Democrats Tear Down US Flag...Run-Up Mexican Flag

Liberal Democrats are a threat to our nation and must be stopped. They are actively trying to overthrow our government, our communities and our way of life.
Anti-ICE protesters pull down American flag, raise Mexico flag, vandalize 'Blue Lives Matter' flag

Hoooooo boy.

At this rate, 2020 is going to be GLORIOUS. For Trump that is.

Americans will not take to this crap kindly

Me and my old white farts lust for our old lynching days.
Marrying relatives in WV ...
Can't trust the brown Muslims
IM Going to be cowering in my double wide, guns cocked .
Did it in the 60 s in Arizona, but the Chinese never came.
And I so admire the con dragging his wife by the hair before raping her.
Bragging about losing $1B and stiffing contractors.
Terrific role model
of course, a Democrat calling for the old days of lynching
Marrying relatives that's also a democrat thing
Not sure if you know this but Moslem isn't a race and there are white Moslems
again democrats cower
Democrats slavery, Jim Crow, segregation KKK racist gun laws yep you democrats lust for the good old days
You own this Democrats AntiFa is your child the monster you created cuddled and nurtured
There is no disowning to many clips of Democrats and their media talking heads praising these terrorist making excuses justifying
Just like with the KKK Democrats are going to be remembered as the party of AntiFa
Ah well, another zero college cult member
MAGA ,our WWII Nazi group name
Anti fa killings 1/100 of white supremists?
Sandy hook?
How many KKK people are Dems again? It's 2019 darlin
The cons dad?
Is your brown shirt in the closet?
other then that one unfortunate killing at Charlottesville how much violence or property destruction has been contributed to the KKK or Neo Nazis in the last decade? next to zero
now compare that to left wing violent extremist there is reports of violence and property damage by them on a weekly basis just this forth of jury in DC they committed acts of violence and property destruction two officers had to go to the hospital

sandy hook? that was committed by a mentally ill teen had not a dam thing to do with politics or the right your getting desperate trying to divert from leftist violence

the KKK do they even exist anymore? you trying to resurrect the old KKK boogeyman from the grave the KKK hasn't been real a threat for decades

Brown shirt? its AntiFa that is the new brown shirts using the same tactic of intimidation and violence to silence their opponents

and lastly

AntiFa are admitted comunist fly the communist flag at their protest
Communism has mass murder over 140 million people and counting
Fascist mass murdered under 20 million
so you tell me which is the worst evil
The simple
There's a simple solution that will alleviate all the children being mistreated here, send them the hell back to where they came from. Problem solved. We don't want them here. I'm tired of seeing good taxpayer money spent on them, especially when we have plenty of indigenous issues that we need to work on solving.
Send them home! Send them home! Send them home!
solution is for America to act as America, not some third world autocracy.

Grow a conscience. Remember when you were proud of America? How can you take pride in deliberate cruelty?
Diseased illegal aliens have no standing, They deserve no respect and should not be provided for. Their fucked up ways are not our ways, we have no responsibility to diseased illegal aliens as a country
You disagree with Ronald Reagan? Shining city on a hill?
Of course I don’t believe in any sort of amnesty...

These diseased illegal aliens just want to shit on Americans and get a free ride
I didn't mention amnesty. I mentioned humanity.

That's your vocabulary word for the day: humanity. Try using it in a sentence.
Humanity is only as good as the individual trying to force shit on another individual
Liberal Democrats are a threat to our nation and must be stopped. They are actively trying to overthrow our government, our communities and our way of life.
Anti-ICE protesters pull down American flag, raise Mexico flag, vandalize 'Blue Lives Matter' flag

That is just plain not right. If you let your child walk all over you and get away with any bad behavior, soon, he is running your life. We are making the same mistake with these people, tearing down the American flag just goes beyond the pale, but running up a foreign country's flag in its place is sedition, plain and simple. More so that their basis of protest is over illegal invasion. We have some seriously screwed up heads here. I'm tired of this being treated lightly. These people should be arrested and charged with sedition----- I don't care how much the left whines about a fascist state, you can't run a country this way totally out of control. These people need prison and fines and reorientation classes or they can choose expulsion. We don't want them. This is out and out anarchy.

