Democrats (The Lock Down Party) Are Toast

They say power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

It's too late for the so-called DEMOCRATIC PARTY, because they have exposed themselves.

They're Nazis/Communists and the pandemic has made it crystal clear.

Andrew Cuomo killed more people than the 911 terrorists, and he's desperate to blame it all on Trump. He did the opposite of what the CDC recommended and it resulted in the deaths of roughly 5000 seniors in New York.

Wherever a Democrat is in charge, nothing is improving. People are still locked up in their homes in some states, and in Michigan if you leave your home the mask goes on or you will be arrested. Nevermind the fact that masks are merely a placebo, a face mask has become the new socialist symbol of oppression.

View attachment 341185

Keep searching for something that might stick. You still have a little over five months until the election. Me thinks Republicans are whistling past the graveyard.
President Trump Job Approval | Election Other | RealClearPolitics

There a lot of states where a Democrat is in charge and things are improving..or at least staying the same. Forget the article. Just look at the nicely colored map without starting the video. :)
Just as Covid-19 cases keep rising in 18 states, holiday revelers crammed together without masks
Ye thinks wrong. We are watching the slow destruction of the Democrat party as we know it. Not only will Trump be reelected handily, but Democrats will likely lose the House as well. At that point heads like Pelosi, Shumer, Schiff, and Nadler will start rolling. The Democratic party will dissolve and will be taken over by the radicals like AOC and Commies like Sanders, which will guarantee Republican rule for at least 20 years. The writing is on the wall.

True story dude :cool:
The Republican Party had proven itself helpless to stop their lying, mentally ill, king Trump.

What kind of idiot woulod re-elect Trump after he killed 100,000 Americans, created a 14.5% unemnploymernt rate & lost 20.5 million jobs in a month. All for a low risk virus.

Run on thas, assfuck.
Funny part is majority of deaths are in Democrat run states and cities, like NY, where they shoved Covid positive patients in Nursing homes.
Pushing that nursing home bullshit.

'A patient from a nursing home goes to the hospital for COVID treatment, what do you do with them when they no longer need hospital care?

A person living alone goes to the hospital with COVID, what do you do with them whern they no longer need hospital care?
You don't put them back with other vulnerable people........unless you have Mush for a Brain.........oh are a liberal ........that explains it.......nvm

RealDumb is being very dumb again.

President Trump has been battling the virus hours every day, just because CNN censored it doesn't mean it isn't happening.

He was calling for travel restrictions while leftists screamed xenophobia.
I'm very aware of that and how they are trying to excuse their dear leaders for doing a purge on Nursing homes.

They try to TDS the blame to Trump for their idiotic the point of manslaughter via their policies..................

As they again call for Americans to rat out neighbors for QUARANTINE for a virus that is about
0.2% rate Quarantine I'm meaning people locked down at home who don't even have the stinking Chicom virus.
They say power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

It's too late for the so-called DEMOCRATIC PARTY, because they have exposed themselves.

They're Nazis/Communists and the pandemic has made it crystal clear.

Andrew Cuomo killed more people than the 911 terrorists, and he's desperate to blame it all on Trump. He did the opposite of what the CDC recommended and it resulted in the deaths of roughly 5000 seniors in New York.

Wherever a Democrat is in charge, nothing is improving. People are still locked up in their homes in some states, and in Michigan if you leave your home the mask goes on or you will be arrested. Nevermind the fact that masks are merely a placebo, a face mask has become the new socialist symbol of oppression.

View attachment 341185

Keep searching for something that might stick. You still have a little over five months until the election. Me thinks Republicans are whistling past the graveyard.
President Trump Job Approval | Election Other | RealClearPolitics

There a lot of states where a Democrat is in charge and things are improving..or at least staying the same. Forget the article. Just look at the nicely colored map without starting the video. :)
Just as Covid-19 cases keep rising in 18 states, holiday revelers crammed together without masks
Ye thinks wrong. We are watching the slow destruction of the Democrat party as we know it. Not only will Trump be reelected handily, but Democrats will likely lose the House as well. At that point heads like Pelosi, Shumer, Schiff, and Nadler will start rolling. The Democratic party will dissolve and will be taken over by the radicals like AOC and Commies like Sanders, which will guarantee Republican rule for at least 20 years. The writing is on the wall.

True story dude :cool:
The Republican Party had proven itself helpless to stop their lying, mentally ill, king Trump.

What kind of idiot woulod re-elect Trump after he killed 100,000 Americans, created a 14.5% unemnploymernt rate & lost 20.5 million jobs in a month. All for a low risk virus.

Run on thas, assfuck.
Funny part is majority of deaths are in Democrat run states and cities, like NY, where they shoved Covid positive patients in Nursing homes.
Pushing that nursing home bullshit.

'A patient from a nursing home goes to the hospital for COVID treatment, what do you do with them when they no longer need hospital care?

A person living alone goes to the hospital with COVID, what do you do with them whern they no longer need hospital care?
You don't put them back with other vulnerable people........unless you have Mush for a Brain.........oh are a liberal ........that explains it.......nvm

RealDumb is being very dumb again.

