Democrats want to give school kids 3 meals a day YEAR ROUND!!!

Not at all...

Every one of those delicious Obamameals are as likely to appear as the bullshit photos that conservatives post
Face it, you got caught in a lie, and now you're trying to pass it off as waste and abuse by Obozo..

You are such a fucking loser....
Lobster Tuesday is no lie....the children love it

That type of menu would make the program so unaffordable the kids couldn't eat for the rest of the week...

But keep saying first graders are eating five -star cuisine that the average taxpayers normally can't afford...

Its obvious you have zero leadership skills, zero problem solving skills, and are nothing but a yes man.
Because I know something about budgeting, and know that a school system can't afford to feed kids a diet of lobster and filet mignon???

But of course, liberal think we should, while the liberal parents spend the food stamps meant to feed those kids on booze and crack.
Obviously you dont know what you think you know. You also lack any sort of imagination and ability to change perception or the direction of an organization. Face it. Youre a failure as a leader and also as a human being.
Not at all...

Every one of those delicious Obamameals are as likely to appear as the bullshit photos that conservatives post
Face it, you got caught in a lie, and now you're trying to pass it off as waste and abuse by Obozo..

You are such a fucking loser....
Lobster Tuesday is no lie....the children love it

That type of menu would make the program so unaffordable the kids couldn't eat for the rest of the week...

But keep saying first graders are eating five -star cuisine that the average taxpayers normally can't afford...

Its obvious you have zero leadership skills, zero problem solving skills, and are nothing but a yes man.
Because I know something about budgeting, and know that a school system can't afford to feed kids a diet of lobster and filet mignon???

But of course, liberal think we should, while the liberal parents spend the food stamps meant to feed those kids on booze and crack.
You are an idiot

As First Lady, Michelle Obama gets to decide everything the children will eat.......the kids do like lobster and filet Mignon

Last edited:
Mao a progressive? lol

In your world Hitler, Mussolini, Pol Pot, etc the dictators/authoritarians were too right? lol

Right-wing authoritarianism (RWA) is a personality and ideological variable studied in political, social, and personality psychology. Right-wing authoritarians are people who have a high degree of willingness to submit to authorities they perceive as established and legitimate, who adhere to societal conventions and norms, and who are hostile and punitive in their attitudes towards people who don't adhere to them. They value uniformity and are in favour of using group authority, including coercion, to achieve it.

Right-wing authoritarianism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Jung il and Fidel were all Progressives

CONGRATS BUBBA, you take the crown for most ill informed, right wing zealot of the week Bubba

Abe Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, FDR, LBJ, THOSE were PROGRESSIVES

Those other guys are more authoritarian types the right wing LOVES to emulate, like the Cristian Taliban today!!!
I guess thats why they have no problem with paying more in taxes to support social programs? Cons hate anyone that needs social programs. Its an affront to them.

LOL Your base doesn't pay for anything!

You base is all EBT, SNAP and all the free government shit acronyms

Weird how your leaders really did a job on you with that welfare queen myth didnt they?

The Food Stamp Capital of the U.S. is WHITE and REPUBLICAN

"In spite of the prevailing stereotypes and assumptions about who uses SNAP Food Stamp benefits the most in the United States, the highest usage is not in Compton, Queens, nor the South Side of Chicago. Instead, a city that is 99.22% white and 95% Republican comes in the lead. "
Weird how your leaders really did a job on you with that welfare queen myth didnt they?

The Food Stamp Capital of the U.S. is WHITE and REPUBLICAN

"In spite of the prevailing stereotypes and assumptions about who uses SNAP Food Stamp benefits the most in the United States, the highest usage is not in Compton, Queens, nor the South Side of Chicago. Instead, a city that is 99.22% white and 95% Republican comes in the lead. "
Been covered and recovered.
This particular town was driven to this breaking point by the anti-coal policies that erased their jobs.
Fewer people in that town than 5sq blocks of Chicago

Gosh you mean Gov't policy can effect a city? Like Chicago in the Rust belt region with the de-industrialization thanks to CONservative policies?

Rust Belt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Owsley County, Kentucky is a community of about 5,000, residents earning the lowest median household income in the country outside of Puerto Rico, according to the U.S. Census.

The decline in the profits from coal, tobacco and lumber industries led to a harsh toll being taken on the community.

Cale Turner, county executive of Owsley County told ABC back in 2010 that economic hardships have led to a high incidence of drug addiction.

“Those with drug addictions end up in prison without effective treatment. And it happens over and over in this community. The drug problem continues to get worse every year.”

The Food Stamp Capital of the U.S. is WHITE and REPUBLICAN


Although 97% of communities within the U.S. allow the legal sale of alcohol, until a 2013 election, Owsley County had not. This included the City of Booneville, the county seat. The county had repeatedly denied, through democratic elections, the repeal of alcohol prohibition laws enacted in 1920.

In Appalachia the country is beautiful and the society is broken. Owsley County, Ky. — There are lots of diversions in the Big White Ghetto, the vast moribund matrix of Wonder Bread–hued Appalachian towns and villages stretching from northern Mississippi to southern New York, a slowly dissipating nebula of poverty and misery with its heart in eastern Kentucky, the last redoubt of the Scots-Irish working class that picked up where African slave labor left off, mining and cropping and sawing the raw materials for a modern American economy that would soon run out of profitable uses for the class of people who 500 years ago would have been known, without any derogation, as peasants.

