Democrats Trying To Goad Trump Into A Civil War

They really do think this is about actual communism.


We think it really is about an organized criminal syndicate attempting to tear down the economy and the country and replace it with Red Chinese style labor racketeering schemes and Maoist style labor camps, and so far we're right on the money. We know you're too feeble minded and fearful to say anything against your Party, you've already decided to suck up to who you think is going to win. You shill for Wall Street scams as well, so we know you're a Team Player.
They really do think this is about actual communism.


We think it really is about an organized criminal syndicate attempting to tear down the economy and the country and replace it with Red Chinese style labor racketeering schemes and Maoist style labor camps, and so far we're right on the money. We know you're too feeble minded and fearful to say anything against your Party, you've already decided to suck up to who you think is going to win. You shill for Wall Street scams as well, so we know you're a Team Player.
Okie dokie. I believe that you believe that. Much appreciated.
Democraps started the first Civil War.....and now they're trying to start another one.

In a related story....Republicans in the House introduced a bill that forces the Democrat Party to change their name...because it represents slavery, the KKK, and Jim Crow laws.

The cancel culture is trying to erase or history.

It's time the Democrat Party changed their name because of their racist history.

Democrats equals white Southerners, who are now, mostly republicans.... So that would be difficult to do, with any it.
The people constantly talking about civil war are Trumpsters.
You mean the conservatives are talking about countering the civil war already started by Barack Obama and company, otherwise yes this would been more correct if you would have said this, but you go on and live in your delusional bubble that you live in. The rest of us will watch and learn all the leftist strategies and tactics being used, otherwise to be informed, and this in order to counter them on election day.
I'm sure there are a few pockets of Patriots, but I just don't think modern Americans have the guts for a fight that involves more than typing.

I agree. If the Burb Brats were going to do anything, they would have by now. They're afraid they might lose their riding lawnmowers and Prozac prescriptions or something. It's tough to get people with something to lose to go against scum with a Party and corporate America backing hired street thugs with nothing to lose, and that is of course a recipe for losing it all. Even more hilarious is the GOP's fawninng love for millions upon millions of illegals pouring in, getting 'amnestied', and now they're suddenly losing elections to the results of that policy... well good riddance to the GOP, too, they also cut their own throats in Texas and Florida and California; SAint Ronald OF Reagan loved his wetbacks.

If a country's citizens can't even be bothered to keep deviants out of their childrens' school restrooms, it probably should fall anyway, and good riddance.
None of the people who are willing to fight are willing to fight for the interests of the same urban dumbasses who allowed things to get this bad. You think they're going to come save a bunch of hipsters and fucktards who keep voting these morons into office?


That too, but then there were few of those in the first place, mostly a bunch of ex cons who made their livings from being CI's and ratting each other out, which is why nobody ever counted them as any kind of 'Defenders Of Freedom N Stuff'. National Vanguard, Posse Comitatus, and all the rest were just LARPing weirdos, not any better prepared to run anything than these black thugs are.Nobody is going to support some drunk gimps running around wearing Swastikas and telling us how great a job Hitler was doing until some Jews offed him or whatever the latest spin is from that fever swamp.

So, in answer to your last question, nobody is holding their breath over 'rescue' by militia tards. Those that aren't crazy will stay close to home and perish individually, like good lil libertarians, or trample over children, women, and the elderly to be the first in line to suck up to the NWO and rat each other out, same as they do in their day jobs with their bosses, or prison guards, as the case may be.

The difference now is the dumbass street commies are fronting for much bigger interests who can organize and manage things, and the Burb Brats eating Prozac and riding around on their mowers getting drunk every weekend nearly all work for them. Five guys hiding out in the woods playing Luke Skywalker ain't going to do shit against those odds.

As we've already seen, the police and the Army work for whoever signs their paychecks; they aren't going to stand in the way of these violent coups, and will in fact work with them without so much as a sneeze. It ain't going to be Red Dawn, more like Venezuela, with 2 or 3 thousand 'Generals' and no outside aid coming in, except probably Red Chinese troops to guard Biden in the White House for a couple of years until the famines and purges are over. At best, we get a somewhat slower slide down, like Greece, if Trump gets another term and becomes a lame duck even the GOP ignores and cuts deals with the DNC and Wall Street..

