Democrats Tear Down US Flag...Run-Up Mexican Flag

The simple
Imagine clutching your pearls over symbols while applauding deliberate cruelty toward children! Then acting righteous about it.

Trumpian priorities are warped.
There's a simple solution that will alleviate all the children being mistreated here, send them the hell back to where they came from. Problem solved. We don't want them here. I'm tired of seeing good taxpayer money spent on them, especially when we have plenty of indigenous issues that we need to work on solving.
Send them home! Send them home! Send them home!
solution is for America to act as America, not some third world autocracy.

Grow a conscience. Remember when you were proud of America? How can you take pride in deliberate cruelty?

when "we" were "proud" of America-----America was checking immigrant kids for
cholera, tuberculosis, and even lice-------and imprisoning those infected on ellis Island ----and shipping LOTS OF THEM BACK
Were we big enough back then to give them a cot? Ambath? Adequate food?

barely-------in fact my ancestors who got here in the late 1890s ---got NUTHIN'
You have nothing to suggest that the people being detained at the tex/mex border are starving to death or dying of thirst.
They were processed? Became citizens? Were not deported? Were they called an 'infestation', 'invaders', 'rapists', 'murderers'? I assume some of them were good people?
The simple
Imagine clutching your pearls over symbols while applauding deliberate cruelty toward children! Then acting righteous about it.

Trumpian priorities are warped.
There's a simple solution that will alleviate all the children being mistreated here, send them the hell back to where they came from. Problem solved. We don't want them here. I'm tired of seeing good taxpayer money spent on them, especially when we have plenty of indigenous issues that we need to work on solving.
Send them home! Send them home! Send them home!
solution is for America to act as America, not some third world autocracy.

Grow a conscience. Remember when you were proud of America? How can you take pride in deliberate cruelty?

Fuck off commie, no one is being deliberately cruel. The fucking commies in congress withheld resources, CBP and DHS are doing the best they can with what they have.

Fuck off commie. Is humanitarianism a communist position now? Is it now unAmerican to be someone with human decency?

And Trump is playing a politically transactional game. Give me my wall or else.
The simple
There's a simple solution that will alleviate all the children being mistreated here, send them the hell back to where they came from. Problem solved. We don't want them here. I'm tired of seeing good taxpayer money spent on them, especially when we have plenty of indigenous issues that we need to work on solving.
Send them home! Send them home! Send them home!
solution is for America to act as America, not some third world autocracy.

Grow a conscience. Remember when you were proud of America? How can you take pride in deliberate cruelty?

when "we" were "proud" of America-----America was checking immigrant kids for
cholera, tuberculosis, and even lice-------and imprisoning those infected on ellis Island ----and shipping LOTS OF THEM BACK
Were we big enough back then to give them a cot? Ambath? Adequate food?

barely-------in fact my ancestors who got here in the late 1890s ---got NUTHIN'
You have nothing to suggest that the people being detained at the tex/mex border are starving to death or dying of thirst.
They were processed? Became citizens? Were not deported? Were they called an 'infestation', 'invaders', 'rapists', 'murderers'? I assume some of them were good people?

White regard to what the illegal cockroaches have been dubbed, which is not true? Why does the truth scare you?
The crazy thing is; you weirdos act like we, those funding and running this nation shouldn’t have a choice in who joins us here.
You bleeding heart fools would happily take another million knowing full well that many will rape and murder your fellow citizens...that’s plain fucking weird.
Progs are weak-minded people who lead by emotion. So the prog-elite has their way with them.

Progs are attracted to contrary thought and methods. Most are young and foolish. Those older have undeveloped brains and/or were influenced by a poor environment during their youth. History will view today's progs as warped and shameful.
The simple
Imagine clutching your pearls over symbols while applauding deliberate cruelty toward children! Then acting righteous about it.

Trumpian priorities are warped.
There's a simple solution that will alleviate all the children being mistreated here, send them the hell back to where they came from. Problem solved. We don't want them here. I'm tired of seeing good taxpayer money spent on them, especially when we have plenty of indigenous issues that we need to work on solving.
Send them home! Send them home! Send them home!
solution is for America to act as America, not some third world autocracy.

Grow a conscience. Remember when you were proud of America? How can you take pride in deliberate cruelty?

Fuck off commie, no one is being deliberately cruel. The fucking commies in congress withheld resources, CBP and DHS are doing the best they can with what they have.

Fuck off commie. Is humanitarianism a communist position now? Is it now unAmerican to be someone with human decency?

And Trump is playing a politically transactional game. Give me my wall or else.

No deriding people that are doing a job we asked them to do without the necessary resources is a commie position. You're doing nothing but parroting commie propaganda and the party line. Perhaps you should start trying to think for yourself.

