democrats will be SLAUGHTERED in the mid-terms

By all rights, you should be winning, as the party out of power always makes gains in midterms


Talk about low information voter. :)

You taken a gander at the special elections democrats have been winning in red districts and states?

Care to guess what all those democrat wins foretell for the midterms?


Sure....the same thing we've discussed already.

Polls swing toward one party with midterms on the horizon

Course, I don't pay much attention....after all Polls had President Clin....uh wannabe President Clinton ahead too.
By all rights, you should be winning, as the party out of power always makes gains in midterms


Talk about low information voter. :)

You taken a gander at the special elections democrats have been winning in red districts and states?

Care to guess what all those democrat wins foretell for the midterms?

My whipping boy making an appearance

Oh joy

He can use the force like this guy did:

Boy...he wasn't kidding when he said he'd be yelling through out the day.

Pick it up at 8:58.
What straw man, Comrade? :dunno: You were lying, and everyone here knew it.

See, you're not clever. deMS-13 have made marginal gains in a few local elections. The Americans still control 38 of 50 state legislatures, 33 governorships, and all three branches of the federal government. Despite the efforts of an advocacy press who is little more than propaganda for the deMS-13, you are set to LOSE seats in the Senate and continue your minority in the house.

When deMS-13 lose, America wins.
Lying? Moi?

Democrats flip 40th legislative race of Trump era, this time in New York

So for the third time I ask... how many seats have Republicans flipped since Trump became president?

Why are you so afraid to answer...?

Again, minor local races in urban areas.
Not all.

So again, why are you so afraid to answer?

4th time... How many seats have Republicans flipped since Trump became president?

Yeah, you're WINNING Comrade Fawn.

Republicans Now Control Record Number of State Legislative Chambers

Your article is from the last election. How have you fared since?

Why are you so afraid to answer?

5th time... How many seats have Republicans flipped since Trump became president?

So retard, the deMS-13 control most state legislatures? Is that your claim Comrade? :lmao:
The landscape is changing in favor of republicans
Great, then maybe you can answer the question ALL of your fellow yahoo righties have proven too scared to answer.....

How many seats have Republicans flipped since Trump became president?
Don't know nor do I care, dems are nowhere near taking back the thousand plus seats lost under Obama ; but it is normal for the party out of power to year election gains

I do know.l that tremendous money has been spent on the 40 seats dems have won

Republicans will be have at least 54 in the Senate and will maintain control of the House after the midterms

Would you care to wager on that?

"The thousand plus seats lost under Obama".....:71:
They seem to have forgotten both the roughly 600 seats Democrats gained in 2006 & 2008; and that politics is a pendulum which has been swinging back to the left since Trump became president.
By all rights, you should be winning, as the party out of power always makes gains in midterms

But Democrat leadership is hellbent on throwing that advantage away with mind boggling foolishness and poor choices

I am actually shocked to witness how poorly they are managing this opportunity

And that trend will continue. The wave that's coming is made up of non traditional candidates of suburban women, women of color, and vets running as Democrats. The majority of voters will be women, and young voters who have traditionally stayed home during midterm elections.

Elections are won in the margins by few votes in places that are usually unexpected. Just ask Trump. With the number of current members retiring, most of those seats will be picked up in those low percentage margins by a woman that is challenging the seat.

Elections both national, and state will start to see losses by Republicans in districts that have traditionally voted Republican since the early 90's. This has already started, and states like Texas and Georgia will probably turn blue by the end of the decade from 2020-2030. As the population demographic makes huge changes between now and 2040, this will accelerate, and more states in the south starting with Florida will be changing from red to blue also.

The job market will become even more technology driven, and college educated voters will continue leaning more and more Democratic, as the traditional fossil fuel driven petrochemical industry loses more and more influence, and universal healthcare, and issues like child care for all of those college educated techie moms becomes the issues of the day.
The Senate is up for grabs and even Republicans are getting nervous about holding the Senate. You could see anywhere from a 3 seat Democrat pickup to a 4 seat Republican pickup.

