Democrats & Unions

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Just Opinion..well, if you have back-up links go for it..

I believe the alliance between Democrats and Unions, (that obvious special treatment) has caused the inevitable death to all Unions. The alliance has made Unions a dirty word.
Just Opinion..well, if you have back-up links go for it..

I believe the alliance between Democrats and Unions, (that obvious special treatment) has caused the inevitable death to all Unions. The alliance has made Unions a dirty word.

I believe it's a two way street. When the teacher's unions and supporting unions were going crazy in Wisconsin, you got an ugly look at the Democrats and the Unions. They were synonymous and the deserved each other. I wouldn't want to be a part of either and they all looked like thugs.

The politics of Wisconsin's declining union membership

It’s possible that for Democrats, the political loss will be more keenly felt in mid-term elections and legislative races, where the party has traditionally been more reliant on union spending

Read more from Journal Sentinel:
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Just Opinion..well, if you have back-up links go for it..

I believe the alliance between Democrats and Unions, (that obvious special treatment) has caused the inevitable death to all Unions. The alliance has made Unions a dirty word.

And now many teachers WANT OUT. They are sick and tired of paying a thousand a year to the unions to elect Democrats who don't represent their interests anymore.

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I was watching a report on Unions and Walmart and my general impression was that Unions want a cut of the profits and Union dues far more than representing the workers.

Seems to me that when unions get involved prices go up to the public and the business fails.
I was watching a report on Unions and Walmart and my general impression was that Unions want a cut of the profits and Union dues far more than representing the workers.

Seems to me that when unions get involved prices go up to the public and the business fails.
As a matter of course...gotta maintain the exorbitant retirements that can NEVER be paid...and gotta keep the Union Boss thugs plush in things that the union members paying dues will NEVER their life times.

And of course? Gotta keep up the definition of extortion for the Webster Dictionary.
I was never a fan of unions and will admit to having supported union busters in the past. I am a big fan though of the "Right to Work" law. One should be allowed to work for any company/organization he desires if he has the required credentials without being forced to join a union.
Just Opinion..well, if you have back-up links go for it..

I believe the alliance between Democrats and Unions, (that obvious special treatment) has caused the inevitable death to all Unions. The alliance has made Unions a dirty word.

The relationship between the democrat party and labor unions has become incestuous.
I was watching a report on Unions and Walmart and my general impression was that Unions want a cut of the profits and Union dues far more than representing the workers.

Seems to me that when unions get involved prices go up to the public and the business fails.

Many people who are union members or have family members that are dues payers have been brainwashed into believing their union has their best interests as their first priority.
They could not be more incorrect.
Unions are businesses. The primary function of a business is to turn a profit for it's owners and/or investors.
As such, businesses operate in their own self interest.
Has anyone ever seen a poor union delegate?
At one time unions were very valuable and did a great things to help workers but today's unions are a mere shadow of what they used to be in many ways they are now no different than the corporations they rail against.
It started out as a good idea when unions were first formed. They just got too big and too corrupt.

too big? Unions are a sliver of what they used to be.

I'm not so sure on the Public Unions? (I'll study up)

but... why do you think the Unions have taken the dive?

Politics and the decline in American manufacturing and replacement with low skill retail/food service jobs.

The Public Sector unions are holding on, but not like they have much room to grow or anything.
too big? Unions are a sliver of what they used to be.

I'm not so sure on the Public Unions? (I'll study up)

but... why do you think the Unions have taken the dive?

Politics and the decline in American manufacturing and replacement with low skill retail/food service jobs.

The Public Sector unions are holding on, but not like they have much room to grow or anything.

Good answer but I suspect there's more to it, thanks.:thup:
too big? Unions are a sliver of what they used to be.

I'm not so sure on the Public Unions? (I'll study up)

but... why do you think the Unions have taken the dive?

Politics and the decline in American manufacturing and replacement with low skill retail/food service jobs.

The Public Sector unions are holding on, but not like they have much room to grow or anything.

Public worker unions are now in the cross hairs of taxpayer groups, angry voters in states with poor economies or high unemployment and the general public is fed up with them as well.
Every time there is a road crew or other public employee seen in public not doing any work it draws the ire of passers by.
In the past, public sector unions were viewed as sacrosanct. Not to be challenged. Then the unions became political. the democrat party leaped into bed with the union bosses. They made a pact. The union bosses would deliver votes and the politicians would deliver laws, regulations and of course funding for wages and benefits.
As a result in states such as NJ, property taxes skyrocketed over a short period of time.
For example. In my home town in NJ, the town tax rate was under $1.00 per hundred of assessed value. By the mid 90's that rate tripled to over $3 per hundred. There was also a state law that capped tax assessments at 80% of market value. Well Democrat governor Florio said we'll just see about that. he persuaded the NJ legislature to change the law and not only did homes get assessed at 100% of market value, the requirement to reassess was more frequent. All because Florio had to pay back the unions for supporting his election. Within 6 months of taking office Florio became public enemy number one. With real estate prices rising rapidly due to speculation and panic buying, a home taxed at about $1500 per year in the mod 80's was taxed TEN TIMES that by the late 90's.
The home in which I grew up was sold in 1988 for $175k.....The annual tax bill was about $3k. Last check I made, the house was assessed at a ridiculous $450k. The annual tax bill is almost $11,000. And that is only because the town govt lowered the tax rate.
Most of the funding for public worker union wages and benefits comes from property taxes.

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