Democrats War on Women: Blocking CIA Nominee

We built Gitmo detainees soccer fields and catered to every religious and menu demand. These people had women stoned to death. People beheaded. Only. 4 enemy were waterboarded at Gitmo. If it was not for being tough during interrogations. We would not have located and killed Bin Laden. Sorry liberals...the world isn’t fucking Disneyland. People are out there that want to kill us. You think smoking some dope with them and a hug will bring them around? Juvenile.

Gitmo kept men from their families for 10 or more years - with no trial. The torture got you nothing. Bin Laden was not killed because the US tortured. More Americans died in retaliation because YOU didn’t follow your laws or your principles.

People will tell you what you want to hear to end the torture. The information gathered has no value.

You are supposed to be a nation of laws. You’re prepared to throw everything you claim to be right out the window for techniques that didn’t work during the Inquisition, and don’t work today.
Everyone we let go from there was back on the battlefield Fightin us within months...
Muslims live to kill people they disagree with
If Republican’s blocked a Democratic POTUS female nominee for a cabinet post...they would scream “war on women!” So...back at you liberals and your obstruction of putting people in place to run our government is dangerous to the United States.
More than 50 intel, security officials from both parties back Gina Haspel as CIA turns over files

Do you have a reading comprehension problem?

With a tense confirmation hearing for Gina Haspel to run the CIA expected on Wednesday, dozens of defenders from both parties have pulled out the stops to support her nomination process.

Who are the majority in both congress and the Senate? REPUBLICANS are. If she doesn't get confirmed it's because Republicans blocked her appointment.

She won’t be popular with John McCain

He has objections to torture
He’s a career politician now so he has no credibility...
He has been there and done that

He understands the evil of torture
If Republican’s blocked a Democratic POTUS female nominee for a cabinet post...they would scream “war on women!” So...back at you liberals and your obstruction of putting people in place to run our government is dangerous to the United States.
More than 50 intel, security officials from both parties back Gina Haspel as CIA turns over files
Lol, did you miss the part where she presided over the torture of a suspect or two?

tRump is rubbing off on you guys, I'm having a hard time remeberemem the last true statement a conservative made around here.

Nah...we just dont give a shit if a terrorist is tortured.

Do we care if our soldiers are tortured?

We should act like the terrorists then?
Only a fool thinks that waterboarding is torture… quit Falling down the well
Try it sometime and get back to us as you're drowning.
You forgot to mention the reason they are blocking her. She’s a torture happy monster who should be in jail .
Water boarding is not torture...
Quit falling down the well

Tell it to Hannity
When federal government says waterboarding is torture… Muslims laugh their ass off
The rest of the world looks at us as barbarians
Na, not really.
They depend on the US more than we depend on them…
If Republican’s blocked a Democratic POTUS female nominee for a cabinet post...they would scream “war on women!” So...back at you liberals and your obstruction of putting people in place to run our government is dangerous to the United States.
More than 50 intel, security officials from both parties back Gina Haspel as CIA turns over files

Do you have a reading comprehension problem?

With a tense confirmation hearing for Gina Haspel to run the CIA expected on Wednesday, dozens of defenders from both parties have pulled out the stops to support her nomination process.

Who are the majority in both congress and the Senate? REPUBLICANS are. If she doesn't get confirmed it's because Republicans blocked her appointment.

She won’t be popular with John McCain

He has objections to torture
He’s a career politician now so he has no credibility...
He has been there and done that

He understands the evil of torture
Na, He’s too stupid and corrupt to understand anything...
Lol, did you miss the part where she presided over the torture of a suspect or two?

tRump is rubbing off on you guys, I'm having a hard time remeberemem the last true statement a conservative made around here.

Nah...we just dont give a shit if a terrorist is tortured.

Do we care if our soldiers are tortured?

We should act like the terrorists then?
Only a fool thinks that waterboarding is torture… quit Falling down the well
Try it sometime and get back to us as you're drowning.
We do a to our own soldiers in training, They don’t consider it torture.
You forgot to mention the reason they are blocking her. She’s a torture happy monster who should be in jail .
Was she just doing her job? Following orders as they were at the time? Were the folks she was allowing to be tortured terrorists with information about 9/11? Was the operation trying to get information out of those yucks to save American lives?
I don't know, but I think so.

