Democrats, taking steps to let illegal aliens vote

Trumps new campaign slogan should be "Make Illegal Aliens Illegal again". You know what happens if you go to mexico illegally? You get arrested and you get deported! WTF is it racist if we do it all of a sudden? Wtf do the Democrats constantly defend criminals? Wtf we letting them?
You guys are morons. You same asshats claimed if we let gays marry then people would want to marry a tree or an animal next. Slippery slope argument on local school elections are as retarded. Next.
yet, the democrats are busy changing the laws so that homos can have sex with minors.

and there is a push to allow illegals to vote in local elections beyond school boards

Again another totally HOGWASH. Where and what law that democrats allowed homos to have sex with minors? SHOW ME or I will call you. You are a FUCKING BULLSHIT.
just cause in your tiny little brain you have not heard of the laws being passed it is hogwash?

You prove yourself the biggest idiot around as well as thee most closed minded.

good day!
Non-citizens do not have the right to vote. Why is that so hard to understand or offensive to liberals? Wanna vote? Become a citizen.
You guys are morons. You same asshats claimed if we let gays marry then people would want to marry a tree or an animal next. Slippery slope argument on local school elections are as retarded. Next.
' As a mother, I know that homosexuals cannot biologically reproduce children; therefore, they must recruit our children. If gays are granted rights, next we'll have to give rights to prostitutes and to people who sleep with St. Bernards' - Anita Bryant

Fast Forward 35 Years - 2015- The gays have a stranglehold on the Media, they have heavily infiltrated Public Schools, have virtually taken over upstanding organizations such as the Girl Scouts and are grinding groups such as the Boy Scouts into the dirt.

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