Are you this concerned w the child rapists etc..i bet not...the crimes of the white rich are too easy to ignore

Meaningless, useless strawman argument as always just trying to deflect. So I can't be against a thing if there are other or worse things going on in the world too?
The simple
Imagine clutching your pearls over symbols while applauding deliberate cruelty toward children! Then acting righteous about it.

Trumpian priorities are warped.
There's a simple solution that will alleviate all the children being mistreated here, send them the hell back to where they came from. Problem solved. We don't want them here. I'm tired of seeing good taxpayer money spent on them, especially when we have plenty of indigenous issues that we need to work on solving.
Send them home! Send them home! Send them home!
solution is for America to act as America, not some third world autocracy.

Grow a conscience. Remember when you were proud of America? How can you take pride in deliberate cruelty?

You sound like an AOC-bot.
You've forgott n what Americans sound like. Americans aren't monolithic. Most Americans are ashamed of Trump, his policies and his attitude.
Really? I know lots of Americans and they are quite pleased at what President Trump has accomplished despite the constant obstruction and bullshit propagated by the hysterical left/libs/progs who are suffering from massive TDS. He's never been given a chance, not from before Day 1. And yet, they still haven't found a way to destroy him. GO figure, if there's smoke maybe it's just because a bunch of assholes who want to start a fire can barely ignite soggy bullshit.
The simple
Imagine clutching your pearls over symbols while applauding deliberate cruelty toward children! Then acting righteous about it.

Trumpian priorities are warped.
There's a simple solution that will alleviate all the children being mistreated here, send them the hell back to where they came from. Problem solved. We don't want them here. I'm tired of seeing good taxpayer money spent on them, especially when we have plenty of indigenous issues that we need to work on solving.
Send them home! Send them home! Send them home!
solution is for America to act as America, not some third world autocracy.

Grow a conscience. Remember when you were proud of America? How can you take pride in deliberate cruelty?

when "we" were "proud" of America-----America was checking immigrant kids for
cholera, tuberculosis, and even lice-------and imprisoning those infected on ellis Island ----and shipping LOTS OF THEM BACK
Were we big enough back then to give them a cot? Ambath? Adequate food?
And a ticket back to where they came from.
Liberal Democrats are a threat to our nation and must be stopped. They are actively trying to overthrow our government, our communities and our way of life.
Anti-ICE protesters pull down American flag, raise Mexico flag, vandalize 'Blue Lives Matter' flag

That is just plain not right. If you let your child walk all over you and get away with any bad behavior, soon, he is running your life. We are making the same mistake with these people, tearing down the American flag just goes beyond the pale, but running up a foreign country's flag in its place is sedition, plain and simple. More so that their basis of protest is over illegal invasion. We have some seriously screwed up heads here. I'm tired of this being treated lightly. These people should be arrested and charged with sedition----- I don't care how much the left whines about a fascist state, you can't run a country this way totally out of control. These people need prison and fines and reorientation classes or they can choose expulsion. We don't want them. This is out and out anarchy.

So, we need macho nerds for trump to impose fascism?
when "we" were "proud" of America-----America was checking immigrant kids for
cholera, tuberculosis, and even lice-------and imprisoning those infected on ellis Island ----and shipping LOTS OF THEM BACK
Were we big enough back then to give them a cot? Ambath? Adequate food?

barely-------in fact my ancestors who got here in the late 1890s ---got NUTHIN'
You have nothing to suggest that the people being detained at the tex/mex border are starving to death or dying of thirst.
They were processed? Became citizens? Were not deported? Were they called an 'infestation', 'invaders', 'rapists', 'murderers'? I assume some of them were good people?