"I can hire half the working class to kill the other half."- Jay Gould, and the times are no different today than they were then.
You would be surprised how many organized groups are out there, planning and laying low. They are not on social media and they don't communicate over the net much at all. They don't take their phones with them when they meet each other, and they stay very low-tech and off the grid for security. But when people's heads start turning into pink mist, you can bet it will be guys like these who are all around you, but that none of you are seeing, who is doing it.
They have names, they have addresses, they know where people work, who their friends are, who they are fucking on the side, and what infrastructure and services are essential and critical, and they are serious about doing damage, rather than making gestures.

Now that the progressives are claiming the feds are "black-bagging" them, doesn't that seem like a wonderful opportunity to "disappear" a few shitheads and blame it on the feds? I knew some guys down in Central America who did that kind of thing a long time ago, their victims were occasionally found in landfills with their hands wired behind their backs and a bullet in the head. Sometimes an eye would be popped out of the socket and hanging from the pressure of the round entering the skull.

Sleep tight progressives. Keep believing it'll never happen to you.

Wouldn't bother me if that were true, but of course it's a load of fantasy novel rubbish. For every man who would actually follow through, 9 will bail, and 5 would rat him out for a bag of rice cakes.
I guess we'll see.
The people constantly talking about civil war are Trumpsters.
You mean the conservatives are talking about countering the civil war already started by Barack Obama and company, otherwise yes this would been more correct if you would have said this, but you go on and live in your delusional bubble that you live in. The rest of us will watch and learn all the leftist strategies and tactics being used, otherwise to be informed, and this in order to counter them on election day.
I know, I believe you.
Democraps started the first Civil War.....and now they're trying to start another one.

In a related story....Republicans in the House introduced a bill that forces the Democrat Party to change their name...because it represents slavery, the KKK, and Jim Crow laws.

The cancel culture is trying to erase or history.

It's time the Democrat Party changed their name because of their racist history.

Democrats equals white Southerners, who are now, mostly republicans.... So that would be difficult to do, with any it.
You are such an idiot, to believe in the great switch. Yep morons actually are that stupid...
I'm sure there are a few pockets of Patriots, but I just don't think modern Americans have the guts for a fight that involves more than typing.

I agree. If the Burb Brats were going to do anything, they would have by now. They're afraid they might lose their riding lawnmowers and Prozac prescriptions or something. It's tough to get people with something to lose to go against scum with a Party and corporate America backing hired street thugs with nothing to lose, and that is of course a recipe for losing it all. Even more hilarious is the GOP's fawninng love for millions upon millions of illegals pouring in, getting 'amnestied', and now they're suddenly losing elections to the results of that policy... well good riddance to the GOP, too, they also cut their own throats in Texas and Florida and California; SAint Ronald OF Reagan loved his wetbacks.

If a country's citizens can't even be bothered to keep deviants out of their childrens' school restrooms, it probably should fall anyway, and good riddance.
None of the people who are willing to fight are willing to fight for the interests of the same urban dumbasses who allowed things to get this bad. You think they're going to come save a bunch of hipsters and fucktards who keep voting these morons into office?


That too, but then there were few of those in the first place, mostly a bunch of ex cons who made their livings from being CI's and ratting each other out, which is why nobody ever counted them as any kind of 'Defenders Of Freedom N Stuff'. National Vanguard, Posse Comitatus, and all the rest were just LARPing weirdos, not any better prepared to run anything than these black thugs are.Nobody is going to support some drunk gimps running around wearing Swastikas and telling us how great a job Hitler was doing until some Jews offed him or whatever the latest spin is from that fever swamp.

So, in answer to your last question, nobody is holding their breath over 'rescue' by militia tards. Those that aren't crazy will stay close to home and perish individually, like good lil libertarians, or trample over children, women, and the elderly to be the first in line to suck up to the NWO and rat each other out, same as they do in their day jobs with their bosses, or prison guards, as the case may be.

The difference now is the dumbass street commies are fronting for much bigger interests who can organize and manage things, and the Burb Brats eating Prozac and riding around on their mowers getting drunk every weekend nearly all work for them. Five guys hiding out in the woods playing Luke Skywalker ain't going to do shit against those odds.

