democrats will be SLAUGHTERED in the mid-terms

THE ONLY reason I want democrats to win big at this point is to see the babyrage of Trump supporters and republican bootlickers like the OP. God would that be glorious ...

That and because you're a Stalinist traitor who seeks to crush America in favor of a Marxist dictatorship... :thup:

How do you figure?

By reading your posts, Comrade.

You're just a little left of Mao.

Lmao! Okay then ...
THE ONLY reason I want democrats to win big at this point is to see the babyrage of Trump supporters and republican bootlickers like the OP. God would that be glorious ...

That and because you're a Stalinist traitor who seeks to crush America in favor of a Marxist dictatorship... :thup:

How do you figure?

By reading your posts, Comrade.

You're just a little left of Mao.

Lmao! Okay then ...

Oh, let me guess; you're a "Real Republican" who knows that embracing socialism and ending civil rights is true conservatism. Amirite...
THE ONLY reason I want democrats to win big at this point is to see the babyrage of Trump supporters and republican bootlickers like the OP. God would that be glorious ...

That and because you're a Stalinist traitor who seeks to crush America in favor of a Marxist dictatorship... :thup:

How do you figure?

By reading your posts, Comrade.

You're just a little left of Mao.

Lmao! Okay then ...

Oh, let me guess; you're a "Real Republican" who knows that embracing socialism and ending civil rights is true conservatism. Amirite...

Nope. I don't subscribe to brainwashing from either party. They both disgust and repulse me. Like most of my generation.
That and because you're a Stalinist traitor who seeks to crush America in favor of a Marxist dictatorship... :thup:

How do you figure?

By reading your posts, Comrade.

You're just a little left of Mao.

Lmao! Okay then ...

Oh, let me guess; you're a "Real Republican" who knows that embracing socialism and ending civil rights is true conservatism. Amirite...

Nope. I don't subscribe to brainwashing from either party. They both disgust and repulse me. Like most of my generation.

No doubt there is a safe space for you to take refuge in whilst you contemplate how to end the 2nd Amendment...
Once again, the media experts are missing the same thing they did in the 2016 elections - turnout to campaign rallies. The president continues to pack them in with overflowing crowds. Local candidates are doing the same in spite of Leftist Soros-paid "protestors." The same numbers will turn out to the polls in November. Gain seats in the Senate and increase the majority in the House will getting rid of a lot of RHINOs.
That and because you're a Stalinist traitor who seeks to crush America in favor of a Marxist dictatorship... :thup:

How do you figure?

By reading your posts, Comrade.

You're just a little left of Mao.

Lmao! Okay then ...

Oh, let me guess; you're a "Real Republican" who knows that embracing socialism and ending civil rights is true conservatism. Amirite...

Nope. I don't subscribe to brainwashing from either party. They both disgust and repulse me. Like most of my generation.

Let me guess - millennial?

And they let you on USMB in your safe space...what's up with that?
How do you figure?

By reading your posts, Comrade.

You're just a little left of Mao.

Lmao! Okay then ...

Oh, let me guess; you're a "Real Republican" who knows that embracing socialism and ending civil rights is true conservatism. Amirite...

Nope. I don't subscribe to brainwashing from either party. They both disgust and repulse me. Like most of my generation.

Let me guess - millennial?

And they let you on USMB in your safe space...what's up with that?

Got a problem with Millennials? Must suck for you to know that we'll be replacing you soon, huh? Haha.
Republicans will maintain control of the House, pick up seats in the Senate and Trump will still be President.

The economy will continue to improve, the US will be stronger, the welfare state will be smaller and we will stop many of these illegals assholes from flooding into the country.

The stupid Moon Bats will still be shedding their Liberal Tears, marching around in their silly pink pussy hats, howling at the sky and generally being assholes.

Then the stupid Moon Bats will be telling us that Indian Princess Liesalot will beat Trump by a landslide in 2020.
silly pink pussy hats,


Indian Princess Liesalot

have you seen this fantastic billboard one of her opponents has been using?

