Democrats threatening to shut down govt over 0.035% of govt spending


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Trump’s Border Wall Request Equals 0.035% of Federal Spending

"President Donald Trump’s request that Congress include $1.4 billion to fund the beginning of his proposed wall on the U.S.-Mexico border equals approximately 0.035 percent of what the federal government will spend in total this year, according to the latest estimate of fiscal year 2017 federal spending made by the Congressional Budget Office."

Keeping our borders unsecured and Americans unsafe...preventing a cost of 0.035% of the federal budget - that icludes so much fraud, waste, and abuse, like that uncovered in Obama's EPA - is important enough to shut down the federal govt.
Trump’s Border Wall Request Equals 0.035% of Federal Spending

"President Donald Trump’s request that Congress include $1.4 billion to fund the beginning of his proposed wall on the U.S.-Mexico border equals approximately 0.035 percent of what the federal government will spend in total this year, according to the latest estimate of fiscal year 2017 federal spending made by the Congressional Budget Office."

Keeping our borders unsecured and Americans unsafe...preventing a cost of 0.035% of the federal budget - that icludes so much fraud, waste, and abuse, like that uncovered in Obama's EPA - is important enough to shut down the federal govt.

The border is not "unsecured" nor are we "unsafe", klown pants. The border is actually way more effective than, say, overstaying visas, which is where most illegals come from.

But hey ---- "You don't sell solutions; you sell feelings".
Nothing more than feelings.... :eusa_boohoo:
Fee-lings.... whoa whoa whoa Fee-lings.....
Hey, you guys have the House, the Senate, and the Executive. Yet you cannot get a thing done. Doesn't sound like a problem with Democrats, sounds like a problem with the GOP.
The border is not "unsecured" nor are we "unsafe", klown pants. ....
Yeah, that's why we have MILLIONS of illegals in this country who have crossed the border to get here, why drug cartels have brought MILLIONS of pounds of drugs into this country, why human traffickers -protected by Obama - have brought illegals into the country, why our intel agencies have declared we have terrorist groups in this country, and why they say we have little knowledge of who has come or comes into this country.

Until now we ave had a President who openky refused to enforce existing Immigration laws, who has instead defended open borders, who has protected Sanctuary Cities that protect criminal illegals and terrorists, who has protected and engaged in himan trafficking, etc...

Put down the liberal snowflake crack pipe...
Trump’s Border Wall Request Equals 0.035% of Federal Spending

"President Donald Trump’s request that Congress include $1.4 billion to fund the beginning of his proposed wall on the U.S.-Mexico border equals approximately 0.035 percent of what the federal government will spend in total this year, according to the latest estimate of fiscal year 2017 federal spending made by the Congressional Budget Office."

Keeping our borders unsecured and Americans unsafe...preventing a cost of 0.035% of the federal budget - that icludes so much fraud, waste, and abuse, like that uncovered in Obama's EPA - is important enough to shut down the federal govt.

The border is not "unsecured" nor are we "unsafe", klown pants. The border is actually way more effective than, say, overstaying visas, which is where most illegals come from.

But hey ---- "You don't sell solutions; you sell feelings".
Nothing more than feelings.... :eusa_boohoo:
Fee-lings.... whoa whoa whoa Fee-lings.....
People living down there and Bp agents are telling a different story. Stop lying. Dems would be beside themselves if they found out illegals started voting republican. They'd have that wall up yesterday.
The border is not "unsecured" nor are we "unsafe", klown pants. ....
Yeah, that's why we have MILLIONS of illegals in this country who have crossed the border to get here, why drug cartels have brought MILLIONS of pounds of drugs into this country, why human traffickers -protected by Obama - have brought illegals into the country, why our intel agencies have declared we have terrorist groups in this country, and why they say we have little knowledge of who has come or comes into this country.

Until now we ave had a President who openky refused to enforce existing Immigration laws, who has instead defended open borders, who has protected Sanctuary Cities that protect criminal illegals and terrorists, who has protected and engaged in himan trafficking, etc...