White regard to what the illegal cockroaches have been dubbed, which is not true? Why does the truth scare you?
The crazy thing is; you weirdos act like we, those funding and running this nation shouldn’t have a choice in who joins us here.
You bleeding heart fools would happily take another million knowing full well that many will rape and murder your fellow citizens...that’s plain fucking weird.
You see cockroaches, I see frightened people. Our choice of who's to be allowed in is not predicated on your dehumanizing immigrants and mistreating them WHILE THEY ARE IN OUR CUSTODY. That's just a little banquet of cruelty enjoyed by the narrow minded and fearful, you know, a Trumpian.
I see a bunch of people who were sold a bill of goods by some very evil haters of the United States. While I feel for the poor bastards who bought off on the empty promises of those who paid their way here, I still think of what is best for US. Provide them information as to the proper way to get permission to come here, then send them back to wherever they came from. We certainly have plenty of our own to help. In the meantime, they continue to swarm our borders, like cockroaches in the kitchen when you turn out the lights. Problem is, unlike cockroaches, these vermin are still waiting for us to turn the lights back on.
This is what an invading army does tear down the flag of the country you invaded and hoist up you own
And like an invading army, we need to engage them and shoot them dead, then take back our territory. This scum has been emboldened by Americans' measured and reasonable lack of response, so far. Keep pushing and the tipping point will be reached, sooner rather than later. Then it get ugly.
Liberal Democrats are a threat to our nation and must be stopped. They are actively trying to overthrow our government, our communities and our way of life.
Anti-ICE protesters pull down American flag, raise Mexico flag, vandalize 'Blue Lives Matter' flag

They should have shot the sob's.

leftist are so hate filled they will turn on each other we can sit back and watch the carnage lol
That would be nice. I hate to waste ammo.
The simple
solution is for America to act as America, not some third world autocracy.

Grow a conscience. Remember when you were proud of America? How can you take pride in deliberate cruelty?
Diseased illegal aliens have no standing, They deserve no respect and should not be provided for. Their fucked up ways are not our ways, we have no responsibility to diseased illegal aliens as a country
You disagree with Ronald Reagan? Shining city on a hill?
Of course I don’t believe in any sort of amnesty...

These diseased illegal aliens just want to shit on Americans and get a free ride
I didn't mention amnesty. I mentioned humanity.

That's your vocabulary word for the day: humanity. Try using it in a sentence.
Humanity is only as good as the individual trying to force shit on another individual
But doesn't it feel good to force other people to do what you declare to be humane? Humane would be to send them back, to spare them the inhumanity of being just another of thousands who are overwhelming a system not intended to deal with swarms of cockroaches and criminal invaders without proper funding and support from the very politicians condemning how they handle the situation and calling for abolishment of the jobs they support their family with?
Gotta love "virtue signaling" and the self-righteousness of libs when they demand others sacrifice their livelihood for "humanity". Send these vermin back. Charter a plane, a bus, doesn't matter...send them home. If they are so damned intent on our American dream, let them achieve it through hard work and patience.
The simple
Imagine clutching your pearls over symbols while applauding deliberate cruelty toward children! Then acting righteous about it.

Trumpian priorities are warped.
There's a simple solution that will alleviate all the children being mistreated here, send them the hell back to where they came from. Problem solved. We don't want them here. I'm tired of seeing good taxpayer money spent on them, especially when we have plenty of indigenous issues that we need to work on solving.
Send them home! Send them home! Send them home!
solution is for America to act as America, not some third world autocracy.

Grow a conscience. Remember when you were proud of America? How can you take pride in deliberate cruelty?

You sound like an AOC-bot.
You've forgott n what Americans sound like. Americans aren't monolithic. Most Americans are ashamed of Trump, his policies and his attitude.
Really? I know lots of Americans and they are quite pleased at what President Trump has accomplished despite the constant obstruction and bullshit propagated by the hysterical left/libs/progs who are suffering from massive TDS. He's never been given a chance, not from before Day 1. And yet, they still haven't found a way to destroy him. GO figure, if there's smoke maybe it's just because a bunch of assholes who want to start a fire can barely ignite soggy bullshit.