Pennsylvania and Michigan have Democrats with a double digit lead. No real challenge seems to be developing in Wisconsin. These states seem to be Democrat holds.

In Tennessee, Democrats convinced the only Democrat who could win a statewide race to run. Phil Bredeson is a moderate Democrat who left office with high approval ratings. This seat leans Democrat at the moment.

Then you have 5 Senate seats that are dead heats. 3 Democrat seats and 2 Republican seats.
Missouri - Thus far McCaskill is in a dead heat. Internal polls for the leading Republican candidate showed a dead tie. Also the Republican Governor's woes may be a problem.
North Dakota - One could get confused in this race. One candidate is talking about exploding deficits and the other says don't worry be happy. One would think it would be the Republican talking about the deficit. however in this state, Democrat Heitkamph is the one talking about exploding deficits while the Republican says don't worry about deficits.
Indiana - Another state that is a dead heat. Interestingly enough, both far right Republican Congressmen lost.
Arizona - A lot depends on who wins the primary. McSalley is the more moderate of the 3 Republicans running. Ward and Arpaio could split the crazy vote enough for her to win. A McSalley win leaves this in the tossup column. A Ward or Arpaio win puts this in the leaning Democrat column.
Nevada - A state which is held by a Republican in a state Clinton won. Heller dodged a primary but is in a competitive race with the Democrat running.

Then you have a group of states leaning Democrat.
Florida - The incumbent Nelson seems to be still popular enough to have small lead over the Republican Scott. Interestingly enough, Scott moved to the left by signing a gun control bill that had 2 non-controversial provisions with one controversial issue. The non-controversial parts was raising the age limit to purchase a rifle to 21 and banning bump stocks. The controversial part was taking guns from people who are deemed to be a danger to society.
Montana - For Tester this is a perpetual leaning Democrat state. He never wins by much but wins. Top drawer Republicans passed on a challenge. The state is not averse to splitting the ticket as in 2016 when they supported Trump by double digits but elected a moderate Democrat for Governor.
West Virginia - Mtanchin has been the moderate Democrat by supporting Republicans on some issues and Democrats on other issues. That could help him squeak by or he could lose.
Great, then maybe you can answer the question ALL of your fellow yahoo righties have proven too scared to answer.....

How many seats have Republicans flipped since Trump became president?
Don't know nor do I care, dems are nowhere near taking back the thousand plus seats lost under Obama ; but it is normal for the party out of power to year election gains

I do know.l that tremendous money has been spent on the 40 seats dems have won

Republicans will be have at least 54 in the Senate and will maintain control of the House after the midterms

Would you care to wager on that?

"The thousand plus seats lost under Obama".....:71:
They seem to have forgotten both the roughly 600 seats Democrats gained in 2006 & 2008; and that politics is a pendulum which has been swinging back to the left since Trump became president.
By all rights, you should be winning, as the party out of power always makes gains in midterms

But Democrat leadership is hellbent on throwing that advantage away with mind boggling foolishness and poor choices

I am actually shocked to witness how poorly they are managing this opportunity

And that trend will continue. The wave that's coming is made up of non traditional candidates of suburban women, women of color, and vets running as Democrats. The majority of voters will be women, and young voters who have traditionally stayed home during midterm elections.

Elections are won in the margins by few votes in places that are usually unexpected. Just ask Trump. With the number of current members retiring, most of those seats will be picked up in those low percentage margins by a woman that is challenging the seat.

Elections both national, and state will start to see losses by Republicans in districts that have traditionally voted Republican since the early 90's. This has already started, and states like Texas and Georgia will probably turn blue by the end of the decade from 2020-2030. As the population demographic makes huge changes between now and 2040, this will accelerate, and more states in the south starting with Florida will be changing from red to blue also.