Thinking about the future here and its bleak prospects is not much fun at all, so instead of too much black-minded introspection you have the pills and the dope, the morning beers, the endless scratch-off lotto cards, healing meetings up on the hill, the federally funded ritual of trading cases of food-stamp Pepsi for packs of Kentucky’s Best cigarettes and good old hard currency, tall piles of gas-station nachos, the occasional blast of meth,Narcotics Anonymous meetings, petty crime, the draw, the recreational making and surgical unmaking of teenaged mothers, and death: Life expectancies are short — the typical man here dies well over a decade earlier than does a man in Fairfax County, Va. — and they are getting shorter, women’s life expectancy having declined by nearly 1.1 percent from 1987 to 2007.

If the people here weren’t 98.5 percent white, we’d call it a reservation.

There is still coal mining — which, at $25 an hour or more, provides one of the more desirable occupations outside of government work — but the jobs are moving west, and Harlan County, like many coal-country communities, has lost nearly half of its population over the past 30 years.


What myth?

Look at what welfare has done to the black family, its eliminated the male head of household replacing him with a government check and raised them in schools that only teach them how to drop out

Yeah, helping people set a bottom did that, NOT the rights relentless war on the black/poor *shaking head*

Creating a permanent government dependent, public school under-educated, fatherless head of household, Democrat voting underclass is "setting a bottom"

You guys sure did "set a bottom" with your 50 year long "War on Poverty" that claimed the black male head of household as its primary victim

Yep, I agree, the lefts war on poverty was outdone by the rights war on the war on poverty Bubba
Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Jung il and Fidel were all Progressives

CONGRATS BUBBA, you take the crown for most ill informed, right wing zealot of the week Bubba

Abe Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, FDR, LBJ, THOSE were PROGRESSIVES

Those other guys are more authoritarian types the right wing LOVES to emulate, like the Cristian Taliban today!!!
LOL Your base doesn't pay for anything!

You base is all EBT, SNAP and all the free government shit acronyms

Weird how your leaders really did a job on you with that welfare queen myth didnt they?

The Food Stamp Capital of the U.S. is WHITE and REPUBLICAN

"In spite of the prevailing stereotypes and assumptions about who uses SNAP Food Stamp benefits the most in the United States, the highest usage is not in Compton, Queens, nor the South Side of Chicago. Instead, a city that is 99.22% white and 95% Republican comes in the lead. "
Been covered and recovered.
This particular town was driven to this breaking point by the anti-coal policies that erased their jobs.
Fewer people in that town than 5sq blocks of Chicago

Gosh you mean Gov't policy can effect a city? Like Chicago in the Rust belt region with the de-industrialization thanks to CONservative policies?

Rust Belt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Owsley County, Kentucky is a community of about 5,000, residents earning the lowest median household income in the country outside of Puerto Rico, according to the U.S. Census.

The decline in the profits from coal, tobacco and lumber industries led to a harsh toll being taken on the community.

Cale Turner, county executive of Owsley County told ABC back in 2010 that economic hardships have led to a high incidence of drug addiction.

“Those with drug addictions end up in prison without effective treatment. And it happens over and over in this community. The drug problem continues to get worse every year.”

The Food Stamp Capital of the U.S. is WHITE and REPUBLICAN


Although 97% of communities within the U.S. allow the legal sale of alcohol, until a 2013 election, Owsley County had not. This included the City of Booneville, the county seat. The county had repeatedly denied, through democratic elections, the repeal of alcohol prohibition laws enacted in 1920.

In Appalachia the country is beautiful and the society is broken. Owsley County, Ky. — There are lots of diversions in the Big White Ghetto, the vast moribund matrix of Wonder Bread–hued Appalachian towns and villages stretching from northern Mississippi to southern New York, a slowly dissipating nebula of poverty and misery with its heart in eastern Kentucky, the last redoubt of the Scots-Irish working class that picked up where African slave labor left off, mining and cropping and sawing the raw materials for a modern American economy that would soon run out of profitable uses for the class of people who 500 years ago would have been known, without any derogation, as peasants.

Thinking about the future here and its bleak prospects is not much fun at all, so instead of too much black-minded introspection you have the pills and the dope, the morning beers, the endless scratch-off lotto cards, healing meetings up on the hill, the federally funded ritual of trading cases of food-stamp Pepsi for packs of Kentucky’s Best cigarettes and good old hard currency, tall piles of gas-station nachos, the occasional blast of meth,Narcotics Anonymous meetings, petty crime, the draw, the recreational making and surgical unmaking of teenaged mothers, and death: Life expectancies are short — the typical man here dies well over a decade earlier than does a man in Fairfax County, Va. — and they are getting shorter, women’s life expectancy having declined by nearly 1.1 percent from 1987 to 2007.

If the people here weren’t 98.5 percent white, we’d call it a reservation.

There is still coal mining — which, at $25 an hour or more, provides one of the more desirable occupations outside of government work — but the jobs are moving west, and Harlan County, like many coal-country communities, has lost nearly half of its population over the past 30 years.


What myth?

Look at what welfare has done to the black family, its eliminated the male head of household replacing him with a government check and raised them in schools that only teach them how to drop out

Yeah, helping people set a bottom did that, NOT the rights relentless war on the black/poor *shaking head*

Creating a permanent government dependent, public school under-educated, fatherless head of household, Democrat voting underclass is "setting a bottom"

You guys sure did "set a bottom" with your 50 year long "War on Poverty" that claimed the black male head of household as its primary victim

Yep, I agree, the lefts war on poverty was outdone by the rights war on the war on poverty Bubba
The right converted the war on poverty into a war on the poor
CONGRATS BUBBA, you take the crown for most ill informed, right wing zealot of the week Bubba

Abe Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, FDR, LBJ, THOSE were PROGRESSIVES

Those other guys are more authoritarian types the right wing LOVES to emulate, like the Cristian Taliban today!!!
Weird how your leaders really did a job on you with that welfare queen myth didnt they?