By reading your posts, Comrade.

You're just a little left of Mao.

Lmao! Okay then ...

Oh, let me guess; you're a "Real Republican" who knows that embracing socialism and ending civil rights is true conservatism. Amirite...

Nope. I don't subscribe to brainwashing from either party. They both disgust and repulse me. Like most of my generation.

Let me guess - millennial?

And they let you on USMB in your safe space...what's up with that?

Got a problem with Millennials? Must suck for you to know that we'll be replacing you soon, huh? Haha.

You're VEAL. That means you are a form of Beta Human Prey.

Good luck with that.
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Anyone paying attention has known for a long time that the Republicans would retain the Senate, and will in fact gain seats. This has to do with the mix, which Senators are up for reelection. Highly unpopular Senators like Clair McKaskill face virtually certain defeat at constituents who utterly detest them.

But the HOUSE has been a different story - at least until now. All indications were that with the half-dozen Republicans retiring and effective demagoguery from the leftist press, that the democrats would easily take the house.

Two weeks ago I would have agreed that the Stalinists would retake the house. But what a difference two weeks makes. In that time, the Stalinist democrats have openly embraced and promoted a terrorist group, MS-13 who have a motto of "Murder, Rape, Control," and have supported Kim Jong Un.

If someone had invited me to write a fantasy script where the Stalinist democrats would utterly self-destruct, I couldn't do better than this. House minority leader Nancy Pelosi comes out and declares her love for MS-13, then follows on by declaring her loyalty to Kim Jong Un, the dude who wants to nuke America.

Okay, maybe all the LSD Pelosi did in the 60's (and last week) caught up with her. But it wasn't just Pelosi who is all terrorist coddling. The Stalinist democrat party in general is MS-13 loving Kim supporters.

At this point, I'm seriously wondering if the next house will be 395 to 5, in favor of the GOP.
This is a thread worth bumping to make sure it doesn't fade away.

You want Trump supporters to man up like you manned up to your blue wave predictions in 2016, right?
Absolutely. But Manning up isn't a trumpanzee trait...whining and playing the victim is.
Lmao! Okay then ...

Oh, let me guess; you're a "Real Republican" who knows that embracing socialism and ending civil rights is true conservatism. Amirite...

Nope. I don't subscribe to brainwashing from either party. They both disgust and repulse me. Like most of my generation.

Let me guess - millennial?

And they let you on USMB in your safe space...what's up with that?

Got a problem with Millennials? Must suck for you to know that we'll be replacing you soon, huh? Haha.

You're VEAL. That means you are a form of Beta Human Prey.

Good luck with that.

Okay old-timer. Whatever that means. Stay bitter and mad.
Anyone paying attention has known for a long time that the Republicans would retain the Senate, and will in fact gain seats. This has to do with the mix, which Senators are up for reelection. Highly unpopular Senators like Clair McKaskill face virtually certain defeat at constituents who utterly detest them.

But the HOUSE has been a different story - at least until now. All indications were that with the half-dozen Republicans retiring and effective demagoguery from the leftist press, that the democrats would easily take the house.

Two weeks ago I would have agreed that the Stalinists would retake the house. But what a difference two weeks makes. In that time, the Stalinist democrats have openly embraced and promoted a terrorist group, MS-13 who have a motto of "Murder, Rape, Control," and have supported Kim Jong Un.

If someone had invited me to write a fantasy script where the Stalinist democrats would utterly self-destruct, I couldn't do better than this. House minority leader Nancy Pelosi comes out and declares her love for MS-13, then follows on by declaring her loyalty to Kim Jong Un, the dude who wants to nuke America.

Okay, maybe all the LSD Pelosi did in the 60's (and last week) caught up with her. But it wasn't just Pelosi who is all terrorist coddling. The Stalinist democrat party in general is MS-13 loving Kim supporters.

