Democrats want to give school kids 3 meals a day YEAR ROUND!!!

So in summary... democrats are morons that refuse to feed their kids and piss on the people who feed their kids.
So in summary... democrats are morons that refuse to feed their kids and piss on the people who feed their kids.

Democrats hate kids and are engaged in a war on kids. That's why they support abortion and pedophilia.
What makes you think they support pedophilia? Personal experience?
Probably because they've cornered the market on identity politics, especially sexual and racial. In the new world you don't even have to be what you are, you can just identify as whatever you like.
The Paradox of Being Hungry and Fat
July 30
By Geraldine Sealey

When unemployed, poor and homeless women come to work out at the Healthworks Foundation Fitness Center in Boston's rough Dorchester section, many will climb treadmills for the first time.

The nonprofit gym's 800 members are likely to be overweight or obese when they sign up, and few know the basics of good nutrition. At Healthworks, they can work up a sweat in a safe environment and learn healthy eating habits from registered dietitians — all for free.

It's a luxury few low-income Americans can enjoy.

"In many cases, it's the first time they ever had an opportunity to exercise in their lives and eat healthfully," says Maria Shea, corporate fitness director of Healthworks Fitness Centers for Women. "Some of them are just trying to find a way to work and support children, and [they] have very hard lives."

Indeed, America's poor find themselves at the intersection of two serious public health problems. Hunger and food insecurity affect more than 30 million people, including 13 million children. And the epidemic of fat, which affects two-thirds of all Americans regardless of income, has not spared even those households with little money to spend on food.

Researchers are just beginning to understand the paradox that allows hunger and obesity to exist in the same household — and even the same individual. A report issued this month by the Waltham, Mass.-based Center on Hunger and Poverty tries to explain the confusing coexistence.

For some poor families, the need to stretch food dollars could lead to weight gain, experts say. Those with limited funds often turn to cheap but high-caloric foods, or settle for high quantities of food rather than nutritional quality.

"For low-income people, the economic decision that goes into purchasing food is an important one and one that makes sense from an economic point of view," says Ashley Sullivan, program director of the Food Security Institute of the Center on Hunger and Poverty, "but doesn't make as much sense when looked at from a nutritional point of view."

At Healthworks, education has been key to showing low-income gym members that cheap eating does not have to mean unhealthy eating, Shea says.

"A lot of it for me has been really basic education and understanding that chocolate cake costs more than an apple and teaching them that they can choose fresh fruit and vegetables for less cost," she says. "Even though it is inexpensive to buy a value meal, it's still less expensive to buy fruit from a corner vendor than to go to McDonald's."

Food, Food Everywhere But Not a Drop That’s Healthy

But for many of America's poor, food choices are limited, experts say.

"In many urban areas, supermarkets are not available or maybe there are only liquor stores or small convenient stores," says Katherine Alaimo, a researcher at the University of Michigan School of Public Health. In poor areas, "maybe the choices of fruits and vegetables are more expensive, milk is more expensive and maybe they only have whole milk," she says.

For a case in point, compare two Michigan cities of similar population, Alaimo says. Flint, the infamously rusted-out former automotive town, has only one supermarket in its city limits. Ann Arbor, a flourishing college town, has nine.

"There's a differential for the availability of food," Alaimo says.

Obesity can also be a body's adaptive response to periods when food is scarce, researchers say.

Those who cannot depend on a steady stream of healthy food might find themselves in a cycle of overeating and then going hungry when money or food stamps run out. Like restrictive dieters who periodically turn to binge eating, the "feast or famine" cycle can lead to weight gain.

Government and industry can take steps to help America's poor overcome the dueling crises of obesity and hunger, experts say.

The Center on Hunger and Poverty advocates that eligibility for federal nutrition programs — such as food stamps, the Women, Infants and Children program, and free school lunches and breakfasts — should be expanded to reach more in need..."

The Paradox of Being Hungry and Fat
The answer to poverty is to tie welfare to sterilization. We can't let welfare trash continue to have kids.
"The answer to poverty is to tie welfare to sterilization. We can't let welfare trash continue to have kids." SS

"Three generations of imbeciles is enough." Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes in Buck v. Bell, 274 U.S. 200 (1927)

We recoil in self-righteous horror at the eugenics experiments the Nazis inflicted.
We slide to meek silence when we learn the Nazis learned eugenics theory from the United States.

The Nazi swastika is reported to have been an aboriginal American symbol.
The Paradox of Being Hungry and Fat
July 30
By Geraldine Sealey

When unemployed, poor and homeless women come to work out at the Healthworks Foundation Fitness Center in Boston's rough Dorchester section, many will climb treadmills for the first time.