Put down the liberal snowflake crack pipe...
...bad, bad, bad.

...good, good, good.
Trump’s Border Wall Request Equals 0.035% of Federal Spending

"President Donald Trump’s request that Congress include $1.4 billion to fund the beginning of his proposed wall on the U.S.-Mexico border equals approximately 0.035 percent of what the federal government will spend in total this year, according to the latest estimate of fiscal year 2017 federal spending made by the Congressional Budget Office."

Keeping our borders unsecured and Americans unsafe...preventing a cost of 0.035% of the federal budget - that icludes so much fraud, waste, and abuse, like that uncovered in Obama's EPA - is important enough to shut down the federal govt.

The border is not "unsecured" nor are we "unsafe", klown pants. The border is actually way more effective than, say, overstaying visas, which is where most illegals come from.

But hey ---- "You don't sell solutions; you sell feelings".
Nothing more than feelings.... :eusa_boohoo:
Fee-lings.... whoa whoa whoa Fee-lings.....

You are correct. The real problem isn't people jumping the border as much as it is overstaying their visas. Incidentally, did you know that the largest group of illegals hitting the USA now is actually coming from Asia? Seems that there are tourist companies in China that send pregnant women here, they have their kid, and then have an anchor baby.

But, saying "visa reform" doesn't generate the same feelings of fear and loathing that "refugees" or "illegal immigrants" or "border jumpers" does.

The real problem is with the visa program. By the way, ALL Islamic terrorist attacks done in this country have been done by 1) US born citizens, 2) naturalized US citizens, and 3) people who came into this country on a visa.

ZERO terror attacks have been done by refugees or illegals.
The border is not "unsecured" nor are we "unsafe", klown pants. ....
Yeah, that's why we have MILLIONS of illegals in this country who have crossed the border to get here, why drug cartels have brought MILLIONS of pounds of drugs into this country, why human traffickers -protected by Obama - have brought illegals into the country, why our intel agencies have declared we have terrorist groups in this country, and why they say we have little knowledge of who has come or comes into this country.

Until now we ave had a President who openky refused to enforce existing Immigration laws, who has instead defended open borders, who has protected Sanctuary Cities that protect criminal illegals and terrorists, who has protected and engaged in himan trafficking, etc...

Put down the liberal snowflake crack pipe...

No, Klown belt, that's not why, because they haven't etc etc etc. As I just said --- nothing more than Feelings....

Those who are less impressed by Feelings, know better. And they're not keeping it a secret.
What % does planned parenthood get? Cause that freaks out cons to no end .

Quick google . Like $500 mill.
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Trump’s Border Wall Request Equals 0.035% of Federal Spending

"President Donald Trump’s request that Congress include $1.4 billion to fund the beginning of his proposed wall on the U.S.-Mexico border equals approximately 0.035 percent of what the federal government will spend in total this year, according to the latest estimate of fiscal year 2017 federal spending made by the Congressional Budget Office."

Keeping our borders unsecured and Americans unsafe...preventing a cost of 0.035% of the federal budget - that icludes so much fraud, waste, and abuse, like that uncovered in Obama's EPA - is important enough to shut down the federal govt.

A border wall is a waste of money and we don't need to waste money even if it is only 0.035% of federal spending. The border can be secured for much less than building a wall. It will also save a lot of litigation since the government only controls around 30% of the land.
The border is not "unsecured" nor are we "unsafe", klown pants. ....
Yeah, that's why we have MILLIONS of illegals in this country who have crossed the border to get here, why drug cartels have brought MILLIONS of pounds of drugs into this country, why human traffickers -protected by Obama - have brought illegals into the country, why our intel agencies have declared we have terrorist groups in this country, and why they say we have little knowledge of who has come or comes into this country.

Until now we ave had a President who openky refused to enforce existing Immigration laws, who has instead defended open borders, who has protected Sanctuary Cities that protect criminal illegals and terrorists, who has protected and engaged in himan trafficking, etc...

