Democrats: What would the politics be behind a Gorsuch filibuster?

Can someone explain the partisan calculus behind this?

The GOP is going to Reid-Rule him in, and if Trump can pick another justice, they'll do it again.

I'm assuming, then, this is just for perceived political advantage for use during individual 2018 races?
It allows them to commit political suicide like their corporate owners want them to so that the historical working mans party will no longer exist.
I wonder if this change in the filibuster rule would cause our "leaders" -- cough -- to (a) realize that it's not in the best interests of the country to have wild legislative swings with damn near every election, (b) realize that they can't be held hostage by the crazies in their "base" any more, and (c) conclude that it's time to start acting like reasonable statesmen and put country before party for a change.

Okay, just kidding. I know that's not going to happen.
Historically the filibuster was adopted by the Senate to make sure that all Senators could make it to important votes back int he horse and buggy day.

There is no longer a need for the filibuster IMO.
Are you nuts? Are you claiming Trump did NOT pick a conservative judge, as opposed to a centrist or liberal judge?
Trump ran on picking conservative judges. And every Republican politician to a man has repeated that sentiment in the media to date.
Scalia was confirmed 98-0.

Think about that. Dimocrats knew who they were getting when voting for Scalia, yet they all voted for confirmation because they knew he was qualified.

Look at how the partisanship of today has created a very toxic and poisonous atmosphere.
I'm very pleased with how the Democrats in Congress are dealing with this situation. I, and millions of Americans are fully behind them.

Republicans were playing con games last year, now it's catching up to them. Let them go nuclear.
Can someone explain the partisan calculus behind this?

The GOP is going to Reid-Rule him in, and if Trump can pick another justice, they'll do it again.

I'm assuming, then, this is just for perceived political advantage for use during individual 2018 races?

Republicans didn't want Obama nominee and acted on it, refusing to even give him a hearing. The cat is out of the bag and chivalry is out the window. Democrats have no choice but to take this road to the only place it could have led.

Lets say Democrats play nice here, what do they gain? Nothing.

Actually, they get a decent judge.....

If they fillibustered Gorsuch, I'd let it go.

Then I'd bring in the next nominee that would make Scalia looks like Ginsburg. I'd tell Chucky Schumer to go jump....nuke the filibuster and confirm a hard line right winger to the court. Then, when Ginsburg croaks, I'd bring Gorsuch back and see if Chucky had learned that when you can't win the senate, you sit on the sidelines and if you want to act like a child, you're going to get spanked.
Scalia was confirmed 98-0.

Think about that. Dimocrats knew who they were getting when voting for Scalia, yet they all voted for confirmation because they knew he was qualified.

Look at how the partisanship of today has created a very toxic and poisonous atmosphere.
I'm very pleased with how the Democrats in Congress are dealing with this situation. I, and millions of Americans are fully behind them.

Republicans were playing con games last year, now it's catching up to them. Let them go nuclear.

They will.

Then when Ginsburg croaks and Stevens retires....they'll do it again. Only with hardliners because there isn't a freaking thing you'll be able to do about it. Kagen and Sotomeyer can hold each other while they cry.
Can someone explain the partisan calculus behind this?

The GOP is going to Reid-Rule him in, and if Trump can pick another justice, they'll do it again.

I'm assuming, then, this is just for perceived political advantage for use during individual 2018 races?
I doubt this will influence the 2018 midterms much.

The 2018 midterms will all depend on whether Trump can deliver on any of his promises.

But getting rid of the filibuster on all judge ratifications including SCOTUS is a GOOD idea.

Thomas was a squeaker in the face of Anita Hill's defamation of him back in 1991. He did not receive 60 votes as Schumer claims is the "traditional" benchmark.

I don't know why Schumer and the DEM's are opposing Gorsuch.

Opposing him is pure ignorance.

Sotomayor, Kagan, and RB Ginsberg have become disasters each one, legislating from the bench and opposing the 2nd Amendment.

