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Democrats' white male problem

Is this a serious question?

Yeah, it's a serious question. What is "this"? What is it you perceive is going on with white males? Do you perceive they are being somehow oppressed? Your "payback" comment indicates you do.
I find it very difficult to believe you don't know what I'm talking about, so I won't burn a lot of bandwidth here.

To answer your question: "This" would the various current cultural/sociological behaviors manifesting from the term "male privilege".

Your agreement is not required, nor is your stated recognition of that term.

You didn't answer the question. Recognizing that male or white privilege exists does not equal male oppression. Your payback comment indicates you perceive that white men ARE being oppressed as some sort of retaliation for the past oppression of minorities and women. Men, especially white men aren't being oppressed.

I know it's just one datapoint, but it makes an argument:

It took my Nephew one year to get a job in Computer Science Field. He applied to a multitude of places and is very sharp. Someone you would want to hire. He and his girlfriend graduated with Computer Science degrees from Cal-Poly. She submitted three applications, interviewed three times and was offered two jobs for her effort. It took her < 30 days from Graduating. My Nephew submitted more than 40 applications, interviewed 5 times and was offered one job. It took him a year to get a job. I asked him why it took so long in consideration of his degree and where it was from and he replied "I'm a white male" He is a liberal.

Go figure.
It is always a convenient crutch as to why one doesn't get hired, isn't it?

Your denial of what we all know to be true, just makes you look dishonest.

YOu are not even fooling yourself at this point. Do you think that anyone who can read this, is stupid enough to actually believe what you write?
Is this a serious question?

Yeah, it's a serious question. What is "this"? What is it you perceive is going on with white males? Do you perceive they are being somehow oppressed? Your "payback" comment indicates you do.
I find it very difficult to believe you don't know what I'm talking about, so I won't burn a lot of bandwidth here.

To answer your question: "This" would the various current cultural/sociological behaviors manifesting from the term "male privilege".

Your agreement is not required, nor is your stated recognition of that term.

You didn't answer the question. Recognizing that male or white privilege exists does not equal male oppression. Your payback comment indicates you perceive that white men ARE being oppressed as some sort of retaliation for the past oppression of minorities and women. Men, especially white men aren't being oppressed.

I know it's just one datapoint, but it makes an argument:

It took my Nephew one year to get a job in Computer Science Field. He applied to a multitude of places and is very sharp. Someone you would want to hire. He and his girlfriend graduated with Computer Science degrees from Cal-Poly. She submitted three applications, interviewed three times and was offered two jobs for her effort. It took her < 30 days from Graduating. My Nephew submitted more than 40 applications, interviewed 5 times and was offered one job. It took him a year to get a job. I asked him why it took so long in consideration of his degree and where it was from and he replied "I'm a white male" He is a liberal.

Go figure.

The nephew should have said he was an Indian, and he would have been hired in a flash like Pocahontas was at Harvard.
Interesting...since Warren marked down White as well as Native on her app. Are you asserting that Elizabeth Warren wasn't qualified?
My unofficial poll of old union guys is that they are generally Trump supporters.
They prefer the new populist GOP to the new socialist DNC.

The Socialist DNC will cost the unions jobs. Modern Day Democrats care more about blaming climate change on Man, perpetuating welfare among able-bodies unwilling to work, and open borders. Democrats ODST believe white working males are racist anyways.
Ironic considering that CRCs are going after Unions.

Where did you get that idea? Christians are opposed to people being FORCED to join unions, but if someone voluntarily decides to pay tribute to the local labor bosses, that's their own affair.
I agree that people shouldn't be forced to join Unions....but those that don't join unions should not get the pay/benefit advantages of collective bargaining either provided by the union. When hired, they are free to sign a waiver with that understanding.
And when my union negotiates a pay raise, only the union members should get it.
Agreed...and those who do not wish to join should be clearly made aware of that.