President Trump has been battling the virus hours every day, just because CNN censored it doesn't mean it isn't happening.

He was calling for travel restrictions while leftists screamed xenophobia.
. They were calling Trump Xenophobic before the virus.

Trump called it low risk. When we had 15 cases, Trump said it would soon be zero. He said he had it under complete control.
They say power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

It's too late for the so-called DEMOCRATIC PARTY, because they have exposed themselves.

They're Nazis/Communists and the pandemic has made it crystal clear.

Andrew Cuomo killed more people than the 911 terrorists, and he's desperate to blame it all on Trump. He did the opposite of what the CDC recommended and it resulted in the deaths of roughly 5000 seniors in New York.

Wherever a Democrat is in charge, nothing is improving. People are still locked up in their homes in some states, and in Michigan if you leave your home the mask goes on or you will be arrested. Nevermind the fact that masks are merely a placebo, a face mask has become the new socialist symbol of oppression.

View attachment 341185

Keep searching for something that might stick. You still have a little over five months until the election. Me thinks Republicans are whistling past the graveyard.
President Trump Job Approval | Election Other | RealClearPolitics

There a lot of states where a Democrat is in charge and things are improving..or at least staying the same. Forget the article. Just look at the nicely colored map without starting the video. :)
Just as Covid-19 cases keep rising in 18 states, holiday revelers crammed together without masks
Ye thinks wrong. We are watching the slow destruction of the Democrat party as we know it. Not only will Trump be reelected handily, but Democrats will likely lose the House as well. At that point heads like Pelosi, Shumer, Schiff, and Nadler will start rolling. The Democratic party will dissolve and will be taken over by the radicals like AOC and Commies like Sanders, which will guarantee Republican rule for at least 20 years. The writing is on the wall.

True story dude :cool:
The Republican Party had proven itself helpless to stop their lying, mentally ill, king Trump.

What kind of idiot woulod re-elect Trump after he killed 100,000 Americans, created a 14.5% unemnploymernt rate & lost 20.5 million jobs in a month. All for a low risk virus.

Run on thas, assfuck.
Funny part is majority of deaths are in Democrat run states and cities, like NY, where they shoved Covid positive patients in Nursing homes.
Pushing that nursing home bullshit.

'A patient from a nursing home goes to the hospital for COVID treatment, what do you do with them when they no longer need hospital care?

A person living alone goes to the hospital with COVID, what do you do with them whern they no longer need hospital care?
You don't put them back with other vulnerable people........unless you have Mush for a Brain.........oh are a liberal ........that explains it.......nvm

RealDumb is being very dumb again.

President Trump has been battling the virus hours every day, just because CNN censored it doesn't mean it isn't happening.

He was calling for travel restrictions while leftists screamed xenophobia.
. They were calling Trump Xenophobic before the virus.

Trump called it low risk. When we had 15 cases, Trump said it would soon be zero. He said he had it under complete control.

Was this before or after your experts had declared that there was no chance of human transmission?

President Trump played the situation very well. We were way behind Europe because his heroic travel bans.
Democrats (The Lock Down Party) Are Toast

View attachment 341187

Oh, right, right, I know. Hillary!!! 2016!!!!!

Yup...polls are overrated............unless the assholes get the mail in votes over a 0.2% virus........destroyed the economy over it.............and now switch their positions trying to blame it all on Trump.............Race Card being played out again...........

Kinda normal for the DNC being the assholes they are these days........and their PRAVDA outlets......
the assholers are you & your fucked up anti-American party who tries to suppress the vote every election. Fuck you. I hope Trump gdts so trashed your fucking party will be in hiding for decades.

Good bye to the Republican Senate.

THEN, we can get our country back from yet another Republican led disaster.

Bush took us from a balanced budget to the worst recession in 80 yeasrs.

Trump took 3 1/2 years to do this.
bs.......Your side tries to harvest votes everytime.....and kicks and screams every time the voter rolls have to be fixed.........You ignore the illegal Id's from illegals........and their FAKE I9 identities working here ..................THEN SAY VOTING IS ILLEGAL.


Your side is s freaking joke.


Both parties try to get out the vote by contacting their mrembers , offering rides to the polls, etc.

A new word & you assfucks go ballistic.
They say power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

It's too late for the so-called DEMOCRATIC PARTY, because they have exposed themselves.

They're Nazis/Communists and the pandemic has made it crystal clear.

Andrew Cuomo killed more people than the 911 terrorists, and he's desperate to blame it all on Trump. He did the opposite of what the CDC recommended and it resulted in the deaths of roughly 5000 seniors in New York.

Wherever a Democrat is in charge, nothing is improving. People are still locked up in their homes in some states, and in Michigan if you leave your home the mask goes on or you will be arrested. Nevermind the fact that masks are merely a placebo, a face mask has become the new socialist symbol of oppression.

