Democrats Trying To Do Their Best To Screw Up Our Christmas Holiday

So that is how you justify the deaths from the JAB. or the almost 700k reported in that data base.

Aspirin could be worse............lmao

except the relatively small amount compared to the 700K dead from the virus?

that's what is different.
except the relatively small amount compared to the 700K dead from the virus?

that's what is different.
Had we used the cheap drugs instead of lining Pharmas pockets most wouldn't be dead.

But Hey,.........they are dancing on the graves with money honey. Aren't you proud. You will deny this. .........but it's the truth.

Africa and India have 2.6 billion people with less deaths.............And you push that same narrative. You are the problem and not me.

94% of its COVID patients in ICU are unvaccinated, Spectrum Health says​

Updated: Nov. 15, 2021, 9:45 a.m. | Published: Nov. 15, 2021, 9:45 a.m.
94% of its COVID patients in ICU are unvaccinated, Spectrum Health says

The unvaccinated dominating Capital Region COVID hospital beds​

Pete DeMola
Nov. 30, 2021Updated: Dec. 1, 2021 7:10 a.m.
The unvaccinated dominating Capital Region COVID hospital beds

Inside ICUs and ERs of flooded hospitals, an endless loop of preventable tragedies​


Inside ICUs and ERs of flooded hospitals, an endless loop of preventable tragedies – New Hampshire Bulletin

Yes, most patients hospitalized because of COVID-19 are unvaccinated​

Between 81% and 96% of recent coronavirus patients requiring in-patient care received no COVID-19 vaccine or are only partially vaccinated.
Author: Bob Segall
Published: 6:29 PM EST December 21, 2021
Updated: 1:03 AM EST December 22, 2021
Yes, most patients hospitalized because of COVID-19 are unvaccinated

If you're "partially vaccinated" you are counted as unvaccinated.

Even if you have two jabs, you are not counted as "fully vaccinated" until AFTER two weeks from last shot.

The story goes on with boosters.
If you're "partially vaccinated" you are counted as unvaccinated.

Even if you have two jabs, you are not counted as "fully vaccinated" until AFTER two weeks from last shot.

The story goes on with boosters.
In Israell it's 4 jabs now to be considered vaccinated..........So those with 3 jabs are unvaccinated deaths...........Those that die from the jab aren't considered vaccinated either early on so another unvaccinated death.

They are cooking the books.

outside of the bodies own defenses you moron
So lets use useless jabs and let it hang out forever so 2 years from now we'll say GET THE JAB. You are killing people and why it doesn't end.........pffft.

We never should have shut down..........Now it's a Never ending story.

yep. & so can you.

yep. & so can you...................

the odds are way less than YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU.

nothing is 100% guaranteed. an aspirin can kill you. so can sugar. so can BP meds. so can red meat.
So can being a disingenuous fuck.
We have the Constitution, do we not? And what does the second amendment say? It says what we conveniently want it to say, and that's my point.

The second says we have the right to defend ourselves against domestic threats right? When someone threatens you and tries to break into your house, you have the constitutional right, minus any presidential powers to defend yourself right? What's different about some ass hole cultist not wearing a mask and not vaccinating him or herself, jeopardizing my health and safety? Answer, not a goddamn thing. Have I answered your question now?

And C.S. Lewis was full of shit, for I'm not interested in being someone's moral busy body. I'm interested in taking care of my own. Fuck those to hell who insist on threating my security and health. Morality got thrown out the window a long time ago. It's kill or be killed.
Well let's try to digest this post of yours, shall we?

1. People not getting vaccinated are endangering those who do get vaccinated because the vaccination does not work it seems?

2. Those who don't vaccinate are jeopardizing your safety, and the second amendment allows you do defend yourself against those jeopardizing your safety, so they should all be shot.

3. Fuck C. S. Lewis cuz he is a moral busy body since society threw out morals out the window a long time ago?

Do you do hard drugs per chance or has the Left simply rotted your brain away?

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