Put down the liberal snowflake crack pipe...

No, Klown belt, that's not why, because they haven't etc etc etc. As I just said --- nothing more than Feelings....

Those who are less impressed by Feelings, know better. And they're not keeping it a secret.
Snowflakes like open borders, illegal immigration, and a steady new lower class fependent on the govt and willing to vote DNC for 'free stuff'.

Obana refused to enforce existing Immigration laws and broke laws for this...
We could have a lot better border security, as well as keep the military industrial complex happy if we would use drones to patrol the border. Drones are capable of seeing a large area, and they can detect humans quite easily, especially at night with infra red.

Drones would be cheaper, easier to run, and would be more effective than a wall that can be climbed or tunneled under.
What % does planned parenthood get? Cause that freaks out cons to no end .

Quick google . Like $500 mill.
And let's not forget that 148 million that goes to the National Endowment of the Arts.
The border is not "unsecured" nor are we "unsafe", klown pants. ....
Yeah, that's why we have MILLIONS of illegals in this country who have crossed the border to get here, why drug cartels have brought MILLIONS of pounds of drugs into this country, why human traffickers -protected by Obama - have brought illegals into the country, why our intel agencies have declared we have terrorist groups in this country, and why they say we have little knowledge of who has come or comes into this country.

Until now we ave had a President who openky refused to enforce existing Immigration laws, who has instead defended open borders, who has protected Sanctuary Cities that protect criminal illegals and terrorists, who has protected and engaged in himan trafficking, etc...

Put down the liberal snowflake crack pipe...

No, Klown belt, that's not why, because they haven't etc etc etc. As I just said --- nothing more than Feelings....

Those who are less impressed by Feelings, know better. And they're not keeping it a secret.
You don't know anything about how it is on the border. I have family there and know people who tell a different story. Why are you so against Americans being safe and keeping criminals from entering?
Trump’s Border Wall Request Equals 0.035% of Federal Spending

"President Donald Trump’s request that Congress include $1.4 billion to fund the beginning of his proposed wall on the U.S.-Mexico border equals approximately 0.035 percent of what the federal government will spend in total this year, according to the latest estimate of fiscal year 2017 federal spending made by the Congressional Budget Office."

Keeping our borders unsecured and Americans unsafe...preventing a cost of 0.035% of the federal budget - that icludes so much fraud, waste, and abuse, like that uncovered in Obama's EPA - is important enough to shut down the federal govt.

The border is not "unsecured" nor are we "unsafe", klown pants. The border is actually way more effective than, say, overstaying visas, which is where most illegals come from.

But hey ---- "You don't sell solutions; you sell feelings".
Nothing more than feelings.... :eusa_boohoo:
Fee-lings.... whoa whoa whoa Fee-lings.....

You are correct. The real problem isn't people jumping the border as much as it is overstaying their visas. Incidentally, did you know that the largest group of illegals hitting the USA now is actually coming from Asia? Seems that there are tourist companies in China that send pregnant women here, they have their kid, and then have an anchor baby.

But, saying "visa reform" doesn't generate the same feelings of fear and loathing that "refugees" or "illegal immigrants" or "border jumpers" does.

The real problem is with the visa program. By the way, ALL Islamic terrorist attacks done in this country have been done by 1) US born citizens, 2) naturalized US citizens, and 3) people who came into this country on a visa.

ZERO terror attacks have been done by refugees or illegals.

Bingo. Because you can't sell Feelings by building a wall around visas. "Wall" is the stuff of emotion. It says "wir sind Berliner"..
A border wall is a waste of money and we don't need to waste money even if it is only 0.035% of federal spending.
Using tax dollars to fund a study on how the sex lives of South American homosexuals are better than that of heterosexual Americans, funded in Obama's Stimulus, was a waste of money.

Using tax dollars to try to overthrow Netanyahu, leader of our ally Israel, was a waste if money.