As we've already seen, the police and the Army work for whoever signs their paychecks; they aren't going to stand in the way of these violent coups, and will in fact work with them without so much as a sneeze. It ain't going to be Red Dawn, more like Venezuela, with 2 or 3 thousand 'Generals' and no outside aid coming in, except probably Red Chinese troops to guard Biden in the White House for a couple of years until the famines and purges are over. At best, we get a somewhat slower slide down, like Greece, if Trump gets another term and becomes a lame duck even the GOP ignores and cuts deals with the DNC and Wall Street..

"I can hire half the working class to kill the other half."- Jay Gould, and the times are no different today than they were then.
You would be surprised how many organized groups are out there, planning and laying low. They are not on social media and they don't communicate over the net much at all. They don't take their phones with them when they meet each other, and they stay very low-tech and off the grid for security. But when people's heads start turning into pink mist, you can bet it will be guys like these who are all around you, but that none of you are seeing, who is doing it.
They have names, they have addresses, they know where people work, who their friends are, who they are fucking on the side, and what infrastructure and services are essential and critical, and they are serious about doing damage, rather than making gestures.

Now that the progressives are claiming the feds are "black-bagging" them, doesn't that seem like a wonderful opportunity to "disappear" a few shitheads and blame it on the feds? I knew some guys down in Central America who did that kind of thing a long time ago, their victims were occasionally found in landfills with their hands wired behind their backs and a bullet in the head. Sometimes an eye would be popped out of the socket and hanging from the pressure of the round entering the skull.

Sleep tight progressives. Keep believing it'll never happen to you.

Wouldn't bother me if that were true, but of course it's a load of fantasy novel rubbish. For every man who would actually follow through, 9 will bail, and 5 would rat him out for a bag of rice cakes.
You can hide a lot of carnage behind a rising violent crime rate, btw.

Just saying. ;)
Democraps started the first Civil War.....and now they're trying to start another one.

In a related story....Republicans in the House introduced a bill that forces the Democrat Party to change their name...because it represents slavery, the KKK, and Jim Crow laws.

The cancel culture is trying to erase or history.

It's time the Democrat Party changed their name because of their racist history.

The cancel culture is trying to erase or history.
they are righting the wrongs and putting them in their place -


let the mudwistle's whine.
Democraps started the first Civil War.....and now they're trying to start another one.

In a related story....Republicans in the House introduced a bill that forces the Democrat Party to change their name...because it represents slavery, the KKK, and Jim Crow laws.

The cancel culture is trying to erase or history.

It's time the Democrat Party changed their name because of their racist history.

Democrats equals white Southerners, who are now, mostly republicans.... So that would be difficult to do, with any it.
Democrats in key cities are screaming like Banshees about how horrible Trump is being sending the feds into their cities.

In Seattle, Portland, Philly, and Chicago so far they've been siding with the rioters and demanding that Trump get federal agents out of the city. These federal agents have been forced to protect federal buildings because DEMOCRAT mayors and public officials refuse to do anything about the rioting and violence in their cities.

Where was the federal help when the wildfires in California were burning up federal land a couple years ago?
OH, right.....Trump told Californians they needed to rake the forest beds.
And they do.
Democrats in key cities are screaming like Banshees about how horrible Trump is being sending the feds into their cities.

In Seattle, Portland, Philly, and Chicago so far they've been siding with the rioters and demanding that Trump get federal agents out of the city. These federal agents have been forced to protect federal buildings because DEMOCRAT mayors and public officials refuse to do anything about the rioting and violence in their cities.

Where was the federal help when the wildfires in California were burning up federal land a couple years ago?
OH, right.....Trump told Californians they needed to rake the forest beds.
The Californians needed to rake the forest beds. President Trump was damn right!
Democrats in key cities are screaming like Banshees about how horrible Trump is being sending the feds into their cities.

In Seattle, Portland, Philly, and Chicago so far they've been siding with the rioters and demanding that Trump get federal agents out of the city. These federal agents have been forced to protect federal buildings because DEMOCRAT mayors and public officials refuse to do anything about the rioting and violence in their cities.

The second amendment calls for a militia to guard against government tyranny. Where was the militia helping the citizens of Portland?

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