Democrats: What would the politics be behind a Gorsuch filibuster?

They already did.

You repeating this old, and already known fact from days ago only illustrates how butthurt you are over their move. Deal with it snowflake.

A line in the sand. McConnell will cross it, and the Senate will be changed forever. The Nuclear Action is an attack on democracy itself, and one more nail in the coffin following the conservative plan to create a Plutocracy in America.

This statement ^^^ will be too abstract for most of Trump's supporters, and for those who actually believe conservatives and Republicans can actually govern, and will morally and honestly represent all of our citizens.

They will not, it is not in their best interests, and as everyone knows but few admit, a member of Congress' first priority is their own job, not yours.
Once again, Republicans obliterate a line in the sand because it is in their best interests

Filibuster used to be a tool of last resort for critical decisions. Under Obama, Republicans applied it to every piece of legislation and every judicial appointment

A President has always been allowed to make appointments during his term. Republicans decided that if an appointment would flip the court, they would delay it till the next President

A Filibuster used to mean go back and try again. Now Republicans are eliminating all filibusters for SCOTUS judges

There is no going back

Reid and the dems started it when they rammed ACA through on dem only votes with no open discussion, debate, or amendments. Now those chickens are coming home to roost.

as obozo the great Kenyan messiah once said "elections have consequences" deal with it snowflake.

Obamacare passed with over 60% of the vote
It was refined and debated for over a year....nothing was rammed through

ACA passed with dem votes only, not one republican voted for it. It was brought to a vote by Reid using the nuclear option. No discussion or floor debate of the bill that was passed was allowed by Reid or Pelosi. no amendments were allowed. It was rammed through.

Republicans would rather people die by the roadside as long as they can have their tax cuts.

that is the most stupid post of the day, congratulations, idiot.

Its true.
Reid and the dems started it when they rammed ACA through on dem only votes with no open discussion, debate, or amendments. Now those chickens are coming home to roost.

as obozo the great Kenyan messiah once said "elections have consequences" deal with it snowflake.

Obamacare passed with over 60% of the vote
It was refined and debated for over a year....nothing was rammed through

ACA passed with dem votes only, not one republican voted for it. It was brought to a vote by Reid using the nuclear option. No discussion or floor debate of the bill that was passed was allowed by Reid or Pelosi. no amendments were allowed. It was rammed through.

Republicans would rather people die by the roadside as long as they can have their tax cuts.

that is the most stupid post of the day, congratulations, idiot.

Its true.

yes, it is. you are truly an idiot and your previous post wins the award for stupid post of the day. glad to see you acknowledge that.
The Republicans tried to block Obama at every turn, even if it would harm the public. Dems should hold no punches.
Is it a good thing to block the president, a bad thing, or only a bad thing when Republicans do it?

don't expect an answer. the dems and libs cannot get over the fact that the American voters rejected crooked Hillary and that Trump is now president with control of both houses of congress. They lost and they cannot deal with it.

You have no choice, the elites and Russia helped Trump and some of the poorly educated. Never forgot who and what you voted for. It will come back to haunt you.
Obamacare passed with over 60% of the vote
It was refined and debated for over a year....nothing was rammed through

ACA passed with dem votes only, not one republican voted for it. It was brought to a vote by Reid using the nuclear option. No discussion or floor debate of the bill that was passed was allowed by Reid or Pelosi. no amendments were allowed. It was rammed through.

Republicans would rather people die by the roadside as long as they can have their tax cuts.

that is the most stupid post of the day, congratulations, idiot.

Its true.

yes, it is. you are truly an idiot and your previous post wins the award for stupid post of the day. glad to see you acknowledge that.

They plan on taking away pre existing conditions. I find the GOP totally disgusting, save a few. Tea partiers would feed a dog before a person. Trump taking away Meals on Wheels and school snacks , he is the low life he always has been. Always full of himself and a LIAR.
The filibuster is still in effect for legislation.

