigrate women, and minorities, while you purport to be both.

The fact that you think millions of votes were flipped just shows your total lack critical thinking and your ability to assess the evidence.
Trump was a fucking pussy who let Fauci work with the CCP on a bioweapon that's now killed 500,000 Americans.

Tens of millions of "Biden votes" were either flipped from Trump or outright msnufactured
It was Your guy who claimed the pandemic is a Hoax.
Hoax is a pretty good way to describe it.
Maricopa County used the Dominion vote flipping machines
Yeah, sure, that's why the hand recounts matched the machine counts... :lol:

So why are the CCP democrats fighting like the Soviets at Stalingrad?

Because the Republicans are still supporting the lie, still claiming it's true, and using it to drive over 200 voter suppression bills, giving the uninformed American public the impression there is something to these dangerous lies, which have already lead to sedition and insurrection.

The nation when down this rabbit hole before with Benghazi and the "Clinton Crime Family". Republicans are going to keep pushing the lie and use it as an excuse to disenfranchise poor people and minorities who don't vote Republican.

This is the political equivalent of yelling "Fire" in a crowded theatre, when there is no fire, and concurrently releasing smoke bombs, and then acting surprised when a panic broke out.

I used to think the CCP/democrat voter 2020 Voter Fraud operation was only 10 to 15 MM votes, it's likely double that

"I used to think" is a fallacy. You've never had an original thought in your empty little head in your entire life. You just keep repeating the thoughts of others like a ventriloquist's dummies. Ideas that denigrate women, and minorities, while you purport to be both.

The fact that you think millions of votes were flipped just shows your total lack critical thinking and your ability to assess the evidence.
Trump was a fucking pussy who let Fauci work with the CCP on a bioweapon that's now killed 500,000 Americans.

Tens of millions of "Biden votes" were either flipped from Trump or outright msnufactured
It was Your guy who claimed the pandemic is a Hoax.
Hoax is a pretty good way to describe it.
Right wing antics?
The audit is being streamed.
That’s nice. It’s not going to stop the Republican Party and their nutter comrades from straight up lying about what they find.

Democrats are by far and away the most corrupt and immoral politicians in the US and it isn’t even close.

Do you have any evidence of that, like Democrats who have been arrested, whose investigations reveal corrupt and illegal activities, or are you just Dumb Bastard Asshole? Can you please provide links because all of the "corrupt, immoral politicians" that come up when I google that phrase, are all Republicans.

The twice impeached Donald Trump presided over the most corrupt administration in the past 100 years. But you fools still call Democrats corrupt. Once again, Republicans accuse others of doing the same things they do.

The "cons" here keep making sweeping statements about the evil Democrats. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain, you are the sainted Republicans. You are the Republicans - the party of lies, fraud and hate. insurrection.

They've already done two audits, didn't get the answer they wanted, so they want to do more and more. Fukkin' crybaby bitches. They'll just keep doing more and more, right up to the next election. Same old shit, just like investigating Hillary 7 times.
Partial audits were done...and were overseen by the assholes that enabled the fraudulent votes to start with.

Recounting fraudulent votes yeilds the same answer every time you do it.

This audit will be transparent and will be a complete audit of every vote cast in Maricopa County, Arizona...all 2.1 Million of them.

You can watch it being done at

No one will evert accept the results of this audit except the Trump cult. These auditors have ZERO professional credibility whatsoever. No credentials, no background, except they think the election was stolen.

No real investigation or audit goes in with a conclusion and then tries to come up with facts to support them, and that's what these guys are doing. Trump said "We're going to throw out the ballots", and that's what these fools with their black and blue pens are trying to do.
They will have to accept them when they are proven to be illegal. They will have the illegal ballots for proof. Mail in ballots that were not folded. Ballots filled out by machines. Ballots with improper alignment that were adjudicated because of that purposeful mistake.

It will be impossible to deny.
A right wing conclusion? A left wing conclusion is right wingers simply like to fabricate right wing fantasy instead of any valid arguments.
The best way to get at the truth is to have honest conservatives run this audit.
they already did sample audits and found nothing.
Wrong. They found three illegal ballots out of 100. Divide that into the number of votes and Biden loses. Next.
Link? Right wingers are too fantastical to take as seriously as the "gospel Truth".
A right wing conclusion? A left wing conclusion is right wingers simply like to fabricate right wing fantasy instead of any valid arguments.
The best way to get at the truth is to have honest conservatives run this audit.
they already did sample audits and found nothing.
Wrong. They found three illegal ballots out of 100. Divide that into the number of votes and Biden loses. Next.
That means nothing. Had they checked another 100 votes from another precinct. they may have found 5 illegal ballots; from another, 20; from another, none; from another, who knows.