Decades ago, my father, a WW2 Vet worked as a pipefitter out of a labor union. Like most of his fellow pipefitters at the time, he was a pro labor, pro union Democrat.

White working class males were the backbone of the Democratic party for many years, but recently things have changed. In their headlong pursuit of diversity, the Democratic party have showcased women and minorities to the point of white males having been marginalized and even scorned by the Democrats as racist, sexist bigots, and often treated as 2nd class citizens. Not surprisingly, this has caused many working class white men to drift to the GOP where they feel more accepted. This stupid move by the left wing has been the reason democrats have lost elections.

Democrats - get it through your head. White males vote in large numbers, and if you don't start making them feel more valued in your "big tent" that tent won't be big enough, and you'll just keep losing.


If you go out and call someone the "Basket of Deplorables" and suggest that they should be wiped from the earth, they aren't as likely to support you at the polls.

Opinion polls in 1920's/ early 1930's Germany showed the National Socialist Party didn't poll very well with Jewish voters either.

Here is who Hillary labeled deplorable;


Pretty much who everyone (except Trump supporters) find deplorable. And she said nothing about "wiping them from the earth". Although...

I'd be cool if those THINGS were wiped from the earth.
Well, NO WONDER we have some people here upset with her comment.
Yeah, it's a serious question. What is "this"? What is it you perceive is going on with white males? Do you perceive they are being somehow oppressed? Your "payback" comment indicates you do.
I find it very difficult to believe you don't know what I'm talking about, so I won't burn a lot of bandwidth here.

To answer your question: "This" would the various current cultural/sociological behaviors manifesting from the term "male privilege".

Your agreement is not required, nor is your stated recognition of that term.

You didn't answer the question. Recognizing that male or white privilege exists does not equal male oppression. Your payback comment indicates you perceive that white men ARE being oppressed as some sort of retaliation for the past oppression of minorities and women. Men, especially white men aren't being oppressed.

I know it's just one datapoint, but it makes an argument:

It took my Nephew one year to get a job in Computer Science Field. He applied to a multitude of places and is very sharp. Someone you would want to hire. He and his girlfriend graduated with Computer Science degrees from Cal-Poly. She submitted three applications, interviewed three times and was offered two jobs for her effort. It took her < 30 days from Graduating. My Nephew submitted more than 40 applications, interviewed 5 times and was offered one job. It took him a year to get a job. I asked him why it took so long in consideration of his degree and where it was from and he replied "I'm a white male" He is a liberal.

Go figure.

The nephew should have said he was an Indian, and he would have been hired in a flash like Pocahontas was at Harvard.
When my son was looking for work in the computer field he submitted hundreds of resumes without a call back. Then he resubmitted the exact same resume under the name Mohammed Arunja and got a call back on all of them. No job. Just an interview.

Then Trump was elected. He's doing very well now.
Cool story, Poe.
Agreed, for sane people.....but there is a "I'm a victim" component that CRC's (white male version) like to parade.

There are documented cases of white males being discriminated again. There are well researched and peer reviewed studies on how much discrimination white males face.

Your statement is known to be factually inaccurate, by everyone.
Then you will have no problem sharing some of those "well-researched" and "documented cases" with us.

Why? We both know about them. I've posted them here before. YOu've read them.

Let's skip forward to the point where you don't care that it is true, and you just insult me and deflect from the facts.
You've posted nothing....and now you are using the well-worn excuse because your bluff has been called. But, carry on in your perceived victimhood.

Your demand for data that you are completely aware of, and have been shown before, was answered.

YOu saying "victimhood" is just you being a troll.
Nope, you didn't provide squat. But I've gotten used to CRCs pulling this excuse. Shame on me (and anyone else) if we continued to fall for that lie.

Decades ago, my father, a WW2 Vet worked as a pipefitter out of a labor union. Like most of his fellow pipefitters at the time, he was a pro labor, pro union Democrat.