The nonprofit gym's 800 members are likely to be overweight or obese when they sign up, and few know the basics of good nutrition. At Healthworks, they can work up a sweat in a safe environment and learn healthy eating habits from registered dietitians — all for free.

It's a luxury few low-income Americans can enjoy.

"In many cases, it's the first time they ever had an opportunity to exercise in their lives and eat healthfully," says Maria Shea, corporate fitness director of Healthworks Fitness Centers for Women. "Some of them are just trying to find a way to work and support children, and [they] have very hard lives."

Indeed, America's poor find themselves at the intersection of two serious public health problems. Hunger and food insecurity affect more than 30 million people, including 13 million children. And the epidemic of fat, which affects two-thirds of all Americans regardless of income, has not spared even those households with little money to spend on food.

Researchers are just beginning to understand the paradox that allows hunger and obesity to exist in the same household — and even the same individual. A report issued this month by the Waltham, Mass.-based Center on Hunger and Poverty tries to explain the confusing coexistence.

For some poor families, the need to stretch food dollars could lead to weight gain, experts say. Those with limited funds often turn to cheap but high-caloric foods, or settle for high quantities of food rather than nutritional quality.

"For low-income people, the economic decision that goes into purchasing food is an important one and one that makes sense from an economic point of view," says Ashley Sullivan, program director of the Food Security Institute of the Center on Hunger and Poverty, "but doesn't make as much sense when looked at from a nutritional point of view."

At Healthworks, education has been key to showing low-income gym members that cheap eating does not have to mean unhealthy eating, Shea says.

"A lot of it for me has been really basic education and understanding that chocolate cake costs more than an apple and teaching them that they can choose fresh fruit and vegetables for less cost," she says. "Even though it is inexpensive to buy a value meal, it's still less expensive to buy fruit from a corner vendor than to go to McDonald's."

Food, Food Everywhere But Not a Drop That’s Healthy

But for many of America's poor, food choices are limited, experts say.

"In many urban areas, supermarkets are not available or maybe there are only liquor stores or small convenient stores," says Katherine Alaimo, a researcher at the University of Michigan School of Public Health. In poor areas, "maybe the choices of fruits and vegetables are more expensive, milk is more expensive and maybe they only have whole milk," she says.

For a case in point, compare two Michigan cities of similar population, Alaimo says. Flint, the infamously rusted-out former automotive town, has only one supermarket in its city limits. Ann Arbor, a flourishing college town, has nine.

"There's a differential for the availability of food," Alaimo says.

Obesity can also be a body's adaptive response to periods when food is scarce, researchers say.

Those who cannot depend on a steady stream of healthy food might find themselves in a cycle of overeating and then going hungry when money or food stamps run out. Like restrictive dieters who periodically turn to binge eating, the "feast or famine" cycle can lead to weight gain.

Government and industry can take steps to help America's poor overcome the dueling crises of obesity and hunger, experts say.

The Center on Hunger and Poverty advocates that eligibility for federal nutrition programs — such as food stamps, the Women, Infants and Children program, and free school lunches and breakfasts — should be expanded to reach more in need..."

The Paradox of Being Hungry and Fat
BS... people get fat cause they are taking in to many calories. Stop trying to make it more complicated than it is.
Democrats hate kids and are engaged in a war on kids. That's why they support abortion and pedophilia.
What makes you think they support pedophilia? Personal experience?

They support queers and the priest scandal showed that nearly all queers are child molesters. In fact, that's why the media no longer follows the priest scandal.
No. Being gay is not the same as being a pedophile. You're a moron.
The problem is that everyone is too worried about what others are doing and they're not taking care of their own.

Actually, I've taken care of my own. And I still care about others. It doesn't have to be one or the other. But, hey as long as that zygote lives on.

I doubt you care about anyone but yourself.

LOL. Hardly true, texas dude. But if you need to think that to justify your own inadequate heartstrings, you go for it.

I make that call for the simple reason that you do not care for the most vulnerable of life. You would just as soon have a child aborted than allow it to be born with a hardship. Being born into poverty doesn't mean you'll end up poor the rest of your life. But you wouldn't give a child that chance.

Once they are born- you'll turn your back.

Prove it!
Children in this country are not and would not starve to death. So you can stop with the hyperbole.
When did hungry turn into starve? Then he claims hyperbole. :laugh:

Hell to listen to your moron friends you'd think that kids were starving to death.
Actually to watch you and your moron friends one would think you were retarded and uneducated. No one said starving for a reason. its different than hungry. I would say its weird that your homie Meathead thinks fat people dont get hungry but you too are running neck and neck for idiot of the year.