Arming Mexican Drug Cartels and terrorists was a waste of money.

Securing our borders, protecting American citizens, and stopping the funding of Sanctuary Cities that protect illegals who prey on US citizens is NOT a waste of money, snowflake!
The border is not "unsecured" nor are we "unsafe", klown pants. ....
Yeah, that's why we have MILLIONS of illegals in this country who have crossed the border to get here, why drug cartels have brought MILLIONS of pounds of drugs into this country, why human traffickers -protected by Obama - have brought illegals into the country, why our intel agencies have declared we have terrorist groups in this country, and why they say we have little knowledge of who has come or comes into this country.

Until now we ave had a President who openky refused to enforce existing Immigration laws, who has instead defended open borders, who has protected Sanctuary Cities that protect criminal illegals and terrorists, who has protected and engaged in himan trafficking, etc...

Put down the liberal snowflake crack pipe...

No, Klown belt, that's not why, because they haven't etc etc etc. As I just said --- nothing more than Feelings....

Those who are less impressed by Feelings, know better. And they're not keeping it a secret.
Snowflakes like open borders, illegal immigration, and a steady new lower class fependent on the govt and willing to vote DNC for 'free stuff'.

Obana refused to enforce existing Immigration laws and broke laws for this...
Do you actually believe this bullshit that you type in? Do you just make this shit up, or does some RWNJ broadcaster fill your head with this shit?
But uh, the Republicons control Congress, how can the Democrats "shut that down"? Can't turd-comb-over just sign an executive order and pretend to be king?

For the past eight years the Republicans ignored and then ignored the Democrats, now they want some help? In what bizarro world do Republicans think things work like that. "Oh I know I kept YOU and the guy YOU elected from doing anything, but now we elected someone and we want you to help us and him".

0 fucks + (- 51 fucks) = less than zero fucks given. Republicans are operating in a negative fucks given environment on the ledger. Also, fuck + off = fuckoff.
The border is not "unsecured" nor are we "unsafe", klown pants. ....
Yeah, that's why we have MILLIONS of illegals in this country who have crossed the border to get here, why drug cartels have brought MILLIONS of pounds of drugs into this country, why human traffickers -protected by Obama - have brought illegals into the country, why our intel agencies have declared we have terrorist groups in this country, and why they say we have little knowledge of who has come or comes into this country.

Until now we ave had a President who openky refused to enforce existing Immigration laws, who has instead defended open borders, who has protected Sanctuary Cities that protect criminal illegals and terrorists, who has protected and engaged in himan trafficking, etc...

Put down the liberal snowflake crack pipe...

No, Klown belt, that's not why, because they haven't etc etc etc. As I just said --- nothing more than Feelings....

Those who are less impressed by Feelings, know better. And they're not keeping it a secret.
You don't know anything about how it is on the border. I have family there and know people who tell a different story. Why are you so against Americans being safe and keeping criminals from entering?

Is that why none of the border district reps are for Trumps plan?
Trump’s Border Wall Request Equals 0.035% of Federal Spending

"President Donald Trump’s request that Congress include $1.4 billion to fund the beginning of his proposed wall on the U.S.-Mexico border equals approximately 0.035 percent of what the federal government will spend in total this year, according to the latest estimate of fiscal year 2017 federal spending made by the Congressional Budget Office."

Keeping our borders unsecured and Americans unsafe...preventing a cost of 0.035% of the federal budget - that icludes so much fraud, waste, and abuse, like that uncovered in Obama's EPA - is important enough to shut down the federal govt.

The border is not "unsecured" nor are we "unsafe", klown pants. The border is actually way more effective than, say, overstaying visas, which is where most illegals come from.

But hey ---- "You don't sell solutions; you sell feelings".
Nothing more than feelings.... :eusa_boohoo:
Fee-lings.... whoa whoa whoa Fee-lings.....

A wall would make us more safe. Besides, it's already been paid for twice, 3rd time's a charm!


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