So Trumpcare and Trumpcare2 can still be filibustered.
Garland was right of center, and any prick who says he was not remains a prick forever. :lol:

What's your definition of "right of center"? Garland was pro-abort, a hard core gun control-freak and was radically pro-Gay Marriage.

Doesn't sound "right of center" by any American standards.
You are the one who made the stupid comment about "radical." So define radical and we will begin. Other than the pro-gay and guns, yes he was conservative. The truly principled cons accept Roe v Wade.
Your opinion seems to lack evidence of all three of these issues.

Both the chief justice and the new nominee claim that Roe is settled law. We will see if the new guy is a liar once the nuclear option has been employed; "hard core gun control" is not defined, even Scalia put limits on who should have custody and control of a gun (read Heller); what was is radical about gay marriage is the fact that the government had no business outlawing a contract of marriage based on bigotry, and ignored equal rights for all citizens.

I was commenting on Mr. Garland's extremism, not on what Mr. Gorsuch's opinions might be.

Many, many Americans believe that marriage is between one man and one broad, stand behind the 2nd Amendment and don't believe in unrestricted, unregulated, government paid abortion as some kind of "right". Someone who has a far left position on all these issues is a tad of an extremist.
What unrestricted, unregulated abortions to which you are referring. You are alt right pretending to be conservative, which you are not.
[/QUOTE]The GOP may go for a 51-vote nuke for legislation, but I suspect they won't.[/QUOTE]

I think they will.
The GOP may go for a 51-vote nuke for legislation, but I suspect they won't.[/QUOTE]

I think they will.[/QUOTE]
Can someone explain the partisan calculus behind this?

The GOP is going to Reid-Rule him in, and if Trump can pick another justice, they'll do it again.

I'm assuming, then, this is just for perceived political advantage for use during individual 2018 races?

A line in the sand. McConnell will cross it, and the Senate will be changed forever. The Nuclear Action is an attack on democracy itself, and one more nail in the coffin following the conservative plan to create a Plutocracy in America.

This statement ^^^ will be too abstract for most of Trump's supporters, and for those who actually believe conservatives and Republicans can actually govern, and will morally and honestly represent all of our citizens.

They will not, it is not in their best interests, and as everyone knows but few admit, a member of Congress' first priority is their own job, not yours.

The Nuclear Action is an attack on democracy itself,

Requiring 51 votes instead of 60 votes is an attack on democracy itself? LOL!

Tell me more!!!
gipper has the meat of it.

dems filibustering serve two items: (1) they play to the base, and (2) it gives them 'reason' to destroy filibuster in the when they hold the Senate and want to pass legislation without worrying about the need of a 60 vote cloture. In other words, they will use it to pass single payer with a 51 vote majority embedded with a 2/3 vote requirement on any repeal.

In other words, they will use it to pass single payer with a 51 vote majority embedded with a 2/3 vote requirement on any repeal.

It would only take 51 votes to change that rule to allow a 51 vote repeal. DERP!

Which is true, and the best argument against the Nuclear Option. It assures Chaos and sure as can be that it will not make America Great Again.
Not if the previous law has embedded the 2/3 requirement specifically denying any other of legislative repeal. SCOTUS would uphold it.

Not if the previous law has embedded the 2/3 requirement specifically denying any other of legislative repeal.

Sorry. You can't stop a future legislature from removing any such supermajority requirement, unless it's in the Constitution.

SCOTUS would uphold it.

Can someone explain the partisan calculus behind this?

The GOP is going to Reid-Rule him in, and if Trump can pick another justice, they'll do it again.

I'm assuming, then, this is just for perceived political advantage for use during individual 2018 races?

A line in the sand. McConnell will cross it, and the Senate will be changed forever. The Nuclear Action is an attack on democracy itself, and one more nail in the coffin following the conservative plan to create a Plutocracy in America.

This statement ^^^ will be too abstract for most of Trump's supporters, and for those who actually believe conservatives and Republicans can actually govern, and will morally and honestly represent all of our citizens.

They will not, it is not in their best interests, and as everyone knows but few admit, a member of Congress' first priority is their own job, not yours.

