Democrats want to ban capitalism at the DNC. Schiff trolls like a pro!

This is not policy. It's politics.
Obama wants tax increases to continue spending. Period.

Bush Tax Breaks have cost us nearly $2 Trillion in deficits.
If we end those by MAKING EVERYONE PAY THEIR FAIR SHARE, then the deficit will drop and we will have more room to spend on other necessities.

Also, Taxing churches for getting involved in politics isn't a bad idea either. We could use that money to send 8 mars rovers equal to Curiosity to pars a month if we held people responsible for breaking the tax exemption rules.

Ok so raising taxes on the rich is going to close the deficit? boy you dont know shit do you? You realize you could take all the money from the top 1% and not even put a dent in the deficit.

Hmmm........ Clinton raised taxes on the rich. And we had the longest sustained economic boom in our history. You dumb fucks flap this yap, and ignore recent history.

Bush cut taxes on the wealthy, and there were fewer jobs when he left office than when he took office. Not only that, when he left office, we were on the verge of the Second Great Republican Depression.
Under Obama, corporate profits hit a record high. Where's the market creating good paying jobs?

That is supposed to impress somebody?
Look nudnik..Business will always try to turn a profit. That includes small business.
Publicly traded companies have a responsibility to their shareholders FIRST.
That is their primary function.
Where you people got the idea that business exists to create employment is a mystery.
A business will do whatever it takes to turn the most profit for the least amount of expense.
Now, business requires consumers. So it is in the best interest of a commerce seeking business to expand and grow to create wealth in the community.
However, when economic times become difficult or there is a slowdown in business, companies will do what they must to remain in business.
It is the policies of big government that stand in the way of business.
Business will not take on more work and more workers until this election is over. And sadly, if Obama reelected we will see more of the same or worse.
High taxes and more crushing regulation are not good for commerce.
Business sees this administration as "do this or we will punish you"...
"if you make too much money, we will take it from you"..."if you don't hire people, we will punish you"...
Now, you will provide a link supporting your claim...
Oh, profits are up because costs are down. That has happened since the beginning of capitalism. It's not new.
We do not have high unemployment because of business. We have high unemployment because of government interference with business.
Bush Tax Breaks have cost us nearly $2 Trillion in deficits.
If we end those by MAKING EVERYONE PAY THEIR FAIR SHARE, then the deficit will drop and we will have more room to spend on other necessities.

Also, Taxing churches for getting involved in politics isn't a bad idea either. We could use that money to send 8 mars rovers equal to Curiosity to pars a month if we held people responsible for breaking the tax exemption rules.

Ok so raising taxes on the rich is going to close the deficit? boy you dont know shit do you? You realize you could take all the money from the top 1% and not even put a dent in the deficit.

Hmmm........ Clinton raised taxes on the rich. And we had the longest sustained economic boom in our history. You dumb fucks flap this yap, and ignore recent history.

Bush cut taxes on the wealthy, and there were fewer jobs when he left office than when he took office. Not only that, when he left office, we were on the verge of the Second Great Republican Depression.
Clinton also reduced spending. Dramatically. He said the era of big government was over..And followed through on that.
You people can no longer blame Bush. Obama has been in office for almost 4 years. The time for excuses is over.
As with Bush 43, the country has grown SICK of Obama. We want a new guy in there because this guy is not getting it done. We need to let a poor performer go.

Oh cool.

Gotcha, out of context, journalism..

Fun fun fun.

Guess he's picking up Brietbart's banner.

In any folks favor communism..

For the wealthy! :D

TARP anyone!!!

As predicted. Let the lame excuses fly.
That's that. Case closed.

What "lame" excuses?

That's what it was.

It didn't even bother to let the person answer the question for more then a few words either. That's the "out of context" part. People were cut off in mid sentence.

I suppose you missed all of that.
Umm, let's see, the definition of fascism is government control of the production and distribution of goods and services. Why not? Let the socialists who booed God and Israel at the convention come out of the political closet and tell us that they think government can do it better than the private sector. The uncharacteristic honesty would be refreshing and it would make the November decision so much easier.

Stupid ass. Trying to rewrite definitions as well as history. No, the definiton of Fascism is state corperatism. Which is what the GOP is now working for.

You are incorrect as is the OP. And you are both correct..The dictionary definition, the one to which I defer is
fas·cism   [fash-iz-uhm] Show IPA
( sometimes initial capital letter ) a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.
Ok so raising taxes on the rich is going to close the deficit? boy you dont know shit do you? You realize you could take all the money from the top 1% and not even put a dent in the deficit.

Hmmm........ Clinton raised taxes on the rich. And we had the longest sustained economic boom in our history. You dumb fucks flap this yap, and ignore recent history.

Bush cut taxes on the wealthy, and there were fewer jobs when he left office than when he took office. Not only that, when he left office, we were on the verge of the Second Great Republican Depression.
Clinton also reduced spending. Dramatically. He said the era of big government was over..And followed through on that.
You people can no longer blame Bush. Obama has been in office for almost 4 years. The time for excuses is over.
As with Bush 43, the country has grown SICK of Obama. We want a new guy in there because this guy is not getting it done. We need to let a poor performer go.

By cutting military expenditures.

You guys had a fit over that.

And you guys shut down government twice and impeached him.

Conservatives fought Clinton tooth and nail..every step of the way.
Oh cool.

Gotcha, out of context, journalism..

Fun fun fun.

Guess he's picking up Brietbart's banner.

In any folks favor communism..

For the wealthy! :D

TARP anyone!!!

As predicted. Let the lame excuses fly.
That's that. Case closed.

What "lame" excuses?

That's what it was.

It didn't even bother to let the person answer the question for more then a few words either. That's the "out of context" part. People were cut off in mid sentence.