At this point, I'm seriously wondering if the next house will be 395 to 5, in favor of the GOP.
This is a thread worth bumping to make sure it doesn't fade away.

You want Trump supporters to man up like you manned up to your blue wave predictions in 2016, right?
Absolutely. But Manning up isn't a trumpanzee trait...whining and playing the victim is.

You're the one lying on the floor with your face puckered up, honey.

Interesting you say that though since Trump supporters haven't had anything they have to admit to yet even if you do end up right about 2018. So your whining and victim crap is just you being an ass. Right now the score is still Trump supporters - 1, you - 0.

Let's recall that day, it was wonderful. Sure we got Trump. But we didn't get Hillary. Since this is the only contest between you and Trump so far, show me the part where it's the Trump supporters whining and playing the victim.

Oh wait, that was you ...
Oh, let me guess; you're a "Real Republican" who knows that embracing socialism and ending civil rights is true conservatism. Amirite...

Nope. I don't subscribe to brainwashing from either party. They both disgust and repulse me. Like most of my generation.

Let me guess - millennial?

And they let you on USMB in your safe space...what's up with that?

Got a problem with Millennials? Must suck for you to know that we'll be replacing you soon, huh? Haha.

You're VEAL. That means you are a form of Beta Human Prey.

Good luck with that.

Okay old-timer. Whatever that means. Stay bitter and mad.

Poor little veal. Have your folks filed an eviction notice to get you out of their house yet?
40 Republican seats Comrade? Wow, that sounds bad. What states were these 40 Republican Congressmen from? :dunno:
Rather than make up strawmen, why not simply answer my question? How many seats have Republicans flipped since Trump was sworn in?

What straw man, Comrade? :dunno: You were lying, and everyone here knew it.

See, you're not clever. deMS-13 have made marginal gains in a few local elections. The Americans still control 38 of 50 state legislatures, 33 governorships, and all three branches of the federal government. Despite the efforts of an advocacy press who is little more than propaganda for the deMS-13, you are set to LOSE seats in the Senate and continue your minority in the house.

When deMS-13 lose, America wins.
Lying? Moi?

Democrats flip 40th legislative race of Trump era, this time in New York

So for the third time I ask... how many seats have Republicans flipped since Trump became president?

Why are you so afraid to answer...?

Again, minor local races in urban areas.
Not all.

So again, why are you so afraid to answer?

4th time... How many seats have Republicans flipped since Trump became president?

None...of which I am aware.
Rather than make up strawmen, why not simply answer my question? How many seats have Republicans flipped since Trump was sworn in?

What straw man, Comrade? :dunno: You were lying, and everyone here knew it.

See, you're not clever. deMS-13 have made marginal gains in a few local elections. The Americans still control 38 of 50 state legislatures, 33 governorships, and all three branches of the federal government. Despite the efforts of an advocacy press who is little more than propaganda for the deMS-13, you are set to LOSE seats in the Senate and continue your minority in the house.

When deMS-13 lose, America wins.
Lying? Moi?

Democrats flip 40th legislative race of Trump era, this time in New York

So for the third time I ask... how many seats have Republicans flipped since Trump became president?

Why are you so afraid to answer...?

Again, minor local races in urban areas.
Not all.

So again, why are you so afraid to answer?

4th time... How many seats have Republicans flipped since Trump became president?

Yeah, you're WINNING Comrade Fawn.

Republicans Now Control Record Number of State Legislative Chambers

Your article is from the last election. How have you fared since?

Why are you so afraid to answer?

5th time... How many seats have Republicans flipped since Trump became president?
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Democrats will be slaughtered in the mid-terms?

Somebody hasn’t been paying attention to these special elections democrats have been winning in republican districts and states..... preferring to huff the crap FOX News, Rush and Hannity been selling.

Huff away nutters, huff away. See y’all at the polls. :)
The landscape is changing in favor of republicans
Great, then maybe you can answer the question ALL of your fellow yahoo righties have proven too scared to answer.....

How many seats have Republicans flipped since Trump became president?

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