The Food Stamp Capital of the U.S. is WHITE and REPUBLICAN

"In spite of the prevailing stereotypes and assumptions about who uses SNAP Food Stamp benefits the most in the United States, the highest usage is not in Compton, Queens, nor the South Side of Chicago. Instead, a city that is 99.22% white and 95% Republican comes in the lead. "
Gosh you mean Gov't policy can effect a city? Like Chicago in the Rust belt region with the de-industrialization thanks to CONservative policies?

Rust Belt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Owsley County, Kentucky is a community of about 5,000, residents earning the lowest median household income in the country outside of Puerto Rico, according to the U.S. Census.

The decline in the profits from coal, tobacco and lumber industries led to a harsh toll being taken on the community.

Cale Turner, county executive of Owsley County told ABC back in 2010 that economic hardships have led to a high incidence of drug addiction.

“Those with drug addictions end up in prison without effective treatment. And it happens over and over in this community. The drug problem continues to get worse every year.”

The Food Stamp Capital of the U.S. is WHITE and REPUBLICAN


Although 97% of communities within the U.S. allow the legal sale of alcohol, until a 2013 election, Owsley County had not. This included the City of Booneville, the county seat. The county had repeatedly denied, through democratic elections, the repeal of alcohol prohibition laws enacted in 1920.

In Appalachia the country is beautiful and the society is broken. Owsley County, Ky. — There are lots of diversions in the Big White Ghetto, the vast moribund matrix of Wonder Bread–hued Appalachian towns and villages stretching from northern Mississippi to southern New York, a slowly dissipating nebula of poverty and misery with its heart in eastern Kentucky, the last redoubt of the Scots-Irish working class that picked up where African slave labor left off, mining and cropping and sawing the raw materials for a modern American economy that would soon run out of profitable uses for the class of people who 500 years ago would have been known, without any derogation, as peasants.

Thinking about the future here and its bleak prospects is not much fun at all, so instead of too much black-minded introspection you have the pills and the dope, the morning beers, the endless scratch-off lotto cards, healing meetings up on the hill, the federally funded ritual of trading cases of food-stamp Pepsi for packs of Kentucky’s Best cigarettes and good old hard currency, tall piles of gas-station nachos, the occasional blast of meth,Narcotics Anonymous meetings, petty crime, the draw, the recreational making and surgical unmaking of teenaged mothers, and death: Life expectancies are short — the typical man here dies well over a decade earlier than does a man in Fairfax County, Va. — and they are getting shorter, women’s life expectancy having declined by nearly 1.1 percent from 1987 to 2007.

If the people here weren’t 98.5 percent white, we’d call it a reservation.

There is still coal mining — which, at $25 an hour or more, provides one of the more desirable occupations outside of government work — but the jobs are moving west, and Harlan County, like many coal-country communities, has lost nearly half of its population over the past 30 years.


What myth?

Look at what welfare has done to the black family, its eliminated the male head of household replacing him with a government check and raised them in schools that only teach them how to drop out

Yeah, helping people set a bottom did that, NOT the rights relentless war on the black/poor *shaking head*

Creating a permanent government dependent, public school under-educated, fatherless head of household, Democrat voting underclass is "setting a bottom"

You guys sure did "set a bottom" with your 50 year long "War on Poverty" that claimed the black male head of household as its primary victim

Yep, I agree, the lefts war on poverty was outdone by the rights war on the war on poverty Bubba
The right converted the war on poverty into a war on the poor



Face it, you got caught in a lie, and now you're trying to pass it off as waste and abuse by Obozo..

You are such a fucking loser....
Lobster Tuesday is no lie....the children love it

That type of menu would make the program so unaffordable the kids couldn't eat for the rest of the week...

But keep saying first graders are eating five -star cuisine that the average taxpayers normally can't afford...

Its obvious you have zero leadership skills, zero problem solving skills, and are nothing but a yes man.
Because I know something about budgeting, and know that a school system can't afford to feed kids a diet of lobster and filet mignon???

But of course, liberal think we should, while the liberal parents spend the food stamps meant to feed those kids on booze and crack.
You are an idiot

As First Lady, Michelle Obama gets to decide everything the children will eat.......the kids do like lobster and filet Mignon

And I assume she's pulling the lobsters out of her ass and personally cooking them too...

You are actually starting to look retarded.
Lobster Tuesday is no lie....the children love it

That type of menu would make the program so unaffordable the kids couldn't eat for the rest of the week...

But keep saying first graders are eating five -star cuisine that the average taxpayers normally can't afford...

Its obvious you have zero leadership skills, zero problem solving skills, and are nothing but a yes man.
Because I know something about budgeting, and know that a school system can't afford to feed kids a diet of lobster and filet mignon???

But of course, liberal think we should, while the liberal parents spend the food stamps meant to feed those kids on booze and crack.
You are an idiot

As First Lady, Michelle Obama gets to decide everything the children will eat.......the kids do like lobster and filet Mignon

And I assume she's pulling the lobsters out of her ass and personally cooking them too...

You are actually starting to look retarded.

You are a moron...everyone knows the First Lady gets to decide the meals that children will eat. Money? where do you think the $17 trillion debt went to? Lobster dinners for school children
Students flood social media with complaints about Michelle Obama's school lunch fiasco

Outraged over mandatory new school lunch guidelines that restrict caloric intake to a mere 850 calories per meal, as well as cut out all sorts of common foods in the process, a groundswell of public school students has taken to social media in protest of Michelle Obama's infamous school lunch overhaul. reports on Twitter "tweets," Instagram photos and other complaints popping up all across social media showing paltry lunch plates with barely a morsel of food on them.