This audit will include ALL ballots from ALL precincts in the county. I predict they may uncover 30% illegal ballots, some for Trump, most for Biden.
Last edited:
The truth about voter fraud will come out. We should force liberals to watch the Mike Lindell documentary on voter fraud in the 2020 election.
It's already out. There's enough hard core evidence to put several hundred corrupt democrats and foreign participants behind bars for decades. The problem is we have a corrupt party of democrats and their lying propaganda wing in full bore denial and lying about it, and our courts have all gone completely coward and have all denied hearing of the evidence. They're scared of the violent leftist mob, and what they'll do to them if they rule on the evidence that election was one massive CHEAT, and therefore illegitimate.
So basically what you're saying, is that this country has fallen under mob rule. Democrat mob rule !! Ok, now why doesn't this country have a failsafe in place that would keep such a thing from happening ? And if the failsafe is still in place, then who is in charge of the thing anymore ??? Why have the Republican's failed the nation by allowing one side of the system to go rogue ??? Where is the check's and balances ????

Right now Democrat's are unleashing unbelievable hell on this nation in which any responsible citizen would be against, and any citizen needing good guidance by good leadership would also be against, otherwise if said leadership would lead them instead of forgetting them.

The Republicans are not the failsafe on this sort of thing. The people are. And so far, the people have failed miserably in defending their country and their own liberty by being lazy and apathetic, and waiting for someone else to do it.

If we don't stand up and push back in defense of our own freedom, we don't deserve to be free.

Just shut the fuck up with that filthy ass Democrat bullshit.

The Democrats are the scum of this country and they have lied, cheated and stole to get control of the Treasury of this country and it is despicable.

Everything the Democrats do is dishonest, wrong, greed based and destructive to this country. They are hell bent to make this country a Socialist shithole so they can raid the wealth until the money runs out. Just like all Left Wing regimes.
So very true and this is coming from someone unlike many here who is not biased towards a certain party the fact I have said for decades both parties are corrupt and one in the same,that was true till the last two years when the dems got infiltrated by terrorists.

I agree. Republicans are nothing more than Democrat Light. A great amount of the destruction that the Democrats have done to this country was aided to some degree by the Republicans. For instance, Republicans allowed Obamacare to come to a Senate floor vote where it was passed along party lines. Republicans stood back and did absolutely nothing when the damn Democrats blatantly stole the 2020 Presidential and Georgia Senate races. They never even bothered to insist on an audit of the contested Democrat controlled district. They are doing jackshit about that turdbrain Joe Dufus allowing the Illegals to flood into this country and be put on welfare. Mark my words, some of the Republicans will support the Joe Dufus tax increases, which will destroy our already China caused weak economy.



Well if you didn't vote for Biden, you aren't black, so what's your point ?

In your desperation to come up an analogy, you swung and whiffed completely. Joe Biden made a bad joke on a talk show. He was grinning when he said it in an interview with someone he was comfortable and friendly with.

Donald Trump continues to flog the Big Lie and he demanded that his Cult "fight like hell" for that Lie. The Republican Party continues to support and enable the cult by insisting on recount after recount after recount, and audits on audits. No matter how many times or how many ways they count the votes, Biden won.

Republicans carried out 7 investigations of Benghazi, one after the other and they all said the same thing. But one Republican Senator said the quiet part out loud: Look at her poll numbers. They've gone down 15 points since we started.

When the Republican Party, which half of America still votes for, does not stand up to the Trump Cult and say, "Cut it out!", they're going to keep telling The Big Lie, until all of America believes it. They've got 40% thinking there is something to this already.

Birtherism, the Clintons are criminals, "tax cuts create jobs" and now the "election was stolen". For 30 years now, Republicans have been selling the American public on lies, and they're doing a good job of it.
JFK said tax cuts create jobs, and his tax cuts did.

Yes, because the top tax rate was 90% when he cut taxes and the budget was balanced.

Today, the top tax rate is 37%, and the budget hasn't been balanced since Clinton was in office. Health insurance is separate from taxes. Every tax cut since Reagan has crashed the economy and the country is running ever larger deficits to pay for a bloated military, massive oversight of social programs, and an over-policed homeland, while working Americans haven't had a real raise in more than 30 years.
clinton didnt balance the budget,, he fudged the numbers and raised the debt 2 trillion dollars,,
Also, the fake "balanced budget" was projected to occur in 2002....It never existed in real time.

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