View attachment 341185

Keep searching for something that might stick. You still have a little over five months until the election. Me thinks Republicans are whistling past the graveyard.
President Trump Job Approval | Election Other | RealClearPolitics

There a lot of states where a Democrat is in charge and things are improving..or at least staying the same. Forget the article. Just look at the nicely colored map without starting the video. :)
Just as Covid-19 cases keep rising in 18 states, holiday revelers crammed together without masks
Ye thinks wrong. We are watching the slow destruction of the Democrat party as we know it. Not only will Trump be reelected handily, but Democrats will likely lose the House as well. At that point heads like Pelosi, Shumer, Schiff, and Nadler will start rolling. The Democratic party will dissolve and will be taken over by the radicals like AOC and Commies like Sanders, which will guarantee Republican rule for at least 20 years. The writing is on the wall.

True story dude :cool:
The Republican Party had proven itself helpless to stop their lying, mentally ill, king Trump.

What kind of idiot woulod re-elect Trump after he killed 100,000 Americans, created a 14.5% unemnploymernt rate & lost 20.5 million jobs in a month. All for a low risk virus.

Run on thas, assfuck.
Funny part is majority of deaths are in Democrat run states and cities, like NY, where they shoved Covid positive patients in Nursing homes.
Pushing that nursing home bullshit.

'A patient from a nursing home goes to the hospital for COVID treatment, what do you do with them when they no longer need hospital care?

A person living alone goes to the hospital with COVID, what do you do with them whern they no longer need hospital care?
You don't put them back with other vulnerable people........unless you have Mush for a Brain.........oh are a liberal ........that explains it.......nvm

RealDumb is being very dumb again.

President Trump has been battling the virus hours every day, just because CNN censored it doesn't mean it isn't happening.

He was calling for travel restrictions while leftists screamed xenophobia.
. They were calling Trump Xenophobic before the virus.

Trump called it low risk. When we had 15 cases, Trump said it would soon be zero. He said he had it under complete control.

Was this before or after your experts had declared that there was no chance of human transmission?

President Trump played the situation very well. We were way behind Europe because his heroic travel bans.

They said they had not yet found this, not that there was no chance.

Where are we now in comparison with Europe?

Trump's travel ban were after most airlines already curtailed flights & other countries had already banned them.

You stupid fucks think he was the first.
They say power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

It's too late for the so-called DEMOCRATIC PARTY, because they have exposed themselves.

They're Nazis/Communists and the pandemic has made it crystal clear.

Andrew Cuomo killed more people than the 911 terrorists, and he's desperate to blame it all on Trump. He did the opposite of what the CDC recommended and it resulted in the deaths of roughly 5000 seniors in New York.

Wherever a Democrat is in charge, nothing is improving. People are still locked up in their homes in some states, and in Michigan if you leave your home the mask goes on or you will be arrested. Nevermind the fact that masks are merely a placebo, a face mask has become the new socialist symbol of oppression.

View attachment 341185

Keep searching for something that might stick. You still have a little over five months until the election. Me thinks Republicans are whistling past the graveyard.
President Trump Job Approval | Election Other | RealClearPolitics

There a lot of states where a Democrat is in charge and things are improving..or at least staying the same. Forget the article. Just look at the nicely colored map without starting the video. :)
Just as Covid-19 cases keep rising in 18 states, holiday revelers crammed together without masks
Ye thinks wrong. We are watching the slow destruction of the Democrat party as we know it. Not only will Trump be reelected handily, but Democrats will likely lose the House as well. At that point heads like Pelosi, Shumer, Schiff, and Nadler will start rolling. The Democratic party will dissolve and will be taken over by the radicals like AOC and Commies like Sanders, which will guarantee Republican rule for at least 20 years. The writing is on the wall.

True story dude :cool:
The Republican Party had proven itself helpless to stop their lying, mentally ill, king Trump.

What kind of idiot woulod re-elect Trump after he killed 100,000 Americans, created a 14.5% unemnploymernt rate & lost 20.5 million jobs in a month. All for a low risk virus.

Run on thas, assfuck.
Funny part is majority of deaths are in Democrat run states and cities, like NY, where they shoved Covid positive patients in Nursing homes.
Pushing that nursing home bullshit.

'A patient from a nursing home goes to the hospital for COVID treatment, what do you do with them when they no longer need hospital care?

A person living alone goes to the hospital with COVID, what do you do with them whern they no longer need hospital care?
You don't put them back with other vulnerable people........unless you have Mush for a Brain.........oh are a liberal ........that explains it.......nvm

RealDumb is being very dumb again.

President Trump has been battling the virus hours every day, just because CNN censored it doesn't mean it isn't happening.

He was calling for travel restrictions while leftists screamed xenophobia.
. They were calling Trump Xenophobic before the virus.

Trump called it low risk. When we had 15 cases, Trump said it would soon be zero. He said he had it under complete control.

Was this before or after your experts had declared that there was no chance of human transmission?

President Trump played the situation very well. We were way behind Europe because his heroic travel bans.

They said they had not yet found this, not that there was no chance.

Where are we now in comparison with Europe?

Trump's travel ban were after most airlines already curtailed flights & other countries had already banned them.

You stupid fucks think he was the first.

This is not true. Because of Trump's ban Europe had the virus much sooner, and then spread it here.

