Democrats threatening to shut down govt over 0.035% of govt spending

America is safe as always been safe -------- Only your god trying to paint America as the worst place to live in. In order to keep conning people like you. That is what he is good at.
I also know people that live by the border and personally know BP officers stationed in Arizona and Texas. Border crossings has been going down in last couple of years.
Wall is just a waste of my tax dollars.

I'm guessing the families of 48 dead homosexuals in Orlando don't agree with your claim that America is safe.
Those folks were killed by an American citizen, you dumbfuck, not some illegal border jumper.

He was the child of a so-called "immigrant," moron.
So? So was Trump's father. The killer was still an American citizen. You're just a sick rightwing fuck trying to use that tragedy to further your political agenda over border security when it has nothing to do with border security.


Did Trump murder 48 people?

Whether he was an American citizen is beside the point. He wouldn't have been in the country if it wasn't for the open borders immigration policy.
Dumbfuck, this country has always had foreigners emigrate here. If not, Trump wouldn't be here.
I'm guessing the families of 48 dead homosexuals in Orlando don't agree with your claim that America is safe.
Those folks were killed by an American citizen, you dumbfuck, not some illegal border jumper.

He was the child of a so-called "immigrant," moron.
So? So was Trump's father. The killer was still an American citizen. You're just a sick rightwing fuck trying to use that tragedy to further your political agenda over border security when it has nothing to do with border security.


Did Trump murder 48 people?

Whether he was an American citizen is beside the point. He wouldn't have been in the country if it wasn't for the open borders immigration policy.
Dumbfuck, this country has always had foreigners emigrate here. If not, Trump wouldn't be here.

Not true, syphilis breath. starting in the 1930s we shut down immigration entirely. Immigration made sense when the country was largely empty. That is no longer the case. The country is full. Immigration is no longer beneficial. We are entirely within our rights to end it. Only an idiot believes we benefit from importing Muslim barbarians and third world serfs willing to work for slave wages.
Those folks were killed by an American citizen, you dumbfuck, not some illegal border jumper.

He was the child of a so-called "immigrant," moron.
So? So was Trump's father. The killer was still an American citizen. You're just a sick rightwing fuck trying to use that tragedy to further your political agenda over border security when it has nothing to do with border security.


Did Trump murder 48 people?

Whether he was an American citizen is beside the point. He wouldn't have been in the country if it wasn't for the open borders immigration policy.
Dumbfuck, this country has always had foreigners emigrate here. If not, Trump wouldn't be here.

Not true, syphilis breath. starting in the 1930s we shut down immigration entirely.
He was the child of a so-called "immigrant," moron.
So? So was Trump's father. The killer was still an American citizen. You're just a sick rightwing fuck trying to use that tragedy to further your political agenda over border security when it has nothing to do with border security.


Did Trump murder 48 people?

Whether he was an American citizen is beside the point. He wouldn't have been in the country if it wasn't for the open borders immigration policy.
Dumbfuck, this country has always had foreigners emigrate here. If not, Trump wouldn't be here.

Not true, syphilis breath. starting in the 1930s we shut down immigration entirely.
Milestones: 1921–1936 - Office of the Historian
So? So was Trump's father. The killer was still an American citizen. You're just a sick rightwing fuck trying to use that tragedy to further your political agenda over border security when it has nothing to do with border security.


Did Trump murder 48 people?

Whether he was an American citizen is beside the point. He wouldn't have been in the country if it wasn't for the open borders immigration policy.
Dumbfuck, this country has always had foreigners emigrate here. If not, Trump wouldn't be here.

Not true, syphilis breath. starting in the 1930s we shut down immigration entirely.
Milestones: 1921–1936 - Office of the Historian

You're such a dumbfuck, Dumbfuck. Your own link says...
The Immigration Act of 1924 limited the number of immigrants allowed entry into the United States
.... that's not what you said. You said immigration was shut down "entirely." Your own link proves you're a fucking imbecile.

Notice whenever Republicans control congress, they threat to, and sometimes follow through on shutting down the government.

And the ass clown op easyt65 blames democrats for not caving to republicans when he no doubt cheered in 2013 when republicans shut down the government and got the nation's credit rating downgraded
Funding for public broadcasting is 0.01% of the federal budget, if you want to play that game.
Did Trump murder 48 people?

Whether he was an American citizen is beside the point. He wouldn't have been in the country if it wasn't for the open borders immigration policy.
Dumbfuck, this country has always had foreigners emigrate here. If not, Trump wouldn't be here.

