Democrats want to give school kids 3 meals a day YEAR ROUND!!!

They pay real estate taxes, gas taxes, sales taxes, local and state taxes
Funny how when you lying Leftists talk about some people not paying their "fair share" these taxes are not what you're talking about.

Actually, I am talking about all taxes

The tax burden has shifted away from the wealthy in the last thirty years. The promised prosperity and trickle down never happened
Who the hell do you think is paying all the federal taxes? The poorest half of the country??

What an idiot!!

Those who monopolize the majority of wealth and income pay the most taxes.......not nearly as much as they used to

That burden has been shifted to the middle class
Pay attention. Half of this country escapes all liability for federal income tax. So how is it that those who do pay taxes are not paying their "fair share" when so many pay nothing at all?

BTW, a fair tax that replaces the income tax is a good way to make sure everyone has skin in the game. The rich buy more, so they pay more taxes, but nobody dodges their part in paying taxes.


HALF OF US MAKE WHAT THE TOP 1/10TH OF 1% MAKE (almost), though since Reaganomics, the bottom 50% HAVE LOST ALMOST 40% OF THE PIECE OF THE PIE IN 1980. Could they afford to pay INCOME taxes with that extra $5,000 PER FAMILY?

FAIR TAX (like ALL flat taxes) is regressive. another way for the low informed to gut the "job creator" tax "burden"
Why did you deflect? At least try to be more sly about changing the subject.
That wasn't an answer. Who exactly pays our taxes who, according to the Left, is not paying enough?
You dont get an answer when you deflect. Pay attention son.
Scroll back, bucky, it was your tangent, not mine.
Scroll farther back Skippy. I was asked a question by you about how much tax I personally pay.
Incorrect. I was responding to you volunteering how much or little you pay in taxes. Your tangent, dummy. BTW, you can always volunteer to pay more if you don't think you pay enough.

The right wings answer to their gutting taxes for the richest, volunteer to pay more taxes, don't demand Gov't policy *shaking head*


And nobody is buying your hogwash that Michelle Obama is personally putting lobster in school lunches...

You are such a doofus.

Think how many lobsters we could feed our school kids with the $30 million of taxpayer money Mooch has spent on vacations for herself and her relatives.
And nobody is buying your hogwash that Michelle Obama is personally putting lobster in school lunches...

You are such a doofus.

Think how many lobsters we could feed our school kids with the $30 million of taxpayer money Mooch has spent on vacations for herself and her relatives.

Yeah, because Ronnie "Run from Terrorists" Reagan and Dubya "Destroy the US Economy" Bush didn't spend taxpayer money on vacations *shaking head*
That wasn't an answer. Who exactly pays our taxes who, according to the Left, is not paying enough?
You dont get an answer when you deflect. Pay attention son.
Scroll back, bucky, it was your tangent, not mine.
Scroll farther back Skippy. I was asked a question by you about how much tax I personally pay.
Incorrect. I was responding to you volunteering how much or little you pay in taxes. Your tangent, dummy. BTW, you can always volunteer to pay more if you don't think you pay enough.

The right wings answer to their gutting taxes for the richest, volunteer to pay more taxes, don't demand Gov't policy *shaking head*

Few people were surprised when he took his life. It is often part and parcel of paranoid pathology.

Webb had paid for his own cremation earlier in the year and had named Bell months ago as the beneficiary of his bank account, she said. He had sold his house last week, because he could no longer afford the mortgage, and was upset that his motorcycle had been stolen last week.

He had apparently laid out his driver's license before taking his father's .38-caliber pistol, which he kept in his nightstand, to shoot himself.

Metro/Regional News - Reporter's suicide confirmed by coroner -

I doubt that many would be surprised if you took yours.
Yeah, because Ronnie "Run from Terrorists" Reagan and Dubya "Destroy the US Economy" Bush didn't spend taxpayer money on vacations *shaking head*

The issue not what presidents do but what first ladies do. Nancy and laura didn't spend $30 million taxpayer on themselves like mooch has done. THINK
You dont get an answer when you deflect. Pay attention son.
Scroll back, bucky, it was your tangent, not mine.
Scroll farther back Skippy. I was asked a question by you about how much tax I personally pay.
Incorrect. I was responding to you volunteering how much or little you pay in taxes. Your tangent, dummy. BTW, you can always volunteer to pay more if you don't think you pay enough.

The right wings answer to their gutting taxes for the richest, volunteer to pay more taxes, don't demand Gov't policy *shaking head*

Few people were surprised when he took his life. It is often part and parcel of paranoid pathology.

Webb had paid for his own cremation earlier in the year and had named Bell months ago as the beneficiary of his bank account, she said. He had sold his house last week, because he could no longer afford the mortgage, and was upset that his motorcycle had been stolen last week.

He had apparently laid out his driver's license before taking his father's .38-caliber pistol, which he kept in his nightstand, to shoot himself.

Metro/Regional News - Reporter's suicide confirmed by coroner -

I doubt that many would be surprised if you took yours.
Determined fucker, wasn't he???

Facing a barrage of calls from the media and the public, the Sacramento County Coroner's Office issued a statement Tuesday confirming that former investigative reporter Gary Webb committed suicide with two gunshots to the head.
Yeah, because Ronnie "Run from Terrorists" Reagan and Dubya "Destroy the US Economy" Bush didn't spend taxpayer money on vacations *shaking head*

The issue not what presidents do but what first ladies do. Nancy and laura didn't spend $30 million taxpayer on themselves like mooch has done. THINK

Besides right wing memes, what do you have to back it up Bubs?

Laura Bush went to Africa five times, once with her daughters. Went, To 75 countries Bub, THINK you dumbass!
Instead of studying successful people, Progs would rather eliminate them. Somehow, this helps Progs cope with their lifelong sense of hopelessness and failure
Grievously did Webb hold to his paranoid delusions, and grievously did he pay for it.

WHAT that HAS TO TO DO WITH anything, I don't get, but OK, try to understand I didn't try to use a loon site as a source Bubs
Forget it. Webb is a footnote in the dustbin of history, little to be remembered, while Reagan stands out as a giant of the 20th century.

That's just the way it is, Bub. Get over it.


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