Trump has done just great despite the avalanche of BS the Left have tried to throw against him. Democrats have been pitting themselves against the good of the country as far back as I can remember, all the way back to the days of Barry Goldwater, when being the man of integrity he was, he refused to run a dirty campaign or use divisive tactics trusting the intelligence of the voter, ultimately defeated by the DNC at the expense of the nation by LBJ who ran a dirty campaign exploding atom bombs as little girls picked flowers and using the typical psych-ops scare tactics against fears of gullible voters to get their man in office, and we have suffered a downhill slide of propaganda-driven campaigns by the Left ever since from there.
I’m reading this thread and marvelling at the outrage over disrespect shown to a piece of cloth, while being perfectly fine with it being proudly flown over concentration camps for where children are being abused. Your priorities are completely whack.

You SHOULD be outraged at Trump’s desecration of the flag by flying it proudly over internment facilities where people are being deprived of their basic rights as human beings under the Constitution for which it stands. Where children are left dirty and hungry, and girls are being sexually assaulted by staff.

A flag is a piece of cloth, it is not some sacred icon to be worshipped. If you want respect for your flag, stop proudly displaying it while torturing families.
I’m reading this thread and marvelling at the outrage over disrespect shown to a piece of cloth, while being perfectly fine with it being proudly flown over concentration camps for where children are being abused. Your priorities are completely whack.

You SHOULD be outraged at Trump’s desecration of the flag by flying it proudly over internment facilities where people are being deprived of their basic rights as human beings under the Constitution for which it stands. Where children are left dirty and hungry, and girls are being sexually assaulted by staff.

A flag is a piece of cloth, it is not some sacred icon to be worshipped. If you want respect for your flag, stop proudly displaying it while torturing families.

I'm not sure we decent people can reconcile with you traitor Marxists.

You are such fucking liars and scum. You are Heinreich Himmler level scum who slander and libel men and women who work diligently under difficult circumstances that YOU CREATED in your attempt to use foreign nationals to overwhelm our borders. THEN you hurl lies about them being rapists - no evidence, no different than Himmler claiming Jews used the blood of babies to make Matzo, you just want to demean your enemy.

You are fucking scum. I just don't see how people like you can integrate back into a decent society. You are not decent people.
I’m reading this thread and marvelling at the outrage over disrespect shown to a piece of cloth, while being perfectly fine with it being proudly flown over concentration camps for where children are being abused. Your priorities are completely whack.

You SHOULD be outraged at Trump’s desecration of the flag by flying it proudly over internment facilities where people are being deprived of their basic rights as human beings under the Constitution for which it stands. Where children are left dirty and hungry, and girls are being sexually assaulted by staff.

A flag is a piece of cloth, it is not some sacred icon to be worshipped. If you want respect for your flag, stop proudly displaying it while torturing families.

I'm not sure we decent people can reconcile with you traitor Marxists.

You are such fucking liars and scum. You are Heinreich Himmler level scum who slander and libel men and women who work diligently under difficult circumstances that YOU CREATED in your attempt to use foreign nationals to overwhelm our borders. THEN you hurl lies about them being rapists - no evidence, no different than Himmler claiming Jews used the blood of babies to make Matzo, you just want to demean your enemy.

You are fucking scum. I just don't see how people like you can integrate back into a decent society. You are not decent people.

No proof from you, just scurrilous insults. Because that's all you "patriots" have. It's OK for you to abuse, starve and keep children in conditions so bad that if you kept your dog like that, you'd be arrested for animal abuse, but your government is treating people who are trying to the claim the right to asylum, worse than animals.

Citing reports from DHS:

Children sexually assaulted and abused by US border guards at detention camp, report says

Thousands of Immigrant Children Said They Were Sexually Abused in U.S. Detention Centers, Report Says

Sexual Assault Of Detained Migrant Children Reported In The Thousands Since 2015

Migrant kids in Yuma report sex assault, retaliation from U.S. agents

And your biggest outrage here is that someone took down your flag.
Lets stop braying about how terrible it was for some symbols to be taken down and start demanding that our leaders start representing whit those symbols stand for. I may not like what was done, but I like the reason that caused this to happen far less.

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