Not true, syphilis breath. starting in the 1930s we shut down immigration entirely.
Milestones: 1921–1936 - Office of the Historian

You're such a dumbfuck, Dumbfuck. Your own link says...
The Immigration Act of 1924 limited the number of immigrants allowed entry into the United States
.... that's not what you said. You said immigration was shut down "entirely." Your own link proves you're a fucking imbecile.


You didn't read the entire thing, did you, dumbass? There were further measures passed after that until Immirgation in the 1930s was almost zero.

Your hysterical laughter shows you know you are wrong.
Dumbfuck, this country has always had foreigners emigrate here. If not, Trump wouldn't be here.

Not true, syphilis breath. starting in the 1930s we shut down immigration entirely.
Milestones: 1921–1936 - Office of the Historian

You're such a dumbfuck, Dumbfuck. Your own link says...
The Immigration Act of 1924 limited the number of immigrants allowed entry into the United States
.... that's not what you said. You said immigration was shut down "entirely." Your own link proves you're a fucking imbecile.


You didn't read the entire thing, did you, dumbass? There were further measures passed after that until Immirgation in the 1930s was almost zero.

Your hysterical laughter shows you know you are wrong.

Your own link proves you're an idiot and you still can't learn. Immigration was never shutdown entirely. This country has always allowed immigrants to come here. The Pulse nightclub shooter was an American citizen. Everything you're posting is nothing but dementia. :cuckoo:
I doubt its the money. Hell man, they love to give free shit away.
They just don't want a wall. Partisan hackery or they love illegals. One or the other.
I doubt its the money. Hell man, they love to give free shit away.
They just don't want a wall. Partisan hackery or they love illegals. One or the other.

Again -- you can't build a wall on a lie, just as you can't build one on a river (although Rump would have us believe it can be done on the River deNial).

The premise is emotional bullshit sold to the gullible. Most illegals come from overstayed visas, not from hopping a wall. That's already a known fact.

"When the known facts change, I change my mind --- what do you do, sir?"

If you lose your keys --- and then find them --- do you continue looking for them? Or do you take into account that the situation has changed?

Rump sold his wall to his audience: the Gullibles looking for nothing deeper than emotional bread and circus. Imaginary fluff. Rhetorical cotton candy. Once that is known, and it's already known, the basis disappears, because it was a lie to begin with. Because that's what he sells ---- Bullshit.

That IS, after all, exactly what con artists do.
Trump’s Border Wall Request Equals 0.035% of Federal Spending

"President Donald Trump’s request that Congress include $1.4 billion to fund the beginning of his proposed wall on the U.S.-Mexico border equals approximately 0.035 percent of what the federal government will spend in total this year, according to the latest estimate of fiscal year 2017 federal spending made by the Congressional Budget Office."

Keeping our borders unsecured and Americans unsafe...preventing a cost of 0.035% of the federal budget - that icludes so much fraud, waste, and abuse, like that uncovered in Obama's EPA - is important enough to shut down the federal govt.

The border is not "unsecured" nor are we "unsafe", klown pants. The border is actually way more effective than, say, overstaying visas, which is where most illegals come from.

But hey ---- "You don't sell solutions; you sell feelings".
Nothing more than feelings.... :eusa_boohoo:
Fee-lings.... whoa whoa whoa Fee-lings.....

When are you open borders douche bags going to stop lying?

Oh goody. A Fingerboy Dump. This'll be fun.

I already linked my point, Fingers. Deal with it. Or do you propose to tell the class that Rump didn't sell Feelings? That quote is from his own Fraud University yanno. Are you calling Rump a liar?
The border is not "unsecured" nor are we "unsafe", klown pants. ....
Yeah, that's why we have MILLIONS of illegals in this country who have crossed the border to get here, why drug cartels have brought MILLIONS of pounds of drugs into this country, why human traffickers -protected by Obama - have brought illegals into the country, why our intel agencies have declared we have terrorist groups in this country, and why they say we have little knowledge of who has come or comes into this country.

Until now we ave had a President who openky refused to enforce existing Immigration laws, who has instead defended open borders, who has protected Sanctuary Cities that protect criminal illegals and terrorists, who has protected and engaged in himan trafficking, etc...

Put down the liberal snowflake crack pipe...
Trump touted himself as the greatest negotiator ever. Let's see that skill, if he really possesses it, in action. Certainly, the greatest negotiator of all time can cut a deal with his own party, can't he?

Yep and that worked out real well in that phone call to Australia.