One young man holding what appears to be a bleached flour tortilla with a small piece of processed meat and a slice of cheese on it tweeted, "Thanks Michelle Obama," obviously disturbed by what he was served as a supposed lunch meal. Another photo posted to Twitter shows a small carton of "1% Lowfat Milk" accompanying what appears to be a dried-out piece of breaded chicken hugged by a white flour bun -- and nothing else.

"All we get for lunch today," reads the caption for this gem of a meal. "Thank you Michelle Obama."

Another photo captioned with an expletive shows a hot dog bun filled with cheese and something that resembles fried onions, minus any sort of meat. Next to this processed sandwich of sorts are three small cherry tomatoes and a carton of pasteurized, homogenized and likely hormone- and antibiotic-ridden carton of reduced fat milk.

"You call this a f***ing 'lunch?'" asks the student, tagging both Barack and Michelle's Twitter handles so they will see it.

Even the mother of a student who was visiting her daughter for lunch snapped a photo of a mostly empty cafeteria tray containing the equivalent of a McDonald's hamburger with no cheese, a packet of ketchup and half -- yes, half -- of a kiwi. Three of the six sections on the food tray are empty and clean, suggesting that no food items had been placed there for the meal.

"[M]y school lunch while eating with my daughter," tweeted the mother at Michelle. "Only other choice was a scoop of salad. This is sad!"

You can view these and other photos at the following link:

Learn more: Students flood social media with complaints about Michelle Obama's school lunch fiasco
Students flood social media with complaints about Michelle Obama's school lunch fiasco

Outraged over mandatory new school lunch guidelines that restrict caloric intake to a mere 850 calories per meal, as well as cut out all sorts of common foods in the process, a groundswell of public school students has taken to social media in protest of Michelle Obama's infamous school lunch overhaul. reports on Twitter "tweets," Instagram photos and other complaints popping up all across social media showing paltry lunch plates with barely a morsel of food on them.

One young man holding what appears to be a bleached flour tortilla with a small piece of processed meat and a slice of cheese on it tweeted, "Thanks Michelle Obama," obviously disturbed by what he was served as a supposed lunch meal. Another photo posted to Twitter shows a small carton of "1% Lowfat Milk" accompanying what appears to be a dried-out piece of breaded chicken hugged by a white flour bun -- and nothing else.

"All we get for lunch today," reads the caption for this gem of a meal. "Thank you Michelle Obama."

Another photo captioned with an expletive shows a hot dog bun filled with cheese and something that resembles fried onions, minus any sort of meat. Next to this processed sandwich of sorts are three small cherry tomatoes and a carton of pasteurized, homogenized and likely hormone- and antibiotic-ridden carton of reduced fat milk.

"You call this a f***ing 'lunch?'" asks the student, tagging both Barack and Michelle's Twitter handles so they will see it.

Even the mother of a student who was visiting her daughter for lunch snapped a photo of a mostly empty cafeteria tray containing the equivalent of a McDonald's hamburger with no cheese, a packet of ketchup and half -- yes, half -- of a kiwi. Three of the six sections on the food tray are empty and clean, suggesting that no food items had been placed there for the meal.

"[M]y school lunch while eating with my daughter," tweeted the mother at Michelle. "Only other choice was a scoop of salad. This is sad!"

You can view these and other photos at the following link:

Learn more: Students flood social media with complaints about Michelle Obama's school lunch fiasco

You fukkn wingnutters and your "sources" from the rags you "believe" that sells cancer cures and gold, lol

FBI turns up heat on Mike Adams as ‘Health Ranger’ fiasco widens, plus Adams’ archive

Last week, Mike Adams, the founder and editor of–a favorite site of Dr. Oz and anti-GMO campaigners, from Vandana Shiva to Center for Food Safetey’s Andrew Kimbrell to the Food Babe to Jeffrey Smith, but also dubbed by scientists and journalists as the number one anti-science site in cyberspace–launched an all out offensive against crop biotechnology.

Adams posted a screed on his website (since sanitized by Adams; we’ve included link to the pre-censored version) attacking supporters of genetic engineering as modern day Nazis, suggesting that anti-GMO activists should consider murdering scientists and journalists for their crimes against humanity
. Adams then alerted readers to another site, Monsanto Collaborators, which was more or less a handy online list of these so-called ‘Nazi perpetrators”–aka scientists, journalists and news organizations that believe biotechnology can play a constructive role in farming–for crazies who might want to follow Adams’ marching orders and begin assassinations.


FBI turns up heat on Mike Adams as 'Health Ranger' fiasco widens, plus Adams' archive | Genetic Literacy Project
Lobster Tuesday is no lie....the children love it

That type of menu would make the program so unaffordable the kids couldn't eat for the rest of the week...

But keep saying first graders are eating five -star cuisine that the average taxpayers normally can't afford...

Its obvious you have zero leadership skills, zero problem solving skills, and are nothing but a yes man.
Because I know something about budgeting, and know that a school system can't afford to feed kids a diet of lobster and filet mignon???

But of course, liberal think we should, while the liberal parents spend the food stamps meant to feed those kids on booze and crack.
You are an idiot

As First Lady, Michelle Obama gets to decide everything the children will eat.......the kids do like lobster and filet Mignon

And I assume she's pulling the lobsters out of her ass and personally cooking them too...

You are actually starting to look retarded.

You are a moron...everyone knows the First Lady gets to decide the meals that children will eat. Money? where do you think the $17 trillion debt went to? Lobster dinners for school c
Students flood social media with complaints about Michelle Obama's school lunch fiasco

Outraged over mandatory new school lunch guidelines that restrict caloric intake to a mere 850 calories per meal, as well as cut out all sorts of common foods in the process, a groundswell of public school students has taken to social media in protest of Michelle Obama's infamous school lunch overhaul. reports on Twitter "tweets," Instagram photos and other complaints popping up all across social media showing paltry lunch plates with barely a morsel of food on them.

