Democrats throw the homeless under the bus


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2022
Republicans will do the same, hence as I've long said, neither party is worth supporting.
Told ya.

Told ya you were being used, lefties.

Now maybe you'll start to believe me

After just about every left leaning city in CA passed ordinances letting the homeless sleep on public grounds, now Gov Gruesome is reversing all that state wide.

By executive order, no less. Screw democracy, who needs it?
Of course. Mob rule Democrats.
Homelessness is a complicated issue. The reasons for individuals' homelessness vary:
Some are alcohol/drug addicts that can no longer hold a job, while others are seriously mentally ill, others are criminals deliberately staying off the grid so as to not get caught, also, some are elderly who have nothing left and then there is a portion who just don't want to live in a residence and like drifting.
If you look around the world, you will find homelessness. Even Iceland where it's cold as hell, has a homeless population. Providing small prefab homes for the homeless will reduce it, but never eliminate it.
One major problem occurred when the ACLU stepped in and told the government that they could no longer house the mentally ill against their will. So, the unstable were released and are in the streets.
Told ya.

Told ya you were being used, lefties.

Now maybe you'll start to believe me

After just about every left leaning city in CA passed ordinances letting the homeless sleep on public grounds, now Gov Gruesome is reversing all that state wide.

By executive order, no less. Screw democracy, who needs it?

They're disgusting pieces of shit, bunch of bourgeois brats faking being 'humanitarian n stuff', when they're just deviants and perverts and dopers.
Homelessness is a complicated issue. The reasons for individuals' homelessness vary:
Some are alcohol/drug addicts that can no longer hold a job, while others are seriously mentally ill, others are criminals deliberately staying off the grid so as to not get caught, also, some are elderly who have nothing left and then there is a portion who just don't want to live in a residence and like drifting.
If you look around the world, you will find homelessness. Even Iceland where it's cold as hell, has a homeless population. Providing small prefab homes for the homeless will reduce it, but never eliminate it.
One major problem occurred when the ACLU stepped in and told the government that they could no longer house the mentally ill against their will. So, the unstable were released and are in the streets.

More are people who simply can't find decent jobs. More are working people living in their cars, sleeping around at various friends' couches, construction workers not making enough to rent a place thanks to exorbitant rents, etc.
They’ve gotta go somewhere. 🤷‍♂️

Fortunately for the rest of us, and to the detriment of Gavin's rapidly detiorating political career, the answer is CALIFORNIA.

And now he's forced to contradict his entire pseudo-ethics with a massive homeless displacement.

But of course we all know you'll conveniently ignore that.

Luckily, most people are far better adjusted and flexible to reality than your compromised and partisan personality.

And almost certainly wiser.
Fortunately for me, the few homeless that showed up in my area didn't stay long. Once they figure out it's easier to get a job and stay in town, instead of "living off the land"(read that as being a sneak-thief), they leave.
Fortunately for the rest of us, and to the detriment of Gavin's rapidly detiorating political career, the answer is CALIFORNIA.

And now he's forced to contradict his entire pseudo-ethics with a massive homeless displacement.

But of course we all know you'll conveniently ignore that.

Luckily, most people are far better adjusted and flexible to reality than your compromised and partisan personality.

And almost certainly wiser.
If you have a better solution, let’s hear it.

(This is the part where you don’t answer or run off, like you always do.)

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