democrats war on Christianity continues. NY legislators want to force Chick-fil-a to be open Sundays

Then how exactly has CFA become the highest rated fast food chain for several years running if the “customer” demands them open 7 days a week?
Again , don't know , never been there.
It's a state-run facility. The state subsidizes these locations in remote areas as a courtesy to cross-state drivers.

My guess is that if they are pushing Chick-Full-Hate on the issue, it's because they've gotten a shitload of consumer complaints that "I drove 200 miles and wanted something to eat and they were closed!"
Then why did they allow Chick-fil-A in there to begin with? They knew full well that they are closed Sundays. Sounds like it was a ploy to get them in, then force them to change. But that’s Democrats for ya. They hate Christians and must attack anyone that shows Christian values.
Then why did they allow Chick-fil-A in there to begin with? They knew full well that they are closed Sundays. Sounds like it was a ploy to get them in, then force them to change. But that’s Democrats for ya. They hate Christians and must attack anyone that shows Christian values.
To declare it a war on Christmas victim is ludicrous at best. That's a false belief to begin with.
Then why did they allow Chick-fil-A in there to begin with? They knew full well that they are closed Sundays. Sounds like it was a ploy to get them in, then force them to change. But that’s Democrats for ya. They hate Christians and must attack anyone that shows Christian values.
Your attitude does not display Christian values. You sound like the kid that has it all complaining you want more. Jesus would pity you.
It's all about the service. People must have complained a lot. No one wins this argent
The customer is always right.
/----/ "People must have complained a lot. "
You're making assumptions not in evidence. I can do the same thing. People who like CFA already know their store hours, so they didn't complain. No thruway stop has only one restaurant. They all have three or four, besides the few stops with CFA. I already posted the link. No one is starving.

BTW, the customers is not always right. The phrase has been the subject of criticism. It was pointed out as early as 1914 that this view ignores that customers can be dishonest, have unrealistic expectations or try to misuse a product in ways that void the guarantee. "If we adopt the policy of admitting whatever claims the customer makes to be proper, and if we always settle them at face value, we shall be subjected to inevitable losses."[4] The work concluded "If the customer is made perfectly to understand what it means for him to be right, what right on his part is, then he can be depended on to be right if he is honest, and if he is dishonest, a little effort should result in catching him at it."[4] An article a year later by the same author addressed the caveat emptor aspect while raising many of the same points as the earlier piece.[5]
/——/ New York”We hate Christians” democRATs knew CFA’s hours of operation when they signed the contracts. It’s all about the money.
And the state is losing 1/7 of its potential revenue because of a corporate decision to close on Sundays.

Nothing to do with any religion except the worship of money.

NY can't force them to open.
But they can terminate the leases are replace them.

We're talking about as much as $5M in lost revenues to the state.

Full Disclosure: I have been boycotting CF for well over a decade.
/----/ "People must have complained a lot. "
You're making assumptions not in evidence. I can do the same thing. People who like CFA already know their store hours, so they didn't complain. No thruway stop has only one restaurant. They all have three or four, besides the few stops with CFA. I already posted the link. No one is starving.

BTW, the customers is not always right. The phrase has been the subject of criticism. It was pointed out as early as 1914 that this view ignores that customers can be dishonest, have unrealistic expectations or try to misuse a product in ways that void the guarantee. "If we adopt the policy of admitting whatever claims the customer makes to be proper, and if we always settle them at face value, we shall be subjected to inevitable losses."[4] The work concluded "If the customer is made perfectly to understand what it means for him to be right, what right on his part is, then he can be depended on to be right if he is honest, and if he is dishonest, a little effort should result in catching him at it."[4] An article a year later by the same author addressed the caveat emptor aspect while raising many of the same points as the earlier piece.[5]
Most people assume there is a problem / press for change when there is a problem. After they've put up with something substandard for a while. It's a logical conclusion , I have no vested emotional involvement in this issue like the extremists posting on both sides.
Then why did they allow Chick-fil-A in there to begin with? They knew full well that they are closed Sundays. Sounds like it was a ploy to get them in, then force them to change. But that’s Democrats for ya. They hate Christians and must attack anyone that shows Christian values.
The paranoia is extreme.
Other threads have noted they have a company handling the leasing. The company leased to CFA. This is a potential new law.
I can understand both sides here. There is a signed lease, and substitutes on Sunday when closed. inversely this cuts down on choice for travelers on Sunday, which is kind of the point of them.
Most people assume there is a problem / press for change when there is a problem. After they've put up with something substandard for a while. It's a logical conclusion , I have no vested emotional involvement in this issue like the extremists posting on both sides.
/----/ Can you cite one social media post where someone complained that CFA was closed on Sundays on the NY Thruway? I'll give you time to gather your notes.
Sorry you feel that way. I enjoy being around most Christians far more than self serving moronic atheists

You know you are a total loser, when you give one second of your time to what a chicken sandwich restaurant is doing.
Because, more often than not, retail space leases also include a percentage of sales. Food court can be different, but stores also have to meet a minimum sales per sqf requirement.

Let's say if Chick can afford to close on Sunday, the company is doing extremely well financially. I don't expect 99% of leftists to understand the basics of running and managing a business.
/----/ Can you cite one social media post where someone complained that CFA was closed on Sundays on the NY Thruway? I'll give you time to gather your notes.
You are way to involved in this garbage. I don't get excited about much , especially trivial matters that people are trying to make into a crisis. I don't need to vote anything , nor do I care to. This situation is already way overblown.
You are way too involved in this garbage. I don't get excited about much , especially trivial matters that people are trying to make into a crisis. I don't need to vote anything , nor do I care to. This situation is already way overblown.
/———/ Yeah, let’s just ignore the leftist attack on a Christian company and maybe it will fizzle out.
/----/ Can you cite one social media post where someone complained that CFA was closed on Sundays on the NY Thruway? I'll give you time to gather your notes.
Looked this up for you.>New-York-State.... 3 days ago-"Hinchey's bill is a reaction to complaints by many New Yorkers who feel the idea of having a rest area where the main restaurant is closed on Sundays is not acceptable.
/———/ Yeah, let’s just ignore the leftist attack on a Christian company and maybe it will fizzle out.
Like I already said you take all this crap much too seriously. I assure you the so-called Christians are causing much more harm to others than others could or would do to them. Trying to play the victim is ridiculous.
Looked this up for you.>New-York-State.... 3 days ago-"Hinchey's bill is a reaction to complaints by many New Yorkers who feel the idea of having a rest area where the main restaurant is closed on Sundays is not acceptable. actual complaints, just claims.

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