The job market will become even more technology driven, and college educated voters will continue leaning more and more Democratic, as the traditional fossil fuel driven petrochemical industry loses more and more influence, and universal healthcare, and issues like child care for all of those college educated techie moms becomes the issues of the day.

There will be no blue wave

You are discounting the Trump rally affect

Trump plans to be engaged and his base will show up, couple that with the fact the dems are imploding, and you get republicans maintaining control
Democrats will be slaughtered in the mid-terms?

Somebody hasn’t been paying attention to these special elections democrats have been winning in republican districts and states..... preferring to huff the crap FOX News, Rush and Hannity been selling.

Huff away nutters, huff away. See y’all at the polls. :)
The landscape is changing in favor of republicans
Great, then maybe you can answer the question ALL of your fellow yahoo righties have proven too scared to answer.....

How many seats have Republicans flipped since Trump became president?
Don't know nor do I care, dems are nowhere near taking back the thousand plus seats lost under Obama ; but it is normal for the party out of power to year election gains

I do know.l that tremendous money has been spent on the 40 seats dems have won

Republicans will be have at least 54 in the Senate and will maintain control of the House after the midterms

Would you care to wager on that?
I’ve already explained why no sane person would ever accept a wager from a right winger. They never pay up. I’ve seen it too many times to ever be fooled otherwise.

Regardless of bullshit wagers, you’re talking out of both sides of your mouth now and even worse, offering no explanation for the opposing viewpoints.

On one hand, you say the opposition party normally gains seats; but on the other, you’re claiming the opposition party won’t gain seats in the Senate. Even though they already have. :cuckoo:

I suppose this could mean net seats......

Which can't be determined right now.
Shouldn’t you be posting that to nutjobs on the right who are claiming the Senate will be more Republican than it is now? :dunno:
Don't know nor do I care, dems are nowhere near taking back the thousand plus seats lost under Obama ; but it is normal for the party out of power to year election gains

I do know.l that tremendous money has been spent on the 40 seats dems have won

Republicans will be have at least 54 in the Senate and will maintain control of the House after the midterms

Would you care to wager on that?

"The thousand plus seats lost under Obama".....:71:
They seem to have forgotten both the roughly 600 seats Democrats gained in 2006 & 2008; and that politics is a pendulum which has been swinging back to the left since Trump became president.
By all rights, you should be winning, as the party out of power always makes gains in midterms

But Democrat leadership is hellbent on throwing that advantage away with mind boggling foolishness and poor choices

I am actually shocked to witness how poorly they are managing this opportunity

And that trend will continue. The wave that's coming is made up of non traditional candidates of suburban women, women of color, and vets running as Democrats. The majority of voters will be women, and young voters who have traditionally stayed home during midterm elections.

Elections are won in the margins by few votes in places that are usually unexpected. Just ask Trump. With the number of current members retiring, most of those seats will be picked up in those low percentage margins by a woman that is challenging the seat.

Elections both national, and state will start to see losses by Republicans in districts that have traditionally voted Republican since the early 90's. This has already started, and states like Texas and Georgia will probably turn blue by the end of the decade from 2020-2030. As the population demographic makes huge changes between now and 2040, this will accelerate, and more states in the south starting with Florida will be changing from red to blue also.

The job market will become even more technology driven, and college educated voters will continue leaning more and more Democratic, as the traditional fossil fuel driven petrochemical industry loses more and more influence, and universal healthcare, and issues like child care for all of those college educated techie moms becomes the issues of the day.