Once again, Republicans obliterate a line in the sand because it is in their best interests

Filibuster used to be a tool of last resort for critical decisions. Under Obama, Republicans applied it to every piece of legislation and every judicial appointment

A President has always been allowed to make appointments during his term. Republicans decided that if an appointment would flip the court, they would delay it till the next President

A President has always been allowed to make appointments during his term. A Filibuster used to mean go back and try again. Now Republicans are eliminating all filibusters for SCOTUS judges

There is no going back

A President has always been allowed to make appointments during his term.

Really? Tell me about Andrew Johnson's Supreme Court appointees.

A Filibuster used to mean go back and try again. Now Republicans are eliminating all filibusters for SCOTUS judges

There is no going back

If the Dems want to, they can go back.
They'd be free to bring back the filibuster the next time they had a majority in the Senate.
because we KNOW that none of the nominees were declined an open hearing since it became normalized in 1955.

Until last year.

Concession accepted.

It was, in fact, unprecedented.

P.S. Do you think that you can one day perhaps learn how to use QUOTE tags? You are 28,000 posts into this, it's time.

P.S. Do you think that you can one day perhaps learn how to use QUOTE tags? You are 28,000 posts into this, it's time.

My way is quicker and easier.
who cares, Gorsuch will be confirmed. If the dems filibuster, they only make themselves look more stupid than they already do. So go for it, dems.
They already did.

You repeating this old, and already known fact from days ago only illustrates how butthurt you are over their move. Deal with it snowflake.

Can someone explain the partisan calculus behind this?

The GOP is going to Reid-Rule him in, and if Trump can pick another justice, they'll do it again.

I'm assuming, then, this is just for perceived political advantage for use during individual 2018 races?

A line in the sand. McConnell will cross it, and the Senate will be changed forever. The Nuclear Action is an attack on democracy itself, and one more nail in the coffin following the conservative plan to create a Plutocracy in America.

This statement ^^^ will be too abstract for most of Trump's supporters, and for those who actually believe conservatives and Republicans can actually govern, and will morally and honestly represent all of our citizens.

They will not, it is not in their best interests, and as everyone knows but few admit, a member of Congress' first priority is their own job, not yours.
A line in the sand. McConnell will cross it, and the Senate will be changed forever. The Nuclear Action is an attack on democracy itself, and one more nail in the coffin following the conservative plan to create a Plutocracy in America.

This statement ^^^ will be too abstract for most of Trump's supporters, and for those who actually believe conservatives and Republicans can actually govern, and will morally and honestly represent all of our citizens.

They will not, it is not in their best interests, and as everyone knows but few admit, a member of Congress' first priority is their own job, not yours.

Once again, Republicans obliterate a line in the sand because it is in their best interests

Filibuster used to be a tool of last resort for critical decisions. Under Obama, Republicans applied it to every piece of legislation and every judicial appointment

A President has always been allowed to make appointments during his term. Republicans decided that if an appointment would flip the court, they would delay it till the next President

A Filibuster used to mean go back and try again. Now Republicans are eliminating all filibusters for SCOTUS judges

There is no going back

Reid and the dems started it when they rammed ACA through on dem only votes with no open discussion, debate, or amendments. Now those chickens are coming home to roost.

as obozo the great Kenyan messiah once said "elections have consequences" deal with it snowflake.

Obamacare passed with over 60% of the vote
It was refined and debated for over a year....nothing was rammed through

ACA passed with dem votes only, not one republican voted for it. It was brought to a vote by Reid using the nuclear option. No discussion or floor debate of the bill that was passed was allowed by Reid or Pelosi. no amendments were allowed. It was rammed through.

There is no Constitutional requirement for either Democratic or Republican votes. The Constitution does not even mention parties only states. Over 60% of the state representatives voted for Obamacare....only 50% is needed

Obamamacare had many, many amendments and there was months of discussion

Trumpcare was the one that was trying to be quickly forced for a vote, that is why it failed

Over 60% of the state representatives voted for Obamacare....