One young man holding what appears to be a bleached flour tortilla with a small piece of processed meat and a slice of cheese on it tweeted, "Thanks Michelle Obama," obviously disturbed by what he was served as a supposed lunch meal. Another photo posted to Twitter shows a small carton of "1% Lowfat Milk" accompanying what appears to be a dried-out piece of breaded chicken hugged by a white flour bun -- and nothing else.

"All we get for lunch today," reads the caption for this gem of a meal. "Thank you Michelle Obama."

Another photo captioned with an expletive shows a hot dog bun filled with cheese and something that resembles fried onions, minus any sort of meat. Next to this processed sandwich of sorts are three small cherry tomatoes and a carton of pasteurized, homogenized and likely hormone- and antibiotic-ridden carton of reduced fat milk.

"You call this a f***ing 'lunch?'" asks the student, tagging both Barack and Michelle's Twitter handles so they will see it.

Even the mother of a student who was visiting her daughter for lunch snapped a photo of a mostly empty cafeteria tray containing the equivalent of a McDonald's hamburger with no cheese, a packet of ketchup and half -- yes, half -- of a kiwi. Three of the six sections on the food tray are empty and clean, suggesting that no food items had been placed there for the meal.

"[M]y school lunch while eating with my daughter," tweeted the mother at Michelle. "Only other choice was a scoop of salad. This is sad!"

You can view these and other photos at the following link:

Learn more: Students flood social media with complaints about Michelle Obama's school lunch fiasco
Propaganda stories planted by Conservatives....The Blaze? Are you kidding?

Nobody is buying it

That type of menu would make the program so unaffordable the kids couldn't eat for the rest of the week...

But keep saying first graders are eating five -star cuisine that the average taxpayers normally can't afford...

Its obvious you have zero leadership skills, zero problem solving skills, and are nothing but a yes man.
Because I know something about budgeting, and know that a school system can't afford to feed kids a diet of lobster and filet mignon???

But of course, liberal think we should, while the liberal parents spend the food stamps meant to feed those kids on booze and crack.
You are an idiot

As First Lady, Michelle Obama gets to decide everything the children will eat.......the kids do like lobster and filet Mignon

And I assume she's pulling the lobsters out of her ass and personally cooking them too...

You are actually starting to look retarded.

You are a moron...everyone knows the First Lady gets to decide the meals that children will eat. Money? where do you think the $17 trillion debt went to? Lobster dinners for school c
Students flood social media with complaints about Michelle Obama's school lunch fiasco

Outraged over mandatory new school lunch guidelines that restrict caloric intake to a mere 850 calories per meal, as well as cut out all sorts of common foods in the process, a groundswell of public school students has taken to social media in protest of Michelle Obama's infamous school lunch overhaul. reports on Twitter "tweets," Instagram photos and other complaints popping up all across social media showing paltry lunch plates with barely a morsel of food on them.

One young man holding what appears to be a bleached flour tortilla with a small piece of processed meat and a slice of cheese on it tweeted, "Thanks Michelle Obama," obviously disturbed by what he was served as a supposed lunch meal. Another photo posted to Twitter shows a small carton of "1% Lowfat Milk" accompanying what appears to be a dried-out piece of breaded chicken hugged by a white flour bun -- and nothing else.

"All we get for lunch today," reads the caption for this gem of a meal. "Thank you Michelle Obama."

Another photo captioned with an expletive shows a hot dog bun filled with cheese and something that resembles fried onions, minus any sort of meat. Next to this processed sandwich of sorts are three small cherry tomatoes and a carton of pasteurized, homogenized and likely hormone- and antibiotic-ridden carton of reduced fat milk.

"You call this a f***ing 'lunch?'" asks the student, tagging both Barack and Michelle's Twitter handles so they will see it.

Even the mother of a student who was visiting her daughter for lunch snapped a photo of a mostly empty cafeteria tray containing the equivalent of a McDonald's hamburger with no cheese, a packet of ketchup and half -- yes, half -- of a kiwi. Three of the six sections on the food tray are empty and clean, suggesting that no food items had been placed there for the meal.

"[M]y school lunch while eating with my daughter," tweeted the mother at Michelle. "Only other choice was a scoop of salad. This is sad!"

You can view these and other photos at the following link:

Learn more: Students flood social media with complaints about Michelle Obama's school lunch fiasco
Propaganda stories planted by Conservatives....The Blaze? Are you kidding?

Nobody is buying it
And nobody is buying your hogwash that Michelle Obama is personally putting lobster in school lunches...

You are such a doofus.
Its obvious you have zero leadership skills, zero problem solving skills, and are nothing but a yes man.
Because I know something about budgeting, and know that a school system can't afford to feed kids a diet of lobster and filet mignon???

But of course, liberal think we should, while the liberal parents spend the food stamps meant to feed those kids on booze and crack.
You are an idiot

As First Lady, Michelle Obama gets to decide everything the children will eat.......the kids do like lobster and filet Mignon

And I assume she's pulling the lobsters out of her ass and personally cooking them too...

You are actually starting to look retarded.

You are a moron...everyone knows the First Lady gets to decide the meals that children will eat. Money? where do you think the $17 trillion debt went to? Lobster dinners for school c
Students flood social media with complaints about Michelle Obama's school lunch fiasco

Outraged over mandatory new school lunch guidelines that restrict caloric intake to a mere 850 calories per meal, as well as cut out all sorts of common foods in the process, a groundswell of public school students has taken to social media in protest of Michelle Obama's infamous school lunch overhaul. reports on Twitter "tweets," Instagram photos and other complaints popping up all across social media showing paltry lunch plates with barely a morsel of food on them.