Fuck off liar.
There is something wrong with democrats. Their fury at losing the 2016 election has uncoupled them from reality. Hurting Trump and disenfranchising republicans has taken over their entire beings. Ignoring everything other than Trump has allowed a kind of political and social gangrene to spread.

The desire to hurt republicans has caused the idea that spreading death in nursing homes is a good idea. Preventing people from receiving medical care would cause the public to turn against the president. Destroying the economy will win elections. Democrat controlled cities and states started to crumble under the weight of their own folly.

With just a few months to go before the election the rotted out democrats seized on the death of a black man to cause nationwide riots. Like the virus outbreaks, the violence is occurring only in Democrat cities. Burn them down. Loot the stores.

It's time to admit that Democrat isn't a political philosophy. It is a mental disease. They must be stopped by whatever it takes before it morphs into its Next level.
There is something wrong with democrats. Their fury at losing the 2016 election has uncoupled them from reality. Hurting Trump and disenfranchising republicans has taken over their entire beings. Ignoring everything other than Trump has allowed a kind of political and social gangrene to spread.

The desire to hurt republicans has caused the idea that spreading death in nursing homes is a good idea. Preventing people from receiving medical care would cause the public to turn against the president. Destroying the economy will win elections. Democrat controlled cities and states started to crumble under the weight of their own folly.

With just a few months to go before the election the rotted out democrats seized on the death of a black man to cause nationwide riots. Like the virus outbreaks, the violence is occurring only in Democrat cities. Burn them down. Loot the stores.

It's time to admit that Democrat isn't a political philosophy. It is a mental disease. They must be stopped by whatever it takes before it morphs into its Next level.

It is because finally they have actual OPPOSITION. They freak out... they thought they could drag us all the way to communism without impediment. The loser conservatives stood for nothing and were simply leftists four years later, if that.

Now a man with balls stands in the way. With real American beliefs as well.
Remember when democrats were terrified that businesses would open and the economy improve? Well, try opening a business in ashes. That's the democrat message.
They say power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

It's too late for the so-called DEMOCRATIC PARTY, because they have exposed themselves.

They're Nazis/Communists and the pandemic has made it crystal clear.

Andrew Cuomo killed more people than the 911 terrorists, and he's desperate to blame it all on Trump. He did the opposite of what the CDC recommended and it resulted in the deaths of roughly 5000 seniors in New York.

Wherever a Democrat is in charge, nothing is improving. People are still locked up in their homes in some states, and in Michigan if you leave your home the mask goes on or you will be arrested. Nevermind the fact that masks are merely a placebo, a face mask has become the new socialist symbol of oppression.

View attachment 341185
It is stupidity like this that helped kill 100,000 Americans.

If it were up to Dickwhistle, we'd have over a million dead. no masks, no stay at home, no closing anything.

Yet another example of just how fucking stupid Trtumpettes really are.
Which stupid Democrat governor running a Democrat state forced its nursing homes to take in Covid positive patients that led to the masacre of thousands of its seniors? I'll give you three guesses...
Of course, you had a better place to put these people who were not hospital cases.

Until you assfucks have a solution, shut the fuck up.

And furrhermore, quit pretending it was just Democrtat governors.
Yeah right, there wasn't a "better place to put" Covid positive cases but smack right in the middle of senior nursing homes, the most vulnerable population, to ensure that thousands end up dying as a result. What better way to flatten the curve, eh? . You deranged Leftist psychos will defend anything Democrats do.
Where would you put them?

Why can't nursing homes isolate these people? What do they do with COVID patients that were not hospital cases?

You assdfucks need to find a better excuse to defend that stupid ass Trump whjo did nothing for months as the virus invaded Amerfca.
I would put Covid positive patients anywhere but smack in the middle of a nursing home, where SCIENCE AND FACTS have proven they are the most vulnerable population.
They say power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

It's too late for the so-called DEMOCRATIC PARTY, because they have exposed themselves.

They're Nazis/Communists and the pandemic has made it crystal clear.

Andrew Cuomo killed more people than the 911 terrorists, and he's desperate to blame it all on Trump. He did the opposite of what the CDC recommended and it resulted in the deaths of roughly 5000 seniors in New York.

Wherever a Democrat is in charge, nothing is improving. People are still locked up in their homes in some states, and in Michigan if you leave your home the mask goes on or you will be arrested. Nevermind the fact that masks are merely a placebo, a face mask has become the new socialist symbol of oppression.

View attachment 341185
It is stupidity like this that helped kill 100,000 Americans.

If it were up to Dickwhistle, we'd have over a million dead. no masks, no stay at home, no closing anything.

Yet another example of just how fucking stupid Trtumpettes really are.
Which stupid Democrat governor running a Democrat state forced its nursing homes to take in Covid positive patients that led to the masacre of thousands of its seniors? I'll give you three guesses...
There were more than one
Well of course, that's why overwhelming majority of infections and deaths have occurred in states run by negligent Democrats.
They say power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

It's too late for the so-called DEMOCRATIC PARTY, because they have exposed themselves.

They're Nazis/Communists and the pandemic has made it crystal clear.