Of course in Rump's defense --- it was a call to the Southern Hemisphere. He should have known when you call the Southern Hemisphere your words swirl down in the opposite direction....
When are you open borders douche bags going to stop lying?
You're just another lying open borders douche bag.
No only are you a lying douche bag, but you're terminally stupid as well.
You just posted another pile of bullshit that only shows what a douche bag you are.
He/she posts the truth. You post obvious lies and bullshit.
You're nothing but a douche bag liar.

Posted with the new Red Whine app.....

I doubt its the money. Hell man, they love to give free shit away.
They just don't want a wall. Partisan hackery or they love illegals. One or the other.

Again -- you can't build a wall on a lie, just as you can't build one on a river (although Rump would have us believe it can be done on the River deNial).

The premise is emotional bullshit sold to the gullible. Most illegals come from overstayed visas, not from hopping a wall. That's already a known fact.

"When the known facts change, I change my mind --- what do you do, sir?"

If you lose your keys --- and then find them --- do you continue looking for them? Or do you take into account that the situation has changed?

Rump sold his wall to his audience: the Gullibles looking for nothing deeper than emotional bread and circus. Imaginary fluff. Rhetorical cotton candy. Once that is known, and it's already known, the basis disappears, because it was a lie to begin with. Because that's what he sells ---- Bullshit.

That IS, after all, exactly what con artists do.
You give way too much credit to Democrats, methinks.
Personally, I don't support a wall. Im tired of our country going after effects instead of causes. If we fixed the fucking problem, we wouldn't need a wall. At all.
I doubt its the money. Hell man, they love to give free shit away.
They just don't want a wall. Partisan hackery or they love illegals. One or the other.

Again -- you can't build a wall on a lie, just as you can't build one on a river (although Rump would have us believe it can be done on the River deNial).

The premise is emotional bullshit sold to the gullible. Most illegals come from overstayed visas, not from hopping a wall. That's already a known fact.

"When the known facts change, I change my mind --- what do you do, sir?"

If you lose your keys --- and then find them --- do you continue looking for them? Or do you take into account that the situation has changed?

Rump sold his wall to his audience: the Gullibles looking for nothing deeper than emotional bread and circus. Imaginary fluff. Rhetorical cotton candy. Once that is known, and it's already known, the basis disappears, because it was a lie to begin with. Because that's what he sells ---- Bullshit.

That IS, after all, exactly what con artists do.
You give way too much credit to Democrats, methinks.

Umm... I never mentioned any "Democrats". And my link was to the National Review.

Weird post.

Granted, not as weird as anchovies in fanny packs but still.......

Personally, I don't support a wall. Im tired of our country going after effects instead of causes. If we fixed the fucking problem, we wouldn't need a wall. At all.

Now yer talkin'. Much better. This is what I keep saying about guns.
I doubt its the money. Hell man, they love to give free shit away.
They just don't want a wall. Partisan hackery or they love illegals. One or the other.

Again -- you can't build a wall on a lie, just as you can't build one on a river (although Rump would have us believe it can be done on the River deNial).

The premise is emotional bullshit sold to the gullible. Most illegals come from overstayed visas, not from hopping a wall. That's already a known fact.

"When the known facts change, I change my mind --- what do you do, sir?"

If you lose your keys --- and then find them --- do you continue looking for them? Or do you take into account that the situation has changed?

Rump sold his wall to his audience: the Gullibles looking for nothing deeper than emotional bread and circus. Imaginary fluff. Rhetorical cotton candy. Once that is known, and it's already known, the basis disappears, because it was a lie to begin with. Because that's what he sells ---- Bullshit.

That IS, after all, exactly what con artists do.
You give way too much credit to Democrats, methinks.
Personally, I don't support a wall. Im tired of our country going after effects instead of causes. If we fixed the fucking problem, we wouldn't need a wall. At all.

Umm... I never mentioned any "Democrats". And my link was to the National Review.

Weird post.

Granted, not as weird as anchovies in fanny packs but still.......
It was implied. They are the ones against it.
We could have a lot better border security, as well as keep the military industrial complex happy if we would use drones to patrol the border. Drones are capable of seeing a large area, and they can detect humans quite easily, especially at night with infra red.

Drones would be cheaper, easier to run, and would be more effective than a wall that can be climbed or tunneled under.

Nothing says we can't use drones on top of building the wall. It's not an either/or situation.

You just posted another pile of bullshit that only shows what a douche bag you are.

A wall is useless and a waste of money. Border security can be accomplished more cheaply. Besides the government does not own all of the land required for such a project.
Hey, you guys have the House, the Senate, and the Executive. Yet you cannot get a thing done. Doesn't sound like a problem with Democrats, sounds like a problem with the GOP.

W and O just let them flow in by the millions. Those were your two worthless buffoons.

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