Democrats will have their work cut out for them after we get rid of this blight on our history.


Gold Member
Aug 2, 2016
Every bill or Idea that came from the rights leader Scum bag, has to be totally dumped to regain the values and greatness of this country. I would think there will only be three stamps necessary and made to expedite this finalization of the worst president in our history. The stamps will be "anti American" "hate driven" and simply "stupid" .That will cover all the bases needed to get rid of this stain on the honor and record of this Great country. Then we get to enjoy the process of this monster spending the rest of his life in courts or in jail/
Every bill or Idea that came from the rights leader Scum bag, has to be totally dumped to regain the values and greatness of this country. I would think there will only be three stamps necessary and made to expedite this finalization of the worst president in our history. The stamps will be "anti American" "hate driven" and simply "stupid" .That will cover all the bases needed to get rid of this stain on the honor and record of this Great country. Then we get to enjoy the process of this monster spending the rest of his life in courts or in jail/
We also need to get rid of all the unqualified partisan nut-jobs he put on various courts.
You got to know when to hold them, know when fold them, and seriously know when to walk away.

Too late, you are already all in.;)
Every bill or Idea that came from the rights leader Scum bag, has to be totally dumped to regain the values and greatness of this country. I would think there will only be three stamps necessary and made to expedite this finalization of the worst president in our history. The stamps will be "anti American" "hate driven" and simply "stupid" .That will cover all the bases needed to get rid of this stain on the honor and record of this Great country. Then we get to enjoy the process of this monster spending the rest of his life in courts or in jail/

So exciting!
Every bill or Idea that came from the rights leader Scum bag, has to be totally dumped to regain the values and greatness of this country. I would think there will only be three stamps necessary and made to expedite this finalization of the worst president in our history. The stamps will be "anti American" "hate driven" and simply "stupid" .That will cover all the bases needed to get rid of this stain on the honor and record of this Great country. Then we get to enjoy the process of this monster spending the rest of his life in courts or in jail/

Does that mean we get rid of all the ideas that have given us historically low levels of unemployment? Just curious, Jbander…which Democrat do you see as having the answers to our country's problems? Or are you so fixated on hating Trump that you haven't noticed the "clown car" posse that is the Democratic Party's candidates this time around?
Every bill or Idea that came from the rights leader Scum bag, has to be totally dumped to regain the values and greatness of this country. I would think there will only be three stamps necessary and made to expedite this finalization of the worst president in our history. The stamps will be "anti American" "hate driven" and simply "stupid" .That will cover all the bases needed to get rid of this stain on the honor and record of this Great country. Then we get to enjoy the process of this monster spending the rest of his life in courts or in jail/
Wow!! That's just what the right said about Obama......... Ain't that funny!! Too semi steal a line from Will Rodgers;
I don't make jokes, I just watch the partisan hacks and report the facts......... :thup:
How come stupid is displayed with the American flag behind it or a picture of the constitution or other symbol of this great nation. Stupid doesn't deserve these symbols. Why do the worst of us seem to think that their ugliness and stupidity should be back dropped with this countries great symbols. We will add that Jesus is not the backdrop for the hate of this country. They don't deserve or get either symbol ,while they are taking us to their land of all things ugly and hateful. It makes me sick
Every bill or Idea that came from the rights leader Scum bag, has to be totally dumped to regain the values and greatness of this country. I would think there will only be three stamps necessary and made to expedite this finalization of the worst president in our history. The stamps will be "anti American" "hate driven" and simply "stupid" .That will cover all the bases needed to get rid of this stain on the honor and record of this Great country. Then we get to enjoy the process of this monster spending the rest of his life in courts or in jail/
Wow!! That's just what the right said about Obama......... Ain't that funny!! Too semi steal a line from Will Rodgers;
I don't make jokes, I just watch the partisan hacks and report the facts......... :thup:
I'll be darned, I knew I heard that someplace before. Guess I'm just a copy cat.
How come stupid is displayed with the American flag behind it or a picture of the constitution or other symbol of this great nation. Stupid doesn't deserve these symbols. Why do the worst of us seem to think that their ugliness and stupidity should be back dropped with this countries great symbols. We will add that Jesus is not the backdrop for the hate of this country. They don't deserve or get either symbol ,while they are taking us to their land of all things ugly and hateful. It makes me sick

How come stupid is displayed with the American flag behind it or a picture of the constitution or other symbol of this great nation.

Something must be wrong with my screen...

I see NONE of that attached to your stupid post.
Every bill or Idea that came from the rights leader Scum bag, has to be totally dumped to regain the values and greatness of this country. I would think there will only be three stamps necessary and made to expedite this finalization of the worst president in our history. The stamps will be "anti American" "hate driven" and simply "stupid" .That will cover all the bases needed to get rid of this stain on the honor and record of this Great country. Then we get to enjoy the process of this monster spending the rest of his life in courts or in jail/

Yeah well, if that party of yours don't get they's shit together, you'll just get another Trump, perhaps a more competent version next time. Selling out the working class over the past half century was a cuckbitch move to we the people, we already had one party doing that "for us". So is "super delegates", nothing but rigged corruption. And the DNC's "legal team" stated in court that it has no legal (we don't bother with moral in america any longer) obligation to honor the will of the primary voters come the general election. Do we need to get into endless economically cannibalizing wars? Obama took Bush's 2 to 7, all unconstitutionally; the "Peace Prize" winner who also presided over border concentration camps, ran out of bombs in Syria we were handing military contractors funding so rapidly, and targeted an american citizen for assassination. "Don is bad" ain't gonna cut it, just like last time, everyone already knew. That's how bad your fuggin' party was.

Wanna really take a stand against corruption and do the will of the people?


Show me.
I notice that Jbander didn't have a response when I asked which Democratic candidate has the answers to our nation's problems. It's all well and good to hate someone and demand their removal but if you really want anyone to take you seriously...YOU HAVE TO HAVE A VIABLE ALTERNATIVE!!!
Obama has already been ALMOST erased from history...give president Trump a little more time & that blight will be gone forever!

(Whew! I can't imagine the stench he left in the white house...poor president Trump!)
Obama will live on in the minds of white supremacists for generations.
Whether or not Trump is impeached. Whether or not he is reelected. Democommiecrats will NEVER be forgiven for the damage they have done. They will be obstructed, stopped and stymied in every act. Not only in politics but everything needs sabotage.
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Obama has already been ALMOST erased from history...give president Trump a little more time & that blight will be gone forever!

(Whew! I can't imagine the stench he left in the white house...poor president Trump!)
Why do you think the white house was closed for 17 days before Trump was able to even go in?
Whether or not Trump is impeached. Whether or not he is reelected. Democommiecrats will NEVER be forgiven for the damage they have done. They will be obstructed, stopped and stymied in every act. Not only in politics but everything needs sabotage.
Bwa ha ha ha ha ha, I still say Osama won when I hear batshitcraycraycrap like this. He made america as batshit crazy as the fundamentalist middle east.
Obama has already been ALMOST erased from history...give president Trump a little more time & that blight will be gone forever!

(Whew! I can't imagine the stench he left in the white house...poor president Trump!)
Obama will live on in the minds of white supremacists for generations.
Let it go lol
Can you?
No way he sucked
Obama will live on in the minds of white supremacists for generations.


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