Democrats & Their Media Complain Senate Is Partisan!


Diamond Member
Feb 26, 2012
Really. No mention of the fact that the Hysterical House Dem impeachment was a totally partisan sham. Face it ... Dems are just gonna have to win in November. Good luck with that. :lol:

McConnell ready to start impeachment trial with partisan power play
The move is the latest exercise of blunt political power by McConnell, who since becoming majority leader has found myriad ways to sideline Democrats and move his agenda with narrow majorities. And the partisan impeachment road isn’t without risk: Republicans are doing little to distance themselves from the president even on process questions, let alone the ultimate decision of whether to remove Trump from office.
This has been a successful tactic for the Dems so far, accuse the opposition of doing exactly what they are guilty of doing. Apparently, the American public is expected to be as stupid, ignorant, and deluded as they think we are.
I'm pretty damned sick of the Dem "I know you are but what am I" brand of politics.
now how in the hell could a majority republican senate be partisan to a (so called) republican president ?

f'n dems must be cra-cra -
The Republicans whined about the dems being biased and unfair during the impeachment process.
Now its the democrats turn to whine about the Republicans being biased and unfair in the senate.
There is no double-standard this time, that's why the dems think its unfair.

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