So the DEM's have no room to complain. Their track record of nominations is abysmal.
I don't know how this works out well. Whichever party is in charge has complete control, and I'm not fond of that idea.

All the more reason to avoid having one party with this much power in the future.


When you compare Gorsuch to Kagen or Sotomeyer.....well you can't. He's got class and he, at least, knows something about the constitution. Sotomeyer was a total fool during her confirmation hearings and the GOP rolled over for her.
Can someone explain the partisan calculus behind this?

The GOP is going to Reid-Rule him in, and if Trump can pick another justice, they'll do it again.

I'm assuming, then, this is just for perceived political advantage for use during individual 2018 races?

Republicans didn't want Obama nominee and acted on it, refusing to even give him a hearing. The cat is out of the bag and chivalry is out the window. Democrats have no choice but to take this road to the only place it could have led.

Lets say Democrats play nice here, what do they gain? Nothing.
Yep, the filibuster began when the Republicans filibustered the then President's perfectly good nomination.

They didn't filibuster Garland.
Actually, they did.
Scalia was confirmed 98-0.

Think about that. Dimocrats knew who they were getting when voting for Scalia, yet they all voted for confirmation because they knew he was qualified.

Look at how the partisanship of today has created a very toxic and poisonous atmosphere.
I'm very pleased with how the Democrats in Congress are dealing with this situation. I, and millions of Americans are fully behind them.

Republicans were playing con games last year, now it's catching up to them. Let them go nuclear.

They will.

Then when Ginsburg croaks and Stevens retires....they'll do it again. Only with hardliners because there isn't a freaking thing you'll be able to do about it. Kagen and Sotomeyer can hold each other while they cry.
Gorsuch IS a hard rightwing political judge. He voted for Big Corporation, every. single. time. against the small man in all his judgements concerning that sort of judgement.

Go blow smoke up someone else's skirt.
Scalia was confirmed 98-0.

Think about that. Dimocrats knew who they were getting when voting for Scalia, yet they all voted for confirmation because they knew he was qualified.

Look at how the partisanship of today has created a very toxic and poisonous atmosphere.
I'm very pleased with how the Democrats in Congress are dealing with this situation. I, and millions of Americans are fully behind them.

Republicans were playing con games last year, now it's catching up to them. Let them go nuclear.

They will.

Then when Ginsburg croaks and Stevens retires....they'll do it again. Only with hardliners because there isn't a freaking thing you'll be able to do about it. Kagen and Sotomeyer can hold each other while they cry.
Gorsuch IS a hard rightwing political judge. He voted for Big Corporation, every. single. time. against the small man in all his judgements concerning that sort of judgement.

Go blow smoke up someone else's skirt.

Cry me a river. Even the left admits he's a good pick.

Thanks for admitting you wear skirts.
Scalia was confirmed 98-0.

Think about that. Dimocrats knew who they were getting when voting for Scalia, yet they all voted for confirmation because they knew he was qualified.

Look at how the partisanship of today has created a very toxic and poisonous atmosphere.
I'm very pleased with how the Democrats in Congress are dealing with this situation. I, and millions of Americans are fully behind them.

Republicans were playing con games last year, now it's catching up to them. Let them go nuclear.

They will.

Then when Ginsburg croaks and Stevens retires....they'll do it again. Only with hardliners because there isn't a freaking thing you'll be able to do about it. Kagen and Sotomeyer can hold each other while they cry.
Gorsuch IS a hard rightwing political judge. He voted for Big Corporation, every. single. time. against the small man in all his judgements concerning that sort of judgement.

Go blow smoke up someone else's skirt.

Cry me a river. Even the left admits he's a good pick.

Thanks for admitting you wear skirts.
Thanks for admitting that you're a liar.
Scalia was confirmed 98-0.

Think about that. Dimocrats knew who they were getting when voting for Scalia, yet they all voted for confirmation because they knew he was qualified.

