Democrats wonder why thinking people are over all this trans agenda.

I’ve been repeatedly watching the boot camp scenes from Full Metal Jacket in reaction to the tranny/homo onslaught on my TV.

<1% (in your claims) of the population but you can't seem to get them out o your minds.

Not harming you, not harming anyone.

But you and yours just can't get them out of your mind.

1. This is a sexual attraction, a fixation, bi-curious?
2. Your ignorance and bigotry are being exploited

Prove my numbers wrong, Troll.

And it isn’t that they dominate my mind, it’s that the Dimtard party is pushing them on normal Americans and saying we must celebrate them or we hate them.

Dimtard dumbassery.
Did uou ever think you would (on a daily basis) have to fight off cockcutters (0.0001% of live bodies) on a daily basis?

Dems- China keep tossing spaghetti at the walls to see what sticks.

Dont fall for it. Maybe clean it up after collapse. Yes, ive had a drink.
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I would strongly encourage you to join other apparently sensible libs like yourself to join with conservatives who have also grown tired of their party and start reinforcing a modified libertarian party into the new thing that conquers both.
You think the Libertarian conservatives want this nail in their coffin? hmmm...
Did uou ever think you would (on a daily basis) have to fight off cockcutters (0.0001% of live bodies) on a daily basis?

Dems- China keep tossing spaghetti at the walls to see what sticks.

Dont fall for it. Maybe clean it up after collapse. Yes, ive had a drink.
You go there, Jackie Gleason aficionado. :icon_sjung:
Prove my numbers wrong, Troll.

And it isn’t that they dominate my mind, it’s that the Dimtard party is pushing them on normal Americans and saying we must celebrate them or we hate them.

Dimtard dumbassery.
: crickets: from Dadoalex
In the old days ... they were given lobotomies and placed in a corner out of everyone's way.

Yes, for the good of society.

.5% of the population should not be allowed to effect the other 99.5% of the population. Especially not mentally ill, sexual deviants and child molesters. They should be put away and never spoken about to the public.

Even in school all the mentally ill and crazy kids went to school at the end of the building and were sent home before the other kids go out. They were kept separate for their own good and the good of the normal students. They were separate so the majority of normal kids could have normal school day.

Criminals, crazy people, the mentally ill, rapists, molesters, kid diddlers and so on should all be tucked away and seperated from the rest of the country.
didn't dispute your numbers monkey-boy.
I just pointed out that despite the small numbers you can't get trans people out of your tiny mind.
Fixation as it were.
As in closet queen.

I'm just encouraging you to come out.
You: <1% in your claims

You most definitely disputed my numbers. Later when I challenged you to prove me wrong you said it was up to me to prove my numbers, Simp.

Once I did you try to claim you didn’t question my numbers.

Do you ever get tired of being proven to be a lying sack of shit pussy?

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