democrats will be SLAUGHTERED in the mid-terms

Maybe renunciation is too difficult a word for you.

And difficult means hard just fyi.:)

How about abandon Trump? Maybe dispense with. Or forgo. How about relinquish?

You willing to all of the above Trump as part of your bet?

chortle :)
what do you mean "renunciation"

are you implying he will be impeached?

What part of “renunciation of Trump” did you not understand?

Don’t try to add on, discern or imply what I meant beyond what I post.


You willing to wager that? :)
I asked a question, I can see that this is really difficult for you

your assertion that I am implying anything from what you say or attempting to put words in your mouth is silly

did you mean impeachment? I will be more clear in my question - do you mean that the "renunciation of Trump" will lead to dems taking control of the House of Representatives?

do you think dems will take control of the Senate?

do you mean that so many people hate Trump that there will be a blue wave?

it really does not matter what you mean - the wholesale takeover of government at the federal, state & local level is not going to happen

I do not believe that democrats will take back the 1000 + seats they lost during Obama's term

I do not think the dems will take control of the House

I do believe that republicans will walk away with a larger majority in the Senate

and I have already made it clear that I am willing to wager on that
They will take the house, but hell will freeze over if the Democrats take the Senate this year..

They won't take the house, not now.

The Stalinist pigs were already dropping like a stone. Now with them openly promoting violent street gangs who have a motto to "Murder, Rape, Control," the chance of these evil scum taking the house is literally zero.

Take "basket full of deplorables," multiply by ten million, and you have the deMS-13 support of this terrorist gang.
Democrats have already flipped more than 40 Republican seats since Trump became president.

How many have Republicans flipped? :badgrin:

40 Republican seats Comrade? Wow, that sounds bad. What states were these 40 Republican Congressmen from? :dunno:
Rather than make up strawmen, why not simply answer my question? How many seats have Republicans flipped since Trump was sworn in?

What straw man, Comrade? :dunno: You were lying, and everyone here knew it.

See, you're not clever. deMS-13 have made marginal gains in a few local elections. The Americans still control 38 of 50 state legislatures, 33 governorships, and all three branches of the federal government. Despite the efforts of an advocacy press who is little more than propaganda for the deMS-13, you are set to LOSE seats in the Senate and continue your minority in the house.

When deMS-13 lose, America wins.

You also had the elections in 2017. Democrats won by larger margins than the polls suggested. The Republican super-majority in the Virginia House of Delegates is 1 seat thanks to a crooked judge.
I asked a question, I can see that this is really difficult for you

your assertion that I am implying anything from what you say or attempting to put words in your mouth is silly

did you mean impeachment? I will be more clear in my question - do you mean that the "renunciation of Trump" will lead to dems taking control of the House of Representatives?


I asked a question, I can see that this is really difficult for you

your assertion that I am implying anything from what you say or attempting to put words in your mouth is silly

did you mean impeachment? I will be more clear in my question - do you mean that the "renunciation of Trump" will lead to dems taking control of the House of Representatives?


you seem hellbent on proving to this forum that you are not all that bright

please explain to the class how asking for clarification about your statement constitutes putting words in your mouth, or "adding on"

my follow up statement is not an "implication" of your meaning either; it was a follow up question
Anyone paying attention has known for a long time that the Republicans would retain the Senate, and will in fact gain seats. This has to do with the mix, which Senators are up for reelection. Highly unpopular Senators like Clair McKaskill face virtually certain defeat at constituents who utterly detest them.

But the HOUSE has been a different story - at least until now. All indications were that with the half-dozen Republicans retiring and effective demagoguery from the leftist press, that the democrats would easily take the house.

Two weeks ago I would have agreed that the Stalinists would retake the house. But what a difference two weeks makes. In that time, the Stalinist democrats have openly embraced and promoted a terrorist group, MS-13 who have a motto of "Murder, Rape, Control," and have supported Kim Jong Un.

If someone had invited me to write a fantasy script where the Stalinist democrats would utterly self-destruct, I couldn't do better than this. House minority leader Nancy Pelosi comes out and declares her love for MS-13, then follows on by declaring her loyalty to Kim Jong Un, the dude who wants to nuke America.

Okay, maybe all the LSD Pelosi did in the 60's (and last week) caught up with her. But it wasn't just Pelosi who is all terrorist coddling. The Stalinist democrat party in general is MS-13 loving Kim supporters.

At this point, I'm seriously wondering if the next house will be 395 to 5, in favor of the GOP.
This is a thread worth bumping to make sure it doesn't fade away.

You want Trump supporters to man up like you manned up to your blue wave predictions in 2016, right?
Maybe renunciation is too difficult a word for you.