Try to be more original and not the sheep you obviously are.
Try to use a dictionary so you dont get confused with simple words like starve and hungry

Try reading one yourself.
When did hungry turn into starve? Then he claims hyperbole. :laugh:

Hell to listen to your moron friends you'd think that kids were starving to death.
Actually to watch you and your moron friends one would think you were retarded and uneducated. No one said starving for a reason. its different than hungry. I would say its weird that your homie Meathead thinks fat people dont get hungry but you too are running neck and neck for idiot of the year.


Try to be more original and not the sheep you obviously are.
Try to use a dictionary so you dont get confused with simple words like starve and hungry

Try reading one yourself.
I dont have to. Youre the one that got "starve" and "hungry" confused with each other.
My tax dollars do not go to CEO bonuses nor do yours. The Walton's are free to pay whatever wage the worker is willing to work for. You hate freedom, you want a dictatorship.

Nonsense. I want the Walton's to pay their workers enough so I don't have to pay for their food stamps, & Medicaid. When you would prevent a woman having the right to choose, then don't preach to me about what 'dictatorship' is.

Hey stupid, women do have a choice. They can choose not to get pregnant. Killing an innocent life should never be a choice.

We agree on one thing, enough with the welfare. But as for Walmart's wages, don't like it.... quit!

If you don't want them to get an abortion, you had better offer them a better solution

"Not my problem" is not a better solution

The best solution for not getting pregnant and it's 100 percent guaranteed, is to not have sex.

Perhaps let Failin Palin's daughter know about that, you know the PAID ABSTINENCE ONLY (nearly $1 million income)? She seems to have forgot, at least twice now...

Not my daughter to raise. Not yours either. The way I see it the child was born into a loving home and not aborted which would have been ok with you.
Hell to listen to your moron friends you'd think that kids were starving to death.
Actually to watch you and your moron friends one would think you were retarded and uneducated. No one said starving for a reason. its different than hungry. I would say its weird that your homie Meathead thinks fat people dont get hungry but you too are running neck and neck for idiot of the year.


Try to be more original and not the sheep you obviously are.
Try to use a dictionary so you dont get confused with simple words like starve and hungry

Try reading one yourself.
I dont have to. Youre the one that got starve and hungry confused with each other.

Not my fault that you can't comprehend written English. Go troll somewhere else punk!
Actually to watch you and your moron friends one would think you were retarded and uneducated. No one said starving for a reason. its different than hungry. I would say its weird that your homie Meathead thinks fat people dont get hungry but you too are running neck and neck for idiot of the year.


Try to be more original and not the sheep you obviously are.
Try to use a dictionary so you dont get confused with simple words like starve and hungry

Try reading one yourself.
I dont have to. Youre the one that got starve and hungry confused with each other.

Not my fault that you can't comprehend written English. Go troll somewhere else punk!
I was able to comprehend you lack any formal education convict. Starve and hungry are two separate words for a reason. Didnt you take any GED classes while in prison?
Try to be more original and not the sheep you obviously are.
Try to use a dictionary so you dont get confused with simple words like starve and hungry

Try reading one yourself.
I dont have to. Youre the one that got starve and hungry confused with each other.

Not my fault that you can't comprehend written English. Go troll somewhere else punk!
I was able to comprehend you lack any formal education convict. Starve and hungry are two separate words for a reason. Didnt you take any GED classes while in prison?
I have mentioned a pattern I have seen here in some other threads. Right wingers depend on making up definitions instead of adhering to the actual definitions as they are defined in dictionaries. You can debate for hours and even days and they will not budge. It has been pointed out multiple times by multiple posters that hunger and starving are not the same and are not interchangeable words. I even explained the different types of starvation, including nutritional starvation that allows starvation to occur in obese people and people who do not feel hungry. If you can't get a person to look in a dictionary for a real definition they and not able to be educated. They will be like grade school kids forever. And not even 5th grade kids level can be obtained.
Try to use a dictionary so you dont get confused with simple words like starve and hungry

Try reading one yourself.
I dont have to. Youre the one that got starve and hungry confused with each other.

Not my fault that you can't comprehend written English. Go troll somewhere else punk!
I was able to comprehend you lack any formal education convict. Starve and hungry are two separate words for a reason. Didnt you take any GED classes while in prison?
I have mentioned a pattern I have seen here in some other threads. Right wingers depend on making up definitions instead of adhering to the actual definitions as they are defined in dictionaries. You can debate for hours and even days and they will not budge. It has been pointed out multiple times by multiple posters that hunger and starving are not the same and are not interchangeable words. I even explained the different types of starvation, including nutritional starvation that allows starvation to occur in obese people and people who do not feel hungry. If you can't get a person to look in a dictionary for a real definition they and not able to be educated. They will be like grade school kids forever. And not even 5th grade kids level can be obtained.
I agree. Lonely star will argue forever trying to find an excuse to cover for his ignorance. Since he is a ex-con I pretty much expect the denials, deflections, and attempts to control the situation.

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