Democrats true colors


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
The Democrats are not "liberal"

The Democrats are totalitarian, and they'll tell you anything you want to hear so they can gain power.

All their propaganda is emotion based.


*) The Democrats whine and cry about "big business" , relentlessly.

They passed Obamacare that FORCED every working person to send money to some of the worst big business companies in America.

The support ruthless big business.

*) The Democrats say "you need to join us if you're for women's rights".

When do the Democrats ever speak out about the slavery, and sex trafficking around the world? ...and attack the worst offenders?

They don't care about women.

*) The Democrats whine and cry about "racism" all day long.

Don't the Affirmative Action laws they love so much, send out a message that says "You're an idiot minority who can't do anything for yourself, so we'll PLACE you at the front of the line" ?

The Democrats control most of the inner cities and the school systems. They're helping the ghetto?

*) The Democrats care about American union workers?

Every chance they get , jobs go over seas.

*) How many times did we have to relive "the holocaust" ?

Right now the Democrats are doing everything in their power to vote against Israel, and expand Muslim culture in the western world.

...the people who want to wipe Israel off the map are being rewarded.

The Democrats don't care about Jews, or any other religion.

*) The Democrats always tell everyone they're for peace, but they're descendants of the most murderous form of government in human history, Socialism
Democrats (leftardz) are sooo quick to point out how republicans and conservatives don't care about children after they are born because conservatives dare to reign in government spending.... even as they (democrats) turn a blind eye to the actual / deliberate killing of children in the womb.

I have often wondered what the dimocrits reactions would be if Conservatives in mass were to adopt the leftarded claims that abortions are good for society, abortions don't really kill children, etc... and then start promoting abortions for the betterment of society!

We conservatives should adopt ALL their arguments just to see where it goes.

First, we should start denying all the biological facts that show a child in the womb is "a human being." Then we should claim abortion is good - regardless if a child in the womb is a human being or not.. . ,more abortions mean less crime, less kids on welfare, etc.

Think of the MONEY we could save.

Hell, we could start a chain of clinics to provide all sorts of incentives!

Less people means less human impact on climate change!

Think of the careers, jobs and marriages already save by abortions! Not to mention the eighteen years of child support that so many guys would have had to pay. Why should they be held responsible for a street walker's parasitic clump of cells that was never part of the deal - when they did the deed in that park or back alley?

Then too- think of all the medical breakthroughs and even more money we could make harvesting those NON HUMAN body parts from those NON human parasites and selling them to be experimented on or implanted in actual REAL and wanted human beings!

Come on my fellow conservatives!

Let's do this!
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Only a anti-government anarchist would say the shit you do.....

Social democracy is used by every first and second world nation on earth...So I guess civilization at its core is what you say...But hell, it is better then what we see in somalia or any place that has little to no government by a fucking mile.

Obamacare? lol...Yes, it is so bad that everyone has healthcare and pays into a system instead of laying the weight on our medical system when your stupid ass has no healthcare....

Big businesses need to pay taxes as it cost money to pave the roads their trucks use, cops that protect them and so much more.....Didn't Donald fucking Trump bitch about how big businesses were fucking over this nation with outsourcing, cheap labor and other shit for over a year??? Funny how you support him when he tells it like it is...Believe me, I watched and agreed with him on this...Of course, he was lying out the ass but I agreed with what he said.... You act like there's no problem and big business should be able to fuck over the American people freely. Stupid anarchist idiot.

Well, democrats care far more about women then you goddamn republicans do...
-Birth control to give them a chance at advancing other aspects of their lives.
-Laws helping them get baby time off of work.
-Higher pay.
-and so much more.

But yes, the party doesn't care.

Do you care about the union workers? lol...I am laughing at your face. Your party fights to destroy any voice the worker has in the work place. Who are you trying to fool? You think we're stupid or something????

Israel isn't America's to defend....
Democrats (leftardz) are sooo quick to point out how republicans and conservatives don't care about children after they are born because conservatives dare to reign in government spending.... even as they (democrats) turn a blind eye to the actual / deliberate killing of children in the womb.

I have often wondered what the dimocrits reactions would be if Conservatives in mass were to adopt the leftarded claims that abortions are good for society, abortions don't really kill children, etc... and then start promoting abortions for the betterment of society!

We conservatives should adopt ALL their arguments just to see where it goes.

First, we should start denying all the biological facts that show a child in the womb is "a human being." Then we should claim abortion is good - regardless if a child in the womb is a human being or not.. . ,more abortions mean less crime, less kids on welfare, etc.

Think of the MONEY we could save.

Hell, we could start a chain of clinics to provide all sorts of incentives!

Less people means less human impact on climate change!

Think of the careers, jobs and marriages already save by abortions! Not to mention the eighteen years of child support that so many guys would have had to pay. Why should they be held responsible for a street walker's parasitic clump of cells that was never part of the deal - when they did the deed in that park or back alley?

Then too- think of all the medical breakthroughs and even more money we could make harvesting those NON HUMAN body parts from those NON human parasites and selling them to be experimented on or implanted in actual REAL and wanted human beings!

Come on my fellow conservatives!

Let's do this!


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