One young man holding what appears to be a bleached flour tortilla with a small piece of processed meat and a slice of cheese on it tweeted, "Thanks Michelle Obama," obviously disturbed by what he was served as a supposed lunch meal. Another photo posted to Twitter shows a small carton of "1% Lowfat Milk" accompanying what appears to be a dried-out piece of breaded chicken hugged by a white flour bun -- and nothing else.

"All we get for lunch today," reads the caption for this gem of a meal. "Thank you Michelle Obama."

Another photo captioned with an expletive shows a hot dog bun filled with cheese and something that resembles fried onions, minus any sort of meat. Next to this processed sandwich of sorts are three small cherry tomatoes and a carton of pasteurized, homogenized and likely hormone- and antibiotic-ridden carton of reduced fat milk.

"You call this a f***ing 'lunch?'" asks the student, tagging both Barack and Michelle's Twitter handles so they will see it.

Even the mother of a student who was visiting her daughter for lunch snapped a photo of a mostly empty cafeteria tray containing the equivalent of a McDonald's hamburger with no cheese, a packet of ketchup and half -- yes, half -- of a kiwi. Three of the six sections on the food tray are empty and clean, suggesting that no food items had been placed there for the meal.

"[M]y school lunch while eating with my daughter," tweeted the mother at Michelle. "Only other choice was a scoop of salad. This is sad!"

You can view these and other photos at the following link:

Learn more: Students flood social media with complaints about Michelle Obama's school lunch fiasco
Propaganda stories planted by Conservatives....The Blaze? Are you kidding?

Nobody is buying it
And nobody is buying your hogwash that Michelle Obama is personally putting lobster in school lunches...

You are such a doofus.
You are a moron

The First Lady gets to decide what every school child will eat. She is a school lunch dictator...what she says goes
Because I know something about budgeting, and know that a school system can't afford to feed kids a diet of lobster and filet mignon???

But of course, liberal think we should, while the liberal parents spend the food stamps meant to feed those kids on booze and crack.
You are an idiot

As First Lady, Michelle Obama gets to decide everything the children will eat.......the kids do like lobster and filet Mignon

And I assume she's pulling the lobsters out of her ass and personally cooking them too...

You are actually starting to look retarded.

You are a moron...everyone knows the First Lady gets to decide the meals that children will eat. Money? where do you think the $17 trillion debt went to? Lobster dinners for school c
Students flood social media with complaints about Michelle Obama's school lunch fiasco

Outraged over mandatory new school lunch guidelines that restrict caloric intake to a mere 850 calories per meal, as well as cut out all sorts of common foods in the process, a groundswell of public school students has taken to social media in protest of Michelle Obama's infamous school lunch overhaul. reports on Twitter "tweets," Instagram photos and other complaints popping up all across social media showing paltry lunch plates with barely a morsel of food on them.

One young man holding what appears to be a bleached flour tortilla with a small piece of processed meat and a slice of cheese on it tweeted, "Thanks Michelle Obama," obviously disturbed by what he was served as a supposed lunch meal. Another photo posted to Twitter shows a small carton of "1% Lowfat Milk" accompanying what appears to be a dried-out piece of breaded chicken hugged by a white flour bun -- and nothing else.

"All we get for lunch today," reads the caption for this gem of a meal. "Thank you Michelle Obama."

Another photo captioned with an expletive shows a hot dog bun filled with cheese and something that resembles fried onions, minus any sort of meat. Next to this processed sandwich of sorts are three small cherry tomatoes and a carton of pasteurized, homogenized and likely hormone- and antibiotic-ridden carton of reduced fat milk.

"You call this a f***ing 'lunch?'" asks the student, tagging both Barack and Michelle's Twitter handles so they will see it.

Even the mother of a student who was visiting her daughter for lunch snapped a photo of a mostly empty cafeteria tray containing the equivalent of a McDonald's hamburger with no cheese, a packet of ketchup and half -- yes, half -- of a kiwi. Three of the six sections on the food tray are empty and clean, suggesting that no food items had been placed there for the meal.

"[M]y school lunch while eating with my daughter," tweeted the mother at Michelle. "Only other choice was a scoop of salad. This is sad!"

You can view these and other photos at the following link:

Learn more: Students flood social media with complaints about Michelle Obama's school lunch fiasco
Propaganda stories planted by Conservatives....The Blaze? Are you kidding?

Nobody is buying it
And nobody is buying your hogwash that Michelle Obama is personally putting lobster in school lunches...

You are such a doofus.
You are a moron

The First Lady gets to decide what every school child will eat. She is a school lunch dictator...what she says goes
Which is a crock of shit, but OK, I'll play...

How many votes did she get in each of the last two elections???
Its obvious you have zero leadership skills, zero problem solving skills, and are nothing but a yes man.
Because I know something about budgeting, and know that a school system can't afford to feed kids a diet of lobster and filet mignon???

But of course, liberal think we should, while the liberal parents spend the food stamps meant to feed those kids on booze and crack.
You are an idiot

As First Lady, Michelle Obama gets to decide everything the children will eat.......the kids do like lobster and filet Mignon

And I assume she's pulling the lobsters out of her ass and personally cooking them too...

You are actually starting to look retarded.