Look at how the partisanship of today has created a very toxic and poisonous atmosphere.
I'm very pleased with how the Democrats in Congress are dealing with this situation. I, and millions of Americans are fully behind them.

Republicans were playing con games last year, now it's catching up to them. Let them go nuclear.

They will.

Then when Ginsburg croaks and Stevens retires....they'll do it again. Only with hardliners because there isn't a freaking thing you'll be able to do about it. Kagen and Sotomeyer can hold each other while they cry.
Gorsuch IS a hard rightwing political judge. He voted for Big Corporation, every. single. time. against the small man in all his judgements concerning that sort of judgement.

Go blow smoke up someone else's skirt.

Cry me a river. Even the left admits he's a good pick.

Thanks for admitting you wear skirts.
Thanks for admitting that you're a liar.


Well, that's what happens when you f**k up and lose an election that the GOP practically handed to you.
Can someone explain the partisan calculus behind this?

The GOP is going to Reid-Rule him in, and if Trump can pick another justice, they'll do it again.

I'm assuming, then, this is just for perceived political advantage for use during individual 2018 races?

In an nutshell.

Democrats: making noise.
Republicans: making nothing.

Whenever Democrats want something they make a noise, they shout slogans, they scream, they're being obnoxious. If they don't get it, they double down and that result in Republicans giving them what they want, just to make them stop.

On the other side, whenever Republicans want something, they make case, which results in Democrats start making noise until Republicans usually give up, just to make them stop.

The strategy of being loud works only for Democrats. If Republicans start making noise, Democrats ignore it since they assume the Republicans are being loud with no reason, just like they are loud all the time for the sake of being loud.

The Democrats strategy was working on Republicans, but didn't work on regular American people, all resulted in Democrats becoming almost irrelevant political party in most of USA. Instead of rethinking their strategy and learning from previous mistakes, this time Democrats decided to change and do something they have never tried before.

This time, they didn't double down. They didn't triple down. They went ALL IN, they are not just being obnoxious, I mean they are, but this is weapon grade collective obnoxiousness, there are no drugs that can tone it down. The only thing that works in these kind of cases are straight jackets, and prison cells.
I wonder if this change in the filibuster rule would cause our "leaders" -- cough -- to (a) realize that it's not in the best interests of the country to have wild legislative swings with damn near every election, (b) realize that they can't be held hostage by the crazies in their "base" any more, and (c) conclude that it's time to start acting like reasonable statesmen and put country before party for a change.

Okay, just kidding. I know that's not going to happen.
Historically the filibuster was adopted by the Senate to make sure that all Senators could make it to important votes back int he horse and buggy day.

There is no longer a need for the filibuster IMO.
On NBC's Meet The Press last Sunday 4/2/2017 both Schumer and McConnell agreed that they would not be getting rid of the filibuster.

They were just extending Harry Reid's rule on Federal Judges to the SCOTUS nominees too.
Scalia was confirmed 98-0.

Think about that. Dimocrats knew who they were getting when voting for Scalia, yet they all voted for confirmation because they knew he was qualified.

Look at how the partisanship of today has created a very toxic and poisonous atmosphere.
I'm very pleased with how the Democrats in Congress are dealing with this situation. I, and millions of Americans are fully behind them.

Republicans were playing con games last year, now it's catching up to them. Let them go nuclear.

They will.

Then when Ginsburg croaks and Stevens retires....they'll do it again. Only with hardliners because there isn't a freaking thing you'll be able to do about it. Kagen and Sotomeyer can hold each other while they cry.
Gorsuch IS a hard rightwing political judge. He voted for Big Corporation, every. single. time. against the small man in all his judgements concerning that sort of judgement.

Go blow smoke up someone else's skirt.

Cry me a river. Even the left admits he's a good pick.

Thanks for admitting you wear skirts.
Thanks for admitting that you're a liar.

Oh: BTW...

President Cint.....ere Trump has a GOP house and senate.

You guys lost.

Suck on it.

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