I guess it's nice we don't torture people anymore. I sure wouldn't want to be tortured, and we should follow the Golden Rule. Just keep in mind, people, that not everyone else is following the Golden Rule and it's a tough fucking world out there.

If Haspel had been illegally using "enhanced interrogation" techniques to acquire crucial information, I would say jail her. But that was not the case.

She was the head of the secret prison, and so yeah, if people were getting tortured, she'd be the one to sign off on it or keep it from happening, her call, because she ran the joint. And, torture is against the Geneva Conventions. If we tortured our prisoners, then the other side would retaliate and torture our troops. But, because of the Geneva conventions, most (not all) don't.

And yeah, she DID use enhanced interrogation and even had tapes of it, but destroyed them when Congress asked to see them.

No, I don't think she should head the CIA.

The other side burns captured troops alive in cages you blathering idiot! You think ISIS cares about the Geneva Convention? How naive are you?

And we condemn ISIS as savages

When we revert to their level, where does that leave us?
Muslims use real torture, they laugh at waterboarding as torture... because it is not…
You forgot to mention the reason they are blocking her. She’s a torture happy monster who should be in jail .
Was she just doing her job? Following orders as they were at the time? Were the folks she was allowing to be tortured terrorists with information about 9/11? Was the operation trying to get information out of those yucks to save American lives?
I don't know, but I think so.

I guess it's nice we don't torture people anymore. I sure wouldn't want to be tortured, and we should follow the Golden Rule. Just keep in mind, people, that not everyone else is following the Golden Rule and it's a tough fucking world out there.

If Haspel had been illegally using "enhanced interrogation" techniques to acquire crucial information, I would say jail her. But that was not the case.

She was the head of the secret prison, and so yeah, if people were getting tortured, she'd be the one to sign off on it or keep it from happening, her call, because she ran the joint. And, torture is against the Geneva Conventions. If we tortured our prisoners, then the other side would retaliate and torture our troops. But, because of the Geneva conventions, most (not all) don't.

And yeah, she DID use enhanced interrogation and even had tapes of it, but destroyed them when Congress asked to see them.

No, I don't think she should head the CIA.

The other side burns captured troops alive in cages you blathering idiot! You think ISIS cares about the Geneva Convention? How naive are you?

And we condemn ISIS as savages

When we revert to their level, where does that leave us?
Muslims use real torture, they laugh at waterboarding as torture... because it is not…
Why do we waterboard our soldiers if it's not torture? And if our enemies do something different? Rustic, are you ever right about ANYTHING?
If Republican’s blocked a Democratic POTUS female nominee for a cabinet post...they would scream “war on women!” So...back at you liberals and your obstruction of putting people in place to run our government is dangerous to the United States.
More than 50 intel, security officials from both parties back Gina Haspel as CIA turns over files
Lol, did you miss the part where she presided over the torture of a suspect or two?

tRump is rubbing off on you guys, I'm having a hard time remeberemem the last true statement a conservative made around here.

Nah...we just dont give a shit if a terrorist is tortured.

Do we care if our soldiers are tortured?

We should act like the terrorists then?
Only a fool thinks that waterboarding is torture… quit Falling down the well
Don't be stupider than you have to be.

Waterboarding is indeed torture. The duress is so extreme subjects can and do go into cardiac arrest from the treatment.
Nah...we just dont give a shit if a terrorist is tortured.

Do we care if our soldiers are tortured?

We should act like the terrorists then?
Only a fool thinks that waterboarding is torture… quit Falling down the well
Try it sometime and get back to us as you're drowning.
We do a to our own soldiers in training, They don’t consider it torture.
Then you aren't doing it right.
You forgot to mention the reason they are blocking her. She’s a torture happy monster who should be in jail .
Water boarding is not torture...
Quit falling down the well

Tell it to Hannity
When federal government says waterboarding is torture… Muslims laugh their ass off
The rest of the world looks at us as barbarians
Na, not really.
They depend on the US more than we depend on them…
Not really
The EU is the same size as the US
China has the same size economy

We are isolating ourselves
You forgot to mention the reason they are blocking her. She’s a torture happy monster who should be in jail .
Was she just doing her job? Following orders as they were at the time? Were the folks she was allowing to be tortured terrorists with information about 9/11? Was the operation trying to get information out of those yucks to save American lives?
I don't know, but I think so.