You are a moron...everyone knows the First Lady gets to decide the meals that children will eat. Money? where do you think the $17 trillion debt went to? Lobster dinners for school c
Students flood social media with complaints about Michelle Obama's school lunch fiasco

Outraged over mandatory new school lunch guidelines that restrict caloric intake to a mere 850 calories per meal, as well as cut out all sorts of common foods in the process, a groundswell of public school students has taken to social media in protest of Michelle Obama's infamous school lunch overhaul. reports on Twitter "tweets," Instagram photos and other complaints popping up all across social media showing paltry lunch plates with barely a morsel of food on them.

One young man holding what appears to be a bleached flour tortilla with a small piece of processed meat and a slice of cheese on it tweeted, "Thanks Michelle Obama," obviously disturbed by what he was served as a supposed lunch meal. Another photo posted to Twitter shows a small carton of "1% Lowfat Milk" accompanying what appears to be a dried-out piece of breaded chicken hugged by a white flour bun -- and nothing else.

"All we get for lunch today," reads the caption for this gem of a meal. "Thank you Michelle Obama."

Another photo captioned with an expletive shows a hot dog bun filled with cheese and something that resembles fried onions, minus any sort of meat. Next to this processed sandwich of sorts are three small cherry tomatoes and a carton of pasteurized, homogenized and likely hormone- and antibiotic-ridden carton of reduced fat milk.

"You call this a f***ing 'lunch?'" asks the student, tagging both Barack and Michelle's Twitter handles so they will see it.

Even the mother of a student who was visiting her daughter for lunch snapped a photo of a mostly empty cafeteria tray containing the equivalent of a McDonald's hamburger with no cheese, a packet of ketchup and half -- yes, half -- of a kiwi. Three of the six sections on the food tray are empty and clean, suggesting that no food items had been placed there for the meal.

"[M]y school lunch while eating with my daughter," tweeted the mother at Michelle. "Only other choice was a scoop of salad. This is sad!"

You can view these and other photos at the following link:

Learn more: Students flood social media with complaints about Michelle Obama's school lunch fiasco
Propaganda stories planted by Conservatives....The Blaze? Are you kidding?

Nobody is buying it
And nobody is buying your hogwash that Michelle Obama is personally putting lobster in school lunches...

You are such a doofus.

Says the Klown positing THIS guys site as somehow credible (along with Crying Beckie's Blaze)

Michael Allen "Mike" Adams is an AIDS denialist, a 9/11 truther, a birther, and has endorsed conspiracy theories surrounding the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting


NaturalNews - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You are an idiot

As First Lady, Michelle Obama gets to decide everything the children will eat.......the kids do like lobster and filet Mignon

And I assume she's pulling the lobsters out of her ass and personally cooking them too...

You are actually starting to look retarded.

You are a moron...everyone knows the First Lady gets to decide the meals that children will eat. Money? where do you think the $17 trillion debt went to? Lobster dinners for school c
Students flood social media with complaints about Michelle Obama's school lunch fiasco

Outraged over mandatory new school lunch guidelines that restrict caloric intake to a mere 850 calories per meal, as well as cut out all sorts of common foods in the process, a groundswell of public school students has taken to social media in protest of Michelle Obama's infamous school lunch overhaul. reports on Twitter "tweets," Instagram photos and other complaints popping up all across social media showing paltry lunch plates with barely a morsel of food on them.

One young man holding what appears to be a bleached flour tortilla with a small piece of processed meat and a slice of cheese on it tweeted, "Thanks Michelle Obama," obviously disturbed by what he was served as a supposed lunch meal. Another photo posted to Twitter shows a small carton of "1% Lowfat Milk" accompanying what appears to be a dried-out piece of breaded chicken hugged by a white flour bun -- and nothing else.

"All we get for lunch today," reads the caption for this gem of a meal. "Thank you Michelle Obama."

Another photo captioned with an expletive shows a hot dog bun filled with cheese and something that resembles fried onions, minus any sort of meat. Next to this processed sandwich of sorts are three small cherry tomatoes and a carton of pasteurized, homogenized and likely hormone- and antibiotic-ridden carton of reduced fat milk.

"You call this a f***ing 'lunch?'" asks the student, tagging both Barack and Michelle's Twitter handles so they will see it.

Even the mother of a student who was visiting her daughter for lunch snapped a photo of a mostly empty cafeteria tray containing the equivalent of a McDonald's hamburger with no cheese, a packet of ketchup and half -- yes, half -- of a kiwi. Three of the six sections on the food tray are empty and clean, suggesting that no food items had been placed there for the meal.

"[M]y school lunch while eating with my daughter," tweeted the mother at Michelle. "Only other choice was a scoop of salad. This is sad!"

You can view these and other photos at the following link:

Learn more: Students flood social media with complaints about Michelle Obama's school lunch fiasco
Propaganda stories planted by Conservatives....The Blaze? Are you kidding?

Nobody is buying it
And nobody is buying your hogwash that Michelle Obama is personally putting lobster in school lunches...

You are such a doofus.
You are a moron

The First Lady gets to decide what every school child will eat. She is a school lunch dictator...what she says goes
Which is a crock of shit, but OK, I'll play...

How many votes did she get in each of the last two elections???

Enough to put her in the W/H
You are an idiot

As First Lady, Michelle Obama gets to decide everything the children will eat.......the kids do like lobster and filet Mignon

And I assume she's pulling the lobsters out of her ass and personally cooking them too...

You are actually starting to look retarded.

You are a moron...everyone knows the First Lady gets to decide the meals that children will eat. Money? where do you think the $17 trillion debt went to? Lobster dinners for school c
Students flood social media with complaints about Michelle Obama's school lunch fiasco

Outraged over mandatory new school lunch guidelines that restrict caloric intake to a mere 850 calories per meal, as well as cut out all sorts of common foods in the process, a groundswell of public school students has taken to social media in protest of Michelle Obama's infamous school lunch overhaul. reports on Twitter "tweets," Instagram photos and other complaints popping up all across social media showing paltry lunch plates with barely a morsel of food on them.