There will be no blue wave

You are discounting the Trump rally affect

Trump plans to be engaged and his base will show up, couple that with the fact the dems are imploding, and you get republicans maintaining control

The base is 33% tops. More than twice that many didn't vote at all in 2016. More than 7 million Trump voters, voted for Obama in 2012. There will be 36 million more voters who will have turned 18 that are motivated by the school shootings. More women are running for offices at every level than ever before by large margins. The number one issue in exit polling for the elections Democrats have won since 2016, is healthcare, and rising premiums and drug costs. Both of which Trump backtracked on. There are no favorable numbers for Republicans in any scenario, except for the Senate in which more Democrats seats are up for reelection. Given the fact Trump won by less than 80,000 votes in four swing districts, there are no favorable numbers for him winning reelection in 2020.
Once again, the media experts are missing the same thing they did in the 2016 elections - turnout to campaign rallies. The president continues to pack them in with overflowing crowds. Local candidates are doing the same in spite of Leftist Soros-paid "protestors." The same numbers will turn out to the polls in November. Gain seats in the Senate and increase the majority in the House will getting rid of a lot of RHINOs.

You are forgetting something. The data from actual elections shows that Democrats are energized. Trump held a rally in Alabama and nearby Florida yet that did not stop Democrats from winning in Alabama. Trump campaigned for Saccone in Pennsylvania 18. The Democrat won. RINOs generally come in suburban districts and suburban voters are causing problems for Republicans. In Virginia, The DC suburbs gave Northram a whopping 39 point advantage.
The Senate is up for grabs and even Republicans are getting nervous about holding the Senate. You could see anywhere from a 3 seat Democrat pickup to a 4 seat Republican pickup.

Pennsylvania and Michigan have Democrats with a double digit lead. No real challenge seems to be developing in Wisconsin. These states seem to be Democrat holds.

In Tennessee, Democrats convinced the only Democrat who could win a statewide race to run. Phil Bredeson is a moderate Democrat who left office with high approval ratings. This seat leans Democrat at the moment.

Then you have 5 Senate seats that are dead heats. 3 Democrat seats and 2 Republican seats.
Missouri - Thus far McCaskill is in a dead heat. Internal polls for the leading Republican candidate showed a dead tie. Also the Republican Governor's woes may be a problem.
North Dakota - One could get confused in this race. One candidate is talking about exploding deficits and the other says don't worry be happy. One would think it would be the Republican talking about the deficit. however in this state, Democrat Heitkamph is the one talking about exploding deficits while the Republican says don't worry about deficits.
Indiana - Another state that is a dead heat. Interestingly enough, both far right Republican Congressmen lost.
Arizona - A lot depends on who wins the primary. McSalley is the more moderate of the 3 Republicans running. Ward and Arpaio could split the crazy vote enough for her to win. A McSalley win leaves this in the tossup column. A Ward or Arpaio win puts this in the leaning Democrat column.
Nevada - A state which is held by a Republican in a state Clinton won. Heller dodged a primary but is in a competitive race with the Democrat running.

Then you have a group of states leaning Democrat.
Florida - The incumbent Nelson seems to be still popular enough to have small lead over the Republican Scott. Interestingly enough, Scott moved to the left by signing a gun control bill that had 2 non-controversial provisions with one controversial issue. The non-controversial parts was raising the age limit to purchase a rifle to 21 and banning bump stocks. The controversial part was taking guns from people who are deemed to be a danger to society.
Montana - For Tester this is a perpetual leaning Democrat state. He never wins by much but wins. Top drawer Republicans passed on a challenge. The state is not averse to splitting the ticket as in 2016 when they supported Trump by double digits but elected a moderate Democrat for Governor.
West Virginia - Mtanchin has been the moderate Democrat by supporting Republicans on some issues and Democrats on other issues. That could help him squeak by or he could lose.

Check the polls after half the Democrat leadership is arrested and charged with espionage, sedition and treason. You tried to overthrow the government
Anyone paying attention has known for a long time that the Republicans would retain the Senate, and will in fact gain seats. This has to do with the mix, which Senators are up for reelection. Highly unpopular Senators like Clair McKaskill face virtually certain defeat at constituents who utterly detest them.

But the HOUSE has been a different story - at least until now. All indications were that with the half-dozen Republicans retiring and effective demagoguery from the leftist press, that the democrats would easily take the house.

