Democrats Want Wasserman Schultz ‘To Go Away’


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
MUTINY: Dems Want Wasserman Schultz To Just Go Away' After House IT Scandal

"Democrats in Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s home state want the Florida Democratic Rep. “to just go away.”

According to
Politico, following a stream of political failures and controversies after a DNC email hack last year revealed embarrassing information regarding Hillary Clinton’s 2016 loss, Wasserman Schultz is a now unwelcome among her colleagues.

Wasserman Schultz blamed “right wing media” and anti-Muslim bigotry for questions regarding her further employment of Awan long after other Democrats cut him off, but other Democrats are not buying her explanation and wish to see her gone.

We wish she would go away and stop being so public by doubling down on negative stories,” Nikki Barnes, a progressive Florida DNC member, told Politico. Barnes claims Wasserman Schultz left the national party “in shambles” while she was chairwoman, noting both the DNC server hack and 2016 presidential campaign loss for Democrats. Barnes responded to Schultz defense of Awan, saying that “none of this makes sense. It doesn’t sound like racial profiling … there must have been something for her.”

“This adds to Debbie being re-branded as the Democrats’ disastrous destruction,” Barnes said. “Those of us on the DNC know we have to rebrand ourselves and earn the people’s trust. And unfortunately Debbie’s name does not scream trust. It screams power. It screams limited access. It screams WikiLeaks now. DNC lawsuit. It screams a lot of negative things to the public. That’s not how we want to rebrand ourselves.”

I fully encourage US AG Sessions and the DOJ to help the Democrats in seeing DWS GOES AWAY...for AT LEAST 10 - 20 years! :p
Uh come on, you guys. Debbie can rebrand herself. She'll scream victim instead of screaming power, limited access, lack of trust...


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