That appears not to be the case.

The House passed the Senate bill with a 219–212 vote on March 21, 2010, with 34 Democrats and all 178 Republicans voting against it.

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act - Wikipedia
who cares, Gorsuch will be confirmed. If the dems filibuster, they only make themselves look more stupid than they already do. So go for it, dems.
They already did.

You repeating this old, and already known fact from days ago only illustrates how butthurt you are over their move. Deal with it snowflake.

Can someone explain the partisan calculus behind this?

The GOP is going to Reid-Rule him in, and if Trump can pick another justice, they'll do it again.

I'm assuming, then, this is just for perceived political advantage for use during individual 2018 races?

A line in the sand. McConnell will cross it, and the Senate will be changed forever. The Nuclear Action is an attack on democracy itself, and one more nail in the coffin following the conservative plan to create a Plutocracy in America.

This statement ^^^ will be too abstract for most of Trump's supporters, and for those who actually believe conservatives and Republicans can actually govern, and will morally and honestly represent all of our citizens.

They will not, it is not in their best interests, and as everyone knows but few admit, a member of Congress' first priority is their own job, not yours.
A line in the sand. McConnell will cross it, and the Senate will be changed forever. The Nuclear Action is an attack on democracy itself, and one more nail in the coffin following the conservative plan to create a Plutocracy in America.

This statement ^^^ will be too abstract for most of Trump's supporters, and for those who actually believe conservatives and Republicans can actually govern, and will morally and honestly represent all of our citizens.

They will not, it is not in their best interests, and as everyone knows but few admit, a member of Congress' first priority is their own job, not yours.

Once again, Republicans obliterate a line in the sand because it is in their best interests

Filibuster used to be a tool of last resort for critical decisions. Under Obama, Republicans applied it to every piece of legislation and every judicial appointment

A President has always been allowed to make appointments during his term. Republicans decided that if an appointment would flip the court, they would delay it till the next President

A Filibuster used to mean go back and try again. Now Republicans are eliminating all filibusters for SCOTUS judges

There is no going back

Reid and the dems started it when they rammed ACA through on dem only votes with no open discussion, debate, or amendments. Now those chickens are coming home to roost.

as obozo the great Kenyan messiah once said "elections have consequences" deal with it snowflake.

Obamacare passed with over 60% of the vote
It was refined and debated for over a year....nothing was rammed through

ACA passed with dem votes only, not one republican voted for it. It was brought to a vote by Reid using the nuclear option. No discussion or floor debate of the bill that was passed was allowed by Reid or Pelosi. no amendments were allowed. It was rammed through.

Republicans would rather people die by the roadside as long as they can have their tax cuts.

Republicans would rather people die by the roadside as long as they can have their tax cuts.

How high do taxes need to be so no one ever died?
The Republicans tried to block Obama at every turn, even if it would harm the public. Dems should hold no punches.
Is it a good thing to block the president, a bad thing, or only a bad thing when Republicans do it?

don't expect an answer. the dems and libs cannot get over the fact that the American voters rejected crooked Hillary and that Trump is now president with control of both houses of congress. They lost and they cannot deal with it.

You have no choice, the elites and Russia helped Trump and some of the poorly educated. Never forgot who and what you voted for. It will come back to haunt you.

the elites and Russia helped Trump

The same elite Russians that gave Hillary so much money?
NO Supreme Court justice has ever been filibustered in the history of that august body, Gorsuch was the very first.

This is just a new underhanded trick by the minority, although it was foiled.

Justice Thomas was confirmed with just 52 votes, if you'll remember, back in 1991. BTW, he's worked out excellently, with a superb record. Well over 90% of the votes he's cast have been correct.
The Republicans tried to block Obama at every turn, even if it would harm the public. Dems should hold no punches.
Is it a good thing to block the president, a bad thing, or only a bad thing when Republicans do it?
Its bad when you are putting party over country. If you are trying to block a beneficial law or pass a damaging law, you are failing to look out for your constituents best interest.

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