And difficult means hard just fyi.:)

How about abandon Trump? Maybe dispense with. Or forgo. How about relinquish?

You willing to all of the above Trump as part of your bet?

chortle :)

how about

you do not know what the fck you are talking about

no one is " abandoning" Trump ya jackass

he is picking up more cross overs every day
please explain to the class how asking for clarification about your statement constitutes putting words in your mouth, or "adding on"

Right after you explain how “renunciation of Trump” trips you up.


THE ONLY reason I want democrats to win big at this point is to see the babyrage of Trump supporters and republican bootlickers like the OP. God would that be glorious ...
The opposition usually does well in these Elections. So i think the Dems will make some gains. But will it be the 'Blue Wave Landslide' they're boasting about? I'm not so sure. And remember, Democrats have invested everything in their 'Trump Collusion' farce. If that doesn't pay off for them bigtime, they're in serious trouble. Trump will have score another YUGE victory over em. But overall, i think the Dems will make some gains. I hate to say that, but it is likely to happen.
Democrats will be slaughtered in the mid-terms?

Somebody hasn’t been paying attention to these special elections democrats have been winning in republican districts and states..... preferring to huff the crap FOX News, Rush and Hannity been selling.

Huff away nutters, huff away. See y’all at the polls. :)

Herpaderpderpity derp Comrade.

Democrats will be slaughtered in the mid-terms?

Somebody hasn’t been paying attention to these special elections democrats have been winning in republican districts and states..... preferring to huff the crap FOX News, Rush and Hannity been selling.

Huff away nutters, huff away. See y’all at the polls. :)
The landscape is changing in favor of republicans

Generic ballot polls showed dems with a substantial lead, as much as 14 points, just a few short months ago

Those same polls have republicans either tied or with a lead as high as 6 points

And polls almost always over sample democrats

So, yeah - I look forward to seeing you at the ballot box


Hey, but the open support for the MS-13 terrorists will ensure that "blue wave" washes America away.... :lmao:
The landscape is changing in favor of republicans

The outcome of those special elections and democrat turnout say otherwise.

Don’t believe everything you read in the mainstream media. It’s just click bait for deep state frothing fools.


Da Comrade, glorious deMS-13 will DOMINATE and CRUSH the Americans...

The opposition usually does well in these Elections. So i think the Dems will make some gains. But will it be the 'Blue Wave Landslide' they're boasting about? I'm not so sure. And remember, Democrats have invested everything in their 'Trump Collusion' farce. If that doesn't pay off for them bigtime, they're in serious trouble. Trump will have score another YUGE victory over em. But overall, i think the Dems will make some gains. I hate to say that, but it is likely to happen.
somewhere between 10 - 16 seats in the House is likely

they will lose seats in the Senate, a minimum of 3
History says the minority party will win. This will be a huge defeat for the Democrats if they don't at least take the House or the Senate.

Three weeks ago they would have taken the house.

But revelations of Obama spying to rig the election, coupled with the support and promotion of the most violent gang in America by the deMS-13 changed everything.

Basically Pelosi put on a suicide vest and detonated it in her own barracks.

Hey, but the open support for the MS-13 terrorists will ensure that "blue wave" washes America away.... :lmao:
that is just one thing, but is a pretty big one

the fact that they have next to no policy initiatives is also killing them

also - look for Black Lives Matter & other SJW protests at NFL games this fall

they are determined to double down on the stupidity that is losing elections for them
The opposition usually does well in these Elections. So i think the Dems will make some gains. But will it be the 'Blue Wave Landslide' they're boasting about? I'm not so sure. And remember, Democrats have invested everything in their 'Trump Collusion' farce. If that doesn't pay off for them bigtime, they're in serious trouble. Trump will have score another YUGE victory over em. But overall, i think the Dems will make some gains. I hate to say that, but it is likely to happen.
somewhere between 10 - 16 seats in the House is likely

they will lose seats in the Senate, a minimum of 3

My prediction is that the GOP ends up with 56 Senate seats. This is based on which seats are up for grabs. The GOP will retain the house as well.
Maybe renunciation is too difficult a word for you.

And difficult means hard just fyi.:)

How about abandon Trump? Maybe dispense with. Or forgo. How about relinquish?

You willing to all of the above Trump as part of your bet?

chortle :)

Are you willing to become a loyal American? To support the Constitution and forgo treason? To stop agitating for a Stalinist dictatorship?

Didn't think so.
My prediction is that the GOP ends up with 56 Senate seats. This is based on which seats are up for grabs. The GOP will retain the house as well.
sounds about right, but 57 is a real possibility

super majority (60 seats) is unfortunately probably a pipe dream

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