Andrew Cuomo killed more people than the 911 terrorists, and he's desperate to blame it all on Trump. He did the opposite of what the CDC recommended and it resulted in the deaths of roughly 5000 seniors in New York.

Wherever a Democrat is in charge, nothing is improving. People are still locked up in their homes in some states, and in Michigan if you leave your home the mask goes on or you will be arrested. Nevermind the fact that masks are merely a placebo, a face mask has become the new socialist symbol of oppression.

View attachment 341185
It is stupidity like this that helped kill 100,000 Americans.

If it were up to Dickwhistle, we'd have over a million dead. no masks, no stay at home, no closing anything.

Yet another example of just how fucking stupid Trtumpettes really are.
Which stupid Democrat governor running a Democrat state forced its nursing homes to take in Covid positive patients that led to the masacre of thousands of its seniors? I'll give you three guesses...
There were more than one
Well of course, that's why overwhelming majority of infections and deaths have occurred in states run by negligent Democrats.
States with higher populations?

Governors must act because your fat asssed, piece of shit, orange buddy has done NOTHING.
They say power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

It's too late for the so-called DEMOCRATIC PARTY, because they have exposed themselves.

They're Nazis/Communists and the pandemic has made it crystal clear.

Andrew Cuomo killed more people than the 911 terrorists, and he's desperate to blame it all on Trump. He did the opposite of what the CDC recommended and it resulted in the deaths of roughly 5000 seniors in New York.

Wherever a Democrat is in charge, nothing is improving. People are still locked up in their homes in some states, and in Michigan if you leave your home the mask goes on or you will be arrested. Nevermind the fact that masks are merely a placebo, a face mask has become the new socialist symbol of oppression.

View attachment 341185
It is stupidity like this that helped kill 100,000 Americans.

If it were up to Dickwhistle, we'd have over a million dead. no masks, no stay at home, no closing anything.

Yet another example of just how fucking stupid Trtumpettes really are.
Which stupid Democrat governor running a Democrat state forced its nursing homes to take in Covid positive patients that led to the masacre of thousands of its seniors? I'll give you three guesses...
Of course, you had a better place to put these people who were not hospital cases.

Until you assfucks have a solution, shut the fuck up.

And furrhermore, quit pretending it was just Democrtat governors.
Yeah right, there wasn't a "better place to put" Covid positive cases but smack right in the middle of senior nursing homes, the most vulnerable population, to ensure that thousands end up dying as a result. What better way to flatten the curve, eh? . You deranged Leftist psychos will defend anything Democrats do.
Where would you put them?

Why can't nursing homes isolate these people? What do they do with COVID patients that were not hospital cases?

You assdfucks need to find a better excuse to defend that stupid ass Trump whjo did nothing for months as the virus invaded Amerfca.
I would put Covid positive patients anywhere but smack in the middle of a nursing home, where SCIENCE AND FACTS have proven they are the most vulnerable population.
WHERE? Where would you put them?

Were you going go take them into your home?

Nursing homes were getting cases long before any action from the states. They should be able to isolate these cases.
They say power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

It's too late for the so-called DEMOCRATIC PARTY, because they have exposed themselves.

They're Nazis/Communists and the pandemic has made it crystal clear.

Andrew Cuomo killed more people than the 911 terrorists, and he's desperate to blame it all on Trump. He did the opposite of what the CDC recommended and it resulted in the deaths of roughly 5000 seniors in New York.

Wherever a Democrat is in charge, nothing is improving. People are still locked up in their homes in some states, and in Michigan if you leave your home the mask goes on or you will be arrested. Nevermind the fact that masks are merely a placebo, a face mask has become the new socialist symbol of oppression.

View attachment 341185

Keep searching for something that might stick. You still have a little over five months until the election. Me thinks Republicans are whistling past the graveyard.
President Trump Job Approval | Election Other | RealClearPolitics

There a lot of states where a Democrat is in charge and things are improving..or at least staying the same. Forget the article. Just look at the nicely colored map without starting the video. :)
Just as Covid-19 cases keep rising in 18 states, holiday revelers crammed together without masks
Ye thinks wrong. We are watching the slow destruction of the Democrat party as we know it. Not only will Trump be reelected handily, but Democrats will likely lose the House as well. At that point heads like Pelosi, Shumer, Schiff, and Nadler will start rolling. The Democratic party will dissolve and will be taken over by the radicals like AOC and Commies like Sanders, which will guarantee Republican rule for at least 20 years. The writing is on the wall.

True story dude :cool:
The Republican Party had proven itself helpless to stop their lying, mentally ill, king Trump.

What kind of idiot woulod re-elect Trump after he killed 100,000 Americans, created a 14.5% unemnploymernt rate & lost 20.5 million jobs in a month. All for a low risk virus.

Run on thas, assfuck.
Funny part is majority of deaths are in Democrat run states and cities, like NY, where they shoved Covid positive patients in Nursing homes.
Pushing that nursing home bullshit.

'A patient from a nursing home goes to the hospital for COVID treatment, what do you do with them when they no longer need hospital care?