White working class males were the backbone of the Democratic party for many years, but recently things have changed. In their headlong pursuit of diversity, the Democratic party have showcased women and minorities to the point of white males having been marginalized and even scorned by the Democrats as racist, sexist bigots, and often treated as 2nd class citizens. Not surprisingly, this has caused many working class white men to drift to the GOP where they feel more accepted. This stupid move by the left wing has been the reason democrats have lost elections.

Democrats - get it through your head. White males vote in large numbers, and if you don't start making them feel more valued in your "big tent" that tent won't be big enough, and you'll just keep losing.


If you go out and call someone the "Basket of Deplorables" and suggest that they should be wiped from the earth, they aren't as likely to support you at the polls.

Opinion polls in 1920's/ early 1930's Germany showed the National Socialist Party didn't poll very well with Jewish voters either.

Here is who Hillary labeled deplorable;


Pretty much who everyone (except Trump supporters) find deplorable. And she said nothing about "wiping them from the earth". Although...

I'd be cool if those THINGS were wiped from the earth.
But that was Hillary. A corrupted non indicted liar, murderer, extortionist, protector of a rapist, thief and drug and alcohol abuser. The very flower of Prog foundation. Don't worry. When you come back to power you will tell us how classy the Prog president is.
Sounds like she had your number.

Decades ago, my father, a WW2 Vet worked as a pipefitter out of a labor union. Like most of his fellow pipefitters at the time, he was a pro labor, pro union Democrat.

White working class males were the backbone of the Democratic party for many years, but recently things have changed. In their headlong pursuit of diversity, the Democratic party have showcased women and minorities to the point of white males having been marginalized and even scorned by the Democrats as racist, sexist bigots. Not surprisingly, this has caused many working class white men to drift to the GOP where they feel more accepted. This stupid move by the left wing has been the reason democrats have lost elections, and if the left wing does not stop treating white males as 2nd class citizens, they are going to continue to lose.

Democrats - get it through your head. White males vote in large numbers, and if you don't start making them feel more valued in your "big tent" that tent won't be big enough, and you'll just keep losing.

The problem here is that the party is now largely under the control of the illiberal leftist authoritarians who are 100% committed to political correctness and identity politics.

So white men (and particularly straight white men) are welcome to come along for the ride, their votes are appreciated for sure, but at this point they are simply second class citizens who'd damn well better know their place and watch what they say.

That's just the reality at this point.
They are the least diverse party outside of North Korea. Think their thoughts or be gone
White men aren't actually being treated the way women and minorities have been...so, strawman.

There are obviously different ways to be discriminated against.

Yes, white men are not being owned as slaves.

That does not mean that white male students, are not being discriminated against in college admissions.

Your claim that it does mean that, is senseless.



In admissions is what I am thinking of, though I am sure there is discrimination in other places.

Not sure what the point of your post is. Use words.

And "in admissions" there is no discrimination against white males, obviously.

Massive discrimination, documented and proved and posted here, many times.

You are being silly, and insanely dishonest in the support of racist discrimination.

WHy? You are not fooling anyone, not even yourself. YOu look silly and racist. Even to yourself.

Name calling again.
There are documented cases of white males being discriminated again. There are well researched and peer reviewed studies on how much discrimination white males face.

Your statement is known to be factually inaccurate, by everyone.
Then you will have no problem sharing some of those "well-researched" and "documented cases" with us.

Why? We both know about them. I've posted them here before. YOu've read them.

Let's skip forward to the point where you don't care that it is true, and you just insult me and deflect from the facts.
You've posted nothing....and now you are using the well-worn excuse because your bluff has been called. But, carry on in your perceived victimhood.

Your demand for data that you are completely aware of, and have been shown before, was answered.

YOu saying "victimhood" is just you being a troll.
Nope, you didn't provide squat. But I've gotten used to CRCs pulling this excuse. Shame on me (and anyone else) if we continued to fall for that lie.

Don't know or care about your abbreviations.

Your demand for data that you are completely aware of, and have been shown before, was answered.

YOu saying "victimhood" is just you being a troll.