I guess it's nice we don't torture people anymore. I sure wouldn't want to be tortured, and we should follow the Golden Rule. Just keep in mind, people, that not everyone else is following the Golden Rule and it's a tough fucking world out there.

If Haspel had been illegally using "enhanced interrogation" techniques to acquire crucial information, I would say jail her. But that was not the case.

She was the head of the secret prison, and so yeah, if people were getting tortured, she'd be the one to sign off on it or keep it from happening, her call, because she ran the joint. And, torture is against the Geneva Conventions. If we tortured our prisoners, then the other side would retaliate and torture our troops. But, because of the Geneva conventions, most (not all) don't.

And yeah, she DID use enhanced interrogation and even had tapes of it, but destroyed them when Congress asked to see them.

No, I don't think she should head the CIA.

The other side burns captured troops alive in cages you blathering idiot! You think ISIS cares about the Geneva Convention? How naive are you?

And we condemn ISIS as savages

When we revert to their level, where does that leave us?

So now waterboarding is the same thing as dousing someone with gasoline and lighting them on fire in a steel cage? Let me know when we come even CLOSE to their level, Winger!
You forgot to mention the reason they are blocking her. She’s a torture happy monster who should be in jail .
Water boarding is not torture...
Quit falling down the well

Tell it to Hannity
When federal government says waterboarding is torture… Muslims laugh their ass off
The rest of the world looks at us as barbarians

Bullshit...the rest of the world has looked at us as an oasis of freedom in a world full of tyranny for hundreds of years. There is a reason why we have to build walls to keep people out and other nations had to build them to keep people IN!
Was she just doing her job? Following orders as they were at the time? Were the folks she was allowing to be tortured terrorists with information about 9/11? Was the operation trying to get information out of those yucks to save American lives?
I don't know, but I think so.

I guess it's nice we don't torture people anymore. I sure wouldn't want to be tortured, and we should follow the Golden Rule. Just keep in mind, people, that not everyone else is following the Golden Rule and it's a tough fucking world out there.

If Haspel had been illegally using "enhanced interrogation" techniques to acquire crucial information, I would say jail her. But that was not the case.

She was the head of the secret prison, and so yeah, if people were getting tortured, she'd be the one to sign off on it or keep it from happening, her call, because she ran the joint. And, torture is against the Geneva Conventions. If we tortured our prisoners, then the other side would retaliate and torture our troops. But, because of the Geneva conventions, most (not all) don't.

And yeah, she DID use enhanced interrogation and even had tapes of it, but destroyed them when Congress asked to see them.

No, I don't think she should head the CIA.

The other side burns captured troops alive in cages you blathering idiot! You think ISIS cares about the Geneva Convention? How naive are you?

And we condemn ISIS as savages

When we revert to their level, where does that leave us?
Muslims use real torture, they laugh at waterboarding as torture... because it is not…
Why do we waterboard our soldiers if it's not torture? And if our enemies do something different? Rustic, are you ever right about ANYTHING?

It's torture...not a very extreme example of it compared to what the other side does...but it's torture.

Whenever the extremists want to stop targeting innocent civilians...then I'll accord them the same basic human rights as others. Until that day however I consider them to be less than human and will treat them as such.
You forgot to mention the reason they are blocking her. She’s a torture happy monster who should be in jail .
Was she just doing her job? Following orders as they were at the time? Were the folks she was allowing to be tortured terrorists with information about 9/11? Was the operation trying to get information out of those yucks to save American lives?
I don't know, but I think so.

I guess it's nice we don't torture people anymore. I sure wouldn't want to be tortured, and we should follow the Golden Rule. Just keep in mind, people, that not everyone else is following the Golden Rule and it's a tough fucking world out there.

