democrats war on Christianity continues. NY legislators want to force Chick-fil-a to be open Sundays


Why are two New York fascists trying to pass a law AFTER THE FACT ?

You moron.
So now you know your statement was stupid and wrong.

Yes, governments can dictate when a business may be open or closed. And they often do. Try buying a car on a Sunday.

As for your question:

I am not your mommy. Read the material. It's explained.
We have lots of laws dictating how people run their businesses. We have since forever.

So you can stop pretending that's why you are having a hissy fit.

It's the Jesus factor, for you.

How they run it does not equal WHEN THEY ARE OPEN. You cannot mandate when a business must be open. You can ONLY mandate who it hires, OSHA shit etc. Show me ONE FUCKING LAW that mandates what days a business must be open. Just one. Or admit you're making shit up.

Dumbass fort fuck.
Open it with one person in the kitchen and one at the serving window with a sign saying there's a three hour wait on food.
Because they own the god damned restaurant you son of a bitch. Quit trying to mandate how people run their fucking business. Go the fuck away.
Were you one of those guys who was pissed when the checkout guy who was arab wouldn't ring up bacon?
Were you one of those guys who was pissed when the checkout guy who was arab wouldn't ring up bacon?
Does the check out guy one the grocery store? If so why does he sell bacon if he’s got a problem with it?

If he doesn’t own the store, why did he take a job selling bacon??

Did you actually even think before you asked such a stupid question?

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