A person living alone goes to the hospital with COVID, what do you do with them whern they no longer need hospital care?
You don't put them back with other vulnerable people........unless you have Mush for a Brain.........oh are a liberal ........that explains it.......nvm

RealDumb is being very dumb again.

President Trump has been battling the virus hours every day, just because CNN censored it doesn't mean it isn't happening.

He was calling for travel restrictions while leftists screamed xenophobia.
. They were calling Trump Xenophobic before the virus.

Trump called it low risk. When we had 15 cases, Trump said it would soon be zero. He said he had it under complete control.

Was this before or after your experts had declared that there was no chance of human transmission?

President Trump played the situation very well. We were way behind Europe because his heroic travel bans.

"Our experts?". You mean the WHO, who admittedly stated on January 14th that there was no evidence of human transmission. 15 days later on January 29th, they retracted it and said there was. While it was an error, as I've said a hundred times before, when has the United States of America waited for any country or organization to act before we did? Trump in Davos on January 22nd stating that it was nothing to worry about, it was only a couple of people and we had it under control. If only he had come back home and done something. If you want to see how a country should have responded to the virus, here you go.
How this country of 97 million kept its coronavirus death toll at zero
They say power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

It's too late for the so-called DEMOCRATIC PARTY, because they have exposed themselves.

They're Nazis/Communists and the pandemic has made it crystal clear.

Andrew Cuomo killed more people than the 911 terrorists, and he's desperate to blame it all on Trump. He did the opposite of what the CDC recommended and it resulted in the deaths of roughly 5000 seniors in New York.

Wherever a Democrat is in charge, nothing is improving. People are still locked up in their homes in some states, and in Michigan if you leave your home the mask goes on or you will be arrested. Nevermind the fact that masks are merely a placebo, a face mask has become the new socialist symbol of oppression.

View attachment 341185

Keep searching for something that might stick. You still have a little over five months until the election. Me thinks Republicans are whistling past the graveyard.
President Trump Job Approval | Election Other | RealClearPolitics

There a lot of states where a Democrat is in charge and things are improving..or at least staying the same. Forget the article. Just look at the nicely colored map without starting the video. :)
Just as Covid-19 cases keep rising in 18 states, holiday revelers crammed together without masks
Ye thinks wrong. We are watching the slow destruction of the Democrat party as we know it. Not only will Trump be reelected handily, but Democrats will likely lose the House as well. At that point heads like Pelosi, Shumer, Schiff, and Nadler will start rolling. The Democratic party will dissolve and will be taken over by the radicals like AOC and Commies like Sanders, which will guarantee Republican rule for at least 20 years. The writing is on the wall.

True story dude :cool:
The Republican Party had proven itself helpless to stop their lying, mentally ill, king Trump.

What kind of idiot woulod re-elect Trump after he killed 100,000 Americans, created a 14.5% unemnploymernt rate & lost 20.5 million jobs in a month. All for a low risk virus.

Run on thas, assfuck.
Funny part is majority of deaths are in Democrat run states and cities, like NY, where they shoved Covid positive patients in Nursing homes.
Pushing that nursing home bullshit.

'A patient from a nursing home goes to the hospital for COVID treatment, what do you do with them when they no longer need hospital care?

A person living alone goes to the hospital with COVID, what do you do with them whern they no longer need hospital care?
You don't put them back with other vulnerable people........unless you have Mush for a Brain.........oh are a liberal ........that explains it.......nvm

RealDumb is being very dumb again.

President Trump has been battling the virus hours every day, just because CNN censored it doesn't mean it isn't happening.

He was calling for travel restrictions while leftists screamed xenophobia.
. They were calling Trump Xenophobic before the virus.

Trump called it low risk. When we had 15 cases, Trump said it would soon be zero. He said he had it under complete control.

Was this before or after your experts had declared that there was no chance of human transmission?

President Trump played the situation very well. We were way behind Europe because his heroic travel bans.

"Our experts?". You mean the WHO, who admittedly stated on January 14th that there was no evidence of human transmission. 15 days later on January 29th, they retracted it and said there was. While it was an error, as I've said a hundred times before, when has the United States of America waited for any country or organization to act before we did? Trump in Davos on January 22nd stating that it was nothing to worry about, it was only a couple of people and we had it under control. If only he had come back home and done something. If you want to see how a country should have responded to the virus, here you go.
How this country of 97 million kept its coronavirus death toll at zero

The media has conceded to Trump. He handled the situation very well.

Up to stirring riots and race war now.
They say power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

It's too late for the so-called DEMOCRATIC PARTY, because they have exposed themselves.

They're Nazis/Communists and the pandemic has made it crystal clear.

Andrew Cuomo killed more people than the 911 terrorists, and he's desperate to blame it all on Trump. He did the opposite of what the CDC recommended and it resulted in the deaths of roughly 5000 seniors in New York.

Wherever a Democrat is in charge, nothing is improving. People are still locked up in their homes in some states, and in Michigan if you leave your home the mask goes on or you will be arrested. Nevermind the fact that masks are merely a placebo, a face mask has become the new socialist symbol of oppression.