I suppose you missed all of that.
They were not. There were two available answers. Yes or No...
That's the problem with you libs. You think everything requires a long explanation.
Look, at the end of the day you will believe you saw something other than what occurred.
The responses of those people is hardly surprising.
On this very board, those of you on the left have been railing against corporate profits, wealth, success and ..................."WALL STREET"...
SO please don't go thinking we're going to buy your excuses. These people answered honestly. Period.
Hmmm........ Clinton raised taxes on the rich. And we had the longest sustained economic boom in our history. You dumb fucks flap this yap, and ignore recent history.

Bush cut taxes on the wealthy, and there were fewer jobs when he left office than when he took office. Not only that, when he left office, we were on the verge of the Second Great Republican Depression.
Clinton also reduced spending. Dramatically. He said the era of big government was over..And followed through on that.
You people can no longer blame Bush. Obama has been in office for almost 4 years. The time for excuses is over.
As with Bush 43, the country has grown SICK of Obama. We want a new guy in there because this guy is not getting it done. We need to let a poor performer go.

By cutting military expenditures.

You guys had a fit over that.

And you guys shut down government twice and impeached him.

Conservatives fought Clinton tooth and nail..every step of the way.

so then Obama is running on Clinton's record?
Hmmm........ Clinton raised taxes on the rich. And we had the longest sustained economic boom in our history. You dumb fucks flap this yap, and ignore recent history.

Bush cut taxes on the wealthy, and there were fewer jobs when he left office than when he took office. Not only that, when he left office, we were on the verge of the Second Great Republican Depression.
Clinton also reduced spending. Dramatically. He said the era of big government was over..And followed through on that.
You people can no longer blame Bush. Obama has been in office for almost 4 years. The time for excuses is over.
As with Bush 43, the country has grown SICK of Obama. We want a new guy in there because this guy is not getting it done. We need to let a poor performer go.

By cutting military expenditures.

You guys had a fit over that.

And you guys shut down government twice and impeached him.

Conservatives fought Clinton tooth and nail..every step of the way.
He also slashed spending on social programs and created the work requirements for receipt of welfare which Obama got rid of.
Clinton was impeached because he LIED to Congress. He did something wrong.
"You guys"...Umm the government shut down because the GOP was not going to allow the status quo of "just spend it"..And guess what? In the end, everyone got what they wanted. Just a little less of it.
Would not liberal fight a conservative tooth and nail?
You libs seem to think you are pure as the driven snow in this regard.
Clinton also reduced spending. Dramatically. He said the era of big government was over..And followed through on that.
You people can no longer blame Bush. Obama has been in office for almost 4 years. The time for excuses is over.
As with Bush 43, the country has grown SICK of Obama. We want a new guy in there because this guy is not getting it done. We need to let a poor performer go.

By cutting military expenditures.

You guys had a fit over that.

And you guys shut down government twice and impeached him.

Conservatives fought Clinton tooth and nail..every step of the way.

so then Obama is running on Clinton's record?

No, he's running on his own record. Tell me how American corporations can reap record profits on Obama's watch, and we can have the unemployment rate that we do?
By cutting military expenditures.

You guys had a fit over that.

And you guys shut down government twice and impeached him.

Conservatives fought Clinton tooth and nail..every step of the way.

so then Obama is running on Clinton's record?

No, he's running on his own record. Tell me how American corporations can reap record profits on Obama's watch, and we can have the unemployment rate that we do?
This has been pointed out to you. Asked and answered.
Companies are realizing moderate profit gains due to cutting of expenses.
They are not hiring because of impending tax increases as well as the threat of Obamacare.. Taxes may include, an increase in the corporate tax rate, the counting of capital gains as straight income rather than the current method. New taxes on services. An increase in payroll taxes. If the payroll tax rates expire, not only will individual taxes go up, so will taxes on employers.
Business will not expand when the federal deficit rises. Also, hiring will not take place when the value of the Dollar is expected to fall. That will occur soon. Because of the latest poor employment numbers, a third round of Quantitative Easing is expected. This is done by printing currency and shoving it into the economy. When the supply of money is increased, the value of the Dollar falls.
With all these negative parameters, on which planet would business want to expand?
By cutting military expenditures.

You guys had a fit over that.

And you guys shut down government twice and impeached him.

Conservatives fought Clinton tooth and nail..every step of the way.

so then Obama is running on Clinton's record?

No, he's running on his own record. Tell me how American corporations can reap record profits on Obama's watch, and we can have the unemployment rate that we do?

Obama's record? He is not running on his record. He is running against Romney.
Obama's speech last night made mention of just TWO accomplishments. One, the end of our stay in Iraq. Two, the elimination of Osama bin Laden. The latter now being called into question as reports now have surfaced that bin Laden was unarmed when he was shot.
To be fair, I don't give a shit whether bin fuckhead was waving white flags. He should have been run through with a bayonet.
Anyway, Obama made no mention of the two stimulus which he and other democrats have touted as successful. he made no mention of the long held opinion by democrats that Obama has created 4.5 million jobs. He did not touch the unemployment number even though once again fellow democrats including DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz swears is down because of Obama.
Now the latest drag on the economy...360,000 additional people leaving the job market. They gave up looking for work.
I couldn't believe it until I saw the video:

[ame=]Democrats: Let's Ban Profits! - YouTube[/ame]

These were convention delegates. :ack-1:

There have already been threads on this.
By cutting military expenditures.

You guys had a fit over that.

And you guys shut down government twice and impeached him.

Conservatives fought Clinton tooth and nail..every step of the way.

so then Obama is running on Clinton's record?

No, he's running on his own record. Tell me how American corporations can reap record profits on Obama's watch, and we can have the unemployment rate that we do?

they're smarter than obama. waaaaay smarter.

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