Democrats will try to approve $2,000 direct checks

Nancy Pelosi agrees with Donald Trump's support for $2000 for each American as part of coronavirus relief.
Of course, Republicans and Congress will block it while Democrats will vote for it unanimously..
Meanwhile, conservatives in message boards are extremely confused because they don't want to stop pretending to be fiscal conservatives, but at the same time they don't want to disagree with their cult leader Donald Trump.
Trump will veto the $2K bill as well if Piglosi doesn't pull her BS pork out of it.
Nancy Pelosi agrees with Donald Trump's support for $2000 for each American as part of coronavirus relief.
Of course, Republicans and Congress will block it while Democrats will vote for it unanimously..
Meanwhile, conservatives in message boards are extremely confused because they don't want to stop pretending to be fiscal conservatives, but at the same time they don't want to disagree with their cult leader Donald Trump.

Well, all she has to do to make it happen is to cut some of the ridiculous pork that has nothing to do with Covid out of the bill. As much as your ignorant ass wants to pretend that the direct payments to individuals is the problem for Republicans, reality contradicts you totally - much as it does every time you flap your gums and let noise come out.
Nancy Pelosi agrees with Donald Trump's support for $2000 for each American as part of coronavirus relief.
Of course, Republicans and Congress will block it while Democrats will vote for it unanimously..
Meanwhile, conservatives in message boards are extremely confused because they don't want to stop pretending to be fiscal conservatives, but at the same time they don't want to disagree with their cult leader Donald Trump.
I‘m not confused

I am against stimulus checks of any amount

Normally, I am too. However, I see this much more as the government paying reparations for the incredible harm they've done to people with their inanity.
We need more to go to the families of illegals...they were only going to get $1800 per person. :auiqs.jpg:

They need at least 5 grand, right?
If left up to Pelosi and her rat pack, this is what woud happen along with the elimination of vestiges of voter ID. Hopefully, Trump will be inaugurated, and voter ID will be installed in all 50 states, with proof of CITIZENSHIP REQUIRED.

OMG! YOU ARE SO RACIST! ID to vote??!!
/——/ Racist airlines make you show ID to fly.
Baring someone without ID from traveling is unconstitutional & against natural law!
Can anyone explain why we need this cash at all? How about get a job if you're hurting? there are tons of openings.

All this aims to do to is weaken & control us.

And let's not pretend Demonicrats are for small business, they showed their hands in the 90s including every POTUS and congress since, excluding Trump.

Tons of jobs? Not in the places that also have the highest unemployment and the most people hurt by all this unending lockdown nonsense. Do you really expect people who have already been unable to work for months to be able to pick up and move?

And in the meantime, you really don't think the government owes those people anything for putting them in this position in the first place? You really think this is something that can be dismissed with an airy, "You should just handle it"?
Cut the pork
We're trying but he is refusing to concede.
Lol, why did "the pork" get in to begin with?
The point is that Dump did nothing but feed off the Swamp. And offer more slop to those whom he favored.
^^Lying sack. Trump didn't write it.
oh fuck u in your ass. Asshole. Trump assaulted protesters with troops. May Christ grant you a soul

May he grant you a brain, so you can figure out that your ignorance and gullibility aren't virtues.
I just tell them that I don't have an ID. I do, but I tell them that anyway. Pretty much everyone requesting an ID from you doesn't have that authority.

Then I tell them that I am who I say I am. I go on through.
Can anyone explain why we need this cash at all? How about get a job if you're hurting? there are tons of openings.

All this aims to do to is weaken & control us.

And let's not pretend Demonicrats are for small business, they showed their hands in the 90s including every POTUS and congress since, excluding Trump.

Tons of jobs? Not in the places that also have the highest unemployment and the most people hurt by all this unending lockdown nonsense. Do you really expect people who have already been unable to work for months to be able to pick up and move?

And in the meantime, you really don't think the government owes those people anything for putting them in this position in the first place? You really think this is something that can be dismissed with an airy, "You should just handle it"?