In admissions is what I am thinking of, though I am sure there is discrimination in other places.

Not sure what the point of your post is. Use words.

And "in admissions" there is no discrimination against white males, obviously.

Massive discrimination, documented and proved and posted here, many times.

You are being silly, and insanely dishonest in the support of racist discrimination.

WHy? You are not fooling anyone, not even yourself. YOu look silly and racist. Even to yourself.


Weird that the only actual evidence provided does not support your contention.

White men aren't being discriminated against or oppressed....anywhere. Stop with your victim mentality.

1. It is an asshole move to request information we all know is true, and I'm not going to play your silly game. The discrimination has been well researched, documented, peer reviewed and presented here, by me, many times. If you want to look it up yourself, to review it, AGAIN, before discussing it, knock yourself out.

2. What evidence are you referring to? What point do you think you have shown? Use words, be clear, so I can laugh at it, precisely and crush you.
Nice try at gas lighting. You made a claim and now you refuse to provide this proof you supposedly have. I don't believe you ever had such proof. You made it up AND you are making up that you've ever provided it in the past. You are lying.
There are obviously different ways to be discriminated against.

Yes, white men are not being owned as slaves.

That does not mean that white male students, are not being discriminated against in college admissions.

Your claim that it does mean that, is senseless.



In admissions is what I am thinking of, though I am sure there is discrimination in other places.

Not sure what the point of your post is. Use words.

And "in admissions" there is no discrimination against white males, obviously.

Massive discrimination, documented and proved and posted here, many times.

You are being silly, and insanely dishonest in the support of racist discrimination.

WHy? You are not fooling anyone, not even yourself. YOu look silly and racist. Even to yourself.

Name calling again.

1. No, it was not.

2. You are still stupidly pretending to not understand my point from long ago.

3. The point stands. You libs are being silly, pretending this anti-white discrimination, is not happening.
In admissions is what I am thinking of, though I am sure there is discrimination in other places.

Not sure what the point of your post is. Use words.

And "in admissions" there is no discrimination against white males, obviously.

Massive discrimination, documented and proved and posted here, many times.

You are being silly, and insanely dishonest in the support of racist discrimination.

WHy? You are not fooling anyone, not even yourself. YOu look silly and racist. Even to yourself.


Weird that the only actual evidence provided does not support your contention.

White men aren't being discriminated against or oppressed....anywhere. Stop with your victim mentality.

1. It is an asshole move to request information we all know is true, and I'm not going to play your silly game. The discrimination has been well researched, documented, peer reviewed and presented here, by me, many times. If you want to look it up yourself, to review it, AGAIN, before discussing it, knock yourself out.

2. What evidence are you referring to? What point do you think you have shown? Use words, be clear, so I can laugh at it, precisely and crush you.
Nice try at gas lighting. You made a claim and now you refuse to provide this proof you supposedly have. I don't believe you ever had such proof. You made it up AND you are making up that you've ever provided it in the past. You are lying.

It is an asshole move to request information we all know is true, and I'm not going to play your silly game. The discrimination has been well researched, documented, peer reviewed and presented here, by me, many times. If you want to look it up yourself, to review it, AGAIN, before discussing it, knock yourself out.

AND, that being said, the clear anti-white racism from the democratic party, means that it takes a very ideologically committed white man to vote for the dems.

The party of anti-white racism.
Yeah, it's a serious question. What is "this"? What is it you perceive is going on with white males? Do you perceive they are being somehow oppressed? Your "payback" comment indicates you do.
I find it very difficult to believe you don't know what I'm talking about, so I won't burn a lot of bandwidth here.

To answer your question: "This" would the various current cultural/sociological behaviors manifesting from the term "male privilege".

Your agreement is not required, nor is your stated recognition of that term.

You didn't answer the question. Recognizing that male or white privilege exists does not equal male oppression. Your payback comment indicates you perceive that white men ARE being oppressed as some sort of retaliation for the past oppression of minorities and women. Men, especially white men aren't being oppressed.