View attachment 341185

Keep searching for something that might stick. You still have a little over five months until the election. Me thinks Republicans are whistling past the graveyard.
President Trump Job Approval | Election Other | RealClearPolitics

There a lot of states where a Democrat is in charge and things are improving..or at least staying the same. Forget the article. Just look at the nicely colored map without starting the video. :)
Just as Covid-19 cases keep rising in 18 states, holiday revelers crammed together without masks
Ye thinks wrong. We are watching the slow destruction of the Democrat party as we know it. Not only will Trump be reelected handily, but Democrats will likely lose the House as well. At that point heads like Pelosi, Shumer, Schiff, and Nadler will start rolling. The Democratic party will dissolve and will be taken over by the radicals like AOC and Commies like Sanders, which will guarantee Republican rule for at least 20 years. The writing is on the wall.

True story dude :cool:
The Republican Party had proven itself helpless to stop their lying, mentally ill, king Trump.

What kind of idiot woulod re-elect Trump after he killed 100,000 Americans, created a 14.5% unemnploymernt rate & lost 20.5 million jobs in a month. All for a low risk virus.

Run on thas, assfuck.
Funny part is majority of deaths are in Democrat run states and cities, like NY, where they shoved Covid positive patients in Nursing homes.
Pushing that nursing home bullshit.

'A patient from a nursing home goes to the hospital for COVID treatment, what do you do with them when they no longer need hospital care?

A person living alone goes to the hospital with COVID, what do you do with them whern they no longer need hospital care?
You don't put them back with other vulnerable people........unless you have Mush for a Brain.........oh are a liberal ........that explains it.......nvm

RealDumb is being very dumb again.

President Trump has been battling the virus hours every day, just because CNN censored it doesn't mean it isn't happening.

He was calling for travel restrictions while leftists screamed xenophobia.
. They were calling Trump Xenophobic before the virus.

Trump called it low risk. When we had 15 cases, Trump said it would soon be zero. He said he had it under complete control.

Was this before or after your experts had declared that there was no chance of human transmission?

President Trump played the situation very well. We were way behind Europe because his heroic travel bans.

"Our experts?". You mean the WHO, who admittedly stated on January 14th that there was no evidence of human transmission. 15 days later on January 29th, they retracted it and said there was. While it was an error, as I've said a hundred times before, when has the United States of America waited for any country or organization to act before we did? Trump in Davos on January 22nd stating that it was nothing to worry about, it was only a couple of people and we had it under control. If only he had come back home and done something. If you want to see how a country should have responded to the virus, here you go.
How this country of 97 million kept its coronavirus death toll at zero
There is a difference in finding the human to human spread proof and saying there was no human to human spread.

Evidently, this is too difficult for Trump supporters to grasp.
There is something wrong with democrats. Their fury at losing the 2016 election has uncoupled them from reality. Hurting Trump and disenfranchising republicans has taken over their entire beings. Ignoring everything other than Trump has allowed a kind of political and social gangrene to spread.

The desire to hurt republicans has caused the idea that spreading death in nursing homes is a good idea. Preventing people from receiving medical care would cause the public to turn against the president. Destroying the economy will win elections. Democrat controlled cities and states started to crumble under the weight of their own folly.

With just a few months to go before the election the rotted out democrats seized on the death of a black man to cause nationwide riots. Like the virus outbreaks, the violence is occurring only in Democrat cities. Burn them down. Loot the stores.

It's time to admit that Democrat isn't a political philosophy. It is a mental disease. They must be stopped by whatever it takes before it morphs into its Next level.

It is because finally they have actual OPPOSITION. They freak out... they thought they could drag us all the way to communism without impediment. The loser conservatives stood for nothing and were simply leftists four years later, if that.

Now a man with balls stands in the way. With real American beliefs as well.
If only you stupid fucks knew what Communism & socialism actuallyt were.
They say power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

It's too late for the so-called DEMOCRATIC PARTY, because they have exposed themselves.

They're Nazis/Communists and the pandemic has made it crystal clear.

Andrew Cuomo killed more people than the 911 terrorists, and he's desperate to blame it all on Trump. He did the opposite of what the CDC recommended and it resulted in the deaths of roughly 5000 seniors in New York.

Wherever a Democrat is in charge, nothing is improving. People are still locked up in their homes in some states, and in Michigan if you leave your home the mask goes on or you will be arrested. Nevermind the fact that masks are merely a placebo, a face mask has become the new socialist symbol of oppression.

View attachment 341185

Keep searching for something that might stick. You still have a little over five months until the election. Me thinks Republicans are whistling past the graveyard.
President Trump Job Approval | Election Other | RealClearPolitics

There a lot of states where a Democrat is in charge and things are improving..or at least staying the same. Forget the article. Just look at the nicely colored map without starting the video. :)
Just as Covid-19 cases keep rising in 18 states, holiday revelers crammed together without masks
Ye thinks wrong. We are watching the slow destruction of the Democrat party as we know it. Not only will Trump be reelected handily, but Democrats will likely lose the House as well. At that point heads like Pelosi, Shumer, Schiff, and Nadler will start rolling. The Democratic party will dissolve and will be taken over by the radicals like AOC and Commies like Sanders, which will guarantee Republican rule for at least 20 years. The writing is on the wall.

