Democrats Warn GOP About Risking Another Government Shutdown


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
WASHINGTON -- With growing talk about another potential government shutdown, Democrats this week are launching a new website to remind Republicans about their promises to avoid a similar scenario before Washington lurched to a halt last year.

The website, titled "Shutdown Broken Promises," will highlight statements made by Republicans last year vowing to avoid a government shutdown. The first promise, made by Rep. Martha Roby (R-Ala.) in August, was followed by her vote against a deal to end the shutdown and raise the debt ceiling just a few months later.

"The American people won’t make the mistake again of trusting this Republican Congress not to put us through unnecessary worry. It’s time for real action, not just empty rhetoric," the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee said in a statement.

Despite assurances by House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) that House Republicans would not shut down the government, the tactic is finding a receptive audience among some of their counterparts in the Senate.

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) hinted this week that Republicans could use the budget process to try to block a likely presidential executive action on deportations. Lawmakers will have just 10 working days to agree to a continuing resolution to fund the government once they return from recess in September. Injecting immigration into the mix by pushing to block expected deportation relief for undocumented immigrants could increase the chances of another government shutdown.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), who is in a tight race for re-election, is certainly itching for a fight with Obama. He laid out his intention to use spending bills in similar fashion to force skirmishes with the White House should Republicans retake the upper chamber to a room full of wealthy conservatives two months ago, according to audio obtained by The Nation magazine on Wednesday.

Democrats Warn GOP About Risking Another Government Shutdown

Do Republicans really believe that another government shutdown is a winning issue for them? I hope they go for it.
Why should they learn from the last two times that they shut down the government? Let them do it again, if they want. then, somebody will get a photo of a vet being turned back at the WW2 memorial, and that will become the entire GOP argument for their next election efforts....with predictable results.
I've not heard anyone talk about a government shutdown.

This is likely another USMB liberal talking point no one made, so that they can have some kind of crisis to talk about.
We should take this a step further, and make a list of all the Wrongpublicans in Congress who want to shut down the entirety of the U.S. government. I'm sure there's plenty of them, because they're short-sighted bigots who can't anticipate the long-term effects of their immediate decisions.

Anyone have any suggestions on who to include on that list, or where we can start researching this?
Anything to divert the narrative to something other than how badly Barry has fucked up US foreign policy, the myriad scandals plaguing his administration and his total lack of any plan to fix the economy!

I can just see the discussion taking place in the Oval Office...
Let's bring back "government shutdown" and the "war on women"! Maybe we can get the main stream media to buy our line of bullshit on those things one more time!!! Hey, it's better than having to defend what we HAVE done!
During the Government Shutdown '13, The Department of the Interior was able to keep WW2 veterans from visiting their memorial yet turn a blind eye to a rally for Illegal Immigrants 75 yards away. That was one of the biggest FUCK Us to US I have every witnessed. That was not the Republicans simultaneously enforcing and enabling.

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