Democrats Trying To Do Their Best To Screw Up Our Christmas Holiday

Which ones? HCQ and Ivermectin? The 2 drugs that studies show do a great job of reducing viral load in patients that take them early in the infection cycle?

But to the larger point where do you think the last guy was coming up with his ideas? Do you think he was in the Oval all alone and just making shit up? Was he throwing darts at lists of already approved drugs and going with that? Did he just flip through a physician's desk reference and happen to stop on HCQ and Ivermectin? Or were the experts telling him that there was promise in these drugs and techniques and he went with them because he was told they were already approved drugs that had decades (and billions of doses administered) of safe use, were over the counter drugs in parts of the world where malaria and parasites are a problem so the danger of taking them was minute. And when the press we bat shit crazy the spineless "experts" let him flap in the wind. Which of those 2 scenarios is more likely?
ivermectin is not approved by any country for use against covid

bullshit. because the unvaxxed are allowing a virus to mutate & we may get one that no vaccine or drug can take care of.

THAT'S why.
BS. You taking that leaky ass vaccine is helping it hang out forever. And you aren't gonna vaxx 8 billion people that dang fast so IT'S WACK A MOLE.

You are the super spreader. Not us. Just a LIE that you have been told to say over and over again.

Now here is a real super spreader.
bullshit. because the unvaxxed are allowing a virus to mutate & we may get one that no vaccine or drug can take care of.

THAT'S why.
This is what happens when you have a PhD in bullshit.

Virus mutates when runs into resistance, unvaxxed do not provide that resistance, therefore virus has no reason to mutate, dunce.

Now, knowing that, you may begin to realize why Omicron is found in "vaccinated" people.
ivermectin is not approved by any country for use against covid

BS. Many threads and a bunch of studies......and here you are LYING your ass off again. Paid poster for Pharma.........hmmm
This is what happens when you have a PhD in bullshit.

Virus mutates when runs into resistance, unvaxxed do not provide that resistance, therefore virus has no reason to mutate, dunce.

Now, knowing that, you may begin to realize why Omicron is found in "vaccinated" people.

the vaccine is designed for the original covid 19 virus.

splain why are the only ones getting hospitalized & intubated the unvaxxed, luuuuuuuuuuuucy??
How do you spread the virus if you don't have a virus?
It's a Lie they have been told to parrot every single day forever. Tell a lie enough it becomes the truth. They are the super spreaders and the jab will make this crap go on forever which is what the elitist pricks want.
Because you are lying.

94% of its COVID patients in ICU are unvaccinated, Spectrum Health says​

Updated: Nov. 15, 2021, 9:45 a.m. | Published: Nov. 15, 2021, 9:45 a.m.
94% of its COVID patients in ICU are unvaccinated, Spectrum Health says

The unvaccinated dominating Capital Region COVID hospital beds​

Pete DeMola
Nov. 30, 2021Updated: Dec. 1, 2021 7:10 a.m.
The unvaccinated dominating Capital Region COVID hospital beds

Inside ICUs and ERs of flooded hospitals, an endless loop of preventable tragedies​


Inside ICUs and ERs of flooded hospitals, an endless loop of preventable tragedies – New Hampshire Bulletin

Yes, most patients hospitalized because of COVID-19 are unvaccinated​

Between 81% and 96% of recent coronavirus patients requiring in-patient care received no COVID-19 vaccine or are only partially vaccinated.
Author: Bob Segall
Published: 6:29 PM EST December 21, 2021
Updated: 1:03 AM EST December 22, 2021
Yes, most patients hospitalized because of COVID-19 are unvaccinated
No need.....we can instead show you countless photos....videos......incriminating statements during numerous congressional Amazon account set up for illegals....their attempt to accuse border agents on horseback for whipping illegals........their attempts to cover up the locations of staging areas and enclosures....videos of illegals getting off of flights in the dead of night without notifying local authorities......not to mention the fact that doors in Trump's border wall remaining open from the day Biden took office......take your pick.

View attachment 578625

View attachment 578627

Why do conservatives think that government is religion? Have you been watching too much South Park?

Also conservative always play the "government did it to me" card as they never criticize their beloved capitalism beliefs.