Don't get a job then, wait for someone to fix it for you, nice. An entitlement of sorts.

You're naïve to believe the government intends to square anything up. I'm interested to know your opinion on how the govt. put us into this position in the first place.
Cut the pork
Exactly. And that, they will never do. To be fair, neither will Republicans. That's the swamp that needs draining. If Trump had started vetoing pork bills out of the gate, instead of merely threatening to, after he was voted out of office, he might have earned my support.
Nancy Pelosi agrees with Donald Trump's support for $2000 for each American as part of coronavirus relief.
Of course, Republicans and Congress will block it while Democrats will vote for it unanimously..
Meanwhile, conservatives in message boards are extremely confused because they don't want to stop pretending to be fiscal conservatives, but at the same time they don't want to disagree with their cult leader Donald Trump.

You do realize it was Trump's demand?

Do you guys always complain when agreeing with Trump?

Only problem with Trump as you see it - is that he doesn't want to send millions and billions overseas for gender studies programs. Trump respects the Pakistanis enough to understand that they already know that there are two genders - only leftists haven't figured it out after pouring millions on the question.
Can anyone explain why we need this cash at all? How about get a job if you're hurting? there are tons of openings.

All this aims to do to is weaken & control us.

And let's not pretend Demonicrats are for small business, they showed their hands in the 90s including every POTUS and congress since, excluding Trump.

Tons of jobs? Not in the places that also have the highest unemployment and the most people hurt by all this unending lockdown nonsense. Do you really expect people who have already been unable to work for months to be able to pick up and move?

And in the meantime, you really don't think the government owes those people anything for putting them in this position in the first place? You really think this is something that can be dismissed with an airy, "You should just handle it"?

Don't get a job then, wait for someone to fix it for you, nice. An entitlement of sorts.

You're naïve to believe the government intends to square anything up. I'm interested to know your opinion on how the govt. put us into this position in the first place.

I have a job, thank you. If you can't make an argument without turning it into a personal attack, don't waste my time.

Did I say the government intends to square anything up? No, you ASSumed that. All I said is that the government legitimately owes something to the people they've fucked over.

You really don't know what the government - federal, state, and local levels - have done this year to put us in this position? Are you assuming all these businesses shut down and put their employees out of work because they just felt like it?
i disagree with Trump and the Democrats. you ought not give free money to folks. it discourages work, folks!
It's a lot cheaper than the political payoff pork barrel crap they had before!
Don't get me wrong because I realize first hand there's damage to real people like my immediate family, and not just paper loses out there, but from what I read the econ is sitting on a lot of pent up demand that will eventually create growth.

And the gop is criminal for not pushing for more direct aid to landlords, tenants and mortgage foreclosure relief. And just adding a few weeks of UI for people who can directly show their layoffs were covid caused, doesn't help the other people who lost jobs just because there were no customers. And their giving money to employers with zombie jobs that will not come back is just buying votes for the likes of the Ga senators.

But just giving everyone 2K is really not aimed at helping those folks who aren't gonna see jobs till the 3rd qtr of 21.
Oh bloody why is it the government (we who actual pay taxes) responsibility to support you and your deadbeat family? It is not my responsibility to bail out landlords, tenants, or mortgage givers.

STOP the freeride welfare for all.
Care to share why?
Because it raises the national debt
Well, your dumb ass should be really hating Trump's profligate spending given his single administration will have increased the nation's debt greater than ANY two-term President to date. That total from the end of Obama's last budget, October 1, 2017, to December 15, 2020, when I last checked the debt was $7,153 Billion or if you like $7.153 TRILLION. And Trump's fourth budget doesn't end until Sept 30, 2021! It's likely to total out at ~$9.5 -$10.5 Trillion ! ~~ ~~

Do you still hold Trumpy as your fiscal Daddy with those numbers?
It's hilariously predictable that the President goes on and on listing all the gratuitous pork, but all the Democrat hear is $2k. They're always down for more spending. I sure hope he sticks to his demand that the pork be stripped out as well. Though I'm not hopeful.

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