The simple
There's a simple solution that will alleviate all the children being mistreated here, send them the hell back to where they came from. Problem solved. We don't want them here. I'm tired of seeing good taxpayer money spent on them, especially when we have plenty of indigenous issues that we need to work on solving.
Send them home! Send them home! Send them home!
solution is for America to act as America, not some third world autocracy.

Grow a conscience. Remember when you were proud of America? How can you take pride in deliberate cruelty?

when "we" were "proud" of America-----America was checking immigrant kids for
cholera, tuberculosis, and even lice-------and imprisoning those infected on ellis Island ----and shipping LOTS OF THEM BACK
Were we big enough back then to give them a cot? Ambath? Adequate food?

barely-------in fact my ancestors who got here in the late 1890s ---got NUTHIN'
You have nothing to suggest that the people being detained at the tex/mex border are starving to death or dying of thirst.
They were processed? Became citizens? Were not deported? Were they called an 'infestation', 'invaders', 'rapists', 'murderers'? I assume some of them were good people?
and the immigrants of old learned the language, assimilated into society, flew the American flag, and loved the country

these new batch of immigrants not so much they don't lean the language requiring companies and government to learn theirs, they don't assimilate call you a racist or xenophobe if you suggest they need to, They fly their home countries flag and spew hate for this one
Idiot Leftists have just given the Right the visual ammunition they need for a win in 2020. Unfortunate.


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The simple
solution is for America to act as America, not some third world autocracy.

Grow a conscience. Remember when you were proud of America? How can you take pride in deliberate cruelty?

when "we" were "proud" of America-----America was checking immigrant kids for
cholera, tuberculosis, and even lice-------and imprisoning those infected on ellis Island ----and shipping LOTS OF THEM BACK
Were we big enough back then to give them a cot? Ambath? Adequate food?

barely-------in fact my ancestors who got here in the late 1890s ---got NUTHIN'
You have nothing to suggest that the people being detained at the tex/mex border are starving to death or dying of thirst.
They were processed? Became citizens? Were not deported? Were they called an 'infestation', 'invaders', 'rapists', 'murderers'? I assume some of them were good people?
and the immigrants of old learned the language, assimilated into society, flew the American flag, and loved the country

these new batch of immigrants not so much they don't lean the language requiring companies and government to learn theirs, they don't assimilate call you a racist or xenophobe if you suggest they need to, They fly their home countries flag and spew hate for this one

I love tex/mex food-----but Spanish food? not so much
Idiot Leftists have just given the Right the visual ammunition they need for a win in 2020. Unfortunate.

my universe is topsy/turvy------I is a registered democrat------both by birth and ------inclination way back then when I reached age 21---WAY BACK THEN
The simple
There's a simple solution that will alleviate all the children being mistreated here, send them the hell back to where they came from. Problem solved. We don't want them here. I'm tired of seeing good taxpayer money spent on them, especially when we have plenty of indigenous issues that we need to work on solving.
Send them home! Send them home! Send them home!
solution is for America to act as America, not some third world autocracy.

Grow a conscience. Remember when you were proud of America? How can you take pride in deliberate cruelty?

when "we" were "proud" of America-----America was checking immigrant kids for
cholera, tuberculosis, and even lice-------and imprisoning those infected on ellis Island ----and shipping LOTS OF THEM BACK
Were we big enough back then to give them a cot? Ambath? Adequate food?

barely-------in fact my ancestors who got here in the late 1890s ---got NUTHIN'
You have nothing to suggest that the people being detained at the tex/mex border are starving to death or dying of thirst.
They were processed? Became citizens? Were not deported? Were they called an 'infestation', 'invaders', 'rapists', 'murderers'? I assume some of them were good people?

they were PROCESSED------in a manner----NOT FUN -------lots of people hated them------each group was HATED--------learn some history
The simple
solution is for America to act as America, not some third world autocracy.

Grow a conscience. Remember when you were proud of America? How can you take pride in deliberate cruelty?

when "we" were "proud" of America-----America was checking immigrant kids for
cholera, tuberculosis, and even lice-------and imprisoning those infected on ellis Island ----and shipping LOTS OF THEM BACK
Were we big enough back then to give them a cot? Ambath? Adequate food?

barely-------in fact my ancestors who got here in the late 1890s ---got NUTHIN'
You have nothing to suggest that the people being detained at the tex/mex border are starving to death or dying of thirst.
They were processed? Became citizens? Were not deported? Were they called an 'infestation', 'invaders', 'rapists', 'murderers'? I assume some of them were good people?

