Democrats SUE to stop Arizona Senate from forensic audit of 2020 election

election officials are to follow election law on election day. why didn't that happen? wouldn't need this audit had the law been followed the night of the election.
Give me a detailed list of the laws that weren't followed, or if you'd rather, a specific example of one.
The judges refused to hear the evidence.

Judges heard all properly submitted evidence. Don’t lie. But you also just said they never had the evidence until now. Try to be a little more consistent

How is a ballot proven to be illegal not evidence?

When you claim it’s proven but in reality it’s fine and you just don’t know what you’re talking about.
Yeah, that was the very problem. Courts would dismiss cases before adequate time for discovery.

Why are the Democrats trying so hard to hide the audit results?

The courts do not function as grand juries. Why are Republicans trying to hide the methods?
And courts should not interfere with the legislative branch. It is their decision to do the audit not the courts.
well the court has to act when a case is brought to them.
... no one's buying it anymore, and most never did.
Your pretense of being authorized to speak for everyone betrays your insecurity.

Try to summon the testicular fortitude to express your difference without pretending that you are being backed by a mob.
The citizen's getting hit with money coming out of their hard earned pockets is going to be impossible to defend. Can't make the idiocy up, but there it is right there in front of everyone to see and feel.
Your "everyone" recourse is desperate. Have the temerity to express your personal views without relying on hoards of anonymous confections.

The popularly-elected President remains popular by advocating for popular legislation. Democratic self-governance is thusly served.

If you have any credible public surveys that indicate otherwise, please provide links to them.

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