One young man holding what appears to be a bleached flour tortilla with a small piece of processed meat and a slice of cheese on it tweeted, "Thanks Michelle Obama," obviously disturbed by what he was served as a supposed lunch meal. Another photo posted to Twitter shows a small carton of "1% Lowfat Milk" accompanying what appears to be a dried-out piece of breaded chicken hugged by a white flour bun -- and nothing else.

"All we get for lunch today," reads the caption for this gem of a meal. "Thank you Michelle Obama."

Another photo captioned with an expletive shows a hot dog bun filled with cheese and something that resembles fried onions, minus any sort of meat. Next to this processed sandwich of sorts are three small cherry tomatoes and a carton of pasteurized, homogenized and likely hormone- and antibiotic-ridden carton of reduced fat milk.

"You call this a f***ing 'lunch?'" asks the student, tagging both Barack and Michelle's Twitter handles so they will see it.

Even the mother of a student who was visiting her daughter for lunch snapped a photo of a mostly empty cafeteria tray containing the equivalent of a McDonald's hamburger with no cheese, a packet of ketchup and half -- yes, half -- of a kiwi. Three of the six sections on the food tray are empty and clean, suggesting that no food items had been placed there for the meal.

"[M]y school lunch while eating with my daughter," tweeted the mother at Michelle. "Only other choice was a scoop of salad. This is sad!"

You can view these and other photos at the following link:

Learn more: Students flood social media with complaints about Michelle Obama's school lunch fiasco
Propaganda stories planted by Conservatives....The Blaze? Are you kidding?

Nobody is buying it
And nobody is buying your hogwash that Michelle Obama is personally putting lobster in school lunches...

You are such a doofus.
You are a moron

The First Lady gets to decide what every school child will eat. She is a school lunch dictator...what she says goes
Which is a crock of shit, but OK, I'll play...

How many votes did she get in each of the last two elections???


You have no understanding of the powers of a First Lady
And I assume she's pulling the lobsters out of her ass and personally cooking them too...

You are actually starting to look retarded.

You are a moron...everyone knows the First Lady gets to decide the meals that children will eat. Money? where do you think the $17 trillion debt went to? Lobster dinners for school c
Students flood social media with complaints about Michelle Obama's school lunch fiasco

Outraged over mandatory new school lunch guidelines that restrict caloric intake to a mere 850 calories per meal, as well as cut out all sorts of common foods in the process, a groundswell of public school students has taken to social media in protest of Michelle Obama's infamous school lunch overhaul. reports on Twitter "tweets," Instagram photos and other complaints popping up all across social media showing paltry lunch plates with barely a morsel of food on them.

One young man holding what appears to be a bleached flour tortilla with a small piece of processed meat and a slice of cheese on it tweeted, "Thanks Michelle Obama," obviously disturbed by what he was served as a supposed lunch meal. Another photo posted to Twitter shows a small carton of "1% Lowfat Milk" accompanying what appears to be a dried-out piece of breaded chicken hugged by a white flour bun -- and nothing else.

"All we get for lunch today," reads the caption for this gem of a meal. "Thank you Michelle Obama."

Another photo captioned with an expletive shows a hot dog bun filled with cheese and something that resembles fried onions, minus any sort of meat. Next to this processed sandwich of sorts are three small cherry tomatoes and a carton of pasteurized, homogenized and likely hormone- and antibiotic-ridden carton of reduced fat milk.

"You call this a f***ing 'lunch?'" asks the student, tagging both Barack and Michelle's Twitter handles so they will see it.

Even the mother of a student who was visiting her daughter for lunch snapped a photo of a mostly empty cafeteria tray containing the equivalent of a McDonald's hamburger with no cheese, a packet of ketchup and half -- yes, half -- of a kiwi. Three of the six sections on the food tray are empty and clean, suggesting that no food items had been placed there for the meal.

"[M]y school lunch while eating with my daughter," tweeted the mother at Michelle. "Only other choice was a scoop of salad. This is sad!"

You can view these and other photos at the following link:

Learn more: Students flood social media with complaints about Michelle Obama's school lunch fiasco
Propaganda stories planted by Conservatives....The Blaze? Are you kidding?

Nobody is buying it
And nobody is buying your hogwash that Michelle Obama is personally putting lobster in school lunches...

You are such a doofus.
You are a moron

The First Lady gets to decide what every school child will eat. She is a school lunch dictator...what she says goes
Which is a crock of shit, but OK, I'll play...

How many votes did she get in each of the last two elections???

Enough to put her in the W/H
Only because idiots like you voted for her husband...

Nobody voted for her to do jack shit.
You are a moron...everyone knows the First Lady gets to decide the meals that children will eat. Money? where do you think the $17 trillion debt went to? Lobster dinners for school c
Propaganda stories planted by Conservatives....The Blaze? Are you kidding?

Nobody is buying it
And nobody is buying your hogwash that Michelle Obama is personally putting lobster in school lunches...

You are such a doofus.
You are a moron

The First Lady gets to decide what every school child will eat. She is a school lunch dictator...what she says goes
Which is a crock of shit, but OK, I'll play...

How many votes did she get in each of the last two elections???

Enough to put her in the W/H
Only because idiots like you voted for her husband...

Nobody voted for her to do jack shit.

Yet she's there. Go figure.

Perhaps the GOP should PERHAPS focus on winning the NATIONAL election? Instead you Klowns will keep up the "they weren't CONservative enough" meme AS you push Trumptser, lol



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