Democrats who used "lynching" as a word, and now attack Trump for using it...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yes....the word "lynching" is bad....when a Republican uses it accurately.....but when democrats have used it in the past, the left wing asshats didn't care less....

10 Politicians Who Used 'Lynching' the Way Trump Did, and the Left Didn't Care

1. Joe Biden

As PJ Media's Matt Margolis reported, Biden is himself guilty of the "despicable" comparison. In 1998, then-Senator Joe Biden (D-Del.) suggested the impeachment of then-President Bill Clinton was a "political lynching."

Joe Biden in 1998:

"Even if the President should be impeached, history is going to question whether or not this was just a partisan lynching..."

— Trump War Room (Text TRUMP to 88022) (@TrumpWarRoom) October 22, 2019

To be fair, Biden later apologized.

"This wasn’t the right word to use and I’m sorry about that," Biden tweeted Tuesday evening. "Trump on the other hand chose his words deliberately today in his use of the word lynching and continues to stoke racial divides in this country daily."

Was Trump's use of "lynching" an attempt to "stoke racial divides"? Or was the president merely reaching for a way to condemn what he sees as a lawless coup attempt — and echoing Biden himself?

2. Jerry Nadler

Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.), now chair of the House Judiciary Committee, which would lead an impeachment against Trump, himself compared Clinton's impeachment to a lynching no less than three times. Specifically, he called House Republicans a "lynch mob."

"We shouldn’t participate in a lynch mob against the president," Nadler told Newsday on Sept. 13, 1998. Five days later, he said he saw "no evidence that the Republicans want to do anything other than organize a Lynch mob."

In October 1998, Nadler told the Associated Press that Republicans were “running a lynch mob” against Clinton.

3. David J. Leland

Unless you live in Ohio, you likely haven't heard of David J. Leland. The former chair of the Ohio Democratic Party, Leland is a political force in one of America's key swing states. He helped former Gov. Ted Strickland (D-Ohio) raise $17 million.

In 1998, Leland said, "The vast majority of Ohio Democrats want to see this President continue in office, because they know a political lynching when they see one." How "despicable!"

4. Jim McDermott

Rep. Jim McDermott (D-Wash.), now retired, also compared the Clinton impeachment to a lynching.

"This feels today like we’re taking a step down the road to becoming a political lynch mob," McDermott fumed, according to The Baltimore Sun. "Find the rope, find the tree and ask a bunch of questions later."

5. Danny Davis

Rep. Danny K. Davis (D-Ill.) condemned Trump for the lynching comparison on Tuesday. "The highest officeholder should think about these words," he tweeted. "The rural south where I was born has a tarnished and painful history."

Yet in 1998, Davis called the Clinton impeachment a "lynching."

6. Gregory Meeks.

Like Davis, Rep. Gregory W. Meeks (D-N.Y.) condemned Trump for his comparison.

"I don’t expect Trump to be sensitive to the weight of that word, or see how insulting and hurtful it is to invoke it here," he tweeted. Yet, also like Davis, Meeks had compared Clinton's impeachment to a lynching on the House floor.

Meeks defended his comments in a statement to The Washington Post, suggesting that Trump's comparison was worse because — according to Meeks — the president is a racist. "Yes, I said those words, but context matters," he said. "There is a difference when that word is used by someone of my experience and perspective, whose relatives were the targets of lynch mobs, compared to a president who has dog-whistled to white nationalists and peddled racism."

"This is the birther president, who called African nations s---holes and urban cities infested. Those he called ‘very fine people’ in Charlottesville were the kind of people who lynched those who looked like me. So, yes — there are certain words I am more at liberty to invoke than Donald J. Trump," Meeks concluded. Many of the Trump remarks Meeks referenced were not racist, and the president made clear he did not consider the white nationalists and neo-Nazis part of the "fine people" in Charlottesville.

7. Patrick Kennedy

Then-Rep. Patrick Kennedy (D-R.I.), nephew to former President John F. Kennedy, described the Clinton impeachment as a "political lynching."

8. Marion Berry

In 1990, Marion Barry, former Democratic mayor of Washington, D.C., accused the Department of Justice of launching a "political lynching" against him after he was indicted on felony drug charges.

9. Never Trumper Christopher Shays

In August 2016, former Rep. Christopher Shays (R-Ct.) accused Trump of egging on the lynching ... of Hillary Clinton.

"So I watched the conventions. Republicans had a very dark convention. It was almost like a lynching, you know -- guilty and lock her up," Shays told CNN. "And I thought this isn't the party of Ronald Reagan and it ain't the party that I joined."

10. Justin Fairfax

After he was accused of sexual assault, Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax (D-Va.) described the accusations against him and the calls for his resignation as a lynching.

"I have heard much about anti-lynching on the floor of this very Senate, where people are not given any due process whatsoever, and we rue that," Fairfax said in February. "And yet we stand here in a rush to judgment in nothing but accusations and no facts, and we are deciding we are willing to do the same thing."

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