Democrats: 'Women, Thank You For Your Support....YOU'RE FIRED!'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
SEN. ERNST: All jobs lost in Dec. 2020 were women's job; careers are at risk

SEN. ERNST: All jobs lost in Dec. 2020 were women's job; careers are at risk

50%+ of ALL Minority-Owned Small Businesses GONE
All Jobs Lost In December Were WOMEN'S Jobs
TENS OF THOUSANDS of Jobs Taken Away By Biden In Less Than 9Days

"Thank you for you support and your votes...YOU'RE FIRED, America!"

SEN. ERNST: All jobs lost in Dec. 2020 were women's job; careers are at risk's job; careers are at risk

SEN. ERNST: All jobs lost in Dec. 2020 were women's job; careers are at risk

50%+ of ALL Minority-Owned Small Businesses GONE
All Jobs Lost In December Were WOMEN'S Jobs
TENS OF THOUSANDS of Jobs Taken Away By Biden In Less Than 9Days

"Thank you for you support and your votes...YOU'RE FIRED, America!"

I thought you guys didn’t play identity politics?
SEN. ERNST: All jobs lost in Dec. 2020 were women's job; careers are at risk's job; careers are at risk's job; careers are at risk's job; careers are at risk

SEN. ERNST: All jobs lost in Dec. 2020 were women's job; careers are at risk

50%+ of ALL Minority-Owned Small Businesses GONE
All Jobs Lost In December Were WOMEN'S Jobs
TENS OF THOUSANDS of Jobs Taken Away By Biden In Less Than 9Days

"Thank you for you support and your votes...YOU'RE FIRED, America!"

I thought you guys didn’t play identity politics?
You better understand what the Progressive Socialist cult really is. The Prog Socialist secular religious cult is all powerful. Its minions disposable as needed. Used for the cult's purpose and then thrown under the bus. Strong women based on a massive social justice cushion with massive amounts of money thrown to them and privileged as a group for everything. It can be fleeting for the cult is all powerful. A foundation built on massive fiat currency is a dangerous one.
SEN. ERNST: All jobs lost in Dec. 2020 were women's job; careers are at risk's job; careers are at risk's job; careers are at risk's job; careers are at risk's job; careers are at risk's job; careers are at risk's job; careers are at risk's job; careers are at risk

SEN. ERNST: All jobs lost in Dec. 2020 were women's job; careers are at risk

50%+ of ALL Minority-Owned Small Businesses GONE
All Jobs Lost In December Were WOMEN'S Jobs
TENS OF THOUSANDS of Jobs Taken Away By Biden In Less Than 9Days

"Thank you for you support and your votes...YOU'RE FIRED, America!"

I thought you guys didn’t play identity politics?
You better understand what the Progressive Socialist cult really is. The Prog Socialist secular religious cult is all powerful. Its minions disposable as needed. Used for the cult's purpose and then thrown under the bus. Strong women based on a massive social justice cushion with massive amounts of money thrown to them and privileged as a group for everything. It can be fleeting for the cult is all powerful. A foundation built on massive fiat currency is a dangerous one.
Are you kidding me? How many republicans have you trump cult members thrown under the bus?
SEN. ERNST: All jobs lost in Dec. 2020 were women's job; careers are at risk's job; careers are at risk

SEN. ERNST: All jobs lost in Dec. 2020 were women's job; careers are at risk

50%+ of ALL Minority-Owned Small Businesses GONE
All Jobs Lost In December Were WOMEN'S Jobs
TENS OF THOUSANDS of Jobs Taken Away By Biden In Less Than 9Days

"Thank you for you support and your votes...YOU'RE FIRED, America!"

Not to mention women's sports is now decimated, there's very little sense in women even training and trying to compete at this point.
I find it ironically hysterical and amusing that the left beat the fuck out of the women's suffrage movement because Orange Man Bad.

Unintended consequences are a product of dumbassary and lack of foresight.

I guess that's the problem with all the arguments we have. It's a result of the same lack foresight.

No gun grabber can foresee a future where government is out of control and needs to be removed. No commie can foresee a future where nothing ever gets done and people starve because there is no incentive to be productive.

We are seeing the true problem facing the world.
Women and minorities are what wins us the whitehouse.