True story dude :cool:
The Republican Party had proven itself helpless to stop their lying, mentally ill, king Trump.

What kind of idiot woulod re-elect Trump after he killed 100,000 Americans, created a 14.5% unemnploymernt rate & lost 20.5 million jobs in a month. All for a low risk virus.

Run on thas, assfuck.
Funny part is majority of deaths are in Democrat run states and cities, like NY, where they shoved Covid positive patients in Nursing homes.
Pushing that nursing home bullshit.

'A patient from a nursing home goes to the hospital for COVID treatment, what do you do with them when they no longer need hospital care?

A person living alone goes to the hospital with COVID, what do you do with them whern they no longer need hospital care?
You don't put them back with other vulnerable people........unless you have Mush for a Brain.........oh are a liberal ........that explains it.......nvm

RealDumb is being very dumb again.

President Trump has been battling the virus hours every day, just because CNN censored it doesn't mean it isn't happening.

He was calling for travel restrictions while leftists screamed xenophobia.
. They were calling Trump Xenophobic before the virus.

Trump called it low risk. When we had 15 cases, Trump said it would soon be zero. He said he had it under complete control.

Was this before or after your experts had declared that there was no chance of human transmission?

President Trump played the situation very well. We were way behind Europe because his heroic travel bans.

"Our experts?". You mean the WHO, who admittedly stated on January 14th that there was no evidence of human transmission. 15 days later on January 29th, they retracted it and said there was. While it was an error, as I've said a hundred times before, when has the United States of America waited for any country or organization to act before we did? Trump in Davos on January 22nd stating that it was nothing to worry about, it was only a couple of people and we had it under control. If only he had come back home and done something. If you want to see how a country should have responded to the virus, here you go.
How this country of 97 million kept its coronavirus death toll at zero

The media has conceded to Trump. He handled the situation very well.

Up to stirring riots and race war now.

The media just reports what Trump says and does. They don't concede to anything. The guests that they have on their shows offer their opinions. And nobody is even close (except for the apologists at Fox and OAN) to saying he handled it well.
Sorry, it's not the Democrats that are poised to be burnt, crispy toast in November. There are some Republican strategists that are genuinely worried that the upcoming election could not only cost them the Presidency, but also their Senate majority.
GOP senators worry Trump, COVID-19 could cost them their majority
They say power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

It's too late for the so-called DEMOCRATIC PARTY, because they have exposed themselves.

They're Nazis/Communists and the pandemic has made it crystal clear.

Andrew Cuomo killed more people than the 911 terrorists, and he's desperate to blame it all on Trump. He did the opposite of what the CDC recommended and it resulted in the deaths of roughly 5000 seniors in New York.

Wherever a Democrat is in charge, nothing is improving. People are still locked up in their homes in some states, and in Michigan if you leave your home the mask goes on or you will be arrested. Nevermind the fact that masks are merely a placebo, a face mask has become the new socialist symbol of oppression.

View attachment 341185
It is stupidity like this that helped kill 100,000 Americans.

If it were up to Dickwhistle, we'd have over a million dead. no masks, no stay at home, no closing anything.

Yet another example of just how fucking stupid Trtumpettes really are.
Which stupid Democrat governor running a Democrat state forced its nursing homes to take in Covid positive patients that led to the masacre of thousands of its seniors? I'll give you three guesses...
There were more than one
Well of course, that's why overwhelming majority of infections and deaths have occurred in states run by negligent Democrats.
States with higher populations?

Governors must act because your fat asssed, piece of shit, orange buddy has done NOTHING.
Nothing but save Democrat governors assesses, like when Coumo was begging for ventilators, hospital beds, and equipment. Which he thanked Trump for. Are you now saying Coumo is a liar?
There is something wrong with democrats. Their fury at losing the 2016 election has uncoupled them from reality. Hurting Trump and disenfranchising republicans has taken over their entire beings. Ignoring everything other than Trump has allowed a kind of political and social gangrene to spread.

The desire to hurt republicans has caused the idea that spreading death in nursing homes is a good idea. Preventing people from receiving medical care would cause the public to turn against the president. Destroying the economy will win elections. Democrat controlled cities and states started to crumble under the weight of their own folly.

With just a few months to go before the election the rotted out democrats seized on the death of a black man to cause nationwide riots. Like the virus outbreaks, the violence is occurring only in Democrat cities. Burn them down. Loot the stores.

It's time to admit that Democrat isn't a political philosophy. It is a mental disease. They must be stopped by whatever it takes before it morphs into its Next level.

It is because finally they have actual OPPOSITION. They freak out... they thought they could drag us all the way to communism without impediment. The loser conservatives stood for nothing and were simply leftists four years later, if that.

Now a man with balls stands in the way. With real American beliefs as well.
If only you stupid fucks knew what Communism & socialism actuallyt were.
Maybe we should have gone to the USSR for our honeymoon like Sanders did, to understand the goodness of communism?

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