And this fascination with anal sex...what is it with you?
He's trying to say you're an asshole. :iagree:

94% of its COVID patients in ICU are unvaccinated, Spectrum Health says​

Updated: Nov. 15, 2021, 9:45 a.m. | Published: Nov. 15, 2021, 9:45 a.m.
94% of its COVID patients in ICU are unvaccinated, Spectrum Health says

The unvaccinated dominating Capital Region COVID hospital beds​

Pete DeMola
Nov. 30, 2021Updated: Dec. 1, 2021 7:10 a.m.
The unvaccinated dominating Capital Region COVID hospital beds

Inside ICUs and ERs of flooded hospitals, an endless loop of preventable tragedies​


Inside ICUs and ERs of flooded hospitals, an endless loop of preventable tragedies – New Hampshire Bulletin

Yes, most patients hospitalized because of COVID-19 are unvaccinated​

Between 81% and 96% of recent coronavirus patients requiring in-patient care received no COVID-19 vaccine or are only partially vaccinated.
Author: Bob Segall
Published: 6:29 PM EST December 21, 2021
Updated: 1:03 AM EST December 22, 2021
Yes, most patients hospitalized because of COVID-19 are unvaccinated

You can get it.......spread it.............and end up in ICU from it.......It can also kill you from taking the jab.

We are no threat to the is utter nonsense.............And not using the cheap drugs is basically murder at this point. I will not back down on that and places like India are even suing the WHO over the misinformation on the cheap drugs.

94% of its COVID patients in ICU are unvaccinated, Spectrum Health says​

Updated: Nov. 15, 2021, 9:45 a.m. | Published: Nov. 15, 2021, 9:45 a.m.
94% of its COVID patients in ICU are unvaccinated, Spectrum Health says

The unvaccinated dominating Capital Region COVID hospital beds​

Pete DeMola
Nov. 30, 2021Updated: Dec. 1, 2021 7:10 a.m.
The unvaccinated dominating Capital Region COVID hospital beds

Inside ICUs and ERs of flooded hospitals, an endless loop of preventable tragedies​


Inside ICUs and ERs of flooded hospitals, an endless loop of preventable tragedies – New Hampshire Bulletin

Yes, most patients hospitalized because of COVID-19 are unvaccinated​

Between 81% and 96% of recent coronavirus patients requiring in-patient care received no COVID-19 vaccine or are only partially vaccinated.
Author: Bob Segall
Published: 6:29 PM EST December 21, 2021
Updated: 1:03 AM EST December 22, 2021
Yes, most patients hospitalized because of COVID-19 are unvaccinated
Why do you people always use old data (pre-Omicron) to push a point, even though we're arguing over new developments in a new variant that started spreading in the last couple of weeks?

You can get it.......spread it.............and end up in ICU from it.......It can also kill you from taking the jab.

We are no threat to the is utter nonsense.............And not using the cheap drugs is basically murder at this point. I will not back down on that and places like India are even suing the WHO over the misinformation on the cheap drugs.
It shows a lack of understanding of viruses and how they mutate.

The vaccinated are a threat to the unvaccinated because they can carry viruses that can infect everyone, especially the unvaccinated. Viruses can then easily mutate into other strains in the unvaccinated.

The problem with the Biden Adm is they've been spreading the new strain all over the US by shipping millions of unvaccinated illegals to nearly every state in the union.
This is the dirty little secret they're hiding from us.
It shows a lack of understanding of viruses and how they mutate.

The vaccinated are a threat to the unvaccinated because they can carry viruses that can infect everyone, especially the unvaccinated. Viruses can then easily mutate into other strains in the unvaccinated.

The problem with the Biden Adm is they've been spreading the new strain all over the US by shipping millions of unvaccinated illegals to nearly every state in the union.
This is the dirty little secret they're hiding from us.

Which is why the mRNA vaccines are a joke. Had they done nothing but traditional vaccines early on like Covaxin then it wouldn't have happened. The vaccines were not really needed as the cheap drugs would have made them unneccessary.
Is any of that really going to change your plans?

It's not changing mine.
I was thinking, how does the idiot Biden think how it would be enforced/policed?

Just like our idiot politicians in the UK, you need a COVID passport to go to a football game. So how do they check 70,000 people's COVID passports? So apparently, it's random checks, one in so many hundred
the odds are way less than YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU.
BS. Natural immunity is better than the jab. Sorry.......try again. You are fucking up your immune system with the jab..........Good luck. Hope you don't need the jab forever now................Omicron might save you lemmings

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