Two weeks ago I would have agreed that the Stalinists would retake the house. But what a difference two weeks makes. In that time, the Stalinist democrats have openly embraced and promoted a terrorist group, MS-13 who have a motto of "Murder, Rape, Control," and have supported Kim Jong Un.

If someone had invited me to write a fantasy script where the Stalinist democrats would utterly self-destruct, I couldn't do better than this. House minority leader Nancy Pelosi comes out and declares her love for MS-13, then follows on by declaring her loyalty to Kim Jong Un, the dude who wants to nuke America.

Okay, maybe all the LSD Pelosi did in the 60's (and last week) caught up with her. But it wasn't just Pelosi who is all terrorist coddling. The Stalinist democrat party in general is MS-13 loving Kim supporters.

At this point, I'm seriously wondering if the next house will be 395 to 5, in favor of the GOP.

"Stalinst Democrats" is that like "a spy" and "deep state"? Where are the links to back up your accusations?
We actually have a chance to make gains in the People's Republic of Kalifornia

Think about that for a minute

The situation Cali has more to do with tactical mistakes and a fractured electorate, but still...

A great read about how dems are screwing up on the left coast - California’s ‘Top Two’ Primary: Here’s How It All Works

The defense of MS-13 and Hamas will cost you as well

Democrats also seem to be content to not put forth a platform, not outside of WE HATE TRUMP

I think y'all get 10 to 18 seats in the House, but you SHOULD be able to flip control

Won't happen

Trump has you running in circles and acting stupid

You are the one acting stupid. Republicans never had a platform except we hate Obama. No one cares about what is happening in foreign policy. We could talk about how Republicans are kidnapping and terrorizing children. It is immoral.
The Senate is up for grabs and even Republicans are getting nervous about holding the Senate. You could see anywhere from a 3 seat Democrat pickup to a 4 seat Republican pickup.

Pennsylvania and Michigan have Democrats with a double digit lead. No real challenge seems to be developing in Wisconsin. These states seem to be Democrat holds.

In Tennessee, Democrats convinced the only Democrat who could win a statewide race to run. Phil Bredeson is a moderate Democrat who left office with high approval ratings. This seat leans Democrat at the moment.

Then you have 5 Senate seats that are dead heats. 3 Democrat seats and 2 Republican seats.
Missouri - Thus far McCaskill is in a dead heat. Internal polls for the leading Republican candidate showed a dead tie. Also the Republican Governor's woes may be a problem.
North Dakota - One could get confused in this race. One candidate is talking about exploding deficits and the other says don't worry be happy. One would think it would be the Republican talking about the deficit. however in this state, Democrat Heitkamph is the one talking about exploding deficits while the Republican says don't worry about deficits.
Indiana - Another state that is a dead heat. Interestingly enough, both far right Republican Congressmen lost.
Arizona - A lot depends on who wins the primary. McSalley is the more moderate of the 3 Republicans running. Ward and Arpaio could split the crazy vote enough for her to win. A McSalley win leaves this in the tossup column. A Ward or Arpaio win puts this in the leaning Democrat column.
Nevada - A state which is held by a Republican in a state Clinton won. Heller dodged a primary but is in a competitive race with the Democrat running.

Then you have a group of states leaning Democrat.
Florida - The incumbent Nelson seems to be still popular enough to have small lead over the Republican Scott. Interestingly enough, Scott moved to the left by signing a gun control bill that had 2 non-controversial provisions with one controversial issue. The non-controversial parts was raising the age limit to purchase a rifle to 21 and banning bump stocks. The controversial part was taking guns from people who are deemed to be a danger to society.
Montana - For Tester this is a perpetual leaning Democrat state. He never wins by much but wins. Top drawer Republicans passed on a challenge. The state is not averse to splitting the ticket as in 2016 when they supported Trump by double digits but elected a moderate Democrat for Governor.
West Virginia - Mtanchin has been the moderate Democrat by supporting Republicans on some issues and Democrats on other issues. That could help him squeak by or he could lose.