If Haspel had been illegally using "enhanced interrogation" techniques to acquire crucial information, I would say jail her. But that was not the case.

She was the head of the secret prison, and so yeah, if people were getting tortured, she'd be the one to sign off on it or keep it from happening, her call, because she ran the joint. And, torture is against the Geneva Conventions. If we tortured our prisoners, then the other side would retaliate and torture our troops. But, because of the Geneva conventions, most (not all) don't.

And yeah, she DID use enhanced interrogation and even had tapes of it, but destroyed them when Congress asked to see them.

No, I don't think she should head the CIA.

The other side burns captured troops alive in cages you blathering idiot! You think ISIS cares about the Geneva Convention? How naive are you?

And we condemn ISIS as savages

When we revert to their level, where does that leave us?

So now waterboarding is the same thing as dousing someone with gasoline and lighting them on fire in a steel cage? Let me know when we come even CLOSE to their level, Winger!
Are you claiming that as long as the US does not douse people in gasoline and set them on fire that we have the moral high ground?
You forgot to mention the reason they are blocking her. She’s a torture happy monster who should be in jail .
Water boarding is not torture...
Quit falling down the well

Tell it to Hannity
When federal government says waterboarding is torture… Muslims laugh their ass off
The rest of the world looks at us as barbarians

Bullshit...the rest of the world has looked at us as an oasis of freedom in a world full of tyranny for hundreds of years. There is a reason why we have to build walls to keep people out and other nations had to build them to keep people IN!
They used to look at us that way and emulate us
Now they look down on our lack of morality
Was she just doing her job? Following orders as they were at the time? Were the folks she was allowing to be tortured terrorists with information about 9/11? Was the operation trying to get information out of those yucks to save American lives?
I don't know, but I think so.

I guess it's nice we don't torture people anymore. I sure wouldn't want to be tortured, and we should follow the Golden Rule. Just keep in mind, people, that not everyone else is following the Golden Rule and it's a tough fucking world out there.

If Haspel had been illegally using "enhanced interrogation" techniques to acquire crucial information, I would say jail her. But that was not the case.

She was the head of the secret prison, and so yeah, if people were getting tortured, she'd be the one to sign off on it or keep it from happening, her call, because she ran the joint. And, torture is against the Geneva Conventions. If we tortured our prisoners, then the other side would retaliate and torture our troops. But, because of the Geneva conventions, most (not all) don't.

And yeah, she DID use enhanced interrogation and even had tapes of it, but destroyed them when Congress asked to see them.

No, I don't think she should head the CIA.

The other side burns captured troops alive in cages you blathering idiot! You think ISIS cares about the Geneva Convention? How naive are you?

And we condemn ISIS as savages

When we revert to their level, where does that leave us?

So now waterboarding is the same thing as dousing someone with gasoline and lighting them on fire in a steel cage? Let me know when we come even CLOSE to their level, Winger!
Are you claiming that as long as the US does not douse people in gasoline and set them on fire that we have the moral high ground?

I'm simply pointing out how stupid you are when you give them a moral equivalency!
Water boarding is not torture...
Quit falling down the well

Tell it to Hannity
When federal government says waterboarding is torture… Muslims laugh their ass off
The rest of the world looks at us as barbarians

Bullshit...the rest of the world has looked at us as an oasis of freedom in a world full of tyranny for hundreds of years. There is a reason why we have to build walls to keep people out and other nations had to build them to keep people IN!
They used to look at us that way and emulate us
Now they look down on our lack of morality

Who is "they", Winger? The Muslims? Don't make me laugh...
Water boarding is not torture...
Quit falling down the well

Tell it to Hannity
When federal government says waterboarding is torture… Muslims laugh their ass off
The rest of the world looks at us as barbarians

Bullshit...the rest of the world has looked at us as an oasis of freedom in a world full of tyranny for hundreds of years. There is a reason why we have to build walls to keep people out and other nations had to build them to keep people IN!
They used to look at us that way and emulate us
Now they look down on our lack of morality

Yup, thank you Bill and Hillary.

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