White regard to what the illegal cockroaches have been dubbed, which is not true? Why does the truth scare you?
The crazy thing is; you weirdos act like we, those funding and running this nation shouldn’t have a choice in who joins us here.
You bleeding heart fools would happily take another million knowing full well that many will rape and murder your fellow citizens...that’s plain fucking weird.
You see cockroaches, I see frightened people. Our choice of who's to be allowed in is not predicated on your dehumanizing immigrants and mistreating them WHILE THEY ARE IN OUR CUSTODY. That's just a little banquet of cruelty enjoyed by the narrow minded and fearful, you know, a Trumpian.
sensible democrats if any of you are left if you don't want to see your party disintegrate into a regional party only winning in a few districts and states you best start loudly publicly condemning and disowning the radical lunatic fringe of the party like these invading terrorist in Colorado
Idiot Leftists have just given the Right the visual ammunition they need for a win in 2020. Unfortunate.

my universe is topsy/turvy------I is a registered democrat------both by birth and ------inclination way back then when I reached age 21---WAY BACK THEN
I am also a registered Democrat - reluctantly...


I am an American first, and, in truth, a political Independent and 'cafeteria Centrist'...

My country and its sovereignty and honor come first...

I do not support Democratic Party policies when it comes to Illegal Immigration...

Especially when I see despicable $hit like this unfolding on the part of the Idiot-Left...
The simple
solution is for America to act as America, not some third world autocracy.

Grow a conscience. Remember when you were proud of America? How can you take pride in deliberate cruelty?

when "we" were "proud" of America-----America was checking immigrant kids for
cholera, tuberculosis, and even lice-------and imprisoning those infected on ellis Island ----and shipping LOTS OF THEM BACK
Were we big enough back then to give them a cot? Ambath? Adequate food?

barely-------in fact my ancestors who got here in the late 1890s ---got NUTHIN'
You have nothing to suggest that the people being detained at the tex/mex border are starving to death or dying of thirst.
They were processed? Became citizens? Were not deported? Were they called an 'infestation', 'invaders', 'rapists', 'murderers'? I assume some of them were good people?

they were PROCESSED------in a manner----NOT FUN -------lots of people hated them------each group was HATED--------learn some history
They got into America, didn't they? Th ymprospered? They assimilated?

They were bathed, fed, medically treated and not caged, right?

And cite one example of how we did things 100'years ago that we still find efficient and proper.
when "we" were "proud" of America-----America was checking immigrant kids for
cholera, tuberculosis, and even lice-------and imprisoning those infected on ellis Island ----and shipping LOTS OF THEM BACK
Were we big enough back then to give them a cot? Ambath? Adequate food?

barely-------in fact my ancestors who got here in the late 1890s ---got NUTHIN'
You have nothing to suggest that the people being detained at the tex/mex border are starving to death or dying of thirst.
They were processed? Became citizens? Were not deported? Were they called an 'infestation', 'invaders', 'rapists', 'murderers'? I assume some of them were good people?

White regard to what the illegal cockroaches have been dubbed, which is not true? Why does the truth scare you?
The crazy thing is; you weirdos act like we, those funding and running this nation shouldn’t have a choice in who joins us here.
You bleeding heart fools would happily take another million knowing full well that many will rape and murder your fellow citizens...that’s plain fucking weird.
You see cockroaches, I see frightened people. Our choice of who's to be allowed in is not predicated on your dehumanizing immigrants and mistreating them WHILE THEY ARE IN OUR CUSTODY. That's just a little banquet of cruelty enjoyed by the narrow minded and fearful, you know, a Trumpian.
Pharaoh has hardened his heart.

Phukk 'em.

Go home.
when "we" were "proud" of America-----America was checking immigrant kids for
cholera, tuberculosis, and even lice-------and imprisoning those infected on ellis Island ----and shipping LOTS OF THEM BACK
Were we big enough back then to give them a cot? Ambath? Adequate food?

barely-------in fact my ancestors who got here in the late 1890s ---got NUTHIN'
You have nothing to suggest that the people being detained at the tex/mex border are starving to death or dying of thirst.
They were processed? Became citizens? Were not deported? Were they called an 'infestation', 'invaders', 'rapists', 'murderers'? I assume some of them were good people?

they were PROCESSED------in a manner----NOT FUN -------lots of people hated them------each group was HATED--------learn some history
They got into America, didn't they? Th ymprospered? They assimilated?

They were bathed, fed, medically treated and not caged, right?

And cite one example of how we did things 100'years ago that we still find efficient and proper.
100 years ago we were a nation of 110,000,000 people with plenty of land and jobs for anyone who wanted them.

Today we are a nation of 330,000,000, the land is all parceled-out, and we have trouble feeding and employing everyone.

We are now full-up... No Vacancy... that was not the case 100 years ago.

Sux to be them, but, in truth, not our problem, other than to dump them back across the border.

Enough is enough.
This is what an invading army does tear down the flag of the country you invaded and hoist up you own

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