And Democrats repay them with wiping out 50% of minority-owned small businesses and targeting women's jobs to destroy.

Jonathon Gruber was right, God Bless him, right snowflakes?

'Voters are STUPID, and the Democratic Party relies on that stupidity to get away with what they do.'

Joe said, 'You ain't black if you don't vote for me', but minorities are also stupid if they continue to vote for Democrats. As they say, and Democrats continue to prove to them, 'Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.'

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SEN. ERNST: All jobs lost in Dec. 2020 were women's job; careers are at risk's job; careers are at risk

SEN. ERNST: All jobs lost in Dec. 2020 were women's job; careers are at risk

50%+ of ALL Minority-Owned Small Businesses GONE
All Jobs Lost In December Were WOMEN'S Jobs
TENS OF THOUSANDS of Jobs Taken Away By Biden In Less Than 9Days

"Thank you for you support and your votes...YOU'RE FIRED, America!"

Didnt a lot of women vote against President Trump because of his rough talk? I wonder if they regret their decision now?
SEN. ERNST: All jobs lost in Dec. 2020 were women's job; careers are at risk's job; careers are at risk's job; careers are at risk's job; careers are at risk

SEN. ERNST: All jobs lost in Dec. 2020 were women's job; careers are at risk

50%+ of ALL Minority-Owned Small Businesses GONE
All Jobs Lost In December Were WOMEN'S Jobs
TENS OF THOUSANDS of Jobs Taken Away By Biden In Less Than 9Days

"Thank you for you support and your votes...YOU'RE FIRED, America!"

Didnt a lot of women vote against President Trump because of his rough talk? I wonder if they regret their decision now?

Absolutely not. trump, pence, and their ilk treated women horribly. Their record on issues that affect women was piss-poor. Women don't need to be governed by male supremacists and women-hating "religious" nutjobs. These scumbags had to go.
When I attended the local community college in my area, my instructor gave me a project that involved roaming around the tunnels under the campus, something students weren't allow to do, just the staff. However, back in the late 60s and early 70s, students were free to use the tunnels to get to classes. I found some graffiti from that era on the walls down there that gave the message, "Sisterhood is powerful". Too bad the feminist movement forgot about that.
SEN. ERNST: All jobs lost in Dec. 2020 were women's job; careers are at risk's job; careers are at risk's job; careers are at risk's job; careers are at risk

SEN. ERNST: All jobs lost in Dec. 2020 were women's job; careers are at risk

50%+ of ALL Minority-Owned Small Businesses GONE
All Jobs Lost In December Were WOMEN'S Jobs
TENS OF THOUSANDS of Jobs Taken Away By Biden In Less Than 9Days

"Thank you for you support and your votes...YOU'RE FIRED, America!"

I thought you guys didn’t play identity politics?
We thought women were just below blacks in your idiot diversity food chain.
SEN. ERNST: All jobs lost in Dec. 2020 were women's job; careers are at risk's job; careers are at risk's job; careers are at risk's job; careers are at risk's job; careers are at risk's job; careers are at risk's job; careers are at risk's job; careers are at risk

SEN. ERNST: All jobs lost in Dec. 2020 were women's job; careers are at risk

50%+ of ALL Minority-Owned Small Businesses GONE
All Jobs Lost In December Were WOMEN'S Jobs
TENS OF THOUSANDS of Jobs Taken Away By Biden In Less Than 9Days

"Thank you for you support and your votes...YOU'RE FIRED, America!"

Didnt a lot of women vote against President Trump because of his rough talk? I wonder if they regret their decision now?

Absolutely not. trump, pence, and their ilk treated women horribly. Their record on issues that affect women was piss-poor. Women don't need to be governed by male supremacists and women-hating "religious" nutjobs. These scumbags had to go.
Biden just killed women's sports. Congratulations!
#12: Sisterhood elements (most especially feminists and lesbians) never forgot a thing. Lower levels at the University of Wisconsin have maintained a feminist tradition sinnce at least 1996, when completely innocent males were projected onto with inuendos such as “Are you following me around?” So the opportunism for projections of sexual harassment were especially rich during the violences of 2020. Like Nature creeping in and building nests in light fixtures, where pre-pandemic, animals were less bold and less threatening to bust up the suburbs.

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