Check the polls after half the Democrat leadership is arrested and charged with espionage, sedition and treason. You tried to overthrow the government

Never going to happen. No one tried to overthrow any government and if you want to run on that, Democrats likely will control the House and Senate.
The Senate is up for grabs and even Republicans are getting nervous about holding the Senate. You could see anywhere from a 3 seat Democrat pickup to a 4 seat Republican pickup.

Pennsylvania and Michigan have Democrats with a double digit lead. No real challenge seems to be developing in Wisconsin. These states seem to be Democrat holds.

In Tennessee, Democrats convinced the only Democrat who could win a statewide race to run. Phil Bredeson is a moderate Democrat who left office with high approval ratings. This seat leans Democrat at the moment.

Then you have 5 Senate seats that are dead heats. 3 Democrat seats and 2 Republican seats.
Missouri - Thus far McCaskill is in a dead heat. Internal polls for the leading Republican candidate showed a dead tie. Also the Republican Governor's woes may be a problem.
North Dakota - One could get confused in this race. One candidate is talking about exploding deficits and the other says don't worry be happy. One would think it would be the Republican talking about the deficit. however in this state, Democrat Heitkamph is the one talking about exploding deficits while the Republican says don't worry about deficits.
Indiana - Another state that is a dead heat. Interestingly enough, both far right Republican Congressmen lost.
Arizona - A lot depends on who wins the primary. McSalley is the more moderate of the 3 Republicans running. Ward and Arpaio could split the crazy vote enough for her to win. A McSalley win leaves this in the tossup column. A Ward or Arpaio win puts this in the leaning Democrat column.
Nevada - A state which is held by a Republican in a state Clinton won. Heller dodged a primary but is in a competitive race with the Democrat running.

Then you have a group of states leaning Democrat.
Florida - The incumbent Nelson seems to be still popular enough to have small lead over the Republican Scott. Interestingly enough, Scott moved to the left by signing a gun control bill that had 2 non-controversial provisions with one controversial issue. The non-controversial parts was raising the age limit to purchase a rifle to 21 and banning bump stocks. The controversial part was taking guns from people who are deemed to be a danger to society.
Montana - For Tester this is a perpetual leaning Democrat state. He never wins by much but wins. Top drawer Republicans passed on a challenge. The state is not averse to splitting the ticket as in 2016 when they supported Trump by double digits but elected a moderate Democrat for Governor.
West Virginia - Mtanchin has been the moderate Democrat by supporting Republicans on some issues and Democrats on other issues. That could help him squeak by or he could lose.

Check the polls after half the Democrat leadership is arrested and charged with espionage, sedition and treason. You tried to overthrow the government

Never going to happen. No one tried to overthrow any government and if you want to run on that, Democrats likely will control the House and Senate.

Halper just magically appeared in the Trump campaign
But so far, one Senate seat was up for grabs in one of the reddest states in the country and even that one flipped blue. So one can only guess upon what delusions you suffer to think the right will flip three others?
So you are afraid to wager?

Can't say that I blame you for that

We screwed up in Alabama, but will get that seat back in 2020

Minimum of 3 seats net to republicans in the Senate in 2018

And we keep the House

The melts will be glorious to watch not as much fun as 2016, but glorious nonetheless

What part of, conservatives don’t pay up, don’t you understand?
Mueller set to release reports on Trump, obstruction and russian interference Trump peeing in his pant
The landscape is changing in favor of republicans
Great, then maybe you can answer the question ALL of your fellow yahoo righties have proven too scared to answer.....