I know it's just one datapoint, but it makes an argument:

It took my Nephew one year to get a job in Computer Science Field. He applied to a multitude of places and is very sharp. Someone you would want to hire. He and his girlfriend graduated with Computer Science degrees from Cal-Poly. She submitted three applications, interviewed three times and was offered two jobs for her effort. It took her < 30 days from Graduating. My Nephew submitted more than 40 applications, interviewed 5 times and was offered one job. It took him a year to get a job. I asked him why it took so long in consideration of his degree and where it was from and he replied "I'm a white male" He is a liberal.

Go figure.
It is always a convenient crutch as to why one doesn't get hired, isn't it?

Your denial of what we all know to be true, just makes you look dishonest.

YOu are not even fooling yourself at this point. Do you think that anyone who can read this, is stupid enough to actually believe what you write?
Still looking for the links to those studies you claim exist. Not seeing anything yet. I wonder why not...............:71:
I didn't say they were. So, strawman.

You just said "if this is payback". What "this"?
Is this a serious question?

Yeah, it's a serious question. What is "this"? What is it you perceive is going on with white males? Do you perceive they are being somehow oppressed? Your "payback" comment indicates you do.
I find it very difficult to believe you don't know what I'm talking about, so I won't burn a lot of bandwidth here.

To answer your question: "This" would the various current cultural/sociological behaviors manifesting from the term "male privilege".

Your agreement is not required, nor is your stated recognition of that term.

You didn't answer the question. Recognizing that male or white privilege exists does not equal male oppression. Your payback comment indicates you perceive that white men ARE being oppressed as some sort of retaliation for the past oppression of minorities and women. Men, especially white men aren't being oppressed.
I agree with you, they aren't being oppressed.

But you have this terribly misguided notion that white men somehow have "privilege." If anyone has privilege in modern corporate and elite society, it is minorities and women. This is obvious to any rational observer.

The elite society desires diversity, and men need women, not the other way around. YOU are so deluded.

Feminism’s Dependency Trap
Feminism's Dependency Trap - Quillette

". . . This is not to deny that there is real and brutal violence against women, best handled by the police and the criminal justice system. But if a co-worker lets a woman know she looks hot in her skirt this can reasonably be dealt with by a woman on her own, rather than by corporate structures of authority. If we would prefer not to deal with these things on our own, fair enough, but let us not re-describe this reliance on authority as a victory for feminism, or for women’s empowerment, and instead call it what it is: an instance of women’s dependence on structural power; a paternal bureaucracy that has arrogated ever more coercive power under the banner of gender equity.

Feminism is suffering from a lack of respect for women themselves. This is part of the lack of respect for other individuals as individuals that characterizes modern culture. We have exchanged personal agency for the depersonalization of human life and individual accountability for a bureaucratic structure that is ultimately responsible to no one, because no one takes personal responsibility for it. If we want to retreat from encountering others in their particular individuality, however distasteful, we should not do violence to logic by calling it a triumph of personal agency. A complaint to human resources may make us feel safe and avoid a potentially uncomfortable confrontation, but at the expense of personal courage.. . ."
I find it very difficult to believe you don't know what I'm talking about, so I won't burn a lot of bandwidth here.

To answer your question: "This" would the various current cultural/sociological behaviors manifesting from the term "male privilege".

Your agreement is not required, nor is your stated recognition of that term.

You didn't answer the question. Recognizing that male or white privilege exists does not equal male oppression. Your payback comment indicates you perceive that white men ARE being oppressed as some sort of retaliation for the past oppression of minorities and women. Men, especially white men aren't being oppressed.

