Democrats white man problem

Self-inflicted wound.

The Democratic Party has spent the last several decades overcompensating, pandering to American Blacks, making excuses for them, lowering standards & expectations for them, refusing to hold them accountable. Predictably, American Blacks have underperformed their potential, as anyone would under those circumstances.

And just as bad, these tactics have clearly fueled a growing resentment from American Whites, who look at this as essentially reverse racism. That resentment has been growing all that time, and when it was at its zenith, along came a shameless con man who knew exactly how to play right into it and make it even worse. And here we are.

This doesn't excuse or ignore the old fashioned, ignorant, paranoid, mouth-breathing racism that clearly still exists on the Right, not to mention the constant "I don't see a thing" enabling that we see here. But it does play right into the hands of those people, and the American Left absolutely refuses to admit the role they have played in this.

The two ends of this issue just keep feeding into the worst impulses of the other. They NEED each other.
You control the nation. It is just that it is not totally 100%. You promote yourselves as gods. And the failures are someone else's fault.
No. My income increased by twenty thousand this year so I am ok. Are you still waiting for Biden to increase your income also?
He has decreased wealth. By near 30% or more of peasant people. All by agendas that have been pushed for many decades and a lot of it false. We waste so much in this nation. And a day is coming where the waste will not be an option.
Nope....but you've been well groomed by triggering your fears of "the different".
Then back off. Everything is going to cost more and more to do by your political agendas. We will not compete and have offshored a lot of it because of those agendas.

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