How many seats have Republicans flipped since Trump became president?
Don't know nor do I care, dems are nowhere near taking back the thousand plus seats lost under Obama ; but it is normal for the party out of power to year election gains

I do know.l that tremendous money has been spent on the 40 seats dems have won

Republicans will be have at least 54 in the Senate and will maintain control of the House after the midterms

Would you care to wager on that?

"The thousand plus seats lost under Obama".....:71:
They seem to have forgotten both the roughly 600 seats Democrats gained in 2006 & 2008; and that politics is a pendulum which has been swinging back to the left since Trump became president.
By all rights, you should be winning, as the party out of power always makes gains in midterms

But Democrat leadership is hellbent on throwing that advantage away with mind boggling foolishness and poor choices

I am actually shocked to witness how poorly they are managing this opportunity
We are winning [so far] as we’ve flipped 40 seats and we haven’t even gotten to the mid-term elections yet.
The Senate is up for grabs and even Republicans are getting nervous about holding the Senate. You could see anywhere from a 3 seat Democrat pickup to a 4 seat Republican pickup.

Pennsylvania and Michigan have Democrats with a double digit lead. No real challenge seems to be developing in Wisconsin. These states seem to be Democrat holds.

In Tennessee, Democrats convinced the only Democrat who could win a statewide race to run. Phil Bredeson is a moderate Democrat who left office with high approval ratings. This seat leans Democrat at the moment.

Then you have 5 Senate seats that are dead heats. 3 Democrat seats and 2 Republican seats.
Missouri - Thus far McCaskill is in a dead heat. Internal polls for the leading Republican candidate showed a dead tie. Also the Republican Governor's woes may be a problem.
North Dakota - One could get confused in this race. One candidate is talking about exploding deficits and the other says don't worry be happy. One would think it would be the Republican talking about the deficit. however in this state, Democrat Heitkamph is the one talking about exploding deficits while the Republican says don't worry about deficits.
Indiana - Another state that is a dead heat. Interestingly enough, both far right Republican Congressmen lost.
Arizona - A lot depends on who wins the primary. McSalley is the more moderate of the 3 Republicans running. Ward and Arpaio could split the crazy vote enough for her to win. A McSalley win leaves this in the tossup column. A Ward or Arpaio win puts this in the leaning Democrat column.
Nevada - A state which is held by a Republican in a state Clinton won. Heller dodged a primary but is in a competitive race with the Democrat running.

Then you have a group of states leaning Democrat.
Florida - The incumbent Nelson seems to be still popular enough to have small lead over the Republican Scott. Interestingly enough, Scott moved to the left by signing a gun control bill that had 2 non-controversial provisions with one controversial issue. The non-controversial parts was raising the age limit to purchase a rifle to 21 and banning bump stocks. The controversial part was taking guns from people who are deemed to be a danger to society.
Montana - For Tester this is a perpetual leaning Democrat state. He never wins by much but wins. Top drawer Republicans passed on a challenge. The state is not averse to splitting the ticket as in 2016 when they supported Trump by double digits but elected a moderate Democrat for Governor.
West Virginia - Mtanchin has been the moderate Democrat by supporting Republicans on some issues and Democrats on other issues. That could help him squeak by or he could lose.

Check the polls after half the Democrat leadership is arrested and charged with espionage, sedition and treason. You tried to overthrow the government

Never going to happen. No one tried to overthrow any government and if you want to run on that, Democrats likely will control the House and Senate.
I'd be happy with the house and enough repub senators to get 67% to impeach the POS
By all rights, you should be winning, as the party out of power always makes gains in midterms


Talk about low information voter. :)

You taken a gander at the special elections democrats have been winning in red districts and states?

Care to guess what all those democrat wins foretell for the midterms?


Sure....the same thing we've discussed already.

Polls swing toward one party with midterms on the horizon

Course, I don't pay much attention....after all Polls had President Clin....uh wannabe President Clinton ahead too.
Lemme me see if I’ve got this right.... you’re actually referring to polls in the same post you say polls are unreliable? :eusa_doh:

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