I know it's just one datapoint, but it makes an argument:

It took my Nephew one year to get a job in Computer Science Field. He applied to a multitude of places and is very sharp. Someone you would want to hire. He and his girlfriend graduated with Computer Science degrees from Cal-Poly. She submitted three applications, interviewed three times and was offered two jobs for her effort. It took her < 30 days from Graduating. My Nephew submitted more than 40 applications, interviewed 5 times and was offered one job. It took him a year to get a job. I asked him why it took so long in consideration of his degree and where it was from and he replied "I'm a white male" He is a liberal.

Go figure.
It is always a convenient crutch as to why one doesn't get hired, isn't it?

Your denial of what we all know to be true, just makes you look dishonest.

YOu are not even fooling yourself at this point. Do you think that anyone who can read this, is stupid enough to actually believe what you write?
Still looking for the links to those studies you claim exist. Not seeing anything yet. I wonder why not...............:71:

Because I'm not here to coddle you like you are dim witted child.

The point from the op stands. THe Democratic Party is the party of anti-white racism, and thus has lost the white male vote.
Just in case anyone forgot...this is what Correll claimed earlier:

There are documented cases of white males being discriminated again. There are well researched and peer reviewed studies on how much discrimination white males face.

He's posted multiple excuses but no proof that those "documented cases" even exist. No "well researched and peer reviewed studies" either...................................just excuses.
Just in case anyone forgot...this is what Correll claimed earlier:

There are documented cases of white males being discriminated again. There are well researched and peer reviewed studies on how much discrimination white males face.

He's posted multiple excuses but no proof that those "documented cases" even exist. No "well researched and peer reviewed studies" either...................................just excuses.

Everyone knows it. INcluding you.

You are just attempting to bog down the discussion is silliness.

The point of the op stands. THe Dem Party has become the party of anti-white racism, and thus has lost the White Male vote, which used to be the back bone of the Party.
You just said "if this is payback". What "this"?
Is this a serious question?

Yeah, it's a serious question. What is "this"? What is it you perceive is going on with white males? Do you perceive they are being somehow oppressed? Your "payback" comment indicates you do.
I find it very difficult to believe you don't know what I'm talking about, so I won't burn a lot of bandwidth here.

To answer your question: "This" would the various current cultural/sociological behaviors manifesting from the term "male privilege".

Your agreement is not required, nor is your stated recognition of that term.

You didn't answer the question. Recognizing that male or white privilege exists does not equal male oppression. Your payback comment indicates you perceive that white men ARE being oppressed as some sort of retaliation for the past oppression of minorities and women. Men, especially white men aren't being oppressed.
I agree with you, they aren't being oppressed.

But you have this terribly misguided notion that white men somehow have "privilege." If anyone has privilege in modern corporate and elite society, it is minorities and women. This is obvious to any rational observer.

The elite society desires diversity, and men need women, not the other way around. YOU are so deluded.

Feminism’s Dependency Trap
Feminism's Dependency Trap - Quillette

". . . This is not to deny that there is real and brutal violence against women, best handled by the police and the criminal justice system. But if a co-worker lets a woman know she looks hot in her skirt this can reasonably be dealt with by a woman on her own, rather than by corporate structures of authority. If we would prefer not to deal with these things on our own, fair enough, but let us not re-describe this reliance on authority as a victory for feminism, or for women’s empowerment, and instead call it what it is: an instance of women’s dependence on structural power; a paternal bureaucracy that has arrogated ever more coercive power under the banner of gender equity.

Feminism is suffering from a lack of respect for women themselves. This is part of the lack of respect for other individuals as individuals that characterizes modern culture. We have exchanged personal agency for the depersonalization of human life and individual accountability for a bureaucratic structure that is ultimately responsible to no one, because no one takes personal responsibility for it. If we want to retreat from encountering others in their particular individuality, however distasteful, we should not do violence to logic by calling it a triumph of personal agency. A complaint to human resources may make us feel safe and avoid a potentially uncomfortable confrontation, but at the expense of personal courage.. . ."

"If anyone has privilege in modern corporate and elite society, it is minorities and women..." I guess that's why such a HUGE % of our corporate leaders and elite society leaders are minorities and women, right? :71:

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